Number of People

Chapter 2418: Guizi Juan hole is like looking at the fire, helpless

  Chapter 2418 Guizi scroll hole is like looking at the fire, helpless

   Zhen Baochen felt that his father was out of order.

  Only three days after returning to Jinling, Zhen Baochen felt that Jinling City had completely changed, and it completely lost the taste of Nanjing City in the past.

  The gates of the Sixth Department of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate seemed to be covered with a layer of dust.

   Losing Nanjing's status, Jinling City was immediately beaten back to its original shape. It seemed that even the people in Jinling City felt that their energy and energy were short.

   Zhen Baochen realized the dilemma of the Zhen family, that is, he didn't know who to find to clear up, manage, and contact.

It turns out that Prince Yizhong is here, Tang Miu and Zhu Gu are here, Jia Jing can also speak, and Jia Yucun and his ilk are all accompanied by smiling faces, but look now, the halo of Nanjing is gone, and everyone who can speak The people who have left are gone, and the rest are the underdogs with broken backs like Jia Jing and Shui Rong.

   And what use are these people? It is worthless and meaningless, and they even hope that the Zhen family will give them a hand.

  Even the Ding family and the Tang family could find a way out and act immediately, but the Zhen family was out of reach.

  The capital city can’t be counted on now. Going to the courier will take at least a month, and can going to the courier solve the problem? Will others take care of you?

  Either the father will go in person, and he must have the decision to give up his wealth to avoid disaster, not three to five million yuan, or even a million. If he has the courage and determination to give all his family assets, he may be able to escape this catastrophe.

   But father and uncle obviously can’t do this yet. Their idea is to use half of their family assets to buy connections, and then even if the Zhen family dies down and hides their power and bide their time, Xu Tu will rise again in the future.

   But who will give you such a respite?

  Second Uncle went to Songjiang Mansion with a large banknote, intending to bring in the Dong family and the Lu family.

  But Zhen Baochen felt that it might not be that simple. It is not that you can settle the matter with a banknote of hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

Just like himself and Bao Yu, my father eagerly went to Jia Yucun to help connect Feng Ziying, and was willing to let the two of us serve the Scarf Festival, but Jia Yucun came up with a plan to delay the attack, neither saying yes, nor saying no, so he just delayed It's exhausting, and that's the most dangerous thing.

Father shouldn't have stayed in Jinling City. Staying in Jinling City is the biggest mistake. There is no one who can help or talk. In this situation, the Zhen family can only sit and wait. .

  Father should have gone to Beijing a long time ago, with Prince Yizhong, or Tang Yao and others, even if he suffered some grievances and idleness.

  Following these people to the capital, the money of the Zhen family can quickly exert its power through these people, and these people also need the money, instead of keeping a dead money like now, what's the point?

  A pile of unusable silver is worse than a pile of scrap iron.

  The current situation of the Zhen family can be described in one sentence, like a fish in a cauldron, waiting to die.

   Zhen Baochen was very anxious, but she was just a woman, and she had just returned from divorce by her husband's family.

   What's more, Zhen Baochen was also a little helpless, not knowing where to start.

  Father went to find Jia Jing again, this is his own suggestion to his father.

  Although it turned out that my father and Jia Jing were not very happy because of various trivial matters, but that is all in the past.

  Jia Yucun is unreliable, but Jia Jing can give it a try.

  Now that everyone is suffering from the same disease, Jia Jing seems to have the posture of sitting on the Diaoyutai. I don’t know what kind of background this guy has gone through.

  At any rate, everyone followed Prince Yizhong at the earliest time. If they can survive this storm, everyone will have a support in the future.

   But it wasn't enough, Zhen Baochen took a deep breath and paced around the room.

The Ding family did a great job, and immediately sent back their dowry maid, Pu Tong Pozi, together with the dowry. It was obvious that they wanted to draw a clear line and cut it clearly to avoid being implicated by the Zhen family. This shows how bad the Ding family's judgment on the situation of the Zhen family was, and it was completed in just over a month.

   Zhen Baochen analyzed that it was largely due to Ding Deju's prediction, and then he quickly notified his father-in-law and husband, and then he made such a decisive reaction in time.

It is said that a husband and wife are a hundred days of kindness, and I have been married to the Ding family for eight years. Although I have never had children, Zhen Baochen does not think it is my fault. The husband has some problems, but this kind of secret is not humane, but it seems This did not affect the relationship between husband and wife.

  Although it has faded a bit, it may be like this between husband and wife. They respect each other like guests and love each other. Zhen Baochen once thought that his whole life would pass like this, but he didn't expect that his life in his family would suddenly become turbulent when he was about to enter the age of twenty-three.

  Tomorrow is his birthday, Zhen Baochen stood in front of the window lattice, staring out of the window silently, sighing in his heart, who still remembers himself?

  The father-in-law's disdain, the husband's ruthlessness, and the husband's family's abandonment of shoes all made Zhen Baochen feel a dull pain in his heart.

