Number of People

Chapter 2419: The Guizi Juan is desperate, unwilling to reconcile

  Chapter 2419 Guizi Juan is desperate, unwilling to resign

  Everything goes well? Zhen Baochen took the jade-wood comb, but felt a bit confused in his heart, after today, will he still have a happy and happy life?

  Seeing Baoyu with a happy face, Zhen Baochen was also shocked.

Perhaps a carefree personality like Baoyu who never worries about family affairs is the best, and he can enjoy life to the fullest, but once the environment that gave him this kind of life is broken, the Zhen family will no longer have the glory of the past, and he will go to school again. what to do?

  Begging along the street, or become an actor?

  No, no, thinking of Baoyu curled up on the street at the corner of Jinling City, shivering in the cold winter wind, or singing a ditty on a boat on the Qinhuai River, courting the dignitaries and dignitaries, Zhen Baochen didn't dare to think about it any further.

  She cannot accept that this is happening, although it may be about to happen.

  She has to do something.

   Baoyu was easy to dismiss. After talking for a while, Zhen Baochen told him to prepare a feast for his own birthday, and Baoyu went happily.

   Only sisters Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu were left in the room.

   Zhen Baochen closed the door, and Zhen Baoyu bowed his head in silence.

   "Bao Yu, Second Uncle hasn't come back yet?"

   "Not yet." Zhen Baoyu raised his head, "Not so fast, it may take a few days, things may not go so smoothly, people may not be willing..."

"It's not that I may not be willing, most likely I am absolutely unwilling." Zhen Baochen took a deep breath, "Father went to Jia Jing to ask for an idea, but I don't know what the result will be, but I think we can't wait like this any longer. Do something, and if we don't do it, we may never get the chance to do it again."

  Zhen Baoyu couldn't help clenching his arms, clasped his hands together, propped them on his forehead, and took a long breath, "Sister, what do you need me to do, just say that little sister knows the seriousness."

   Zhen Baochen raised his head slightly, "It's not you who do it, but we do it together, but I don't know if it will work."

   "Oh?" Zhen Baoyu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

   "I contacted the Li family, please help me contact Li Qi from the Li family, and meet up today." Zhen Baochen's tone was indifferent, as if saying something casual.

  Zhen Baoyu was shocked, "Eldest sister?!"

"This may be the only thing we can do." Zhen Baochen was very calm at this time, "If the Zhen family falls, what will happen to you and me? Maybe what my father said that day is right, the Jiaofang Secretary may be our only place to go , or before going to the Jiaofang Division, some high-ranking official took a fancy to and snatched him off, that is, he became a plaything for these people, and once he got old and decrepit, he could only be reduced to a brothel or the street."

"So elder sister wants to imitate the Li family?" Zhen Baoyu also slowly settled down, "But didn't Jia Hua not give uncle any response? If we want to emulate Coco Li and Li Qi, it is impossible for us to take the initiative to come to the door, right? Then Apart from the army soldiers, there are all kinds of guards and officials on the gate of Feng's house, and idlers can't even get close, you and I are weak girls, and with this status, the people at the gate will let you and me in?"

  At this time, there is no time to care about the face problem. It seems that the dignified Zhen family and the three jades are not enough to come to the door to recommend the pillow mat. This sounds like a funny joke, but it is so true.

"That's why I contacted Li Qi. She and Coco Li are living in Feng's house now. I want to meet her and find out about the situation." Zhen Baochen's eyes were dark, "Coco Li and you and I are considered friends, but we don't have many contacts. I'm not looking for Coco Li, that girl is too shrewd and rational, so she may not be willing to help us, Li Qi should be more emotional and more sympathetic."

   I didn't expect Zhen Baochen to even anticipate this point. Zhen Baoyu knew that Zhen Baochen had made up his mind, so she nodded silently: "It's fine for the elder sister to decide, and the younger sister obeys the arrangement of the elder sister."

   "Bao Yu, this time the Zhen family is facing a catastrophe. No matter how hard we try, we may not be able to survive it. We must be mentally prepared for this."

   Zhen Baochen knew that although his cousin was a little conscious, she might not be really prepared for it. It would be even worse if things got messed up, so she had to make it clear to her in advance.

   "Sister, has our Zhen family really reached that point?" Zhen Baoyu trembled in his heart. Although he was prepared, he still refused to accept it from the bottom of his heart.

   "Bao Yu, take a look at the so-called fourth family." Zhen Baochen rubbed the corners of his eyes wearily, his eyes were a little bit more bewildered and confused.

"Jia Shi Wang Xue, the Wang family was directly confiscated. If Wang Ziteng hadn't taken the initiative to ask for surrender, the Wang family would have been completely annihilated. The situation of the Shi family is similar. They are all prisoners of crimes, waiting for amnesty to survive. The Jia family was originally the most beautiful. Yuan Chun is even a noble concubine, isn't she just throwing dust away and living under the protection of Feng's family? On the contrary, Xue's family is at the bottom. In fact, everyone knows that Xue's family has been expelled from the four families long ago, so they can't reach that position at all. It’s nothing more than a declining imperial merchant, but now that they have avoided this wave of catastrophe, they are living the most nourishing life, who made their daughters marry the Feng family?”

