Number of People

Chapter 2422: The Guizi scroll is imminent, and the thunder is ready to go

  Chapter 2422 The Guizi scroll is imminent, and the thunder is ready to go

   Li Qi was taken aback. Although the husband had reminded herself before, Zhen Baochen was so straightforward that she was still shocked.

   "Sister, my husband is very busy now, and I have to see a lot of people every day. I am afraid that my younger sister will not dare to promise these things for him at will. Please forgive me, Sister Baochen." Li Qi shook his head.

"Sister understands my sister's difficulties. If I take the liberty to ask for a meeting, it will definitely have some impact. That's why I first passed on my sister's word of mouth to Mr. Feng. It is up to Mr. Feng to decide whether to see or not." Zhen Baochen solemnly said, "No matter what the result is, my sister will not feel resentful because of this, please rest assured."

Li Qi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My sister said that, if the younger sister still evades, it would seem that the younger sister is hypocritical, but if Sister Baochen wants to see her husband, she must have some suitable words to bring to him, otherwise the husband If you refuse, it will hurt my sister's feelings."

"Alright, then please ask my younger sister to bring a word to Master Feng. The Zhen family is willing to do its best to cooperate with Master Feng in dealing with the Jiangnan affairs. Everything in the Zhen family, no matter what it is, is willing to be handled by the Lord. I only hope that the Lord can let go of it." There is a way for the Zhen family to survive..." Zhen Baochen gritted his teeth and pretended to beg, "This way of survival does not mean that the Zhen family has any other extravagant hopes, but it is a real chance for the whole family to survive, and there is no other extraneous idea."

   Zhen Baochen's words frightened Li Qi, everything that can be given, no matter what, and what is asked is only to save the lives of the Zhen family.

"Sister Baochen, is this what you want?" Li Qi quickly supported Zhen Baochen, his face full of shock, "The imperial court did not take any action against the Zhen family. Now that the new emperor is enthroned, how can he get to the bottom of it? Is my sister too sensitive?"

Zhen Baochen shook his head, "Sister Qi, you don't know something. During the puppet dynasty, the Zhen family may have been too high-profile and too popular, and many people were dissatisfied. Now that the situation has turned sharply, naturally there are countless people who want to make trouble. Swallowing up the Zhen family, my sister is not scaremongering, but really, you just need to bring these words to Master Feng, and make it clear that this is what our Zhen family said sincerely, and there is no trickery to deceive."

  Beside Zhen Baoyu also took a step forward, and bowed solemnly: "Sister Qi, what the eldest sister said is the unanimous opinion of the Zhen family. If you don't believe me, please ask Mr. Feng to send someone to verify the proof immediately. There is no lie."

  Seeing that Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu are so eager and dignified, Li Qi may also realize that the Zhen family is really facing a huge crisis, and it may even be a disaster of destroying the family.

  She and the Zhen sisters had a little friendship before, and in her heart, she also felt the sorrow of the rabbit dying and the fox.

  Now my sisters can barely get away and become concubines for Feng Ziying, but her uncle is still a prisoner, and the fate of the Li family is still undecided, waiting for the final disposition of the court.

  Under this situation, Li Qi still hopes deep in his heart that the Zhen family can get rid of bad luck, which will also bring a good omen to the Li family.

  Thinking of this, Li Qi also stood up to support the Zhen sisters, "My sister has said so, what else can I say? I will tell my husband when I go back, please make sure to arrange a time to see you."

Zhen Baochen took Li Qi's hand and shook his head: "Sister Qi, I'm afraid it's too late. My sister wants to go back to Feng's residence with Qimei. My sister and Bao Yu are waiting for Qimei to report to Master Feng at the gatehouse of Feng's residence. I'll see you sooner or later."

   I didn't expect Zhen Baochen to make such a request. He was so impatient that he already disregarded the rules of etiquette. This shows the urgency of this matter. Li Qi hesitated for a while, looking at Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu's pleading faces, in the end he couldn't wipe his face off and could only nod in agreement.

Seeing Li Qi's agreement, Zhen Baochen felt a little relieved. He really wanted to wait for Li Qi to go back and tell him. He didn't know how long he was dragged away by Feng Ziying. His father also went to Feng's residence to post several times before, but there was no news. Now he is so forced Lai was in the concierge of Feng's house, and Feng Ziying, looking at the face of the new concubine, might give her some face.

  As long as they can meet each other, Zhen Baochen believes that he can persuade the other party, no matter what conditions the other party asks, he dares to agree.

  The imperial court can get nothing more than these things from the Zhen family, and the Zhen family can even give more. No one has a better understanding of the situation in the south of the Yangtze River than the Zhen family.

  Since it was agreed, the Zhen sisters simply got into Li Qi's carriage directly. This is the latest luxury carriage, which was "lend" to Feng Ziying by a salt merchant in Nanjing city together with Feng Ziying's mansion.

  Feng Ziying had no intention of buying a mansion in Nanjing. After all, she rarely came here, and her ancestral home was not here. Most of her visits to Jiangnan were in Yangzhou, Suzhou, and Ningbo. On the contrary, she seldom came to Nanjing.

