Number of People

Chapter 2466: Guizijuan lobbying, impressing

  Chapter 2466 Guizijuan lobbying, impressing

  Chai Kexuan glanced at Feng Ziying, his face turned colder, "I'll talk about it after you become the chief assistant."

  Feng Ziying didn't care either.

  He and Chai Ke have an unusual friendship. Occasionally, they are a little out of line, but they are not nonsense, but they can bring the relationship closer.

"I'm telling the truth. Mr. Cunzhi keeps saying that people are appointed on the basis of their merits and that they are selected on the basis of honesty, but I thought there was one more thing to add. Employing people is only based on their integrity. Talking about virtuousness and honesty instead of efficiency and ability, this would defeat the fundamentals of employing people. "

  Feng Ziying was not polite, and Chai Ke did not refute.

"Especially the local officials, they all say that the extermination of the family should be done with honesty and integrity, of course, but if they are elected, they advocate honest talk, don't know how to do anything, and are fooled at will by the people below. After a few years, the local The powerful gentry praised you and gave you a plaque of ten thousand people, and Shi Shiran was promoted, but what about the local people? What did they get? Are you an official for the people, or for your own promotion?"

  Feng Ziying's tone is very calm, but the meaning in the words is very sharp.

   Directly pointing out that there are problems with the mechanism for selecting officials by the Ministry of Officials, and there are also problems with the mechanism for evaluating officials. It is even more problematic to blindly focus on the increase or decrease of local lawsuits, the quality of education, and the evaluation of gentry.

   "Ziying, it seems that you have a lot of opinions on the work of the official department." Chai Ke laughed.

"Of course, I never hide my words." Feng Ziying was not polite, "In front of Ye Xiang, Qi Shi, and Cun Zhigong, I dare to say that, there is a problem with the selection and employment of officials in the Ministry of Officials, and there are also problems with the mechanism for cultivating officials. Scholars should not go to the Seventh Ministry and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The most important thing is to go to the local state capital to learn and observe. In addition, even if the Jinshi observation is over, you should go to the local state capital first. To judge, to promote officials, to be a magistrate, but not to be magistrates, counties, and prefectures..."

  Chai Ke was amused by Feng Ziying's words, "Ziying, where are you watching politics? The Imperial Academy, why, after you passed this level, you started to overthrow the seal of heaven and drug the people behind you?"

"Brother Zishu, what you said is even more wrong. I am a good scholar, and I am in the Imperial Academy, but what am I doing? I went to Ningxia to enter the grasslands, defended Ganzhou, and fought the rebels badly." Lehu, you're here too. It's me, Shangguan. When I come back? I'm still out of breath, and I'm sent down to the south of the Yangtze River again. The journey is bumpy. I haven't been quiet in those years. It’s a lot of running, isn’t it true? But I think it’s worth it, I’ve gained knowledge, I’ve learned a lot and I’m familiar with a lot of things and people below, if I really want to stay in the seventh part, I’ll It’s really boring and I can’t learn anything.”

  Feng Ziying's words are indeed true, and Chai Ke can't refute it.

   Seeing that Chai Ke was silent, Feng Ziying didn't take it too seriously, but he still had to explain some things.

"Brother Zishu, the current situation is a major change in the world. Otherwise, our six ministries would not have changed to seven, and the official ministries should also have changes in their work. The Great Zhou has been in peace for a hundred years, and the population is multiplying, and the densely populated land is narrow. The situation is becoming more and more serious, but the climate change is becoming more and more severe. Harvest failures in the Northland seem to have become the norm. If you are not careful, there will be refugees all over the place..."

"As you have seen, Shaanxi has not yet been pacified, and Shanxi is in chaos again. The situation in Henan this year is not very good. If officials only focus on officials and gentry, but do not want to care about the common people, the chaos in Shanxi and Shaanxi will repeat itself, even in Henan. It is inevitable that Shandong will be staged,…”

"... In addition, it is an inevitable trend to expand the South Seas outside the territory. Otherwise, the contradiction between population and money and food will only become more prominent. The imperial court has not yet made an overall plan to consider this aspect. I have also mentioned this situation with Brother Meiming and Brother Jinghui. , they also basically agree with my point of view, especially Brother Jing also said that he will push the pace of Da Zhou's external colonization,..."

  Chai Ke, Bi Ziyan, Guo Zhengyu, and Yang He were the Four King Kong among the Huguang scholars under Guan Yingzhen, and Wu Liangsi and Yang Sichang were later.

  Huguang scholars have always formed an alliance with northern scholars, and overseas expansion has always been a favorite of Jiangnan businessmen. Chai Ke did not expect Feng Ziying to support this policy so firmly.

"Ziying, I didn't expect your attitude to be different from that of many people in the court. They think that even Liaodong is so difficult to defend, and the governance of Uzang is also beyond our capabilities. We can even give up the Western Regions, Mongols That side is still eyeing us, how can the imperial court have the spare power to consider the Southeast Asia?"

  What Chai Ke said also represented the opinions and attitudes of a large part of the court.

