Number of People

Chapter 2448: The aftermath of the Kui character scroll, value

  Chapter 2448 The aftermath of the Kui character scroll, value

  The long follower is also a very knowledgeable character, noticing Feng Ziying's look of confusion, he also sighed inwardly.

   It seems that the status of the two girls from the Zhen family in Feng's residence may not be as favored as the outside rumors say, or how could this one not realize it at all?

   Is this one really just playing with the second daughter of the Zhen family? The fate of the Zhen family woman was really tragic.

   It's just that he doesn't care about mourning for the Zhen family woman now.

The prince and the concubine abandoned him and ran southwards, so that the concubine and the princess could only be exiled and sent to Shaanxi. Released, but the high bail has become a problem.

Thirty thousand taels of silver can be said to be more or less. It turns out that in the capital city, it is not difficult to get the thirty thousand taels together. After arriving in Nanjing, if you have not sold some farm shops, you can mortgage or It can be made up by selling it, but now the Shui family's property is basically consumed, and 30,000 taels has become an astronomical figure.

Before being imprisoned, the Shui family could barely get by. The bail of these people was low, three to five hundred taels was enough, but the bail of the prince was 30,000 taels, which suddenly became unbearable. It's too heavy.

"The little one also went to the princess's natal home to ask for help, but the princess's natal home is also in a precarious state. There is no one to receive the little one at all. The little one also knows the current situation there, so it is not easy to bother her. I heard that the eldest girl and the third girl Very friendly with adults,…”

  Feng Ziying finally understood.

  Wangfei's natal family?

  Well, princess, isn’t it Zhen Baoyan?

  My natal family, isn’t it the Zhen family?

  He suddenly realized.

   No wonder people came to him.

   It's not because I slept with Princess Zhen Baozhen and Shuitang, but because I slept with Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu!

  That's why outsiders feel that with this relationship, they feel that they are also relatives, and they are sister-in-law with Shui Rong, so they come to me for help.

   It made me feel restless, thinking that people knew about Zhen Baozhen and Shuitang because I fell asleep.

  Thinking about it, I slept with four women that night, all of them are considered to be respectable, who would leak it? Qin Keqing is not so boring.

It's just that this long follow-up sentence is quite friendly, which still makes Feng Ziying feel a little interesting. This kindness can only be said to borrow tens of thousands of taels of silver when the goodwill is on the bed. silver?

  I came to the south this time, and I didn't plan to make much money in money, but there are some things that I can't get rid of. If you don't want it, others dare not want it.

  Just like the time in Chen Qian Shanxi Island, everyone is looking at you eagerly, if you don’t pick up a few things, who would be ashamed to do it?

   On the way back from Songjiang, Zhao Wenzhao also sent some items, but Feng Ziying did not push them.

  The Tang family has gained so much all of a sudden, even if you don't take it, people don't believe it. This is also a common practice.

  He was very restrained and changed to someone else, and he didn't know how to bite like a wolf like a tiger.

   Similarly, it was unavoidable for the Zhen family, which made Feng Ziying feel that she was here for meritorious service, but it seemed that she came here for money and goods.

  Looking at the boxes in the back house, all of them were handed over to Third Sister You for safekeeping, and I felt very uncomfortable.

  Don't say thirty thousand taels, even if it's three hundred thousand taels, if you show your mouth a little bit, you can probably get it all for yourself.

After regaining her senses, Feng Ziying nodded quickly: "That's right, Lord Shui went the wrong way for a while. It would be best for Lord Shui to repent of this court's handling. I also hope that the court can deal with it lightly. After Lord Shui comes out in the future Just live and breathe."

"That's right, the little ones think the same way. The lord is used to living a pampered life, how can he stand up to the torment in that big prison? I heard that the old officials there are all cunning and ruthless. If they refuse to give money, That's all kinds of tossing around, the little ones are worried that the prince will not be able to bear it, so they hope to collect the money earlier to release the prince on bail,..."

  Chang Sui said very frankly that he has no money now, and hopes to redeem it as soon as possible, and honestly wait for the court to deal with it, so as to ensure that nothing will happen.

   "Did the two girls of the Zhen family know about it?" Feng Ziying nodded and asked.

   "I haven't visited the two girls, but I have gone to the Zhen's house to bother them. I guess the Zhen's house may have sent a letter to the two girls." The long follower said honestly.

   It seems that the second daughter of the Zhen family still knows the rules, and did not pass this word to Feng Ziying's ears casually.

   Thirty thousand taels of silver is not a small amount, but for Feng Ziying, it is also possible to get it out, but the key is that I lent it to Shui Rong, what will Shui Rong use to repay it in the future?

  The Ministry of Criminal Justice learned this routine from myself.

  First, there is a high bail, and then you are given various hopes, so that you can only think that you may not be sent to the army or imprisoned. In the end, you will be sent to the army or imprisoned, and then you can pay a high fine to offset the sentence.

