Number of People

Chapter 2417: Take out the scrolls and cut the branches

  Chapter 2417 Guizi roll shot, pruning

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the Tang family only married their daughter to Dong Qichang's son, Dong Zuchang. There is no other deep-seated relationship. Of course, as in-laws, they have relatively close contacts, and even some economic contacts are normal." Feng Ziying He explained: "As for the Lu family, they don't have much contact with the Tang family, they are nothing more than villagers."

  Yang Lian and Sun Juxiang both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

  The relationship between Lu and Dong’s two families is too close, and it also involves Songjiang scholars such as Zhang Nai and Xia Jiayu, as well as Yuan Keli and Gao Panlong who are closely related to Songjiang scholars.

   Now it seems that only Dong Zuchang, the second son of the Dong family, married the daughter of the Tang family.

Moreover, apart from Dong Qichang, the Dong family has no other outstanding people, at least Yang Lian has never heard of any outstanding people in the Dong family, which means that the second son of the Dong family is probably a mediocre person, so it doesn't matter up.

   "That's good. If the Tang family is the biggest power in Songjiang, they must be eradicated. Brother Shuxiang, do you think you are going to Huizhou or Songjiang?" Yang Lian laughed.

"Two, Songjiang should not be underestimated. Apart from having a large fleet and shipyard, the Tang family also has a bad reputation. They should have a deep relationship with Japanese pirates at sea. It is also because the power of Japanese pirates has declined over the years, so I haven't heard much, but 20 years ago, before the Imjin Japanese Invasion, the Tang family colluded with the Japanese pirates. If they want to move the Tang family, I am afraid that the army will need to cooperate with it. I'm afraid we still can't get it right with the officials of Songjiang Mansion."

   "Ah?" Feng Ziying's warning surprised both Sun Juxiang and Yang Lian, "There is a collusion between the Tang family and Japanese pirates? Then why haven't we found out?"

The Japanese pirates' destruction of coastal prosperity decades ago can be described as too numerous to describe. From Shandong to Guangdong, almost all of them have been harmed by Japanese pirates for decades. The news of Japanese pirates raiding and harassing along the coast came out.

   Investigating and cracking down on Japanese pirates has always been the task of Long Jinwei, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and the local government, but it is true that the power of Japanese pirates has rapidly faded, so this task has gradually faded out.

   Now that Feng Ziying suddenly mentioned that the Tang family had colluded with Japanese pirates, no wonder everyone was shocked.

"We have to ask the Ministry of Criminal Justice in Nanjing and the Long Jinwei at that time." Feng Ziying smiled and looked at Zhao Wenzhao, "Wen Zhao, who is the Long Jinwei in Nanzhili for more than 20 years?" in charge?"

Zhao Wenzhao shook his head in embarrassment: "Master Feng, how did you find out about this kind of thing? It was the Yuanxi period at that time, Commander Gu, maybe, but Commander Gu couldn't handle it. To be honest, all the coastal areas colluded with Japanese pirates at that time. There are quite a few businessmen, Songjiang should not be the most serious one, Ningbo, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou are all rampant, Jiaxing, Suzhou are also the same, Long Jinwei also investigated and dealt with many at that time, they all beheaded and exiled the whole family, but the same Can't stop,..."

"Huh, this is the evil result brought about by the tributary system. Who can stop the benefits? Later, the imperial government's sea ban policy has actually become a mere formality, so the Japanese pirates gradually disappeared, but there are still some Japanese pirates that gradually evolve. Become a pirate and specialize in robbing merchant ships at sea..." Feng Ziying sighed, "Maybe the Tang family has stopped after all these years, relying on shipbuilding and maritime trade alone is enough for them to make a lot of money, but this It doesn’t mean that their original sins can be wiped out.”

   "Of course!" Both Yang Lian and Sun Dingxiang are jealous, especially the collusion of Japanese pirates is absolutely intolerable. Hearing that the Tang family may get rich by colluding with Japanese pirates, how can they accept it? "This kind of thing must be investigated clearly. If it is really related to the Japanese pirates, then the Tang family must ransack their family and exterminate their clan!"

"Brother Wen Ru, brother Shu Xiang, I suggest that you all of the Tang family procuratorate not intervene for the time being, and focus on Wen Zhao and his Long Jinwei. They have more means and more skilled methods for these tyrants. Limited, I will let the sailor battalion of the Denglai Navy cooperate. I am really worried about the gentleman of Songjiang Mansion. Songjiang Mansion has served as an acquaintance, and it is enough to recommend one or two reliable people to help guide the way and prove their identity."

Feng Ziying is not optimistic about the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate to investigate these tyrants. The advantage of the Metropolitan Procuratorate lies in its deterrent power to local officials. If you want to deal with these tycoons who don't have much contact with officials, you have to ask Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Punishment. There are more ways.

"Of course, it would be more appropriate for the Metropolitan Procuratorate to intervene when Long Jinwei finds out that these tycoons are in collusion with local officials, and I can guarantee that these tyrants can basically conclude that they must have something to do with local government officials, but It just depends on the depth and the level of the officials involved.”

  Yang Lian and Sun Dingxiang are also aware of this point. The reason why a powerful person can expand and become a powerful person is without the indulgence and support of the local government. How could it be possible?

  Especially in this kind of family, there are almost no scholars who have passed the Juren level, and they can still thrive, which is even more tricky.

