Number of People

Chapter 2413: Guizi scrolls are carefully calculated, fall and eat?

  Chapter 2413 Guizi scroll carefully calculated, fall and eat?

  Feng Ziying, who visited Jia Yucun, was also quite surprised.

   Didn’t this guy come here yesterday? Why is he here again today?

  Besides, if you walk close, you won't be so attentive.

  But I have to say, the sisters Coco Li and Li Qi moved into their back house, which made Jia Yucun suddenly feel a little elated, and his attitude towards himself also changed somewhat.

  It seems that because of this factor, he thinks that he has become his own family.

  Feng Ziying also touched the truth of this, and it seems that she is right, even women's affairs can be arranged for you, isn't that counted?

Although this is not entirely due to his efforts in the middle, but he can do this kind of thing. After all, he is still a dignified fourth-rank official of the Jinling prefect. ?

   Maybe this guy thinks so.

Seeing Jia Yucun's half-smiling expression with an indescribable taste, Feng Ziying also felt curious, "Brother Yucun, what's the matter? What's the matter with this expression? If you have something to say, I have to go to the Nanjing Military Department." Brother Zhisheng is still waiting for me there."

   "Hey, what do you think this is?" Jia Yucun put his hand on his forehead, "Zhen Yingjia came to see me,..."

   "Oh? Isn't it normal for him to come to see you? Don't tell me he has come to see you several times. He has nowhere to go. It seems that he came to you to clear up and inquire. It makes sense." Feng Ziying didn't care.

   "But Ziying, can you imagine what he did?" Jia Yucun's expression became more and more intriguing, "Self-recommended pillow mat, hehe, I can't believe my ears."

   "Self-recommended pillow mat?" Feng Ziying felt chills, "He recommended himself a pillow mat? What do you mean?"

"It's not him, it's him who asked his daughter and niece to recommend themselves as pillows. It's incredible, maybe it's really the effect of the Li family's twin sisters?" Jia Yucun's eyes drifted, "The people in Jinling City know that you have recruited the Li family's twin sisters." There are quite a few, puzzled, cold-eyed, gloating, and eager to file a lawsuit, but I didn't expect Zhen Yingjia to come here. Is this a mere imitation, or is it planning to catch up from behind?"

"Zhen Yingjia's daughter? Isn't his daughter married to Shui Rong?" Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly, Shui Zhen's, um, Zhen Baoyan, and she still had a one-night relationship with her, and she still has a lot of aftertaste. It's a pity that she left Shaanxi and never saw each other again. At that time, but this time there may be a chance to meet again after going back, but...

"You're talking about his second daughter. His eldest daughter was born to his first wife, but after the death of his first wife, Xuxian gave birth to his second daughter and Zhen Baoyu, who has the same name as Jia Baoyu from the Jia family, and even looks different. I don’t know if Ziying has seen Zhen Baoyu, she really looks a lot like the one from Jia’s family, she even has the same temperament, she’s both ignorant and incompetent,…”

Jia Yucun said so happily that his beard turned up, "The three beards of the Zhen family are known as the three jades of the Zhen family, and they are very famous in Jinling City. The eldest married the eldest son of the Ding family, and the second married Shui Rong, the princess. Well, the third girl is the daughter of Zhen Yingyu. She originally wanted to betrothed to Prince Yizhong, the fourth son of Emperor Wantong, but for some reason it failed. After getting down, I didn't expect to find me now, and I want to recommend myself to your house, it seems that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, the name of romantic unparalleled is well-known far and wide,..."

  Feng Ziying waved her hand helplessly, "Brother Yucun, isn't it a bit boring to say these things now? Zhen Yingjia thinks that this method can be used to extend the life of the Zhen family? Isn't it too naive?"

   "Of course it doesn't stop there, but I'm also willing to offer 300,000 taels of silver, Ziying, how about it?" Jia Yucun smiled and said, "Even I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat."

  If Jia Yucun hadn’t known Feng Ziying’s intentions this time, 50,000 and 300,000, Jia Yucun really wanted to swallow the bait, and at worst, return the hook. Who can prove that he swallowed the bait?

   Three hundred thousand? This time, even Feng Ziying couldn't help but gasped.

  Being able to offer 300,000 yuan to himself means that the Zhen family must pay at least several times more to preserve the family business.

  Where is Sun Chengzong? Where is Gu Bingqian? It may also involve other aspects of management. How much assets does the Zhen family have? Two million, three million, or five million?

  It seems that I really underestimated the background of the Zhen family, the head of the new four great masters.

  But after thinking about it, it seems to be similar.

  Jia’s family has been in decline for so many years, but when the Grand View Garden was built, three to five million taels of silver were spent.

  Although a considerable part of it comes from Daiyu's family property, if the Jia family dares to spend it, it shows their confidence and shows that they are used to seeing large sums of money, three to five hundred thousand is no problem.

