Number of People

Chapter 2421: How can you find tiger cubs if you can't get into the tiger's lair if you r

  Chapter 2421 How can you get a tiger cub if you can’t get into the tiger’s den

   "It seems that Miss Zhen is really a bit temperamental, and she is a little different from Miss Zhen." Feng Ziying said casually.

"Xianggong knows Sister Baoyan?" Li Qi was quite surprised, but then he reacted, "By the way, Sister Baoyan stayed in Beijing and was sent to Shaanxi. Xianggong was the governor of Shaanxi. He must have known each other and helped the second girl Zhen. They?"

"I didn't know each other at first, but you should know that Yun girl and Qin Keqing were also sent to Shaanxi to be with Miss Zhener and the others, so I got to know each other and helped them along the way. Without care, it is difficult for them to survive.”

  Feng Ziying is telling the truth. Without her own care, these women must have been reduced to the playthings of the local dignitaries in Shaanxi. Not to mention being ravaged to death, the days of being humiliated can kill people.

Li Qi's heart trembled slightly. She also thought of her own and her sister's life experience. If she hadn't followed Feng Ziying, would she have waited for the court's decree to inquire about the crime, and her uncle would be imprisoned, and she and her sister would have been exiled like Miss Zhen Er and the others? land?

   If there is no one to take care of them, wouldn't they have the same tragic fate?

Noticing the change in Li Qi's face, Feng Ziying hugged Li Qi even tighter: "Okay, stop thinking about it, since you have already followed me, I will naturally not treat you poorly, just follow me well, as for you going to see Zhen Big girl, that's up to you, I guess this big girl Zhen still has some thoughts, she avoided your sister and chose you, I guess I think you are submissive and easy to talk to."

  Li Qi pursed his lips and nodded, "Maybe it's because my sister has a tougher temper and can't rub the sand in her eyes. Sister Baochen has a normal relationship with her..."

"Well, if, I mean, if Miss Zhen really wants to put forward some ideas and opinions, such as asking you to bring a message, or to raise some conditions, you can just listen, and you don't have to refuse. Presumably with the wisdom of Miss Zhen, I won't embarrass you too much." Feng Ziying pondered and said: "Actually, I also need such a channel to contact the Zhen family. I am not suitable to meet Zhen Yingjia, but Miss Zhen will bring the message through you. I am happy to see it succeed. .”

  Although Li Qi is soft-tempered, he is not unreasonable in the world. The Li family's double beauties in Jinling City are known for their talents, so of course they understand this.

"The concubine understands, but my husband, is the imperial court really going to deal with the Zhen family?" Li Qi felt a little Meng Lang when he asked, covered his mouth, and wanted to explain, but Feng Ziying pulled his hand away and kissed the corner of Li Qi's mouth lightly .

There is a beauty mole above the corner of Li Qi's mouth, it is not big, but it is very charming. It makes Li Qi, who is originally dignified and elegant, a bit more seductive and charming. Feng Ziying especially likes this beauty mole, and feels that Li Qi's charm is completely different A change, so a kiss.

"Okay, you're already my master's pillow. Even if you ask a question or two that shouldn't be asked, can you still be upset and punish you?" Feng Ziying's hand slipped under Li Qi's lapel again, and when Li Qi was soft and warm The soft abdomen moved up and down, and Li Qi was moved and moved.

"Master, I can't, I can't be here. If my sister finds out, I will scold my concubine to death... and my concubine will go too. If Sister Baochen sees the clue like this, then my concubine will not be able to see her." I'm dead." The heavy panting sound slowly rose, and the sweat towel around Li Qi's waist was untied, like a white snake writhing in Feng Ziying's arms, Feng Ziying was also a little confused.

  It has been more than a month since I came out, except for the occasional temporary emergency of You Sanjie, there are only sisters Coco Li and Li Qi who have just moved into the house.

   In the past few days, the second daughter, Yugua, has just broken out, and Feng Ziying is at the time when her heart is itching, and she will inevitably have to toss a lot.

  Li Qi was weaker, so he had to let loose on Coco Li. Who would have thought that Coco Li would come again, and only Li Qi, who had been hurt a lot, was left.

   Fortunately, Li Qi has also recuperated for a few days, and he has almost recovered. Naturally, Feng Ziying does not want to wrong herself.

   "Well, let's let you go for now, and I will love you more after you come back tonight." Feng Ziying also knew that now is not the right time, and he also wanted to know what Miss Zhen wanted Li Qi to tell him.

   Zhen Baochen and Li Qi made an appointment to meet at Lingying Temple.

  It is next to Wulong Lake, the scenery is very good, and the weather is also very suitable.

  So when Li Qi came to Lingying Temple in a carriage, he was in a good mood.

   Zhen Baochen came with Zhen Baoyu.

  Since they already hold the mentality of whoever will go to **** if I don’t, Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu have already discussed at home that Feng Ziying should help the Zhen family at all costs.

   It is not extravagant to keep the family property, but to keep the life of the family.

   After repeated deliberations at home, and after Zhen Yingjia inquired around through her own channels, she finally came to a conclusion similar to that of Jia Jing.

