Number of People

Chapter 2406: The Blessing of Women in Guizi Scroll, Keeping a Low Profile

  Chapter 2406 The Blessing of a Woman in the Guizi Scroll, Keeping a Low Profile

Seeing that Sun Chengzong's uncertain face finally turned from cloudy to sunny, but finally became a little more helpless, Feng Ziying pursed her lips and smiled: "Brother Zhisheng, it's not just me, you are the same, do you want me to give you some pointers?" Daoer, like getting some money..."

"Stop, stop!" Sun Chengzong hurriedly waved his hand to stop him. He has been innocent all his life, and he is unwilling to use such self-defilement tactics. I wonder if the imperial court will allow you to succeed Li Banghua as Yin of Shuntian Mansion, but Yin of Shuntian Mansion may not be better than the right servant of the Ministry of War, and military affairs are what you are good at, so it is meaningless to go to Shuntian Mansion. I have to go, and you will replace me. Daofu also told me before that he intends to let me go to the household department, but Brother Chengfeng disagrees, so he put it aside,..."

"Speaking from the bottom of my heart, I originally hoped that Duke Huaichang would join the cabinet. You would take over as Shangshu, and I would take over as your left servant. This may be a bit arrogant, but it is my true heart. Tang and Miu, one is an official fan, One is of despicable character, for the sake of balance, the imperial court actually allowed these two people to join the cabinet, which is really disgusting." Feng Ziying said carelessly: "The regulations of the seven cabinet ministers are indeed a bit exaggerated, and I don't know about Tang and Miu. After entering the cabinet, what do you do with yourself? Do you want to be a clay sculpture or wood sculpture?"

Sun Chengzong shook his head again and again, pointed at Feng Ziying, and sighed: "You, you, you and I can talk about this, but don't let it fall into the ears of outsiders. The imperial court has the imperial court's thoughts, and maybe they didn't expect it. The matter of going to the south of the Yangtze River can be resolved so smoothly, so don't you feel that the court's attitude and countermeasures are also changing again and again?"

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, expressing her agreement with Sun Chengzong.

"Before, I was hesitant to solve the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River, and I was afraid that the disaster would be out of control. But seeing that they were taken down so cleanly, I felt that it seemed to clean up the officials and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, and increase the income of the court to fill the deficit of the household department. Then you can consider it, or did you ever say that you want Gu Ge to lead the team to Jiangnan?"

  Sun Chengzong sneered, "Maybe Mr. Gu Ge and the others are here. They feel that the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is under control, and they will have a bigger appetite..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing loudly, "What brother Zhisheng said is true, the court's support is nothing but the same, they are all making progress, and they have already gained a lot, so let's look back to Shu."

  The two looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere relaxed.

  Now that he understands Feng Ziying's plan, Sun Chengzong knows that the other party has a plan, so he doesn't ask any more questions.

   It's just that the other party's current situation is indeed a bit embarrassing.

  At the age of twenty-two, he is already a third-rank minister and the right servant of the Ministry of War. If he wants to be promoted, he really feels that he has no chance to be promoted.

   But now that he has made great contributions in Liaodong and Jiangnan, how do you ask the court to arrange it?

  What is it to take a prisoner's niece as a concubine? It's not about marrying as a wife.

   If you really want to use this reason to obliterate the other party's credit, even if Qi Yongtai instructs this, I am afraid that the people below will think that this is a political attack against Feng Ziying, causing trouble.

  But if Feng Ziying goes back now, there is really no good place to settle down. Do I really want to let myself move to make room for him?

  Thinking of this, Sun Chengzong felt embarrassed, as he made meritorious service, the court probably also felt that it was difficult to arrange it. Could it be that he really asked himself to go to the Ministry of Household Affairs? This is not what I want.

Seeing Sun Chengzong's complexion, Feng Ziying could probably guess some of the other's thoughts, and smiled: "Brother Zhisheng is still making troubles for you and me when the court arranges for you and me when we return to Beijing? Don't worry, I have plans. Is there a little mistake? Just relying on this alone will obliterate my credit. I am sure the court still feels sorry, but I already have two concubine sons. You know that I am a concubine. Concubine, you can inherit the title and get a son, unless the son gives up, so now it seems that you can ask the court to give the two sons grace and martial arts? In addition, I have many concubines, many of whom I love, and ask the Ministry of Rites for a reward , it’s not impossible, right?”

  The Lordship system of the Great Zhou Dynasty is slightly different from that of the previous Ming Dynasty, and it has also been reformed many times. The knighthood has become more and more strict because it involves entrusting food and rewards, which will lead to tax loss.

   But Feng Xun only involves an honorary title, a Lumi a year, a few sets of clothes, it is much simpler, so it is often changed to rewards, but even rewards have been quite strict since the late Yuanxi period.

  Although Da Zhou’s imperial concubine also followed the Song and Ming Dynasties, there were slight changes.

