Number of People

Chapter 2432: Gui character scroll women's thoughts, elusive

  Chapter 2432 The woman's mind is hard to fathom

   "Master Feng is going to Songjiang, what do you do?" Zhen Baochen actually wanted to ask what we should do, but she was afraid of causing misunderstanding by the Li sisters, so she asked this way.

   Coco Li is calmer than Li Qi, but she is also very worried, but she can also feel Zhen Baochen's anxiety.

   "It's not good for us to intervene in this kind of matter, but Sister Baochen, you can ask." Li Wei said calmly.

   Zhen Baochen pretended to hesitate, "Okay? I'm afraid Mr. Feng might misunderstand something, so that's not good. Now that Bao Yu and I say that living here is not considered a sojourn, it should be regarded as hostages, right?"

Coco Li smiled inwardly, but remained calm on the surface, "Miss Baochen misunderstood my husband's intentions when she said that. Didn't you and Bao Yu stay here and say so? I'm afraid of being exposed when I go back. In addition, I also want to express my respect to your father." They are in danger, . . . "

   Zhen Baochen could hear a hint of vigilance hidden behind Coco Li, but he was very disdainful in his heart.

  Compared to Li Qi's simplicity, Li Coco is more sophisticated, but for me, Li Coco and Li Qi are not enough to see, how I will take the next step does not depend on Li Coco and Li Qi, but on Feng Ziying.

  Now the Zhen family is in a situation where there is no retreat. The life and death of the Zhen family depends entirely on the court's views and intentions on the Zhen family, and Feng Ziying can play a key role in this.

  As my father said, the Zhen family must win Feng Ziying's approval, no matter what means they use.

Otherwise, the final outcome of the Zhen family will be nothing more than a dead rabbit and a dead dog. When all available space is used up, it will be thrown away like a piece of toilet paper, and may even be pushed out. The target of the imperial court's retaliation against the powerful family.

"Forget it, when Master Feng returns home today, I should go see Master Feng." Zhen Baochen looked sad, as if he shrank a lot, then looked at Zhen Baoyu and said: "Baoyu, the fate of the Zhen family may There will be a result within this month, and I don't know what the Zhen family will become."

It was still Li Qi who couldn't bear it: "Sister Baochen, my husband is not as ruthless as you imagined, but the Zhen family is involved in a lot of things, and he may not have more choices. You can still talk to your husband, maybe he will help you." The Zhen family came up with some better ideas."

   Zhen Baochen was slightly moved by Li Qi's kindness, but she believed that it would be difficult to persuade Feng Ziying to make a decision that was beneficial to the Zhen family with words alone, and she had to "talk" with him.

  Feng Ziying took the maple tea offered by Zhen Baochen very leisurely. He was dressed in plain robes and revealed a sense of relaxation after busy work.

Zhen Baochen changed into a satin skirt with moon white embroidered narcissus flowers and lotus root silk. This is not her dress, but Coco Li's. Because she lived here for two days, she did not have time to send it from home, so she could only temporarily borrow it from Coco Li. Wen's.

  Li Qi has a slimmer figure, similar to Zhen Baoyu, and the two girls can change their clothes.

   And Zhen Baochen is about the same as Coco Lee, but Zhen Baochen is slightly taller, but this kind of floor-length skirt has little effect.

   "What are you worried about?" Feng Ziying took a sip, put down the tea cup, and asked.

   "It's not just the concubine who is worried, but the sisters Coco Li and Li Qi are also very worried." Zhen Baochen didn't answer directly, and cleverly brought the topic to Coco Li Qi first.

  She feels that Feng Ziying prefers to talk in a relaxed atmosphere, so maybe the effect will be better.

   "Really? What are the two sisters worried about? Worried that I will abandon them forever?" Feng Ziying glanced at Zhen Baochen, "Do you have no confidence in yourself?"

   Zhen Baochen pretended to sigh softly. She couldn't even tell whether Feng Ziying was referring to the Li sisters or herself, because she noticed the burning sparkle in Feng Ziying's eyes looking at herself.

   Zhen Baochen didn't know what his future would be like.

  In any case, the Zhen family can no longer be like the past, and she is very clear about the fate of this married woman who has been divorced.

  Even if the Zhen family is the same as before, and I am also embarrassed, I will be in a difficult situation in the Zhen family, let alone the current precarious situation of the Zhen family, facing collapse.

  Where is your future?

  She was confused.

  Of course she understands the thoughts of her father and uncle, and even she does not object, resist, or entangle. A divorced woman, a family that is on the verge of destruction, what qualifications does it have to consider other things?

  The only thing that makes her uncomfortable is that she doesn't know how to position herself and what will happen in the future even if she becomes like the Li sisters?

   Is she really reduced to a woman who sells her flesh and **** to please men?

   It seems that this is not what I expected. The question is do I have a choice?

   It seems not, the choice is on the other side.

  But I seem to be able to fight for something through performance, so that the other party will not see me as a woman who only pleases men in the bed.

