Number of People

Chapter 2447: Guizijuan accident, trade-off

  Chapter 2447 Guizi scroll accident, trade-off

   "Then what shall we do?" The Zhen sisters all spoke in unison, their eyes pouring into Feng Ziying's face.

   After all, the relationship is the fate of the whole family, and it is a dilemma to stay or stay.

"If I were your Zhen family, I would rather choose to be exiled to the army, but the time can be shorter. Three years in exile and ten years in prison in the local area. In the eyes of outsiders, three years in exile must be much more serious. I would rather choose to be in prison in the local area. It is better to take care of you, but the Zhen family is not suitable. Countless people will want to kill you and stay in Nanjing. I don’t know how many people you will die and suffer. If you jump out and go to the frontier, it may be different. Three years have passed in a flash,…”

  Feng Ziying's words made both Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu hesitate.

   Having said that, the family members are used to being pampered, and going to the frontier all of a sudden, can they endure this hardship?

  Even with Feng Ziying taking care of them, the whole family has been exiled for thousands of miles, with unacceptable food and water, sores and diseases. I don’t know how many people will die on the road and in these three years?

   Seeing the hesitation on the faces of the Zhen sisters, Feng Ziying didn't force them. The fact that the Zhen family can get such an arrangement in such a situation is already the result of their own well-being.

Gu Bingqian took it as a face-saving acquiescence to his Meng Lang act of accepting the Zhen sisters as concubines, but he also specifically warned that Zhen Baochen is not suitable for being a concubine. If he has married someone before, if he accepts it as a concubine, it will insult the official reputation, and he will definitely be punished. Shi impeachment, if he really likes this woman, he can just take her as a concubine, even so, it is not worthwhile.

Gu Bingqian was confiding in his heart, but Feng Ziying couldn't back down, at least he slept with him, but he was still perfect, he picked up a big deal, but now he can't even give him the status of concubine, he can only have the status of a concubine, I am very sorry.

   This also made Feng Ziying quite depressed, because the outer room was not considered an official concubine's room, and if the members of the Zhen family were sentenced to exile, then Zhen Baochen would also have to be included.

  Feng Ziying couldn't tell Zhen Baochen about this situation yet.

"Besides, there is still a lot of room for maneuvering in the distribution of troops to border areas. Border areas, Shuntian Mansion is also a frontier area, Datong Mansion is also a frontier area, and Yongping Mansion is also a frontier area. As long as there is a border wall to garrison troops, it is considered a frontier area. It doesn’t necessarily have to be places like Shaanxi, Guizhou, and Guangxi.”

  Feng Ziying's last words made the Zhen sisters' eyes shine with hope.

  If this is the case, then this exile is much more cost-effective than imprisonment. Three years, whether it is long or short, but if it is in a place like Shuntian Mansion, can it be considered a frontier?

  Of course, it cannot be the capital city, but it may be places such as Zunhua, Jizhou, and Pinggu.

   Seeing the subtle and complicated expressions on the faces of the women, Feng Ziying could only say that.

Too much doting and coddling, on the contrary, it is easy for women to be spoiled and arrogant, and there are indeed too many women around her, Feng Ziying also knows that she should restrain herself, even if there are some factors to offset the balance, but Dare to say that there are not more factors of **** appeal?

   It’s really hard to say, or rather, it really is.

  Compared to the matter of the Zhen family, the matter of Li Shouzhong is really nothing.

  Although Li Shouzhong offended several cabinet bosses, the adults do not remember the mistakes of the villains, and time has changed. It can almost be said that there will be no big disturbances.

When things about the Four Great Families, the Tang family, and even a few powerful local families were continuously exposed, and there were dead tigers like the Four Kings who were dragged out of Nanjing and beaten, the newspapers in the capital city and the south of the Yangtze River were hyping these things up. When he was young, if Li Shouzhong's matter was still kept in mind by the cabinet bosses, he would be underestimating the minds of the princes, at least on the surface, he would show that he didn't care about it at all.

  However, those who should be accused of crimes have to follow the procedure, but Li Shouzhong's matter will definitely be left at the end.

   Now Li Shouzhong is nominally a prisoner awaiting trial, but in fact he is no different from ordinary people. After paying the bail, he can relax at home, and even go out to drink tea and drink like ordinary people, and write poems to meet guests.

   "Shui Rong wants to see me?" Feng Ziying asked in surprise, "Did he confiscate the prison?"

   "Shui Rong must have been imprisoned, and it's in Shuntian Mansion Prison." Baoxiang came in and said, "It's a long-term follower from his house who came out on bail."

  The four kings are really dead tigers. Even Han Yan and Yang Lian didn't bother to fight them.

  So the four kings, the so-called four kings themselves, have been imprisoned, and everyone else can be released on bail. As long as they can hand over enough money, there will be no problem.

