Number of People

Chapter 2407: Guizi Juan is in great trouble, dying

  Chapter 2407 Guizi Juan is in a catastrophe, dying

   Zhen Yingjia returned to the mansion with a gloomy face.

  He could feel the change in the atmosphere in the city.

  As Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, Zhu Guozhen, and Gu Tianjun went north one after another, except for Jia Jing, Li Shouzhong and a few people who had nowhere to go, they stayed in Jinling, not knowing the fate of the day and night, and it was probably the most torment for me.

  He originally hated the simple Tang Miu, Zhu Gu and others the most, but now when these people disappeared from his sight in Jinling City, Zhen Yingjia realized the importance of these people's existence.

  He always thought that these people would only talk hotly, but it was useless, and he could do much more.

  But when these people disappeared, he suddenly discovered that the city had become Jinling, not Nanjing.

  Outsiders say that Jinling is Nanjing, and Nanjing is Jinling, but without Nanjing Six Ministries and Metropolitan Procuratorate, Jinling would no longer be Nanjing, but just Jinling.

   Now Zhen Yingjia's feelings are particularly obvious.

  Li Shouzhong hid in the mansion and sighed all day long, drinking to relieve his worries.

  Jia Jing stays behind closed doors, doesn’t see any guests, and doesn’t know what to do there to pretend to be a ghost, is he going to feign death again to get out of the golden cicada’s shell? But the world is so big, where else can he go?

  He is too lazy to care about the fate of these people, but what about himself, the big family of the Zhen family?

   There are so many families who share weal and woe with the Zhen family?

  Thinking of this, Zhen Yingjia felt a little more at ease.

   After all, there are so many families, all of which are well-known in the local prefectures. Even if the imperial court doesn't want to see the Zhen family, it has to weigh it.

   What's more, there is the emperor, and there are Tang Yao and others in the court. Besides, there are all kinds of discords, but anyway, there is some kind of love, and they have to take care of it.

  Beat the dog to see the owner. If the cabinet gang really wants to attack the Zhen family, the emperor will not sit idly by. Tang Yao and others can at least speak out to stop it, right?

  I went to see Jia Yucun at the magistrate’s yamen today.

   In the past, Jia Yucun could only come to see him, but now the situation has reversed.

  I went to see him some time ago, but I couldn’t see him, but fortunately, when I went to see him today, the other party saw me, and his attitude was acceptable.

  Zhen Yingjia doesn't know whether this situation is good or bad. Jia Yucun is quite a man in the city, and it is difficult to get what he wants to know on his face and mouth.

  Now in Jinling City, Jia Yucun is the only one who can speak for himself.

  But how much can Jia Yucun speak in Jinling City?

  Sun Chengzong, Feng Keng.

  These two are the masters of this Jinling, this Nanjing, this Nanzhili, this Jiangnan land, and they are the ones who talk.

   Especially the latter.

  Sun Chengzong has never been to the south of the Yangtze River, and he has always been in the Ministry of War. He is a typical northern scholar. Although in theory he is the left servant of the Ministry of War, he is now respected in Jinling City, but it is not the case in reality.

  Feng Keng is the key in the middle.

  This in-law of the Jia family did not marry a woman from the Jia family, but took Jia She's concubine daughter as a concubine. This is the most regrettable.

  This son has been to Jiangnan, and he is very familiar with Jiangnan. Even many gentry and merchants in Jiangnan have some connections with him, but these people hardly have much contact with him, or they don’t have a deep relationship.

  I have handed over my name post twice, but without exception, there is no news.

   This made Zhen Yingjia restless, like ants on a hot pan.

  He doesn't know what the other party's plan is, or his intuition tells him that the situation is not good.

  He stopped his private salt business a long time ago, and he also notified his subordinates in other prefectures to stop and watch temporarily, but Zhen Yingjia didn't know whether these people would be so honest.

  He has limited control over these people.

   For Taihe Yinzhuang, Zhen Yingjia didn't have a good solution. Business has to be done, so should the released money be recovered immediately? impossible.

  The share capital of each company, should it be returned? Less likely.

  You can only take one step at a time.

  The only hope is the Tang family.

  Thinking of this, Zhen Yingjia felt a little more at ease.

  He had already greeted the Tang family, and even sent 50,000 taels of silver in advance to ask his in-laws to help with the dredging.

  The Tang family and the Lu family are related by marriage, but the relationship between the Lu family and the Dong family, as well as Yuan Keli, Xia Jiayu, Zhang Nai and other court and Chinese officials, is unusual. This is the foundation and confidence.

  Yuan Keli also came from the Ministry of War. He and Sun Chengzong have been colleagues for many years, and now they are the governor of Shanxi.

  Xia Jiayu is a member of the Ministry of Officials, Wai Lang, and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Gao Panlong, is extremely respected. It is said that he will be promoted to the doctor of the Kaogong Division soon.

  Zhang Nai is the chief political envoy of Shaanxi. It is said that he also has friendship with Feng Keng.

  The Tang family can gain access to these connections, and the Zhen family can also borrow their strength. At worst, they just need to pay some more money. After all these years of earning, it is time to spend it. Zhen Yingjia is still very decisive on this point.

   "Father, uncle is here." As soon as he entered the door, Zhen Baoyu crept over and whispered.

   "Hmm." Zhen Yingjia nodded with a stern face, not showing a good face.

