Number of People

Chapter 2433: The seeds of the Guizi scroll are sown, and the mind is sprouting

  Chapter 2433 The seeds of the Guizi scroll are sown, and the mind is sprouting

  Feng Ziying's cloudy words hit Zhen Baochen's heart all of a sudden, leaving her puzzled.

  She didn't know what Feng Ziying meant, and she couldn't imagine what Feng Ziying meant by "doing things independently"?

  Before, she had some fantasies that with her own wisdom, even if she was an outsider, she could still gain a firm foothold beside Feng Ziying, instead of simply relying on her beauty to win the favor of men.

She knew very well that with the collapse of the Zhen family, she was divorced by the Ding family, and that her life's destiny had been determined to be nothing to do with any glamorous glory, but to be replaced by humiliation and gloom, but that kind of life that was shrunk down all day long. The life of aging silently in any corner is not what she wants.

She also knows very well that even a woman like Bao Yu who has not been married to others may not be able to get a chance to be a concubine if she is sent to Feng's mansion. It's just an outside room, and it depends on whether she can win Feng Ziying's favor.

  So she has to think about how she will survive in the future, not only for the Zhen family, but also for herself.

  But Feng Ziying suddenly made such a nonsensical remark, but it suddenly planted a seed in her heart, which made her restless.

   Especially Feng Ziying's last sentence "You may not think so in the future" is even more imaginative. What exactly does he want to do by himself?

  Feng Ziying thinks this is very good. For a woman with scheming and ideas, you only need to give her a hope, and she will immediately enter the state, and her thinking will start to diverge and become active.

This is the case with Zhen Baochen. The looming relationship between herself and Zhen Baozhen must have made her very curious. There was a chance for this kind of thinking to ferment, and then she vaguely revealed the topic of outsider identity and "doing things independently" to her. , It can make her imagination run wild all at once.

This is also a woman who is unwilling to be mediocre. Both Zhen Baozhen and Zhen Baoyu are different from her, and it is interesting to enjoy such a woman. She will not be willing to serve others with color, but is more willing to use her own wisdom to prove to men her "" different".

Zhen Baochen didn't make a sound, but the movements of her hands showed that her state of mind was disturbed, and Feng Ziying felt even more amused, but that's fine, let her be troubled by this curiosity, doubt, and expectation. Thoughtful women taste better.

  Drawing Zhen Baochen's catkin over his shoulder, Zhen Baochen was pulled in front of Feng Ziying.

   Zhen Baochen's slender but plump figure looks very well-proportioned, but the moon white dress is matched with embroidered lace of lotus root silk. He knows that this is Coco Lee's dress, but it fits Zhen Baochen very well.

  Slightly flushed delicate dimple, a pair of phoenix eyes filled with shyness and complicated emotions, but in terms of movements, she did not refuse Feng Ziying's lead, perhaps she had already had the idea of ​​committing herself to others.

  Feng Ziying didn't struggle so much. Zhen Baochen sat in his arms around his wrist, raised Zhen Baochen's chin with one hand, looked at each other, and could hear his breath.

   "Do you think I'm too harsh and domineering?" Feng Ziying asked softly.

"No, in fact, I know that my lord has taken good care of me. The Zhen family has been blacklisted by the imperial court and is the head of the new four major households. The emperor and Tang Miu intend to sacrifice the gang of Jiangnan tyrants who worked for them in exchange for When the emperor's lineage and Tang Yao were accepted by the imperial court, it sealed the fate of the Zhen family."

Zhen Baochen saw it very clearly, "Without an adult giving us such a chance, maybe the entire Zhen family would have been imprisoned long ago. It’s just teaching people to do their best.”

   "Perhaps you and Bao Yu could become my confinement and plaything at a glance?" Feng Ziying asked jokingly as she kneaded Zhen Baochen's smooth and plump chin.

"Isn't that what you wish for? Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, Xiao Feng's supervisor, Xiao Feng's servant, maybe in the future, he will be the elder of Xiao Feng's house, but a criminal woman can become the prison of Xiao Feng's house, and maybe he can leave his name in history. Don't you feel satisfied?" Zhen Baochen's eyes lit up strangely.

  Feng Ziying laughed, but hugged this woman even tighter. She had to admit that this woman was too good at talking, which made people feel comfortable in the bottom of their hearts, "So you think so much about me?"

"My lord is not as old as a concubine, right? My concubine is already twenty-three years old." Zhen Baochen smiled sweetly, "But my lord is already a third-rank official. Before the age of thirty, it is natural for me to be a minister? What about forty years old?" Isn’t it normal for the old man and even the chief assistant? Is it not possible for a concubine to cling to a big tree, get sunshine occasionally, bloom herself, and leave a mark in the history?”

  Feng Ziying laughed loudly, "It's inevitable for a man to pursue fame, but a woman also wants to be famous in history?"

   "Why can't women do it? Whether it's a good wife, a confidante, or a generation of witches, the concubine actually enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by people and surrounded by eyes."