   "My lord, do you have any consideration for the future of the Zhen family?" Zhen Baochen asked softly.

   "The Zhen family? Or you and your sister?" Feng Ziying asked back.

   Zhen Baochen blushed slightly, and took a deep breath, "Which sister are you asking me? Baoyan, or Baoyu?"

  Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Oh, Baoyan or Baoyu? Why, do you know Baoyan's current situation?"

"It's not very clear, but my father said that Baoyan will return to the capital soon, and he seems to be very confident. The concubine is thinking, Shui Rong spends his days getting drunk, and the Mu family is also silent. In the past, the four kings' families basically It is certain that there will be no day to stand up again, so how can Bao Yan have such strong confidence? Besides, the case of the Shui family has not yet been finalized, how can Bao Yan return to the capital as a convict?"

   Zhen Baochen's gaze was somewhat indescribably blurred, perplexed, and bewildered, as well as somewhat unpredictable.

"On that day, my lord inadvertently said that because of Bao Yan and Li Qi's face, the concubine was in such a mess at the time that I didn't pay attention to it. I only realized it afterwards. Bao Yan is the second sister's boudoir name. How can ordinary people know? It’s the second sister and the others who have settled down in Xi’an with the help of adults so that they won’t be bullied, but they shouldn’t even tell the adults their boudoir’s name, right?”

   "Oh? You are so careful, I let you find out just such a small omission, should I kill people to silence it?" Feng Ziying laughed.

"It's also worth killing people to silence. My lord seems to think too highly of my concubine's body." Zhen Baochen also laughed. I don't know what the relationship between adults and Baoyan is, it makes people daydream..."

  Feng Ziying was a little embarrassed, guessing that this woman was thinking too much. In her imagination, it was probably a cliché story of a hero saving the beauty and a beauty giving her body.

   Actually not.

  I didn't have too many emotional entanglements with Zhen Baozhen, it was just such a one-night relationship, um, it felt good, and then I left Xi'an, more like the feeling of not admitting it when I lifted my pants.

Maybe after returning to Beijing this time, Zhen Baozhen and Shuitang, as well as that Mu Tan and Mu Liushi, can continue their relationship, especially the enchanting wandering of Mu Liushi in the bed, which really makes him a little bit The memory is still fresh, but Zhen Baoyan is shy with a bit of flattery, two completely different feelings.

But at this time, Feng Ziying naturally had a serious face, "Young lady will know in the future. The fate of the Zhen family cannot be decided by me alone, and it depends on the subsequent development, but I am thinking that if the performance of the Tang family and the Ding family Exceeding expectations, maybe the fate of the Zhen family will be better than originally expected, but the eldest girl should not have too high expectations, after all, the Zhen family is too ostentatious, it is impossible for the other courts to deal with it, but the Zhen family can still Get away with it."

   Zhen Baochen was not too surprised by this, the new four must be destroyed, this is the court's bottom line.

  But there can be many theories about the destruction. The family is ransacked and the clan is killed, the exile is exiled, all family property is confiscated, and the children of later generations are deprived of all qualifications and reduced to pariah.

   Confiscated family property, but sent to exile, waiting for an amnesty, and then become an ordinary family, this is also a theory, and even find a new way in the future, get backing asylum, and make a comeback, it is the same theory.

"My lord, since the Zhen family is ready to cooperate with the imperial court, they naturally don't have too much hope. They just hope that the imperial court will give the Zhen family proper consideration for the sake of the Zhen family's full cooperation with the imperial court. Zhen Baochen pursed his lips and smiled, "On this point, I feel that Mr. Feng has the most right to speak, and I can completely communicate with Mr. Gu Ge and his party to strive for a result that the Zhen family deserves."

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, "The Zhen family has done what it is supposed to do and served the court, so I naturally have a duty to do so."

Before he knew it, Zhen Baochen had already walked behind Feng Ziying, a faint fragrance seemed to come from the back of Feng Ziying's head, and he pressed his hands on Feng Ziying's shoulders, "My lord has been working hard all day, maybe I'm tired, let me give you a massage for my lord. Relief from fatigue,..."

  Feng Ziying smiled, this one is quite interesting, "Miss Zhen, do you want to serve me?"

   Zhen Baochen trembled softly, but his tone became somewhat resentful and helpless, "Why should I serve the king? Maybe Baoyu can do it, or does your lord want me to be a concubine?"

  Feng Ziying raised her head slightly, but she couldn't see the woman behind her, "Outsider? You want to be my outsider? It's not impossible, but haven't you considered doing something on your own?"

Zhen Baochen's hands froze, and he subconsciously asked in surprise: "Do things by yourself? I'm a weak woman, what can I do? What's more, I'm a member of the Zhen family. After this incident, everyone hated our Zhen family. Do you want my concubine to die?"

  Feng Ziying laughed dumbfounded, and shook her head: "If I want you to die, do I need such a suggestion? Well, let's not mention this matter for now, maybe you won't think so in the future."

  (end of this chapter)

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