  If it wasn't for this son's honesty during this period of time and not going out much, Zhen Yingjia really wanted to find someone to reprimand this rebellious son.

   "Also, my sister has sent a letter." Zhen Baoyu said timidly when he saw his father's uneasy expression.

   "Your sister wrote?" Zhen Yingjia was taken aback.

   Isn’t Bao Yan sent into exile? He heard that he went to Shaanxi, so he also sent people to Shaanxi to inquire. It is said that he was originally going to Yulin to fortify, but he stayed in Xi'an for some unknown reason.

   I also quietly met with the people who went there, and it seems that I have not been tortured much.

   "Well, the letter is with the mother." Zhen Baoyu hurriedly asked: "Do you need your son to get it for the father?"

   "Hurry up and get it." Zhen Yingjia nodded. She didn't know why her daughter wrote the letter at this time. Could it be because she also knew that the family was in trouble now?

  Walking to the study, I saw that my second brother Zhen Yingyu was already waiting at the door.


   "Did you go to see Shui Rong?" Zhen Yingjia asked sullenly, "What did he say?"

"Hmph, what else can I say? Nagging, drinking too much, and becoming a bitter woman, probably during this period of time, every day." Zhen Yingyu sneered: "Resent, just say that the emperor is sorry for them , Now let them make it impossible for them to survive, and now they are sitting in a sad city, not knowing what to do,..."

   Apart from sneering, Zhen Yingyu couldn't help sighing, who would have thought of having such a master?

   Who are you worthy of? Except himself.

   Patted his **** and went to Beijing to be his puppet emperor, and he didn't care where so many people who worked for him went. They were really blind and killed countless people.

   Zhen Yingjia doesn't have much thought to manage the four kings now. If she chooses the wrong path, and she doesn't have much capital and strength, she can only wait for the court to announce her fate.

   If you are smarter, you can simply go back to Beijing and find the clan mansion to surrender and ask for forgiveness. It is definitely better than staying in Jinling City and waiting to die.

"Brother, what should we do? I think the situation is not good. I'm afraid that fifty thousand taels of silver is not enough for the Tang family. We have to double it, no, twice!" Zhen Yingyu said viciously: "Send another one hundred and fifty thousand taels, please Tang The Ding family can help to clear it quickly, and the Ding family can also send 50,000 taels there, if it is not enough, we will find a way."

  Zhen Yingjia was taken aback. He didn't expect his younger brother to become so decisive all of a sudden. Before, he thought that fifty thousand taels was enough. Why did he suddenly change his attitude?

   "What's the matter, second child, what happened?" Zhen Yingjia hurriedly asked.

"I got the news that the imperial court sent a group of people to deal with Jiangnan affairs, and it is said that the leader is Gu Bingqian." Zhen Yingyu took a breath, "There are also Chai Ke, the left servant of the Ministry of officials, and Han Yu, the left servant of the Ministry of punishment. We are not familiar with each other, but brother Gu Bingqian is probably no stranger. This person turns out to be Emperor Yonglong's man. He has always been indifferent to the emperor. His brother used to deal with him. He doesn't like our Zhen family. If you don't rush to him If some things were dealt with before, and the relationship was well managed, the situation may be worse."

   Zhen Yingjia's complexion suddenly became frighteningly dark.

  There are also differences within Nanzhili.

  Gu Bingqian is from Kunshan, belongs to Suzhou, and has always been on the wrong side of Jinling.

  I have dealt with him before, and this guy is also a stalker, so he clings to Emperor Yonglong's thigh, and he should not be in the cabinet according to reason, why did he join the cabinet?

   Now that this guy is here to deal with Jiangnan affairs, those in Suzhou, Changzhou, and Songjiang will be happy, but those in Jinling, Huizhou, Yangzhou, and Liangzhe will be unlucky.

"Already set off? Does that mean we will arrive in Jinling in only ten or twenty days?" Zhen Yingjia pursed her lips and said, "We can get the money, but we shouldn't have it as a family, right? Each family has to contribute some money, we contribute a lot, and they have to help. Second child, you go and say hello, the family will give 20,000 taels, we are not demanding, but now is the time to help each other, and the rest We're here to help."

   Zhen Yingyu did the math, 20,000 taels for a family is not a big amount, so it’s okay, the rest is posted by the family, and 100,000 taels is about the same.

   "Okay, I'll do it now." Zhen Yingyu nodded, and just as he was talking, Zhen Baoyu knocked on the door and came in, handing his sister's letter to his father.

   Zhen Yingjia took the letter and looked at it. There was nothing wrong with it before, but she was a little surprised when she saw Feng Ziying was mentioned later.

   Zhen Yingyu saw that his brother had a strange expression, and asked casually, "Who is the letter from?"

   "It was Baoyan who came. She mentioned Feng Ziying in her letter and said that she might return to Beijing soon." Zhen Yingjia hesitated, "How did Baoyan know Feng Keng?"

"Bao Yan was exiled in Xi'an, Feng Keng was the governor of Shaanxi at that time, right?" Zhen Yingyu was also a little strange, "But it seems that the Ningguo Mansion, no, the emperor and the illegitimate daughter of Concubine Ying were also exiled in Xi'an, maybe this is the reason for their acquaintance? What did Baoyan mention Feng Ziying for? Could there be any friendship?"

  (end of this chapter)

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