It’s shabby to say the least. Except for Dongping County King and Beijing County King who are currently in prison, the four majestic Kings of Nan’an and Xining County are juvenile kings who are not considered involved, and the other is bedridden for a long time. Also because of involvement, that is, Wang Mu's family of Dongping County and Wang Shui's family of Beijing County really followed and ran to the south of the Yangtze River.

Although the Nan'an County King and Xining County King's family were also confiscated by the court, at least the court still saved face for these two families and temporarily let them live in their own mansions, but the Dongping County King's Mansion and Beijing County King's Mansion were early. It was checked and sold, and now it has been bought by two wealthy businessmen from Shanxi.

  Feng Ziying felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of sleeping with Shui Zhenshi, also known as Zhen Baoyan, and Shui Rong's younger sister Shui Tang in Xi'an city.

Although it was his own plan, but after all, this kind of thing is still a bit irritating. If he was really facing Shui Rong, he would still be a little nervous. Fortunately, the person who came this time was the long-term follower of the other party, so that's okay .

   I don't know if Zhen Baoyu and Shuitang have returned to Beijing. Maybe they should return to Beijing, or are they on their way back to Beijing?

  Emperor Wantong ascended the throne and pardoned some of the criminals sentenced by the court related to him before he ascended the throne, but he could not pardon the cases that the court restarted investigation after that.

   Such a weird situation is also painful, of course it is not the pain of the cabinet princes, but the pain of Emperor Wantong.

   That is to say, the main culprits of Dongping County King and Beijing County King have not yet been finalized, but the family members of the criminals who belonged to them have been pardoned and can return to Beijing swaggeringly. It's so weird.

Just like Jia Zheng also received a pardon, he returned to Beijing safely. He had already gone to Beijing to reunite with his family to enjoy the fun, but Jia Zheng could not, because his crime was not rebellion, but communicating with foreigners. Smugglers.

  But the real culprit, Sun Shaozu, can drink tea in the capital city leisurely, but he, an accomplice, still has to suffer in Xi'an.

   Things in the world are so unreasonable. If you encounter them, you have to suffer.

   This is also a move buried in advance by the imperial court.

  You Emperor Wantong can pardon those who were involved in the Jiangnan rebellion case, but the court also has the right to initiate investigations into other cases of these people.

   It cannot be said that the imperial court will not pursue your crime of following the Wantong Emperor to set up a false dynasty and rebel, and your original crimes of smuggling, bribery, murder and robbing will not be prosecuted, right?

  It seems to Feng Ziying that the cabinet is the representative of the imperial court, and the imperial court is quite different from Wantong Emperor now, so what is Wantong Emperor? Puppet, or transition?

Feng Ziying thought that if Emperor Wantong remained like this, the cabinet would be happy to see it succeed, but if Emperor Wantong was unwilling to struggle, the cabinet would have to start a backup plan. For example, the sons of Emperor Yonglong might It is time to jump out and question the legitimacy and rationality of Emperor Wantong's succession.

Feng Ziying can even affirm that even if Emperor Wantong does not act as a demon, the imperial court may tease and stimulate Emperor Yonglong's sons and several so-called concubines from time to time, such as Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi and Guo Qinyun's daughters, Let them speak out.

Although this kind of trick is not on the big stage, it is quite useful. It doesn’t matter if it will make Emperor Wantong have a fit, or if it doesn’t happen. Anyway, this is also a family affair. People, tossing you want to cry but have no tears, you can't stop.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Feng Ziying's mind, "Then let him come in and listen to what he wants to say. I can't say much about this water-soluble matter, even Mr. Gu Ge has to go back." It will be decided after Beijing."

  Shui Rong, the long follower Feng Ziying, had met before, and when he came in, he knelt down to salute, and then just kowtowed.

   "What's the matter, what is there to say, why do you do this?" Feng Ziying frowned.

  I and Shui Rong just met each other face to face, not a deep friendship, why did this long-term follower come to my door?

"My lord, the prince has been in trouble since he came to Nanjing. In the past, when the emperor was still in Nanjing, he would often help him. Later, after the news of the negotiation with the imperial court, the emperor didn't care much about the prince and Mu prince. In recent years, the prince The cost is very high, and the scene can't be left behind. The prince's mansion and farm in Nanjing are almost sold out. After this round of imprisonment, the prince said before that he could not be released on bail, so he could only make do with selling the house and the farm shop. Other people in the mansion have been released on bail, but now it is said that the prince can also be released on bail, but the bail is 30,000 taels of silver, and the little one borrows money everywhere, but it is really not enough, and he has nowhere to go, so he wants to ask the Lord,..."

   This long follower is a very honest and honest person, looking like this is indeed a bit of a mess.

The king of Beijing County was at least one of the four founding kings of different surnames when the dynasty was founded. He had mansions, shops, and farms in both the north and the south of the capital. Even if it's been a lot of trouble in the past two years, why did you still ask for it at your own door?

   Could it be that he found out about himself, Shui Zhenshi and Shuitang, that's why he came here?

  Feng Ziying was a little apprehensive for a while, but also a little suspicious, isn't it?

  (end of this chapter)

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