When the Jia family was in its heyday, it had three to five million assets, which seemed reasonable, and since the new four families headed by the Zhen family replaced the old four families in Jinling, at least the family background should be similar, or even higher. That's right.

   It seems reasonable to spend 300,000 yuan to bribe himself to manage himself.

  Feng Ziying was looking for the property of the Zhen family, and by the way, she also had to consider the tasks assigned to her by the imperial court.

  Although the cabinet did not explain the specific requirements before leaving, Huang Ruliang specifically asked him to talk about it for a while.

  The famine brought down by the imperial court was a bit big, and before he left, he received another two million. If this trip to the south of the Yangtze River did not go well, it would be fine, but if it was successfully won, then at least there must be an explanation.

This military operation is worth 2 million. Of course, the 2 million is definitely not all spent on military operations. Denglai Town, Ji Town and Liaodong Town also need to allocate some funds, which are all mixed in and counted as military operations. on the head.

  Then it is only the most basic to recover this investment this trip, or it can only be regarded as incidental, and it has to get back what the court wants for the court.

  What the imperial court wants is the Jiangnan taxes that Nanjing has spent in the past three years.

  Feng Ziying is not very clear about Dazhou’s annual tax revenue, especially after the franchise fee for opening the sea in the later period and the customs revenue of the Shibo Department have also started to rise, it is even more difficult to count.

But what he knew earlier was that in the 42nd year of Yuanxi, that is, the first year of Yonglong, the annual tax revenue of Dazhou was about 22 million shi, and during the twelve years of Emperor Yonglong, the first five years did not change much. In the next seven years, due to the slight increase in the development of industry and commerce, Feng Ziying did not ask too much about the situation at the Ministry of Households. It is estimated that there should be an increase of about 300 to 5 million shi.

  This figure is calculated by converting rice and wheat, which is not very scientific, because the price of food fluctuates greatly, and it will also be affected by the fluctuation of the value of silver itself, but this is the statistics of the Dazhou Household Department, and Feng Ziying is also the same.

   Of course, this also involves more complicated labor issues. In the local area, many places have quietly adopted the use of silver and rice to offset labor, which is another account that cannot be settled.

  This income actually serves as a black hole bad debt for central and local expenditures, but it is also a lubricant between the central and local governments. After all, there is a lot of room in the middle to maintain the game between the central and local governments.

  As for whether it is the central government or the local government, there must still be some exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes that are not humane, otherwise how will the local officials live? But this is not mainstream anymore.

It’s pitiful to say the least. In the great Zhou Dynasty, the annual financial revenue is only about 30 million shi grains. If the millet, wheat, and rice are divided into two: four: four ratios, and according to the normal year’s Zhangjiawan, Tongzhou, Based on the weighted and balanced calculation of grain prices in the main grain producing areas of Huguang and Nandu Water Transport Terminal in Nanjing, about 30 million shi grains can be converted to about 32 million taels of silver.

But Rongguo Mansion can spend three to five million taels to build a Grand View Garden, and it seems that it can account for one percent of the fiscal revenue of the Great Zhou Dynasty’s household department. It’s incredible to think about it. The income of the empire on the surface, and many other things that are not humane, such as local fire consumption and transportation costs, etc., can't be calculated at all.

  The taxation of the four provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, that is, Nanzhi, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Jiangxi, accounts for about 40% of the taxes, while the so-called core eight prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River account for about 25%.

   Among them, endowment occupies a dominant position, that is, land tax income, and taxes, namely commercial tax, tariffs, and miscellaneous taxes, do not account for a high proportion.

   This is also the reason why Da Zhou itself was a purely agricultural country.

  But with the opening of sea trade, coupled with the strong encouragement and promotion of industry and commerce brought by Feng Ziying, a butterfly, industry and commerce in the north and south have shown an unprecedented development momentum, which has led to a sharp increase in business taxes and tariffs.

  But at least until now, industrial and commercial taxation is still not comparable to land tax.

  If it were to be calculated in this way, Jiangnan’s three-year tax payment would be at least 40 million taels of silver. This is obviously an impossible task, and the court probably never thought about it.

  Although Huang Ruliang did not mention a specific amount requirement, Feng Ziying can roughly figure out Huang Ruliang's thoughts.

  Three to five million taels is definitely not enough. It is estimated that at least eight million taels of silver will be used as a base. If you can get 10 million taels, you will be more satisfied. After all, this is Jiangnan, and it is not as bitter as those officials in the north haha.

  Feng Ziying, the leader of the new four great masters like the Zhen family, originally thought that 1.5 million taels might be a relatively fair amount, but now it seems that he still underestimated the opponent's strength.

This number has to be doubled at least, which means that the assets of the Zhen family may be equivalent to one-tenth of the financial revenue of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty. Falling down, Jiaqing was full, and the assets of Heshen's family amounted to hundreds of millions, which was equivalent to ten years of fiscal revenue of the Qing Dynasty. Feng Ziying felt that the Zhen family was simply a poor man.

  (end of this chapter)

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