Number of People

Chapter 2434: Gui character volume refers to the front of the soldiers, and the battle flag is hunt

  Chapter 2434 Gui character scroll pointed at the front of the soldiers, and the battle flag is hunting

   Zhen Baochen was ashamed, but felt that Feng Ziying's description was very accurate, so he could only lean his face on Feng Ziying's shoulder and touch his forehead to his shoulder to show his approval.

  Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head.

   No wonder Zhen Baochen was also confused.

Regardless of whether the stepmother asks, the Ding family probably knew about Ding Zhongzhen's problems long ago, and they didn't even marry a concubine. They looked like a husband and wife with deep affection, but they really kept Zhen Baochen in the dark, thinking that all men were like this, and the result was ambiguity Li has been confused for so many years.

   It's just that Zhen Baochen is also a young mistress after all, and there are two close maids. After all these years, there is no doubt at all?

"The Ding family also invited the doctor to have a look, but after checking the pulse, they said that the concubine's body is a bit cold, and Ding Zhongzhen's energy is also not smooth, so they all need to be recuperated..." Zhen Baochen was also very ashamed, and put his face in Feng Ziying's arms , turned into a strange voice: "The spring paintings and painted sculptures are just rough gestures and movements. Why did you talk about other things? In Ding's house, no one talked about this with the concubine. When I returned to my mother's house, Bao Yu was never married. I rarely come back, so..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help it anymore, she burst out laughing, causing the woman to beat her chest, but she pulled the wound again, the pain was so painful that tears almost came out.

"Okay, okay, don't move around, you are dying, who would have thought that you have been married to a woman for seven or eight years, and you don't even understand the relationship between husband and wife? You pretend to be smart and capable." Feng Ziying Finally he suppressed his smile, "This Ding Zhongzhen is also a wonderful person. Since there is a problem, why hide it? It also fooled you. If you don't understand, don't you dare to ask the women in the mansion? It's not easy to ask at the Ding's house, but it's also not easy to ask at the Zhen's house?"

Zhen Baochen blushed, frowned and endured the pain, pouted and said, "Such things, who has nothing to ask? How decent is it for people to know? It's useless to make people laugh. Besides, how can family members ask?" Who? My stepmother has always been cold-eyed and stern-faced, and the concubine is too lazy to take that anger, and most of the women in the mansion belong to her, so if I really want to ask, don't let it go to her ears?"

  Feng Ziying kneaded the woman's body, feeling happy. Although it is difficult to open up new land, this exclusive enjoyment does not have a special taste.

"I'm going to leave tomorrow, you guys can rest in the mansion." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "If the Tang family is really as we guessed, and it may even exceed our expectations, maybe I still have the Zhen family. If you can talk it over with the imperial court, it won’t be too embarrassing, but don’t have too much hope, who let the Zhen family come to be the head sheep and hit the jackpot.”

   Zhen Baochen's heart trembled slightly, and he raised his face, with a bit of expectation in his eyes, "Master, do you really think there is room for the Zhen family to relax?"

"It depends on the situation of Tang and Ding's family, as well as your expectations." Feng Ziying rubbed Zhen Baochen's plump buttocks, "I think it may be better than your most pessimistic results, better than your most optimistic expectations." Poor, let’s break it.”

But this result is already very good for Zhen Baochen, and she was overjoyed, the woman couldn't help offering her cherry lips and murmured: "That's enough, I just hope that the master will leave us with some hope, so that we won't be completely dismantled Just carve it up, then the Zhen family may really be completely over."

   "Hey, do you mean that your Zhen family has no reservations? Is this possible?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Can you still fool me?"

   Zhen Baochen pursed his lips and shook his head without saying a word. Under Feng Ziying's gaze, he would shake his hips and waist to show coquettish begging for mercy.

  Feng Ziying doesn't think too much about herself, so she won't delve into it further.

  Knowing that it would be a bit difficult for someone to force people to reveal how many family assets are hidden in the family.

  Even if Zhen Baochen knew about it, even if she had such a relationship with herself, she would not be able to say it, not to mention that she was a married daughter after all, Zhen Yingjia might not tell her these family secrets.

After a happy night, when Feng Ziying got up in the morning, she couldn't help being lucky again. Fortunately, although Zhen Baochen was also the first benefactor, she was also the most mature age in her twenties. It was inevitable that she would suffer more and make Feng Ziying happy .


  As soon as the Navy ships set off from Nanjing, they caught up with the strong wind. With the wind and the water going smoothly, the sails were set vigorously, and the speed of the ship was very fast.

  According to the plan, they will stay in Chongmingsha for a day, and then divide into two groups.

  On the one hand, Long Jinwei Zhao Wenzhao personally led the team, and a censor cooperated and went straight to the Tang family in Huating. Here, Mao Wenlong's adopted son Mao Chenglu led five hundred elite soldiers to cooperate.

In fact, Mao Chenglu led the 500 Liaodong Army in this battle. It feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. Besides, the Tang family is powerful in Songjiang, but facing the elite of the 500 frontier troops, if they want to resist stubbornly, it will really be a gift. Yes, but considering that the follow-up basically has nothing to do with the army, it can be regarded as adding another credit to the Liaodong Army.