Sun Dingxiang nodded first, "I think it's ok. When I was a magistrate in Songjiang, I also felt that the Tang family felt like a fish in water in Songjiang. Going in and out of Jinshan Guardhouse was like no one's land. The Tang family in Shanghai and Huating County It’s also very close, but my time as an acquaintance in Songjiang was too short, and I left without understanding many things.”

  Sun Dingxiang has only been an acquaintance in Songjiang for two years, and the Tang family also knows that Sun Dingxiang is not easy to mess with, so he deliberately keeps a distance, so basically he has never dealt with Sun Dingxiang.

"The Tang family will be handed over to Wen Zhao and the others. The Zhen family will be the first to bear the brunt. Brother Wen Ru, Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingyu can be led by you, and Zhen Yinghui, Brother Shuxiang, you can work hard, how about it?" Feng Ziying His eyes turned to Sun Chengzong: "Brother Zhisheng, what do you think?"

   "I think it's okay, Dante's family..." Sun Chengzong hesitated, "There are also Zhou, Hu, and Tao families..."

"On Zhen Yinghui's side, Brother Shuxiang can arrange for people to go there. Jinhua Mansion is far away in Zhejiang, and the influence of the Zhen family will be greatly reduced. Just go to the two censors and win it. I believe that the acquaintances of Jinhua Mansion can still recognize it. To understand the situation,... Brother Shuxiang may have to go to Nanchang himself,..." Feng Ziying paused, "Ding Deju also has a lot of problems, but this guy is very powerful and has a lot of connections. In Nanchang, brother Shuxiang has to go to hold it down,..."

  Feng Ziying didn’t say what’s wrong with Ding Deju, but Sun Dingxiang didn’t ask either. Some problems were left open, which would be inappropriate. Even Yang Lian might not be willing to know everything. Sometimes it’s a good thing not to know, so don’t worry.


   Zhen Yinghui has been a little restless.

   Zhen Yinghui has always criticized the greed, short-sightedness, narrow-mindedness and arrogance of the two elder brothers.

  He only cares about going to the house, offending too many people in the smuggling of salt, and the feud with Tang and Miu is even more meaningless. All these make the status of the Zhen family in Nanjing continue to be marginalized in the later period.

   On the contrary, the two elder brothers have more and more business with people like the Tang family and the Ding family, because private salt sales are getting more and more tightly linked with the Han family in Zhenjiang, the Zhao family in Guangdezhou, and the Meng family in Huzhou.

Zhen Yinghui admitted that the close relationship with these few families has indeed made the Zhen family a huge profit, and a lot of money flows into the Zhen family every year, but the problem is that this has to be established on the premise that the Zhen family can stand firmly, but now Emperor Wantong has gone. After leaving the capital, Tang Yao and others also entered the capital. Nanjing is useless and has lost its support. No matter how much money the Zhen family has, can they keep it?

  Brother also noticed this, but it seemed a bit late.

  But Zhen Yinghui had no choice. His wife had already sent back to the Tang family, and he had to help his elder brother to contact the Dong family and the Lu family. Otherwise, once Gu Bingqian and his group arrived in Nanjing, it would be too late.

  But Zhen Yinghui was still restless. He didn't know what went wrong, or what the problem would be. He didn't know what to do, or he knew how to do it but couldn't do it.

  He had a frightening feeling, as if something was going to happen.

   "My lord, my lord sent someone to invite you to the front hall, saying that I have something important to discuss..." Chang Sui came to report.

  Zhen Yinghui frowned puzzled, "What's the matter?"

   "It seems to be a matter of the Qing army. It is said that the Japanese pirates have recently begun to harass the coast. Our local people need to organize and strengthen training..." Chang Sui thought for a while.

   "That should also be a matter of Shaoxing, Ningbo, and Taizhou. Our Jinhua is still far away?" Zhen Yinghui disagreed: "Are we going to take our Minzhuang out of the house again? Who will pay for the money?"

  Chang Sui couldn't answer this question anymore, Zhen Yinghui waved his hands a little irritably, "Okay, I see,..."

   Walking to the entrance of the front hall, Zhen Yinghui suddenly remembered something and asked, "Is Mr. Qian alone?"

   "No, it seems that there are two other officials. The younger one has neither seen nor recognized him. He seems to be from outside." Chang Sui shook his head.

  Zhen Yinghui's heart skipped a beat, and he stopped subconsciously: "He's from outside? What accent?"

   "Those two haven't spoken,..." Chang Sui shook his head.

   Even if the formation of Minzhuang is to leave the government, it is impossible for someone from the province to come. At most, there will be an official document. How can there be two people? And if someone came from the military room of the government's civil affairs, how could the long follower not know him? Even if it is the leader of Minzhuang, the long follower should have seen it.

   Suddenly vigilant, Zhen Yinghui turned his head and walked out, but was blocked by two people who came out from the other end: "Master Zhen, why didn't you go in and left? Master Qian is still waiting for you inside."

  Zhen Yinghui's heart sank, looked at the two strangers, and shouted sharply: "Bold! Did an outsider trespass in this mansion? Someone, take these two bandits down for me!"

   "Master Zhen, why bother?" A voice that was a little strange but clearly knew him sounded in Zhen Yinghui's ear, but it was like lightning strikes: "We are on the order of Master Sun to come here to find you. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

  (end of this chapter)

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