Number of People

Chapter 2414: The kui-character scrolls are as good as they like, and they are waved and flicked

  Chapter 2414 The Kui-character scroll suits his liking, waving lightly

"Three hundred thousand taels of silver? It seems that Zhen Yingjia is really willing to part with it." Feng Ziying smiled, "He also knows how to like women, and knows that I like women, but he can still put his daughter and niece together. Sent here to warm my bed, it seems that the Ding family took action and divorced the eldest daughter of the Zhen family?"

"It should be so. The two brothers Ding Deju and Ding Deyi are shrewd people. They are well-known in Huizhou and involve the entire Ding family. When encountering such a thing, they can be cut with ruthless hands." Jia Yucun said There was a little more teasing in Li, "I just don't know if it makes sense for the Ding family to do so."

   "It depends on what kind of intentions Mr. Gu Ge and the others have brought to the court when they came to Jinling." Feng Ziying said lightly, without making a direct answer.

Everyone in the New Four will definitely move, but the families they are involved in will not move, those will move, and to what extent, firstly, it depends on how big the "harvest" after moving these four families is, and secondly, it depends on the status of these vassals and related families. How deeply involved it is, the third depends on the activities of these families in the court, and whether they can really persuade the big brothers.

  But based on Feng Ziying's understanding of several big shots, it is difficult.

It's not that the big bosses don't care about interests and affection, but that the current predicament the court is facing and the impact of the Jiangnan Change on the court have endangered Zhou Guozuo's safety. It is difficult to maintain the financial resources of the imperial court, and the second is that it is difficult to establish the prestige of the imperial court. It can be said that everyone feels the pain of the skin.

The handling of Jiangnan this time almost formed an absolute unanimous opinion among the five core members of the cabinet, and the two "marginal people" Tang Yao also acquiesced to this opinion. It can be said that no one can overturn this opinion. Mostly it is in the specific details, that is, the way and degree of handling of individual people and individual families have been adjusted.

When Jia Yucun saw what Feng Ziying said, he also knew that Feng Ziying had reservations. After all, Gu Bingqian hadn't arrived yet, and the two sides hadn't discussed yet. He didn't know how the relationship between Feng Ziying and Gu Bingqian was. I know that he is quite friendly with Feng Ziying.

   "Ziying, you must have a general idea of ​​the imperial court's thoughts. It involves the empty treasury of the imperial court and urgently needs to be replenished. I guess it is difficult for anyone to let go easily." Jia Yucun also responded with a smile.

"Brother Yucun, it's good that you understand. Jinling is the core of the center, and it is also where the interests of the next move will be. You have to be prepared, but you can't startle the snake." Feng Ziying reminded, "If you do well this time If you want to leave a good impression on Mr. Gu Ge, brother Yucun will be able to speak hard words in the cabinet in the future."

  Jia Yucun smiled reservedly, "I don't dare to ask for extravagance, but I just want to do my job well."

  Feng Ziying also laughed, this guy is really interesting, he looks forward to it very much, but he still pretends to be lofty.

   "By the way, Ziying, how should Brother Yu respond to the 'request' from the Zhen family?" Jia Yucun asked again: "Reject, or delay? Or accept?"

"Well, Brother Yucun, what do you think?" Feng Ziying asked back with a smile: "I already have a 'gift' from Brother Yucun in my room, and I really want to make my reputation of 'good sex' known in Jinling City." Is it?"

Jia Yucun also laughed out loud, "People don't waste their youth, Xiao Fengxiu wrote the name of being romantic and suave, but it's been recited by everyone inside and outside the capital, across the country, and besides, Zhen's Sanbi is also famous in the south of the Yangtze River, don't you want to try it?" Have a taste? The Li family's double hairpins are famous for their beauty and wisdom, and the Zhen family's three biscuits are really swanky, and countless people are salivating."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Brother Yucun, do you mean someone is targeting the Zhen family now? So accurate, better than us?"

Jia Yucun glanced at the door, and then lowered his voice slightly, "At first, Miss Zhen said that Zhen Yingyu wanted to marry the fourth prince of the current emperor, but she failed. Later, it was said that she wanted to marry Mrs. Tang, and wanted to marry Mrs. Tang. The third son of Xiangdi, but Tang Xiang did not agree. He felt that the Zhen family was not a scholarly family, so it was inappropriate. But now that the Zhen family is in such a situation, it is impossible to marry a wife. If the Zhen family fails, then the third son of the Tang family will accept Zhen San It's okay for a girl to be a concubine, but if the Zhen family falls victim to it, she can get it back in the house and serve as a slave before she enters the Jiaofang Secretary, so that she can enjoy it all by herself, what a joy it will be."

  Jia Yucun's words opened Feng Ziying's eyes. This guy is not the prefect of Jinling, he looks like a lively brothel bustard.

  Feng Ziying hadn't understood who this Tang Xiang was before, but it was only after hearing Jia Yucun's repeated mentions that he realized it.

  Tang Xiang is Tang Binyin, um, he joined the cabinet. Although he is not the first assistant and the second assistant, he can barely be called a minister.