   Zhen Baoyu bit her lip: "Sister, do you think our Zhen family will become the same as the Jia family and Wang family?"

"Hmph, it might even be even more tragic." Zhen Baochen shook his head, trying to throw away some innocent thoughts, "At least no one in the Jia family draws a clear line with them, right? Attaching to the rebels is nothing more than being attached to the rebellious party, and The rebellious party is not mentioned now, and they have no big problems. Once the amnesty comes, it will be considered a pass. The Wang family even won the approval of the court because of Wang Ziteng's voluntary surrender of military power, and they were even included in the Five Armies The two brothers, Shi Nai and Shi Ding, the historian, are still prisoners, but as long as they are pardoned, they can be released, but what about our Zhen family?"

   "The crime of pregnant Bi?" Zhen Baoyu is also very smart, and immediately tasted it, "Maybe our Zhen family has been too ostentatious over the years and has become the target of public criticism?"

Zhen Baochen sighed, "When the name of the New Four Great Masters is put on our heads, it means that we need to bear more pressure, but our Zhen family just ignores this point and thinks that we are indulging in This false name, but forgetting to carry this name, if you don’t have enough foundation, you will have trouble.”

  Zhen Baoyu still doesn't quite understand, "My father was the secretary of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing, my uncle was the secretary of the Ministry of Punishment in Nanjing, and my third uncle was the prefect of Jinhua Prefecture. Isn't that enough background?"

Zhen Baochen took a look at Zhen Baoyu, "Father, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment was rewarded after the confrontation between the North and the South. If you ask me, it is more like a hot potato. The second uncle's Nanjing Rites Minister is similar. Only the third uncle, the prefect of Jinhua, barely counts, but the third uncle You shouldn't stay in the south of the Yangtze River, but you should go to the North to serve, and you should even take the initiative to serve Ye Fang and the others,..."

   Zhen Baochen's words made Zhen Baoyu understand that this is a common method used by big families during the war.

  But now the Zhen family has made this big mistake.

"It doesn't matter if you talk about the Zhou, Hu, and Tao families. They are basically powerful businessmen. There are no scholars in the family, and there are no decent sons of officials. Our Zhen family is different. Father, second uncle, and third uncle were originally able to I have a choice, but..." Zhen Baochen sighed again, "Plus Baoyu and several cousins..."

In the situation of the Zhen family, apart from the fact that Zhen Baoyu, the male heir, is a descendant, Zhen Yingyu and Zhen Yinghui have no descendants, only concubine sons. On the contrary, the three jades of the Zhen family are all descendants of descendants, so this is also a great pity, and Zhen Baoyu is not alone. Stuff for reading.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when father comes back from Jia Jing." Zhen Baochen stared at Zhen Baoyu: "Baoyu, no matter what happens to father's side, I'm afraid you and I will have to shoulder this burden. Conghui, my sister has experienced this wave of things and has a lot of feelings. Now that the Zhen family is in this state, our fate as the children of the Zhen family may have been doomed long ago, so we can only fight like this. Get a result that isn't the worst."

   "Sister, what will be the worst outcome?" Zhen Baoyu asked.

   Zhen Baochen shook his head, his face was gloomy, and he didn't answer, Zhen Baoyu almost bit his lips with his white teeth, his face was snowy.

   Just when the Zhen sisters were lamenting the impermanence of life, Zhen Yingjia finally met Jia Jing who was staying behind closed doors.

   "Jia Zijing, what do you want to do here?" Zhen Yingjia glared at each other angrily: "I came to the door three times and you didn't want to see me. If I didn't leave this time, would you still not see me?"

   "So what if you see it, so what if you don't see it? Is it meaningful?" Jia Jing's face was dark yellow, but his eyebrows were still bright, "Ying Jia, if I were you, I wouldn't come here at all..."

   "Then where should I go?" Zhen Yingjia's heart trembled.

"Send the list of all the family property directly to Feng Keng's mansion, and ask him to send someone to receive it. No one will be kept. The third girl hasn't agreed to someone yet, right? Before the imperial court formally criminalizes your Zhen family, you are not criminals yet. Promise Miss Zhen San to Feng Ziying as a concubine!" Jia Jing said decisively, "Can you do it? If you do this right away, at least the whole family of the Zhen family will be able to survive. If it is a little later, then the Zhen family will be ruined. the result."

  Zhen Yingjia was dumbfounded, and after a long time said viciously: "Jia Zijing, what nonsense are you talking about, scaring me with alarmist talk?"

"Scaring you? Do I need to scare you? Did you come to the door yourself, or did I invite you to come?" Jia Jing sneered, "I didn't scare you, you know it best in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't have come Come to me, take down your Zhen family, maybe the Zhou family, Hu family and Tao family will be destroyed, maybe the court doesn't want you to be like what I said, because for the court, the deterrent effect will be better ,do you understand?"

  (end of this chapter)

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