Number of People

Chapter 2420: The three jades of Zhen's family in the decanic character volume, the daughter i

  Chapter 2420 The three jades of the Zhen family in the decanic character volume, the daughter is in charge

   "What heinous thing did our Zhen family do that deserves such a ruthless hand from the court?" Zhen Yingjia was furious, "Why do you have to keep an eye on our Zhen family? Who is behind this to deal with our Zhen family?"

"You still don't know what the Zhen family did?" Jia Jing said impatiently: "I have already reminded you about the private salt matter, so that you should not act recklessly. How many local tyrants are involved in this business, and which one of these tyrants is related to the place?" The officials have nothing to do with it? Now that all these powerful people are involved, do you think these powerful people will not open their mouths and bite? How many people are you trying to kill?"

"There is also Taihe Yinzhuang. Once the Zhen family is finished, and the Ding family and the Tang family are all involved, how many people will want to share food from it? These people don't want your Zhen family to die, Do you have to wait until future troubles are left? Even if you hand over all your property, Feng Ziying may not be able to save the lives of your family. Too many people want you to die, and your death is the most in line with everyone's wishes. Don't you understand such a simple truth? I don't even know how your Zhen family survived for so many years..."

Jia Jing waved his hand with disdain and pity, "I'm just giving you a suggestion, whether you accept it or not is up to you, and you don't need to stay here anymore. I don't want to have anything to do with your Zhen family anymore. Therefore, you and I will each do as we please, seeing off the guests."

   Zhen Yingjia was so frightened that her feet were numb and her hands were numb, she could hardly move, and the fear in her heart quickly filled her heart like weeds after the rain. Could it be that the Zhen family is really going to die?

   He didn't even know how to get into the carriage, and the captain helped him into the carriage, so he leaned back on the carriage in a dazed state, and returned home in a daze.

  Back home in despair, Zhen Yingjia didn't even recover.

  Jia Jing's words wrapped around his heart like a poisonous snake, lingering.

   Hand over all the family property, leaving nothing? What is left of the Zhen family?

  With a big family left, what do we eat and drink, and how do we survive? Starving at home?

   There are still so many people who hope that the entire Zhen family will die, so that there is no one left?

  Thinking about it, it seems that this is really the case. If those local tyrants do not have the secret support of the government, how can this private salt be sold? Now if these tyrants are taken down by the court, how many of them can survive without revealing these local officials?

   Zhen Yingjia shuddered.

  Even if all the family property is handed over, will the imperial court let the Zhen family go? Will these people let the Zhen family go?

  For a while, Zhen Yingjia didn't know what to do.

  The second child went to Songjiang, but has not come back, and it is impossible to hear back so soon, and the third child has not heard from them for the past few days, and I don’t know what happened.

  There is no one in this family who can talk, which makes Zhen Yingjia feel a little haggard.

   Sitting in a chair in the flower hall, Zhen Yingjia was almost curled up in the chair, staring blankly at the outside of the flower hall.

  The bright sunshine fell on the courtyard, but he couldn't feel the slightest warmth. The chill soaked his whole body, making his body almost stiff.

  A sound of small footsteps came from outside the courtyard, Zhen Yingjia moved her neck slightly, her eyes wandered, it was Bao Chen and Bao Yu.

  He also knew that his daughter's being divorced was purely an innocent disaster and was implicated by the family, but he really didn't have the heart to comfort and forgive his daughter now, he just wanted to be quiet at this time.

   "Father (uncle)." Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu came in and said softly.

   "Bao Chen, Bao Yu, if you have nothing to do, you should take a good rest. I am tired for my father and want to take a rest."

  Zhen Yingjia didn't want to talk to her daughter and niece about going to Jia Jing's mansion, it would be meaningless and confusing.

   "Father, my daughter wants to talk to father." Zhen Baochen didn't go around in circles, and asked directly: "Is it because Jia Jing didn't see father, or didn't give father any advice?"

   Zhen Yingjia's eyeballs brightened, she glanced at her daughter, and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"Of course my daughter and Bao Yu are very concerned about the situation of the Zhen family. If the Zhen family falls, can my daughter and Bao Yu escape?" Zhen Baochen said calmly, "If possible, my daughter and Bao Yu also want to help the Zhen family. do one's best."

  Zhen Yingjia was slightly startled, and looked at her daughter: "Bao Chen, I understand your intentions for my father, but now you and Bao Yu can't solve the problem with intentions, Jia Yucun is double-faced, Jia Zijing is in a daze,..."

   "Father, what did Jia Jing say?" Zhen Baochen interrupted his father impolitely.

  She doesn't want to chatter with her father anymore, she wants to hear Jia Jing's truth.

  Jia Jing stayed behind closed doors, obviously he got some kind of reminder. If this person really met his father and gave him a suggestion, maybe this suggestion has something feasible.

  Seeing that her daughter suddenly seemed to be a different person, and her tone became tough and impatient, Zhen Yingjia was still a little uncomfortable for a while, "Bao Chen,..."