  Although on the surface he was able to hold up the scene in front of the people in the house and did not show any signs, but he tossed and turned at night and his pillow was soaked with tears, all told Zhen Baochen that he was not that strong and confident.

   "Big Sister!" Baoyu's voice came from outside the door, Zhen Baochen adjusted his expression, turned his head away, looked at his younger brother and cousin with a pleasant smile, "Baoyu, Baoyu."

Zhen Baoyu is still full of vitality, with two dragons grabbing pearls and purple gold crowns on his head, embroidered gold and purple belts on his forehead, his face is like a crown of jade, and he is full of energy. He walked in with a big wooden box in his hand, "Elder sister, Minger!" What day was it, do you remember?"

   Zhen Baochen was surprised, "What date?"

"It's your birthday, elder sister, have you forgotten it yourself?" Zhen Baoyu smiled, turned his head and glanced at Zhen Baoyu provocatively, and said triumphantly: "Baoyu, how, I said that elder sister came back and was in a bad mood. I must have forgotten my own birthday, but my younger brother, I can remember it firmly. It turns out that before the eldest sister got married, the family would prepare gifts for the eldest sister every year on her birthday, but I know that the eldest sister doesn’t care much, only what is most important ?”

Zhen Baochen looked at his younger brother. Although he was not born to the same mother, the relationship between siblings was no worse than the relationship between his second sister and Baoyu. Of course he remembered Baoyu's birthday clearly. Baoyu still remembers his preferences.

  With a happy smile on his face, Zhen Baochen couldn't help trembling even though he was moved. How long can this kind of life last? Maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, the Zhen family will melt away like snow under the sun?

"Baoyu, Baoyu, it's hard for you to remember my sister's birthday. It's just that there is something going on in the house and my sister just came back, so there's no need to go through so much trouble..." Zhen Baochen sighed in his heart, but his face was full of joy, and he took the The box that Zhen Baoyu handed over.

"Hey, this is Big Sister's favorite dessert of Tongbaozhai - honey green osmanthus and chestnut flour cake. Look, this is five-color ingredients, with five flavors, sweet and sour, sweet, pure sweet, light sweet, Fresh and sweet, my younger brother, I specially ordered this from Tongbaozhai, and it was delivered in advance today, and I will definitely let my eldest sister eat a mouthful of fragrant and fragrant food on her birthday,..."

   Zhen Baoyu's face was like a silver basin, and his eyes were like stars. Zhen Baochen was also moved by the admiration revealed.

   Zhen Baochen took a deep breath. My brother is good at everything, but he doesn't like mundane affairs. It is said that Baoyu of the Jia family in the capital city is also like this. I don't know what the situation is now when the Jia family fell sadly.

  Zhen Baochen met Jia Baoyu once.

  When I was twelve years old, I went to the capital with my two younger sisters with my father, and met all the girls in the Jia family.

It's been a long time since Jia Jiayuan welcomed the four daughters of Tanxi and the three sisters of Zhen Jiachen and Yan Yu together. At that time, Jia Jiayuan Chun was only thirteen years old at the oldest, and the rest of the girls were younger than himself, so I don't have a deep impression on them, but The beauty and elegance of the girls are still engraved in Zhen Baochen's heart.

   The relationship between the Zhenjia family has always been close, but on the contrary, it has tended to fade in recent years.

  The Zhen family is busy with their official career and business, so they don't pay much attention to the declining Jia family.

  Jia Jing came to Nanjing alone, because he was in charge of the household department but had a very unpleasant dispute with his father about private salt, so the current relationship between the Zhenjia family has become a dispensable chicken rib.

  The problem is that now the Zhen family is following in the footsteps of the Jia family, and may even have a worse and more tragic ending than the Jia family. The Jia family still has the support of the Feng family, but what about the Zhen family now?

  The wall is falling and everyone is pushing, and those who have fallen into trouble will emerge soon.

Looking at Bao Yu who was silently lowering her eyebrows, Zhen Baochen knew that this cousin was actually much more sensible than Baoyu, and she also knew the current situation of the Zhen family was in danger, so although she came here with a gift in her hand, she was obviously not very interested. And the melancholy between the eyebrows also explained a lot.

"Baoyu, you have a heart. My sister hasn't eaten Tongbaozhai's dim sum for a long time. You must have a good taste today and enjoy your mouth." Zhen Baochen took the box and smiled, "Baoyu, how about you? Come to He Sheng, you should take out the gift, right?"

Zhen Baoyu didn't expect her sister to be able to hold her breath, she still looked calm and relaxed, her worries eased a little, she took out a pair of jade and wood combs, and said sincerely: "Sister, this is a comb that my younger sister accidentally discovered. This strange object is made of ebony wood and Hetian jade, half of which is wood and half of jade. It is very useful to use the mortise and tenon structure. I wish my sister will use this comb and everything will be smooth in the future,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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