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Chapter 2423: The Guizi scroll orders Jiangnan, and no one dares not to obey

  Chapter 2423 Guizi Juan orders Jiangnan, dare not follow

  So when she was almost busy, Feng Ziying already felt hungry and the sky was about to get dark.

   At this time, Li Qi's words came to Feng Ziying's ears.

Seeing Li Qi's nervous and worried appearance, Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it just that the second daughter of the Zhen family wants to see me? It's no big deal. It doesn't matter if I see you or not. It won't affect the overall situation. The court has everything about the Zhen family It's hard for me to change anything, what do I say when I see you? Say I'm sorry, or I can't help? It seems a bit unpleasant, sister Qi won't complain about her husband, right?"

Li Qi shook his head again and again, "Why is this concubine so ignorant of the current affairs? Is it something that people like this concubine can interfere with the grand plans of the court? I just met Sister Baochen according to what my husband said, but she said it sincerely and swore that she would definitely do it." Satisfied my husband, that's why I am a concubine..."

   "Satisfactory for me?" Feng Ziying showed a smirk on her face, "My husband's appetite is very big and tricky. What conditions can she offer on behalf of the Zhen family to satisfy me?"

   "She said that everything can be handed over, just to protect the lives of their family." Li Qi was so nervous that his face turned pale, and he clenched his fists, looking at Feng Ziying.

   "Everything can be handed over? Is this what Zhen Baochen said? How many brothers can she represent Zhen Yingjia?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised. If Zhen Yingjia had made such a decisive decision earlier, how could it have been delayed until now?

   "It was Sister Baochen who said it. She is willing to offer everything, but only for the safety of the family." Li Qi nodded repeatedly.

Feng Ziying's eyes moved slightly, "It seems that Miss Zhen still has some knowledge, probably because she feels that Jiangnan is already the tomb of their Zhen family, and countless people who don't know each other are hoping that their Zhen family will be completely finished, and the court also has This means that countless people are contributing to the flames, looking forward to the death of their family, sister Qi, what do you think should be done?"

   Li Qi was shocked, subconsciously folded his hands together, hugging his chest, "Sir, what should we do then? Could it be that we just watched Sister Baochen and the others..."

Feng Ziying stood up ponderingly, walked around the study, and finally shook her head: "Since she knows the situation of the Zhen family, or has predicted the future outcome of the Zhen family, I don't want to see her again. , it only hurts people's hearts, why bother?"

Li Qi's eyes turned red, and he couldn't help but stepped forward to look at Feng Ziying, "Sister, has it really not changed? Sister Baochen said that you must see her, and she also said that the Zhen family can give the court everything it can get. many things,…”

"More things? Does the Zhen family have more things that the court can't get by themselves?" Feng Ziying sneered and asked back, but then realized something, her eyebrows moved slightly, and she thought for a while before slowly saying: "Forget it, I'll just meet her and give her a cup of tea, if I can't be persuaded, then I have no choice but to ask her to leave."

Thinking of the endless nostalgia brought about by Zhen Baoyan's song, Cheng Huan, and Cheng Huan's sweet cry under her crotch that night in Xi'an, Feng Ziying decided to give the second daughter of the Zhen family a chance to speak, but will they be able to seize this opportunity, or can they propose? Feng Ziying doesn't hold out much hope for something she is convinced.

  The matter has come to this point, everything is clear, what else can be hidden?

  Under the general trend, no one can change much. One force will reduce ten times. In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies, tricks, tricks and tricks are jokes, which only add to the jokes.

   But from the bottom of her heart, Feng Ziying still hopes that the Zhen sisters will give herself a surprise, what if? Maybe I can gather all the three jewels of the Zhen family and have a feast of beauty?

   Zhen Baochen's hands were cold, but they were all moist, and so was Zhen Baoyu.

Li Qi didn't hide anything, or it was Feng Ziying's instruction. He conveyed all the words, and the sisters of the Zhen family felt chills, especially Feng Ziying's sentence: "Countless people hope that the Zhen family will die, and the court also has this intention, and there are countless others. People push the waves and add fuel to the flames", directly breaking the defense of Zhen Baochen, who has always been calm.

  She thought about this, and she was not afraid to say it to her father, but when she got this confirmation from Feng Ziying, she couldn't accept it.

   Is all this going to become true?

   No, never!

  This is the first time that sisters Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu have met this well-known Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, Xiao Feng Supervisor, Xiao Feng Shilang, who is well-known in the capital, maybe in the future it will be Xiao Feng Shangshu, Xiao Feng Ge Lao?

   Who made this guy too young?

She was dressed in a very elegant and well-fitting blue cloth robe, her black hair was **** casually, and a white jade hairpin was inserted horizontally. She looked calmly with a bit of domineering gaze, with a bit of exploration and consideration, without any concealment. Just looking at it like this, looking up and down, but it doesn't give people the feeling of being rude. The condescending aura seems to be born with it, which makes people naturally accept the status of the inferior.

  Feng Ziying was also looking at the two girls.

  The woman in the lead was tall but plump, with a rhythmic body as she walked in without haste. Even when she came to ask for help, she still maintained a very elegant and peaceful demeanor.