   This set has been tried and tested in Beijing, and now it is going to be used in Jiangnan.

  The series of cases in Jiangnan involved more people, and the branches climbed and intertwined with each other, and the number of people in prison was even more astonishing.

   If you want to avoid being involved, then it is the right idea to help people who have been involved in the past be released on bail as soon as possible, so that the other party can't hold back and spit out yourself.

   Feng Ziying, Sun Chengzong, and people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate have all mentioned this method, and everyone has tacitly understood that this method can obtain greater benefits for the court, so there is nothing to say.

   It's just that he didn't expect that this move would hit him now.

   After thinking for a long time, Feng Ziying felt that the money seemed to have to be borrowed.

  Shui Zhenshi and Shuitang slept, and the two daughters might return to the capital city soon. With Qin Keqing in the middle of the mess, I'm afraid they will inevitably meet again after they go back.

Now he can't understand Qin Keqing's thoughts. This woman seems to enjoy the feeling of being interspersed and mixed with different identities. She just dances on the tip of a knife, constantly teasing and tossing herself, maybe she feels like herself. It is very fulfilling for such a character to be "played in the palm of her hand" by her.

   It's just that who is playing with whom, Feng Ziying thinks it may have to be weighed carefully, but Qin Keqing, a woman's mind is indeed too elusive.

Seeing that Feng Ziying finally agreed to lend 30,000 taels of silver, the long follower finally heaved a sigh of relief, kowtowed and said, "I don't want to thank you for your great kindness. My lord is so benevolent and righteous. I should first thank you for my lord. In addition, the prince also said that after coming out, there will be a big reward."

  Feng Ziying laughed, "If I was counting on Lord Shui's generous rewards, I would not have lent him this money. After the prince comes out, as long as he keeps himself safe, and if he doesn't go the wrong way again, it will be regarded as generous rewards."

  The leader shook his head: "My lord specially told the young one that if he can come out, he must come to see the lord and state some things to the lord. Some situations may be quite useful to the lord."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was surprised.

  Shui Rong wouldn't be so boring to play tricks. It seems that if he didn't borrow the tens of thousands of taels of silver, this would not happen, but what use can the other party bring to him?

  He really couldn't figure it out, he wouldn't want his sister to be his concubine, would he? Feng Ziying thought mockingly to herself, but she and Shuitang had already had a one-night affair, taking over her innocent body.

Seeing Feng Ziying was quite surprised, Chang Sui thought about it, "When the prince was in Beijing, he was entrusted by Prince Yizhong, who is now the emperor, to contact him with some inconvenient matters, but later it seemed that the emperor didn't like it. Interested, but it seems that they have always been active, so the prince just listened to it and dealt with it,..."

  Feng Ziying became vigilant, "Oh, what is it about?"

  Chang Sui hesitated for a moment, "It seems to have something to do with the White Lotus Sect in the Northland."

Feng Ziying suddenly understood that Prince Yizhong probably had already connected with the imperial court at that time, and felt that he was very hopeful to succeed in the great unification. These things are no longer needed, and they are easy to get dirty hands, causing unnecessary troubles, so naturally he should stay away. Even Shui Rong, who was in charge of handling it for him, became an abandoned child.

  Just why didn't Emperor Wantong dispose of the water solution? This is not a difficult task for Emperor Wantong.

   Isn't this leaving some trouble for himself?

   Just thinking about this, the long follower said again: "The prince and Prince Mu had a close relationship before. Maybe Prince Mu also knows some things, but it's not good to be small. Know the details."

  Prince Mu? Duke of Dongping, Mu Tan's father, Mu Zheng?

  Feng Ziying thinks the stories here seem to be getting more and more interesting.

   "You mean that Prince Mu was also doing something for the current emperor?" Feng Ziying asked lightly.

   "This little one doesn't dare to talk nonsense, it's just that the prince and Mu prince got very close in the later stage, um, they both feel a little bit of sympathy for each other."

  As soon as the chief follower said these words, Feng Ziying immediately looked at him with admiration.

   This long-term follower is probably the absolute confidant of Water Melting, similar to Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing, who has nothing to say about himself.

"Well, since that's the case, I understand." Feng Ziying nodded, "I'll ask someone to deal with you for the silver you need, and when Lord Shui comes out, don't come to me at will, and I will arrange for someone to come to him at that time , if possible, he chooses a safe and safe place, and it is best to settle down as soon as possible."

  The long follower also understood the importance and nodded repeatedly.

   After the man left, Feng Ziying called Wang Wenyan and talked about it.

  Wang Wenyan was also quite surprised. Although he had long suspected that Prince Yizhong had a connection with the White Lotus Sect, he did not expect Shui Rong to contact him.

   But think about it, I am afraid that Tang Yao and others will never get involved with people like Bailian Sect, and only people like Shui Rong and Mu Zheng can touch their hands.

  (end of this chapter)

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