   It doesn't seem very useful to buy a mansion here, but this time I will live for a few months, so it is not suitable to live in a post house.

   Someone is willing to borrow it, and Feng Ziying will not be hypocritical. Only those who know the basics are qualified to lend it to Xiao Feng Shilang, so there is no need for any sequelae.

Feng Ziying's temporary residence is on Zhuque Street, next to Qingping Bridge, next to Liugong Temple, and not too far from Jinling Government Office and Shangyuan County Government Office. It is considered the most prosperous place in the city. The Xi'an Gate, which is closer to the old Nanjing Old Imperial City, is not far behind.

  The old imperial city of Nanjing is actually the old imperial city that followed the Ming Dynasty. After Emperor Taihe proclaimed himself emperor, he temporarily set his capital in Nanjing, and then used the old imperial city as usual.

  There is also the Forbidden City and government offices inside, but later the capital was moved to the capital, and the imperial city and the Forbidden City here were free.

  The six yamen, Hanlin Academy, Garrison Mansion, Taimiao, and Sheji Altar in the imperial city were preserved, but such as Zhan Shifu and Tai Hospital were gradually abolished, so the impoverishment inside and outside the imperial city gradually began.

  For example, the areas occupied by the original Habayashi Left Prison, Habayashi Right Prison, and Inner Palace Prisons were abandoned.

  Feng Ziying thinks it looks like a large and good area, why can't it let go of development? This is the lack of economic ideas.

  Let the wealthy people in South Zhili also come to buy land and see houses in this most central area, which can not only prosper the city, but also increase the income of the government.

Of course, the Forbidden City is not available for the time being. After all, once the emperor visits the south, it will be the palace, and the idea of ​​the southern capital is still preserved. It was discarded.

When Li Qi, Zhen Baochen and the others arrived at Qingping Bridge, they could see horse-drawn carriages and sedan chairs parked outside this mansion on Zhuque Street from a long distance away, and there were also some war horses tied to the temporary horse-holding posts around it, which showed the bustle of the place. .

   Needless to say, this must be Feng Ziying's temporary residence.

   Zhen Baochen knew that this place was the residence of Cao Guilu, the most famous salt merchant in Nanjing. Cao Guilu was not usually in Nanjing, but in Yangzhou, and rarely came back to Nanjing.

  However, this villa is often borrowed by people to hold receptions and poetry parties, especially in March when they go out to enjoy the flowers.

   Of course, it is not an ordinary person who can borrow a house from Cao Guilu. The Zhen family has also borrowed a house, so Zhen Baochen is no stranger.

  Looking at the grooms and entourage crowding outside the gate, you can see how many people came to Feng Ziying's side to meet, and Zhen Baochen gained a little bit of confidence.

  The carriage did not go through the main entrance, but through the side door, and drove straight into a small courtyard in the side door, where the stables were located.

I have to say that the luxury of this house is a stable and a courtyard for parking carriages. It is also very elegantly built, with white walls and green tiles. The courtyard is all paved with neat bluestone slabs. Impressive scene.

After getting off the carriage, after a little hesitation, Li Qi said: "Sister Baochen and Baoyu don't have to wait in the porter's room anymore, let's sit in the little girl's courtyard, and drink a cup of tea to warm up, little girl here Let people go to the flower hall and Xianggong's study to watch, if the guests have left Xianggong and have not yet received them, I will send people to report, I will speak to Xianggong first."

   Both Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu were moved.

  This is Li Qi's responsibility.

  She is just a concubine who has just entered the mansion, and it is fine to bring people into the mansion, but it is absolutely against the rules to make such a claim. If you meet those fastidious men, you may be offended.

   From this point of view, either Feng Ziying has a good temper, or Li Qi is extremely favored by his side, of course, it may be both, and the Zhen sisters probably prefer the latter.

   It's not for nothing that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's reputation spread far and wide. Such a handsome and suave man treats his own women very well.

   "Sister Qi, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. My sister and Bao Yu will keep this friendship in their hearts." Both Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu expressed their thanks again.

  Li Qi quickly waved his hand, and after a few words of modesty, he called the servant girl and told him to go to the front and watch.

  Feng Ziying is indeed very busy.

The return of Sun Dingxiang and the arrival of Yang Lian meant that all the work had to be carried out, and many things in the early stage were handled by Feng Ziying alone. Now it is not an easy job to make these people familiar with these situations and get started quickly. Son.

   In addition, it involves dealing with these local tyrants. In case of emergency, it is necessary to communicate with the garrison and provide some soldiers to help stabilize the scene, and **** the prisoners and seized property.

At the same time, the sites of the prisons of the Nanjing Inner Palace and the treasuries of the Inner Palace have also been vacated, and they are going to be used for detaining prisoners and piling up seized property. This is also a very heavy and troublesome job. Clear up the registration one by one and implement it as soon as possible, otherwise once the action is taken, it will be too late to make arrangements.

  (end of this chapter)

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