   "Brother Yucun, where did you hear this? Tang Binyin wouldn't be acting like this?" Feng Ziying laughed dumbfounded.

"Hey, Tang Binyin's third son is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although he can't study well, he is quite good at this chapter and stage, lying on willows and sleeping flowers. It is quite noisy on this Qinhuai River." Jia Yucun He has been the magistrate in Jinling City for so many years, and he is familiar with all kinds of news in Jinling City.

"It seems that Miss Zhen San really has a hard life. She wants to be a wife to someone else, but she doesn't want to, but she has to wait until something happens to the Zhen family to take advantage of it. This character is a bit bad." Feng Ziying shook her head. "The Zhen family's three jades are so famous. I have heard about them in Beijing. The two hairpins and three jades are better than the three jades. But after this experience, the Zhen family fell. It would be a pity if it was polluted by filth."

"Well, it is said that when Miss Zhen married Huizhou, it also aroused the anger and regret of countless young men in Nanjing City, and many people even came to question Zhen Yingyu, asking if there is no young man worthy of Miss Zhen's favor in Jinling Mansion. Yingcai spread the name of the Zhen family's three jades to the whole Jiangnan for a while. Later, the second girl Zhen married Shui Rong, which also aroused a lot of emotion. In this way, many people say that Shui Rong is gold and jade, with a silver-like pewter tip, and it is embarrassing for the second girl Zhen to marry into the Beijing Palace. Now if the Zhen family falls, Shui Rong will also be reduced to a prisoner. The three daughters of the Zhen family naturally attracted the covetousness of countless people."

  Jia Yucun smiled half-smile, "If it is really occupied by those filthy gangsters, then Ziying is really not as good as..."

"Brother Yucun, are you trying to trap me in injustice? That's all for the Li family's twin sisters. Gu Ge is here, and I have to apologize. If you really have something to do with the Zhen family's three jades, what do you think? Will Bin Yin's son write a letter to his father, instigating him to trouble me?"

  Feng Ziying laughed loudly, "This kind of thing can't be separated."

   "But isn't the old saying that one can be two and three can't be three?" Jia Yucun thought he could figure out Feng Ziying's mind.

  The three hundred thousand taels of silver did not seem to stir up any waves at Feng Ziying, but this daughter of the Zhen family greatly increased Feng Ziying's interest.

  Although he kept saying he wanted to get rid of it, his bright eyes had actually revealed his thoughts.

  Feng Ziying really didn't expect Jia Yucun to count herself so accurately.

  But when Jia Yucun mentioned Zhen's Sanbi, he did recall that night.

  Shui Zhenshi, the so-called second girl Zhen, Zhen Baoyan, together with Shui Rong's younger sister Shui Tang, had a good time with her overnight.

  He found that he really has a bit of a thief mentality, or that the greatest joy in life is to plunder everything and accept his wife and daughter. It seems that this is also in line with his mentality?

  Being blocked by Jia Yucun's words, Feng Ziying could only shake her head repeatedly: "Brother Yucun, you can't say this, you can't say it."

   Feng Ziying's noncommittal made Jia Yucun firm in his belief. Of course, now is definitely not the best opportunity. Feng Ziying wants to pretend to be serious, so let's put it aside for now. The Zhen family is determined, so naturally there will be a chance.

When Feng Ziying told Sun Chengzong about this matter, she was very serious: "The Zhen family is probably aware of the crisis, and has resorted to all these methods. I think we can't wait until Gu Ge is old, so we have to attack first." gone."

"Well, I think it's too early." Sun Chengzong stroked his beard and nodded, "If it's as you said, the Zhen family has two to three million assets, if you really want to bite the bullet and spend all your money, I'm afraid we will act out of thin air It adds a lot of trouble, and it will be even more difficult to get back the money that was thrown out."

   "Then do it." Feng Ziying became cold, "The Zhen family will start with Zhen Yinghui first. He is the prefect of Jinhua, most people can't touch him, and Long Jinwei still owes his shortcomings. He has the censor..."

   "The people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate came first?" Sun Chengzong's eyes lit up.

"Well, before Gu Ge and the others left Beijing, the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate came out first, just to avoid agitating others, Gu Ge and the others slowed down, and finally they could delay their arrival for a month. Everyone thinks there is still time before we can catch them off guard."

  Feng Ziying pursed her lips, her face stern, "It's just that the people in our hands are still too thin. The people in Jiayu Village's Jinling Mansion can deal with ordinary people, but they can't make people feel at ease when dealing with these local snakes."

  Sun Chengzong hesitated: "Then what should I do?"

   "To deal with the Zhen family, people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate are needed, but like the Tang family and the Ding family except Ding Deju, Long Jinwei can come in handy."

  Feng Ziying's words made Sun Chengzong realize that Feng Ziying had already prepared, "Are there enough people from Beizhen Fusi on the Jiangnan side? If not enough, let the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate also send some people."

  Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows, "Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate?"

  The performance of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate in the past two years is not satisfactory.

  (end of this chapter)

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