Number of People

Chapter 2412: The Guizi scroll is hesitant and has no plans, the trapped beasts are still fighting

  Chapter 2412 Guizi Juan is at a loss, and the trapped beast is still fighting

   Zhen Yingjia and the brothers Zhen Yingyu also found it incomprehensible.

Feng Ziying is very popular, everyone knows that he is the leader of the young scholars in the Northland, and the teacher is the old Qi Ge, the official minister, and Qiao Yingjia, the censor of the right capital, is also his benefactor, the twenty-two year old military minister .

   Moreover, after making great contributions this time, he will definitely be promoted after returning to Beijing.

   At such a time, he was affected by indulging in womanizing, which is unbelievable no matter how you think about it.

  Although they have all heard of Feng Ziying's reputation as a flirtatious woman, no matter how lecherous she is, there should be a degree.

   Li Shouzhong obviously hated the cabinet ministers, and he must be punished, but you went to accept Li's second sister at this time, which is clearly a slap in the face of the cabinet ministers.

  What woman deserves you to do this?

   His appearance is comparable to that of Diao Chan Zhaojun, or is that square inch inlaid with gold and silver?

Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingyu didn't believe that Feng Ziying was such an ignorant character, otherwise he wouldn't be able to reach his current position. They can only say that he is too arrogant, or he is used to a life without women and joy, and he really wants to leave in a moment. Not a woman.

   But no matter how you look at these reasons, they feel a bit far-fetched and unreasonable, but they just did it, and they were still Jia Yucun's pimp.

   "Now we don't know the specific situation, but the Li family's children are indeed living in Feng Keng's temporary mansion in Jinling City." Zhen Yingjia shook his head, "Li Shouzhong really put on a good show in front of us."

   "Father, second uncle, what about the Tang family? Didn't the third uncle hear any news?" As the daughter of Zhen's parents, Zhen Baochen has been in the Ding family since she got married, and she knows something about the business of the Zhen family.

The Zhen family, the Tang family, and the Ding family are connected as one. Logically speaking, they cannot be separated. The Ding family is connected with me, while the Tang family is the third uncle Zhen Yinghui. Zhen Yinghui was promoted from Hangzhou Tongzhi to the prefect of Jinhua. , he continued to marry the Tang family's prostitute.

"Ten days ago, news came back that the situation in Zhejiang and Zhejiang was not very good. The acquaintances of the third child in Beijing said that the imperial court's finances were exhausted, and they were very dissatisfied with Nanjing's use of Jiangnan's taxes for three years. Even Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi were in the cabinet. The imperial court was besieged, and the imperial court had to tide over the difficulties, either to re-collect the Jiangnan tax for the past three years, or to find another way..."

Zhen Yingyu pondered and said: "It is obviously impossible to re-collect the tax for three years. It will definitely stir up civil uprisings in the south of the Yangtze River. The compromise is to collect an extra year, but it will also cause a lot of trouble. I didn't say anything about finding another way. But the third child is very worried about the court, and even Tang Yao and others will ask the gentry and merchants in the south of the Yangtze River to purchase more national debts and apportion them one by one,..."

"Impossible, how can we get rid of things like buying more national debt? After all, national debt must be repaid with interest!" Zhen Yingjia's eyes were cold, "Find a dozen or twenty scapegoats, and just plant some crimes on them. Their family property was wiped out, didn’t they have everything? Didn’t Feng Keng play this trick in Beijing back then? How many people were involved in the big Jingcang case and their families were ruined?”

   "Father thinks that Feng Keng will emulate this method in Jiangnan, and will use this method to deal with our Zhen family?"

Zhen Baochen bit her vermilion lips deeply with her white teeth, Wang Xian's nine-ring chignon trembled, and a string of purple-red beads on the green emerald bamboo-patterned jade hairpin swayed gently, adding a bit of aura of wealth, but the clenched pink fist exposed her The tension and fear at this time.

"I'm afraid it's not our family, the Zhen family, the Zhou family, the Hu family, the Tao family, and the Tang family, Ding family, hmph, they think they can escape if we push our Zhen family out?" Zhen Yingjia sneered again and again. Did you come here only for the two or three million silver? That would be too underestimating the appetite of the people in the imperial court."

   "Father, what should we do?" Zhen Baochen took a deep breath, "Isn't the Tang family very well connected? It's impossible to just sit around like this, right?"

When Zhen Baochen was in the Ding family, he also heard the Ding family say that the Songjiang Tang family not only has strong financial resources, but also has a wide network of contacts. Songjiang scholars are extremely influential in the court. The Lu family and the Dong family are all famous families. The family is also in-laws, which even the Ding family sighs to themselves.

"I have arranged to send 50,000 taels of silver to the Tang family before, and I am planning to send another 200,000 to the Tang family. Please make sure that the Tang family uses all the connections of the Dong family and the Lu family. If there is a glimmer of hope, I am afraid that the Tang family will not agree."

   Zhen Yingjia let out a long breath and rubbed her temples in pain.