Dressed in a camellia-yellow brocade dress with flowers and moonflowers, and a lake-blue peony bijia with woven gold branches, the pair of buds on the chest are slightly tucked away, making it extraordinarily tall and straight, but Feng Ziying knows this woman in this outfit It's not easy, it's specially prepared, and it's promising, but Feng Ziying likes it.

   There is no one who doesn't like a woman who dresses up for herself, no matter what the purpose of this woman is, it doesn't matter, this is the privilege of a big man.

  A milky white pure black double satin cloak was taken off when entering the room.

  Beautiful appearance, beautiful and heavenly fragrance, amazing, this is the first impression given to Feng Ziying.

  The face is somewhat similar to that of Yuan Chun, it is the kind of magnificent Guanyin face like a hibiscus, rosy in the white, majestic in the phoenix eyes, with a bit of heroism in the charm.

Those lips are more similar to those of Yuan Chun, they are the kind of plump and thin lips that are not too big or small, completely different from the cherry lips of Baochai, Daiyu, Yingchun, Yuanyang, Qingwen, etc., and also similar to Xiuyan, Li Wan, Jin Chuan'er's slightly slender willow lips are different.

If you want to arrange the lips of the women around you in order from plump to thin, then Busia Mara, Wang Xifeng, You Er, You San, and Siqi are all in one dimension. Xizhihuan's Mu Liushi also belongs to this category, a typical plump and plump type.

Then there are Yuanchun, Tanchun, Pinger, Hongyu, Zicuckoo, Yinger, and Xueyan. The diamond shape is slightly wider, plump and thin, the width is the most even, and the most photogenic. They all belong to this type of mouth shape, but Yuanchun, Tan Chun and the Zhen Baochen in front of me both belong to this type of plump lips, while Ping'er, Zijuan and others have petite lips, but generally speaking, they all belong to diamond lips.

Then there are Baochai, Daiyu, Yingchun, Yuanyang, Qingwen, Xiangling, Yunshang, Lingguan, etc., all of which are red lips and small lips, which are also the cherry blossoms that are most in line with the aesthetics of women in this era. lip.

In addition, such as Li Wan, Xiuyan, Jin Chuan'er, and Zhen Baoyan, all belong to the slender willow-leaf lips. This kind of lip shape gives people a cold and reserved atmosphere, which can only be seen from a distance and not played with. But it is easier to evoke a man's sense of conquest.

  Feng Ziying praised secretly in her heart, she deserves to be the head of the Zhen family's three jades, and she deserves such a brilliant name.

  The other woman was slightly thinner than this Zhen Baochen, and several years younger, probably about the same as Li Qi, but her appearance was different from Zhen Baochen.

The outline of this woman's cheeks is very prominent, the facial lines are clear, and the bones are distinct. Feng Ziying is a little dazed at first glance. Why is she so similar to the movie star Di Lieba in her previous life, but this woman's jaw is slightly softer and plumper. A little less heroic, a little more soft.

  But the second daughter is obviously dominated by the elder Zhen Baochen, Feng Ziying's eyes still return to Zhen Baochen.

  Although Zhen Baoyu's face with Di Lieba was very attractive and made him want to take a closer look, his reason still allowed him to control his emotions.

   "Bao Chen (Bao Yu) has met Mr. Feng." The two girls were all blessed at the same time.

  Theoretically, these two daughters are also considered official women, so it is inappropriate to come to see Feng Ziying like this, and it is also even more inappropriate for Feng Ziying to meet the second daughter of the Zhen family.

  But the other party took this path out of desperation and desperation, while Feng Ziying didn't care.

   The life and death power of the Zhen family is in his hands, or the fate of the Zhen family is fixed, it doesn't matter if he sees or not, even if he puts the two girls to sleep tonight, and then sends them out to lift his pants, no one cares.

  Even if the censor knows, even if the evidence is convincing, he still doesn’t bother to ask. He is a high-ranking official of the third rank, and the imperial envoy travels to deal with Jiangnan affairs. Before Gu Bingqian arrived, he and Sun Chengzong were respected. What do you mean by sleeping with your convicts?

  Any blind censor who wants to go to bullets for this will have to be spat on by the cabinet ministers and his superiors—all censors, and then reply with a word—fatigued and full.

"Exemption." Feng Ziying waved her hand casually, her face was indifferent, but her tone was a little indifferent: "Miss Zhen and Miss Zhen, right? I have a friendship with Miss Zhen in Xi'an, which can be regarded as fate. This time Li Qi Let me tell you that you want to see me, um, it’s time, I don’t want to fool you, the imperial court’s strategy has been set, I’m afraid it’s hard to make any changes, even if I’m just an executor, so I can only say sorry, Aimo can't help."

   As soon as he came, he sealed the conversation, there was no room for maneuver, Zhen Baochen's complexion was pale, and his heart fell violently, and Zhen Baoyu was even more precarious.

Zhen Baochen's silver teeth almost bit his red lips, his eyes were clear, he looked directly at the other person, took a step, and suddenly knelt down in front of Feng Ziying: "Baochen begged my lord to let more than a hundred members of the Zhen family live. The family is willing to hand over everything in the family, Bao Chen and Bao Yu are willing to serve pillow mats, serve as slaves and handmaids, willingly,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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