I am afraid that there are as many people in and outside Nanjing, in Nanzhili and even in Jiangnan, looking forward to the Zhen family falling to the ground and then jumping up to step on it, and many of them are eager to put the Zhen family to death, especially the Zhen brothers. , no one wants them to survive, and the sooner they are disposed of, the better, so as to avoid future troubles.

  Under such circumstances, Zhen Yingjia could only agree to Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu's visit.

Zhen Yingjia couldn't even refuse her daughter and niece's proposal. If possible, they should enter Feng's house as soon as possible, so as to prevent the Zhen family from becoming prisoners once the imperial court orders, and the two of them are not even qualified to enter Feng's house. Wife, then really can only do nothing.

  The Lingying Temple was built during the Zhengtong period of the previous Ming Dynasty. The Taoist priests basically came from the Chaotian Palace, which can be regarded as the lower court of the Chaotian Palace.

  Because praying for rain is quite effective, there have been many pilgrims coming and going here.

   When Li Qi saw Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu coming out of the carriage, he also rushed forward to meet them.

   "Sister Baochen, Baoyu."

"Long time no see, Sister Qi." Zhen Baochen stepped forward and took Li Qi's hand, and looked Li Qi's expression up and down. It could be seen that Li Qi was in a good mood, and there was a bit of shyness mixed with joy in his brows. The embarrassment and shame of his uncle sending him into Feng's house as a concubine.

"Yes, Sister Baochen, you seldom come back after you married in Huizhou, and we seldom saw each other after you came back. In my impression, it seems that Sister Baochen came back the year before last, and we only met once when we went outing on Qingliang Mountain, but Baoyu's side We still see each other from time to time." Li Qi also held Zhen Baochen's hand with a sincere expression.

"That's right, life is like this, separation and reunion, reunion, reunion, gathering and dispersing, can't be shifted by our will." Zhen Baochen said leisurely: "If it wasn't for something, how could we meet at this time and at this place? Woolen cloth?"

Li Qi had a strange expression on her face. She didn't expect Zhen Baochen to pick up the topic as soon as he came, and she pondered for a while before saying, "Sister Baochen's appointment with my younger sister has something to do with the current situation of the Zhen family? Or did she hear about my sister and I?" matter?"

   Zhen Baochen nodded slightly, "I didn't expect you two sisters to be so willing for the Li family..."

"No, Sister Baochen, the outside world has misunderstood it. This matter has nothing to do with my uncle. It is purely my sister's and my own idea. My sister even went to find Uncle Jia Shi on her own initiative..." A blush flashed across Li Qijiao's cheeks. Suddenly, there was a hint of stubbornness and calmness, "My sister and I don't regret it."

   Zhen Baochen was taken aback, carefully observed Li Qi's facial expression, and asked tentatively: "No regrets? My sister said..."

"My sister and I are both voluntary. It is very good for my husband to take me and my sister. In a sense, my career may even be affected by my sister and me, but my husband said that he does not regret it. Even if it is a new start, He also chose to do the same." Li Qi's words were both proud and sad.

   Zhen Baochen was also a little moved. Anyway, even if Feng Ziying is really lustful, but he dares to ignore the influence of his official career and accept the second daughter as a concubine, but this is enough to overwhelm too many men.

  Looking at the man I married again, just because the Zhen family implicated them, he abandoned himself without any remembrance. How big is the contrast?

   "Then sister wants to wish my sister finally met a good man worthy of entrustment." Zhen Baochen said meaningfully: "I hope this man will not disappoint."

  Li Qi's beautiful eyes flickered, "My sister wants to see my younger sister this time, but what is there to ask for? It's just that my younger sister is very soft-spoken, and when I first entered Feng's residence, my younger sister would not dare to do many things..."

"Sister, just don't worry, my sister will not make it difficult for my younger sister." Zhen Baochen also understands that people like Li Wei and Li Qi who enter Feng's mansion in this way, even if they are really accepted as concubines, it is impossible to obtain Feng's concubine in a short time. Keng has a lot of respect and recognition, and maybe even just thinks that he is serving others with color.

  All she had to do was ask Li Qi to help her lead the way, so that she could meet Feng Keng.

She didn't believe that Feng Keng would be indifferent if he put the entire property of the Zhen family in front of him. If this man really turned a blind eye to money and silver, then there would be herself and Bao Yu. She wanted to see what this man was like. what a man.

"It's good that Sister Baochen can understand my little sister's difficulties." Li Qi breathed a sigh of relief, "My little sister doesn't know much about the outside world, but there are rumors that someone from the imperial court is coming to Nanjing to handle related matters. The Zhen family, I don't know if it's true or not,..."

   "Then sister Qi asked Mr. Feng, are these rumors true or false?" Zhen Baochen looked into Li Qi's eyes and asked.

  Li Qi nodded calmly, "I asked, but my husband didn't answer directly, he only said that if there is a cause, there must be an effect, and if there is an effect, there must be a cause."

   Zhen Baochen's heart sank. Although he didn't answer directly, the meaning implied was self-evident. The Zhen family was in danger.

"Sister Qi, Ming people don't speak dark words. Between you and me, sister will not be polite. I beg you to do something. I want to see Master Feng. Today is the best time..." Zhen Baochen took a deep breath In one breath, "The Zhen family is in great trouble, and we can't wait any longer. The only way to save him is to see Mr. Feng."

  (end of this chapter)

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