   Zhen Baochen found that this man had unknowingly brought up the topic in his heart, and this situation had never happened before.

  The sisters in the family are not good, and Ding Zhongzhen "respects each other like a guest" to himself. His father has never been in the mood to listen to himself saying these things, but he has never been able to tell anyone these words in his heart. Why did they gurgle out in front of this man?

"Oh?" Feng Ziying didn't expect this woman to dare to speak, but she found it more interesting in her heart. It is difficult to arouse his interest just by her beautiful appearance, and a woman with thoughts and ideas can make him more interested. "That's great, why not give it a try?"

"The concubine also wants to, but there must be such an opportunity and environment." Zhen Baochen said leisurely: "The concubine's biological mother died young, and the stepmother doesn't like the concubine very much. Father and the others are busy with their affairs, so how can they have the time and energy to take care of the concubine? Personal feelings? Married into the Ding family at the age of fourteen, but the Ding family was the same. Those few years were when the Ding family was busy expanding in Qimen. The brothers of the Ding family had no time to care about family affairs. In the Ding family, it seems that he has become a dispensable person, a display of the status of a young mistress..."

   "Oh, your biological mother died young? Are you not a compatriot, Bao Yan and Zhen Baoyu?" Feng Ziying actually knew it, but she still wanted to ask.

"Bao Yu and Bao Yu are siblings, but not concubines, but concubines and them, including Bao Yu, are very close." Zhen Baochen sighed, "Actually, a big family is like our sisters and brothers. A harmonious and close relationship is really rare, so I am very satisfied as a concubine."

   "You used to be very satisfied, but after following me, maybe you will feel that this world is so wonderful, and you can't wait to pursue more things hidden deep in your heart..."

  Feng Ziying's eyes were clear, and Zhen Baochen was distracted for a while by his confident expression.

  Such a mysterious man, in his early twenties, sat in a position that countless scholars would never be able to reach in his lifetime, and his various performances were amazing, which had a profound impact on the entire Jiangnan, and even the entire Great Zhou.

Whether she was in Ding's house or Zhen's house, hearing this man's name countless times made her ears calloused. When these people mentioned him, they all mentioned him in a sighing tone. If it is said that any woman is not interested in him , that is absolutely a lie.

   Now that I am actually sitting in this man's arms, having such an intimate flirt, thinking of this, Zhen Baochen's heart is filled with a burst of intoxication and trembling like crisp honey, and the ripples that arise bring bursts of moisture.

   "Ah?" Zhen Baochen's eyes were blurred, his delicate dimple was flushed, and his nose was whistling, Feng Ziying's magic palm had already passed through the skirt, the sweat towel was removed, and the small clothes were parted lightly,...

  Ecstasy, at this moment, so pitiful,...

Both Zhen Baochen and Feng Ziying were a little bit emotional at this time. Zhen Baochen felt like a deer, with his eyes half closed, his plump lips slightly turned up, and he was panting. Wen Liqi's room, but who can bear this situation?

  He simply picked up the woman with his hands and went straight into the house.

  This is his study, which is also the layout of the bedroom inside the outer study, which is convenient for taking a nap after work.

   This woman has matured enough to be picked. In Feng Ziying's view, although she is not as good as Wang Xifeng, who has given birth and raised children, she can enjoy herself as a wife for a long time.

  Who ever thought of the sword and the shoes, but it was painful, and it was extremely difficult to sweep the acupoints in the plow court.

   After hard work, Feng Ziying was a little puzzled, but such a bizarre story happened to him, but it also surprised him.

  Then Zhen Baochen obviously didn't quite understand, married for eight years, but now he is like a virgin, no, he is a virgin, what kind of situation is this?


"I don't know, either..." murmured, Zhen Baochen felt more tender and tender in pain, "Before she got married, my stepmother didn't teach me much, so she gave me two books and a colored sculpture. , the concubine only brought two personal maids there, they were still young and didn't understand,..."

"But..." Feng Ziying couldn't help making gestures, "Doesn't Ding Zhongzhen understand? He doesn't understand, and his family doesn't know either? And you have been married for eight years, and you are not pregnant. Can the Ding family not be suspicious? No Have invited a doctor?..."

   I really don't want to mention the name of the other party's ex-husband. This time is really too unpleasant, but I can't get around it. Is it impossible to use the maid to cover the bag every day?

"..., the concubine was still young for the first two years, so she didn't understand, and then..." Zhen Baochen couldn't help but feel ashamed, such things are really embarrassing, but the sudden enlightenment and comfort after the pain of being a woman for the first time still made her feel happy. Incomparably happy and joyful, "Later, Ding Zhongzhen..."

   Zhen Baochen and Ding Zhongzhen have been husband and wife for eight years, so it is naturally impossible to be unclear, "It's like..."

  Feng Ziying knew a little bit about it, and half jokingly said: "Spring silkworms, um, will they die until the silkworms die?"

  (end of this chapter)

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