"It's also a time of great contention. The more we have to forge ahead, I actually feel that the situation in Liaodong has reached a turning point. Although the Jianzhou Jurchen captured Anle Prefecture in the last round, it seemed that their offensive was not weakening, but in fact they suffered heavy losses. I predict that in two or three years, Nurhachi will have to go back to lick his wounds and take a good rest. The Mongols stand Lin Dan Batur, a master with high vision, low ambition, great talent and great success, and he will struggle twice more. It is estimated that the Chahar people will have to It’s about to fall, on land we seem to be on the defensive now, but we will soon achieve a balance of offense and defense, but at sea, we can’t wait, the Xiyi people have already arrived, it turned out to be the Nanyang lands in our inner lake, Folang The robots are coming, the Dutch are coming, the English are coming, and if we don't keep the enemy out of the country, the enemy will set foot on our land."

  Feng Ziying's words moved Chai Ke a little, and he said after a long time: "But the financial resources of the imperial court may not be able to withstand the balance of offense and defense on land as you said, and they are determined to forge ahead at sea."

"That's why I told Brother Meiming and Brother Jinghui that we should use the power of the people first, and our court will support it behind. To mobilize their interest, merchants, it’s not too early to be profitable, but once it’s profitable, someone said, they can sell the noose that hangs them themselves. This is not bad, as long as the merchants are interested, then this As long as the power is mobilized, the imperial court can use it to achieve our goals."

  Chai Ke's eyes were serious, "Eastern expansion, the imperial court intends to set up a mansion, and it has indeed touched the court, but you mentioned that the next step is Sulu Luzon, and the old port and the old land, so the distance is much farther..."

"Brother Zishu, you may not be clear. Now several major shipyards along the coast are able to build large western-style sailboats. This kind of sailboat has a large load capacity, good stability, and many and complicated sails. Fully adopt this kind of Clark and Galen ships as warships, and the Fujian Navy will do the same in the next step. Coastal sea trade merchants have basically switched to this kind of Western-style sailing ships, so there is a little distance between Sulu, Luzon and the old port. It's not a problem anymore."

Feng Ziying added again: "Luzon and Sulu, Jiaozhi, and even Dongfan now, if the land of three crops a year can be fully developed, it will be of great benefit to relieve the pressure of our large population. This is overwhelming. .”

  Chai Ke has to admit that this is indeed very tempting.

  The number of displaced people in the Northland continued. On the surface, it seemed that it was affected by natural disasters, but in fact, the deeper problem was that this land could no longer support so many people.

  As long as it is not a good year, you will face the pressure of exodus. Because you don’t have enough to eat, once you encounter a disaster year, you can only go into exile with your family, and it is logical to be coerced into a rebellious army.

  Feng Ziying is now taking every opportunity to continue to publicize her views. If you can’t even influence the familiar and trusted people around you, and you can’t get them to recognize your own views, how can you make those strangers agree?

   This is a persistent long-term plan, but it has to go.

  Furthermore, Feng Ziying is also very clear that this is also an opportunity to gather strength and mobilize influence.

   Gather the power of the merchants firmly, drive the landed gentry and let them transform into industrial and commercial gentry for my use.

   This is like a united front strategy. Make more allies, strong and strong, and make enemies fewer and weaker.

Now the Huguang group of scholars and officials have basically accepted their point of view. On the contrary, there are still many scholars from the north who are from their own family. The local gentry would be more and more supportive, while the gentry in the inland areas who lived on land leases were very disgusted.

  Feng Ziying didn't care about this, as long as the demonstration effect of Wusongkou Shipyard and the stock exchange came out, he believed that a large number of people would soon be attracted to change their views, whether they were gentry from the north or merchants from the south of the Yangtze River.


   With great satisfaction, she got up from Zhen Baochen's jade body. Feng Ziying couldn't put it down. She was soft and enchanting with a bit of cunning and heroism. It was indeed different from other women, making people forget to return.

   "I'm afraid I'll be returning to Beijing in half a month." Feng Ziying leaned on the head of the bed, feeling like smoking an afterthought.

It's a pity that although tobacco has been introduced to the coast, it has not been widely accepted. However, according to the news from Duan Xigui, many people in some coastal ports have begun to smoke this kind of light wild rice, also known as golden silk grass .

  Feng Ziying also knows that this kind of thing cannot be stopped, and it seems inevitable that it will become popular. Moreover, the vast land and abundant resources are far from those in Luzon. There are many places for growing tobacco, and it can even be sold back to Luzon.

   "Is my husband thinking about where the concubine will go?" Zhen Baochen turned his body around, wrapping around Feng Ziying's body like a white and flawless snake, and asked with a smile.

   "Do you really want to learn from Wang Xifeng?" Feng Ziying frowned slightly, but then opened it up again, "If you want to learn, learn from her. Your temperament is really similar to her."

"The concubine really wants to learn. When will the husband give the concubine a son?" After these two months, Zhen Baochen has completely let go of his mind, and his smile is even more seductive. The concubine is going to Tianjin Wei to pay a visit to Sister Feng, she feels pity for each other, they are all abandoned wives who have been abandoned by their father-in-law, and they have to work hard to earn money to raise a son for the father-in-law, how can there be reason in this world?"

  (end of this chapter)

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