"Now every family is observing the actions of Sun and Feng. It will take at least half a month for the court to arrive in Nanjing. When they arrive in Nanjing, they must first listen to Sun and Feng's opinions. I'm not familiar with the situation at all, and now it's basically based on Feng Keng's opinions, basically what Feng Keng says is what he says, that's why he is a father..."

The follow-up words did not go on, because Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu both heard Zhen Yingjia's gnashing of teeth and almost roaring words at that time, and they wanted to go to Jia Yucun to attack Jia Yucun and send their sisters to Feng's house. Jia Yucun had to offer fifty thousand taels of silver just to help match the bridge.

  Fifty thousand taels of silver, which is almost the sum of the wealth of ten middle-class families in Jiangnan, but it is just to help the two of them send it to Feng Ziying's mansion.

  This kind of humiliating behavior is only slightly better than distributing the secretary of the Jiaofang, but you have to give fifty thousand taels of silver to the matchmaker.

Looking up, Zhen Yingjia rubbed her cheeks with both hands, "Bao Chen, Bao Yu, it's not because of your father and your uncle's heartlessness, but you are the daughters of the Zhen family, and you have seen the actions of the Ding family with your own eyes, Bao Chen, you After marrying into the Ding family for so many years, Ding Zhongzhen simply divorced his wife just because of the imminent disaster. He didn't even say a word of extraneous words. I don't even think that there is anything wrong with the Ding family. Ding Deyi changed his father, maybe the same In order to do such a thing, any major event related to the life and death of hundreds of people in a family must not be based on emotion, and emotions must be put aside, and only act in a direction that is beneficial to the interests of the family,..."

   Zhen Baochen was shocked by his father's words, and didn't know how to judge and answer his father's words for a while.

"Maybe my father is indeed out of balance. I can't even predict how the court will deal with our Zhen family next. Maybe it's not as bad as I imagined, but as the head of the family, I dare not take this risk. " Zhen Yingjia held his forehead with one hand in some pain, and pressed the other hand on the back of the chair, "Baochen, what do you think you should do as a father? Wait and see what happens, maybe the situation is not as good as we thought. Worse? Or imagine things as the worst situation, start ahead of time, and keep the Zhen family at all costs?"

   Zhen Baochen was also at a loss, not knowing how to answer his father's helpless and tormenting self-question.

  She didn't expect that this trip back to her natal family would turn into such a tragic situation.

She had been sighing for her sister before, thinking that Bao Yan married the wrong person. On the surface, she looked very glamorous. She married the king of Beijing County and became a princess. He fled to Jinling, but left his sister in the capital city, and was finally exiled to Shaanxi.

Although I just married a local prominent family in the south of the Yangtze River, the Ding family can be regarded as a wealthy family in Huizhou, with no worries about food and clothing. The Ding family and the Zhen family are closely related, and I can go back to my natal family to stay for a while every year. She is also quite respectful, so she is very satisfied, and also feels that she must marry the right person to marry.

  But in the blink of an eye, he turned into a clown.

  My husband actually divorced me, my father and uncle actually discussed sending me and my cousin into Feng's residence to be concubines for that Feng Keng!

  Zhen Baochen didn't even dare to imagine what kind of status he and his cousin were sent to Feng's house. How different was it from being beaten into the Jiaofang Division and turned into prostitutes?

  Perhaps the difference is that entering Feng's residence only needs to serve one man, while in Jiaofang Division, one has to face different men every day.

  However, for a former rich and noble girl like myself, who has been reduced to a situation where being a concubine is an extravagant expectation, how can I not make people feel hopeless and sad?

"Father, isn't Jia Hua the magistrate of Jinling who was recommended by Wang Ziteng? What's more, he is also related to the Jia family. Couldn't father get some news from him?" Zhen Baochen was also concerned at this time. Not much to say, "Didn't you say that he sent Coco Li and Li Qi into Feng Keng's house to be Feng Keng's concubine? This shows that the relationship between Jia Hua and Feng Keng seems to be unusual."

Zhen Yingjia shook his head and smiled wryly, "Jia Hua used to be nodding and begging for his father, but now he is arrogant. I went to see him twice, but he was neither hot nor cold. He must say how the court is and how the cabinet is. Nothing fits my words,..."

   Zhen Baochen's expression changed slightly, "Father, is he really behaving like this?"

  Zhen Yingjia glanced at this quick-witted daughter with some doubts, "Well, that's true, I've been talking about him all the time, and he refused to answer directly, what's wrong?"

Zhen Baochen took a deep breath, "If this Jia Hua is really close to Feng Keng as his father said, and even willing to find a woman for him, then he should know Feng Keng's intentions and plans, but he neither said clearly , I don't deny it, it can only show that this guy is deliberately delaying time,..."

   "Bao Chen, are you saying that he is paralyzing us and delaying the court?" Zhen Yingjia was horrified, but couldn't help saying: "Isn't it? I have a good relationship with him. What good will it do him?"

"There are ulterior motives, maybe betraying our Zhen family will allow him to gain more recognition from Feng Keng?" Zhen Baochen clenched his fists, "Father, uncle, the situation is probably really bad, even worse than you imagined. Maybe we really have no choice, the imperial court is going to take our Zhen family to the knife,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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