Number of People

Chapter 2435: Guizi scroll is thunderous, the only duel

  Chapter 2435 The Guizi scroll is thunderous, the matchup

  The sky is getting darker and darker, and basically nothing can be seen on the sea, only the strong sea wind whizzes past the mast and the side of the ship, bringing a sharp whistling sound.

  Feng Ziying was not the first time to take a boat at night, but this way of launching a landing attack from the sea by means of a surprise attack still made him a little excited.

The Chenqianshan Islands are at the easternmost end of the entire Chengsi Islands, and the area is not very large. Only two or three islands can accommodate a so-called attack base, so it is only necessary to do some investigation around these few islands. Goals can be identified very quickly.

  The sea conditions in this sea area are relatively complicated, especially a large number of uninhabited small islands scattered in this sea area, even the guides who are most familiar with the situation here at night are difficult to distinguish clearly.

  The warship continued to advance along the set direction, and the scouting boats had already been sent out. They would discover the situation in advance and report back with flag lights.

   It's already midnight, and according to the forecast, it should arrive near West Island.

   But the sky was pitch black, and nothing could be seen at all. It was not until a light flickered on and off that it excited the people on board.

   Soon the boat approached.

   "..., go around the small island in front, and walk a few more miles, and you will see a mountain hidden behind, with a lighthouse and a lighthouse,..."

  The words of the scouts were full of excitement. As long as they found the right target, whether it was a strong attack or a sneak attack, thousands of sailors would not be afraid.

  Qi Xianzong was not so excited, but listened to the intelligence report calmly, sometimes frowning, sometimes nodding.

  Feng Ziying stood aside without saying a word, or the same sentence, professional matters are left to professionals, he does not care about the process, only the result.

   After the scouts had finished introducing the situation, Qi Xianzong asked several questions in succession, and a military officer next to him asked a few more questions, and then Qi Xianzong came over and gave a salute.

"My lord, the situation is similar. The situation in this area is more complicated, but the West Island is the only place where people can live. I have been to this island once, but I don't have much impression. There is a mountain to the south, and I have to go around a fork, but There are lighthouses and sentry posts there, it is difficult to avoid, so you need to go around from the east, but that may have to go close to the seven or eight mile mountain road,..."

Feng Ziying waved her hand and laughed: "You decide, don't think about me, Xianzong, you don't think I can't even go ten miles and eight miles, right? I am also a martial artist learned from my ancestors, and I have been fighting since I was a child. ..."

   "Okay, then we will detour to the east and walk along the mountain side road. After we get close, our scouts can first eliminate the enemy checkpoints. In addition, the warships will come back to the front and block the exit, so that we can catch them all in one go..."

  Qi Xianzong admired Feng Ziying's decisiveness and freedom.

  Before the battle, I am most afraid of those Shangguan who don't understand half a tank of water but like to point fingers, and you are not happy if you don't do what he says, and you will find fault with him.

  The Feng Shilang in front of me is not ignorant of soldiers, but he can let go completely. Few people can compare with this courage alone.

  The warship quickly turned around and turned to the east, and did not start anchoring until it was half a mile near the easternmost end of the West Island. Only small boats could go ashore here, and large ships could not approach.

Fortunately, we specially added small boats before coming here, and more than ten small boats quickly landed. The sailors have long been very proficient in this method of landing operations, and they quickly paddled towards the shore. After half an hour, eight hundred soldiers They have already landed and lined up to stand by.

  All self-generating flintlock guns, with three-edged thorns around the waist, which can be put on the gun at any time, or can be stabbed with one hand as a melee weapon.

  Of course, there are also 150 dedicated sword and shield soldiers in the sailors. This is also to prevent some situations that are not suitable for the firecracker soldiers. The sword and shield soldiers can be used as a supplement and reserve team.

  Feng Ziying, You Sanjie, and Li Guibao walked like flying, following the rapidly advancing sailor team along the rugged and winding mountain road.

This mountain road should be used by the Japanese pirates for training, but since the terrain in the east is not suitable for development, the Japanese pirates may not have thought that someone would come from here, so there is no guard post at this end, but if you go further, it is At the throat crossing on the side of the mountain, there must be a bright and dark whistle of Japanese pirates there.

   These are also expected.

  Is there no reason to guard against a Japanese pirate's lair?

   This is also because the Japanese pirates have been hiding for too long this year, which may have given rise to some slackness. Otherwise, if one or two guard posts were ambushed in the dark at the easternmost end, the sneak attack would be discovered immediately.

  Of course, this cannot change their fate, but at least it can turn this sneak attack into a forceful attack.

  The team slowed down, and finally stopped, huddled on the side of the road close to the rock, waiting for the scout masters of the sailor battalion ahead to clear the obstacles.

