Number of People

Chapter 2446: Guizi scroll Li Daitao stiff, Zhou family superior

  Chapter 2446 Guizi Juan Li Daitao stiff, Zhou family superior

   It can be said that the new four families are the first to be finalized, and the Zhou family may end up being the worst.

  Involving **** crimes, and colluding with water bandits on the Yangtze River to commit crimes, no one can bear this kind of evil, which is far better than trafficking in private salt or swallowing up land.

Therefore, under Feng Ziying's instruction, when the newspapers and periodicals in the south of the Yangtze River began to hype the Zhou family's "spotty evil deeds", they quickly overwhelmed the "limelight" of the Zhen family, and Zhen Zhou Hu Tao's ranking was gradually replaced by Zhou Zhen Hu Tao's ranking .

  Zhen Yingyu reacted quickly. He originally brought 300,000 taels of silver to Songjiang for activities, but after being declined by the Lu family, he noticed a change in style. After returning to Nanjing, his daughter and niece had already entered Feng's residence.

   And his elder brother pinned his hopes on Feng Ziying to show mercy, which also made him quite worried, but news came from Feng's house soon, telling the Zhen family to be at ease.

   After this wait, the Zhou family was taken down like boiling soup, and replaced the Zhen family as the "top sheep", finally making the Zhen family realize the benefits of having someone in the court.

   It has to be said that Feng Ziying's central operation brought about the usefulness of the Zhou family's evil deeds being infinitely magnified. Of course, this is also true.

  As the leading shipping tycoon in the south of the Yangtze River, he actually relies on this method to squeeze out and suppress competitors, and several of them have quite a background and background.

  For example, the Long family was originally one of the largest shipping merchants on the Yangtze River ten years ago, and the Long family was also the in-laws of Liu Yixiu, Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

   It turned out that during the two shipments, one was ransacked by water bandits on the Hezhou River and suffered heavy losses, and the other was burned to nothing by an inexplicable large cargo while staying overnight at Wuchang Wharf.

  The two disasters not only seriously injured the Long family's vitality, but also killed more than a dozen capable people. This alone made the Long family completely withdraw from the Yangtze River shipping competition, and never turned around again.

Now it has been found out that Hezhou Jiangmian is one of the three major water bandits on the Yangtze River, Zhang Jing Langli, who committed the crime, but he was instigated by the Zhou family, and the Zhou family also colluded with the internal staff of the Jiang Waterproof Division to master the travel rules of the Long family fleet. , so it can accurately attack the Long family fleet on the Hezhou River.

   Another fire at Wuchang Wharf was caused by the Zhou family directly bribed the gangsters, and used fierce kerosene and sulfur to ignite the fire at night, directly burning the seven merchant ships of the Long family to nothing.

  The merchant ship originally carried the medicinal materials from Sichuan, which were worth tens of thousands of taels. As a result, the Long family had to sell more than ten ships to get away.

  Just these two incidents are enough to send the Zhou family into the 18th floor of **** and never turn over.

   There are many similar situations, and many lives were involved. It can be said that among the new four big families, the Zhou family is the most ruthless and ruthless.

However, the background of the Zhou family is not simple. The main sister of the Zhou family married Xiao Daheng, who was also the minister of the Ministry of punishment ten years ago. At that time, Xiao Daheng was extremely popular. for many years.

  However, Xiao Daheng retired from office due to illness many years ago, and passed away at the beginning of this year, his influence has long since dissipated.

Under such circumstances, it would be great for the Zhou family to be used as a model, especially after Feng Ziying disclosed to the Long family the situation of the Zhou family's black hands against the Long family, the Long family almost wanted to let the Zhou family do whatever it took. destruction.

  Although Liu Yixiu, who is an in-law, could not come forward in person, Han Yu must have specially greeted him, and even Yang Lian had a special order to crucify the Zhou family.

After these operations, the popularity of the Zhen family naturally slowly dropped. Coupled with the Zhen family's obedient attitude, they sent the list without greeting, which greatly satisfied Gu Bingqian's face, so originally he wanted to treat the Zhen family The attitude of killing everything has also changed slightly.

  After leaving a promise letter with Gu Bingqian, Feng Ziying only knew it when she returned to the mansion.

  Since Gu Bingqian has left a message, it means that there is some room for maneuver in the attitude of killing the Zhen family completely.

  Of course, this only stops at the disposal of the members of the Zhen clan, and this can only be discussed after fulfilling all the conditions promised.

   But even so, it was enough to satisfy the entire Zhen family.

Before that, what they were most worried about was to put all the members of the Zhen family into prison. They should be sentenced to exile in Liaodong or Guizhou, and then dismantle the entire Zhen family. up.

  Even if you can hide some property, you can only change your name and surname to make a comeback when the government's attention to the Zhen family has shifted decades later, but that is too difficult.

  Feng Ziying returned to the house, and the four daughters greeted her together.

  Feng Ziying was so busy during this period that she didn't even go back to the backyard. She spent most of her time resting in the study in the front yard, usually until late at night.