"Father! What time is this? What are you still obsessed with? Wasn't father quite decisive that day? Why has he become so timid today? Could it be that father really wants to see Baoyu and I appear in the classroom?" Is it Fang Sili?" Zhen Baochen said angrily.

  Zhen Yingjia was taken aback for a moment, seemingly in a daze, and finally lowered her eyes and muttered to herself: "Jia Jing is talking nonsense,..."

   "Father, talk nonsense, and my daughter should listen to it." Zhen Baochen's voice softened again, "We have no choice now."

   Zhen Yingjia then stammered what Jia Jing had said.

   Zhen Baochen's complexion remained the same, but his fists were clenched tightly, and his knuckles turned pale. Although Zhen Baoyu was mentally prepared, his complexion was also pale, but he didn't show much fear.

   "All the family property? The imperial court has such a big appetite, and they want Bao Yu to be Feng Keng's concubine? No mention of a daughter?" Zhen Baochen asked in a manly voice.

   "Perhaps Jia Jing didn't know you were back." Zhen Yingjia shook her head.

Zhen Baochen raised his head, looked outside the flower hall, and thought for a while: "Father, maybe what Jia Jing said is really our only way out, but is it enough for us to hand over our property? As Jia Jing said, I am afraid that countless people are now I hope that our family will die, so as not to implicate too many people, even the court wants us to die,..."

"But I don't want to die. Why do our Zhen family have to die?" Zhen Yingjia couldn't help roaring, "Is this what our Zhen family did? Did our Zhen family swallow up the money? The emperor split it up." How much did they get, did Tommy and the others take less? And..."

   Zhen Baochen's expression changed, "Father, what's the point of saying this now? We can only face this reality now, and figure out how to deal with it!"

   Zhen Yingjia panted heavily and looked at her daughter directly, as if she didn't know her daughter who had been married for several years, "Bao Chen, what are you going to do?"

"If possible, I think Jia Jing's opinion is acceptable. The Zhen family is not yet a criminal. The imperial court has not yet convicted the Zhen family. Bao Yu and I went to Feng Keng with the list of the Zhen family's property and asked him to give the Zhen family a way to survive. , we are willing to hand over all our property, just for the survival of our family!" Zhen Baochen said word by word: "The premise is that he must guarantee the lives of our family, and we only trust him!"

   "What if Feng Keng also wants us to die?" Zhen Yingjia said viciously: "Aren't we sending sheep to the tiger's mouth?"

   "That's our Zhen family!" Zhen Baochen glared and said: "Fortunately, Feng Keng is a bold and lustful person. If he dares to accept the Li sisters at this time, he may not dare to accept our conditions..."

   "But can he save the lives of our entire family?" Zhen Baoyu also interjected and asked.

"I don't know, but he is the only one who can do it in Nanjing at the moment. The troops stationed in Nanjing are all Liaodong Army or Denglai Army. They are all the old troops of his father Feng Tang. He is still Minister of the Ministry of War, and Jia Yucun begged him for mercy. Didn’t the second uncle also say that he was the one who supported the Denglai Navy? Then who else in Nanjing is more powerful than him?”

Zhen Baochen finally stood up and gave Zhen Yingjia a blessing: "Father, my daughter has made an appointment with Li's daughter. If possible, my daughter is going to enter Feng's residence with Bao Yu tonight. Please take care of my father and wait for the good news from my daughter! "

   Zhen Yingjia was dumbfounded: "You asked Li Shouzhong's two daughters to help you match up? When did it happen? How can this be done..."

   "Father, you don't need to ask any more questions. As a daughter of the Zhen family, you should have this awareness. This is true for daughters, and so is Bao Yu." Zhen Baochen glanced at Zhen Baoyu, "Maybe this is the fate of our daughter of the Zhen family!"


   "It's kind of interesting. Is there no one in the Zhen family? They still use their daughter to walk this way?" Feng Ziying had an intriguing smile on her lips, "Go, maybe you can bring me some good news."

Li Qi leaned against Feng Ziying and sat on the opponent's lap, snuggled into the other's arms, and murmured: "Sister Baochen is a very individual woman, and she was very famous in Nanjing. Everyone admired her and said to marry her." It's a pity to go to Huizhou, and many young people in Nanjing are quite sorry for this,..."

   "Really?" Feng Ziying took a sip of the fragrance from Li Qi's neck. The light down hair was golden in the sun, fine and soft, and the jade-white neck muscle showed a seductive gully along the slightly open part of the skirt.

  Li Qi is much weaker and gentler than Coco Li. Facing his own hands and feet, he is only gentle and coquettish, but rarely resists. Coco Li is not willing to be so intimate with him on this occasion.

"Really, Mr. Xianggong said that our Li family's double hairpins are just good people who intend to match up with the Zhen family's three jades, but the Zhen family's three jades are really known in Nanjing. Sister Baochen and Baoyan When they got married, countless people were clamoring, compared to sisters and concubines, they were just **** willows, how could they compare to the sisters of the Zhen family,..."

  Li Qi's soft temperament is very suitable for Feng Ziying's liking.

  (end of this chapter)

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