  When Emperor Taihe conquered the country and established the state of the dynasty, because many concubines from Long Wenwu not only got the title of their wives, but also some concubines because of their assistance to their husbands. This is the first time since the Song and Ming Dynasties.

  However, the concubine's room has to be appointed, and the Ministry of Rituals is very strict, and important officials, that is, officials below the third rank, are not eligible for this qualification.

   But how many qualified people are willing to take credit for a meaningless imperial order for the concubine's room? It would be much more cost-effective to exchange for a lord for his descendants.

Therefore, this system was actually after the Taihe Emperor era, and the following Emperor Guangyuan, Tianping, and Yuanxi Emperors. I am afraid that there are only a few in each dynasty. Sometimes it may not be possible to meet one in ten or eight years. There is none, so this has become almost a kind of etiquette and institutional existence, but in fact, not many people are willing.

  Sun Chengzong frowned. For such a great achievement, he was dismissed by several honors and orders?

   Someone else would definitely not agree, but for Feng Ziying now, I'm afraid it's really just that.

Sighing, Sun Chengzong shook his head: "Ziying, if this is the case, it would be a pity. This kind of great achievement is hard for others to meet once in a lifetime, but you have changed a few false names like a pair of shoes. From the eyes of others, this is simply reckless waste."

"Brother Sheng Sheng, people can't be too greedy. At my age, I'm a third-rank official. Who else is like this? If I don't feel satisfied anymore, God will punish me." Feng Ziying was in a very good mood, happy Hehe, "Besides, the imperial court also has its difficulties, we have to understand, right? My concubines have also been looking forward to the imperial order for a long time. If the imperial court rewards me this time, there will be less trouble in my back house."

  When Feng Ziying said this, Sun Chengzong also nodded and smiled in agreement.

  This guy has three bedrooms and many wives and concubines. The back house is indeed a troublesome place that needs to be dealt with. It is really worth spending money to appease the back house with such a false name. Others will probably vomit blood with envy.

   Dispelling his worries, Sun Chengzong also talked about business with Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying also made preparations long ago, and handed over a lot of documents and materials that had been prepared to Sun Chengzong.

   It took Sun Chengzong an hour to get an overview of the entire document.

  Feng Ziying came up with such a strategy for the task assigned by the court in just ten days, which also made him look at Feng Ziying with admiration.

  If it is said that Feng Ziying has a good fighting style, although Sun Chengzong also admires it, he thinks that he will not lose to the opponent. Of course, the age of the opponent is an incomparable and huge advantage.

  But the things that were brought out just now are not as simple as fighting.

  This involves many aspects, intelligence, contacts, and disposal strategies, all of which are quite complicated and require careful consideration.

  Although it cannot be said that this is a perfect plan now, after all, he still needs to carefully consider and consider many things involved in it, but it is very rare to be able to come up with such a plan.

"Ziying, you have too many interests involved in this thing. I'm afraid only you know and I know. After Mr. Gu Ge comes, I'm afraid not everyone can see everything." After a long time, Sun Chengzong spit out Chao Qi said, "I took a rough look, and it was shocking. It made me more terrified than facing an army of 100,000. If outsiders saw it, I'm afraid it would immediately cause a shocking storm in the entire Jiangnan."

"Indeed, this thing was officially made yesterday. There are five hundred Liaodong Army stationed around here, and my guards of more than twenty people are around this mansion day and night." Feng Ziying did not shy away from saying, "There must be many People are staring at us, so from now on you and I have to strengthen the security, this is not alarmist,..."

Sun Chengzong understood that what Feng Ziying said was not false. This plan involved dozens of wealthy families in the entire south of the Yangtze River. The fate of hundreds or even thousands of people was tied to it. ignore?

   Guaranteed, there will be desperate people who want to fight.

"I understand, my heart is still turbulent." Sun Chengzong looked solemn, "The power of the four great masters shows that the Six Ministries of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate are almost useless. It is not a day's cold to freeze three feet. This is not the puppet dynasty. It took two or three years to form, and it should have taken at least a decade or two to cause such a big disaster."

  Feng Ziying nodded, "Basically, the four major families grew up slowly after the twenty-fifth year of Yuanxi's reign. Of course, there must be many officials here who are colluding with them to seek personal gain, causing them to viciously expand..."

   "Ziying, if you want to deal with it, what do you plan to do?" Sun Chengzong thought for a while, and then said: "If you want to do it together, I'm afraid it will shake the south of the Yangtze River. The court may not be happy to see it. I'm afraid Gu Ge is not so bold."

"I'm afraid the Zhen family will take it all at once. The other three families can consider it at their own discretion, or take it slowly." Feng Ziying suggested: "We should always leave some leeway for Mr. Gu Ge and the others. There is no need to worry about them being eager for success, but I am worried that they will retreat before the battle."

  As soon as these words came out, both of them laughed. Both of them knew Gu Bingqian's style.

  (end of this chapter)

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