  The fourth daughter didn't dare to bother her, so she could only hope for good news.

Zhen Baochen and Li Wei were relatively more active, and occasionally went to the front yard to show their faces by delivering soup and fruit, but it was difficult to get in the way. Basically, Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing, and Gu Dengfeng exist.

  Hot tea is served, and there are beauties massage the shoulders, arms and necks on both sides. Feng Ziying enjoys this comfort.

  For a while, he felt as if he was in Beijing, but the beauty had changed.

"I've been tired all day, and finally I have some clues." Feng Ziying didn't intend to tease the second daughter of the Zhen family, and went straight to the point, "Mr. Gu Ge is a little relieved today. Compared with the originally determined ending, the Zhen family may be different. Slightly better,…”

  The eyes of the Zhen sisters were full of joy, and it was Zhen Baochen who asked: "Sir, what do you mean by saying that this is slightly better?"

"Originally, the males of your Zhen family were basically sent to exile to serve their sentences, and they were not even allowed to return to their original places. That is to say, they could only die of old age in the border areas. The females were most likely to be Jiaofang Secretary. When Baochen came to me, I thought The Zhen family's attitude is considered sincere, and they are willing to cooperate with the imperial court, so they are thinking that maybe women can be exempted from the Jiaofang Secretary and distributed with men, and see that there is a deadline for the distribution time, and see if there is a chance to return to their original place in the future,..."

  Feng Ziying did think so at the beginning.

However, as the information provided by the Zhen family has played a considerable role, and the Tang family has gained a lot, and the situation of the Zhou family is even worse, Feng Ziying considered whether it is possible to build up the momentum of the Zhou family. Then replace the Zhen family's limelight and let the Zhen family retreat to the second place, so as to gain the initiative in dealing with it in the future.

   Now it seems that this strategy is still successful. The Zhou family stepped up and became the target of public criticism, and the Long family insisted on it, so the Zhen family was successfully deposed and became a subordinate family like the Hu family and the Tao family.

"Now I'm considering whether I can persuade Mr. Gu Ge that after you hand over all the assets of the Zhen family, if you can cooperate with the imperial court to continue to deal with all matters in these aspects and achieve a satisfactory result, then can you consider whether you can do it to me? You have preferential treatment, such as whether exile can be exempted, and you can be sentenced to local imprisonment instead,..."

Dazhou followed the law of Ming Dynasty. The five punishments of the cane are death, of which the second punishment of the cane is corporal punishment, and the operation is very flexible. The cane is back to the hips and legs. If the yamen servants use it well, the thirty-fifty cane can only get up after lying at home for three to five days, and it can recover roughly within ten days.

  As long as the two punishments of cane and cane are for minor crimes, they can often be replaced by paying a fine, but this depends on the attitude of the chief official of the government. You can agree to use the fine to offset it, or you can refuse.

Imprisonment is the most widely used type, but Dazhou’s maximum sentence is five years, that is, free labor under the supervision of the local government, such as smelting iron and boiling salt, such as building bridges and roads, such as repairing embankments and digging rivers, all of which are in the government. Under unified control, freedom is also restricted, but once the sentence is completed, the normal status can be restored, which is also the most commonly used type of punishment.

Exile is the punishment that is second only to imprisonment among the five punishments, because some changes have been made in exile in the Great Zhou Dynasty. There are cases where exile and exile are not allowed to return to their original places, and there are also cases where they are allowed to return to their original places after the expiration of the final period of exile, but it depends on Whether you have the life to live to that time, it can be said that the punishment of exile is now second only to the death penalty.

If it is a local prison sentence, as long as it is well managed, the prison sentence of three to five years can be served quickly, but Feng Ziying has to consider whether the Zhen family has committed public outrage and they stay in Nanjing. Will safety issues become a risk? factor.

   "Is it really possible? My husband, if that's the case, that would be great." The Zhen sisters were overjoyed.

"Baochen, Baoyu, I don't think so." Feng Ziying shook her head, "If Master Li Jiashouzhong handled it like this, I think it's very appropriate. After all, he is just playing with his pen and talking too smoothly to offend the bosses. However, that's why it's like this. Just saying yes, who has any life-and-death feud with him, but it can't be said. The big bosses don't want to haggle over him, so as long as the Li family solves Li Shouzhong's problem, Li Wei and Li Qi will be fine. Not a problem anymore."

"The Li family is fine, but the Zhen family, the four major families, the Ding and Tang families, and so many other families that were confiscated because of private salt, will any of them slip through the net? On the top of the family, is it going to take revenge on the Zhen family in the end? Jiangnan is their territory, and if they really want to put all their eggs in one basket, wouldn't the Zhen family be in danger?"

When Feng Ziying said this, the Zhen sisters immediately came to their senses. If they really want to be imprisoned locally, the government cannot watch them every day. As long as they are negligent, the danger from the outside world will be very high. Only a thousand days of being a thief, There is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days, so it is not suitable for the Zhen family.

  (end of this chapter)

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