   On the way, they continued to bypass the Yangtze River estuary by boat and went straight to the East China Sea, and then diverted at sea, going all the way to Changshan Island to encircle and suppress pirates, and all the way to Chenqian Shanxi Island to completely destroy the lair of Japanese pirates.

  The division of this road into two roads here is mainly the task of the sailor battalion of the Denglai Navy.

  Whether there are hundreds of Japanese pirates or pirates, Feng Ziying believes that there will be no major problems in the face of the encirclement and suppression by thousands of the most elite sailors of the navy, and this is still a surprise attack.

The only question is how much can be harvested in this raid, whether any bandits will escape, and whether they can get something other than property, such as letters and certificates from officials. s things.

   Before Feng Ziying boarded the ship, she hadn't decided which way to go.

According to the original idea, he must still take the road of encircling and suppressing Japanese pirates at sea, especially the road of Chen Qianshan, which is very likely to be the lair of Japanese pirates, where most of the goods are hidden. The supply base, perhaps the bulk of the looted goods may be piled here, but the gold and silver precious things will definitely not be placed here.

   But the Tang family is also very important.

  The Wubao of the Tang family is very large. Nearly a thousand members of the Tang family gather in the Tangjiazhai, but the real inner fort is the residence of the Tang family. There are about a hundred families living in it.

It is said that the forts are all rammed with rice juice and yellow mud. They are extremely strong. Among them, there are nearly a hundred people in Baoding. It is difficult to break through even three to five hundred people in an ordinary government. At that time, everyone knew that it was just a trick played by the Tang family.

   I heard that the Tang family plans to rebuild the outer walls of the Tang family village with the most fashionable cement to prevent Japanese pirates.

  Feng Ziying finally decided to go to Chen Qianshan first, destroy the Japanese pirates first, and see if he could get some more valuable evidence, and then go to Huating.

  The speed of sailing out to sea with the wind is very fast. After a short stop at Chongmingsha, the fleet headed straight to the southeast.

  Qi Xianzong is very familiar with the situation in this sea area, and his experience in the Fujian Navy for several years makes him a pioneer officer with ease.

  Hou Chengzu took the West Road, that is, the side of Changshan Tsui, and the East Road, that is, the side of Chen Qianshan, which is dominated by Qi Xianzong, and of course Feng Ziying is also this way.

   "Xianzong, how long will it take to get there?" Feng Ziying stood on the deck, sniffing the slightly salty sea breeze blowing towards her face, staring at the dark sea, and asked in a rambling voice.

"It will take another hour." Qi Xianzong's eyes were calm, he just looked at the soldiers holding compass and hourglass next to him, and said calmly: "Don't worry, my lord, as far as we know, this band of pirates and Japanese pirates has also died down. It has been half a year, whether it is a navy or a Japanese pirate, as long as you rest, the slack and paralyzed state of mind will slowly infiltrate, making you slack off consciously or unconsciously, so whether it is an army or a soldier, it will take a while. You can't stop practicing, you have to keep in shape at any time,..."

   "Oh? Why are the flags and drums quieted down? We've grabbed enough and are ready to stop?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

"Of course not. One is that the range of activities of our Denglai Navy is gradually moving south. We used to seldom come to the Yangtze Estuary, but this year we have been to the south of Liaojiaozui several times this year, and we have also been to Chongming Shasuo. Two times, so these Japanese pirates also have eyeliner, so naturally they dare not expose themselves by tampering. In addition, the Fujian Navy has strengthened its training since last year. Mr. Shi Dezheng began to purge the Fujian Navy. They seldom go to the north of Taizhou, but now they are also appearing in the sea off Ningbo, so they have given these Japanese pirates a great shock,..."

  Feng Ziying is not very familiar with Shi Dezheng, but Feng Ziying is dissatisfied with the performance of the Fujian Navy, and once considered replacing the admiral of the Fujian Navy.

However, Shen Yourong defended Shi Dezheng, and also explained some specific reasons why Shi Dezheng's military orders in the Fujian Navy were not smooth. It was because of the resistance of a group of officers to Shi Dezheng, and Shi Dezheng had just taken office, and his temper was soft. It was not as drastic as Shen Yourong's, so the effect was slower.

Later, after Feng Ziying returned to Beijing from Shaanxi, Shi Dezheng also came to Beijing for a special visit. Some topics were discussed. With Feng Ziying's support, Shi Dezheng also adjusted the personnel of the Fujian Navy, and the situation changed greatly. , After Feng Ziying returned to Beijing from Liaodong, the Fujian Navy began to take the initiative to carry out training and deterrence against Zhejiang, echoing the Denglai Navy.

   "So these Japanese pirates have been in a dormant state this year." Feng Ziying nodded, "But why didn't the Fujian navy find out in advance?"

"My lord, Master Shi has only been an admiral of the navy for three years. The navy is no better than the infantry. It is difficult for you to control a navy without three to five years. Master Shi's temperament is slow work and meticulous work. It turns out that the Fujian Navy The division is basically no more than Wenzhou, and now it has arrived in Ningbo, and it will gradually form a seamless connection with our Denglai Navy."

  Qi Xianzong still explained it for Shi Dezheng.

  Feng Ziying didn't say anything more, he actually understood the situation.

  (end of this chapter)

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