  Feng Ziying didn't even ask if Li Guibao and the others needed to help fight the front line. In his opinion, Qi Xianzong's sailor battalion obviously had some skilled fighters who were good enough for this task.

  Li Guibao quietly mentioned to him that among the scouts there were at least Jianghu masters from Denglai, Taishan and Hejian, and he vaguely knew one or two of them.

Soon the team started to move again. Passing by the narrowest throat, Feng Ziying vaguely saw several people dragging the two secret whistles who had fallen to the side. influence the progress of action.

   It has been a long time since Feng Ziying stumbled at night like this. Torches are strictly prohibited, and can only be distinguished by the occasional flash of incense.

  The military discipline of the sailor battalion is excellent, and there is almost no sound, which is enough to show that after several times of tempering, this team is really worthy of a big responsibility.

  Going straight up a hillside, bypassing the woods blocking the front of the hillside, the sight suddenly opened up, and the mouth of a valley suddenly enlarged. Although the terrain is slightly lower, you can roughly see the situation inside the valley.

There is a huge gap at the back of the valley, like an open land, which can directly lead to the seaside pier, and you can even vaguely see the shadow of the dark ship on the pier, the arrow tower, the lighthouse, and a gun emplacement on the side of the pier, all of which can be seen A rough idea, it's just that it's far away and I can't see clearly.

  In the valley, the fence spreads along the open area to the mountain wall at the back of the valley, and even at the top of the mountain wall, there is an archery sentry post, which can condescendingly block the road passing from this side.

  However, because the supporting part of the rock wall is too narrow, it can only bear one or two people. A hemp rope ladder hangs down to the bottom.

  The team had already stopped, hiding out of sight where they might be exposed. Qi Xianzong and another military officer had sneaked to the front to observe and study the specific details of how to do it.

  Feng Ziying did not go to the front, so as not to affect and interfere with Qi Xianzong's decision. At this point, it is only a question of how to win the fastest and minimize the loss, and maximize the results of the battle. There is no possibility of failure.

   Fortunately, Qi Xianzong and the others soon made up their minds and came over to briefly report to Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying didn't even hear the details clearly, so she waved her hand in agreement.

A few turtledove guns were quickly set up and aimed at the watchtower post. Once any abnormalities were found in the watchtower, the turtledove guns would shoot without hesitation to stop the arrow tower from attacking the commandos who filed in. threaten.

  In fact, even if the Japanese pirates in the fence found the army at this time, they could not react too much, even if they immediately rushed to the open area over there and fled to the pier by boat, it would not help.

  Navy warships have already blocked the channel, and before they can even sail away, they may be blasted to pieces by the navy's naval guns.

  According to Qi Xianzong's arrangement, 800 sailors and 150 sword and shield soldiers took the lead and acted as the forward.

   The gunners who followed were divided into three teams.

One team broke through directly from the front, while the other team quickly passed the front and crossed the fence from the flank to block the open area as much as possible, and the other team wanted to occupy the high ground on the other side in order to better control the whole situation. hit.

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, Qi Xianzong's mature and prudent approach is still very appropriate.

  Since you have already secured your chances of winning, it is best to avoid your own losses as much as possible. There is no need to open and close to show your prestige and cause unnecessary losses.

  Accompanied by Qi Xianzong's sudden wave of his hand, several detachments that had already been ready to go quickly rushed out according to their respective goals. Such a large-scale charge would inevitably bring about various noises, and naturally it was impossible to hide their tracks.

   Soon the police whistle made a shrill bamboo whistle, followed by the sound of gold, and the houses in the valley fell into panic.

   I have to say that Qi Xianzong's judgment is correct.

   Nearly a year of dormancy and seclusion has made such a Japanese pirate group much more relaxed than before, or the Japanese pirates themselves have already degenerated a bit.

   Over the years, they basically did not carry out large-scale landings to attack cities and besiege fortresses. Instead, they only engaged in robbing merchant ships. Landing attacks, kidnapping and extortion also had information disclosed by government insiders and internal and external cooperation, making them almost invincible.

   This has been going smoothly for a long time, and the necessary vigilance and responsiveness have been severely weakened.

  However, these Japanese pirates who have been rampant in the East China Sea for many years are still a little brave. Accompanied by a burst of Japanese babble, several groups of people rushed out of several gathered houses at the same time, and began to roar and charge towards the sailors.

  The Japanese sword is bright, shining brightly in the raised torch.

   Howling again and again, the Japanese ronin and pirates who came charging in line ran like thunder.

  Amidst the sound of haha, their steps are neat, their faces are ferocious and crazy, and their knives are flashing. To be able to form an formation in such a short period of time, they really have the aura of being as swift as the wind and aggressive as fire.

   It's just that all this is extremely funny in the eyes of Qi Xianzong and Feng Ziying with calm faces.

  (end of this chapter)

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