Number of People

Chapter 2467: Gui character roll nails, chess pieces

  Chapter 2467 Guizi scroll nails, chess pieces

   Enraged by Zhen Baochen's words, he slapped the other party's bare **** hard.

   "Bah!", Zhen Baochen almost jumped up in pain, his eyes were red.

"Master can really be ruthless. Just now, he was so in love with him, and he said a lot of heartfelt words, which moved the concubine. Now he will turn his face and be ruthless." Zhen Baochen covered his buttocks and squeezed He pursed his lips and gave Feng Ziying a sidelong glance, "Who can I count on from now on?"

   "That's enough, Baochen, I'm talking about business with you." Feng Ziying really couldn't let go of this woman.

  Smart, smart, and courageous, her vision is much stronger than Wang Xifeng's. If she wants to place a caring person in Jiangnan, she is really suitable.

   "Listen, my concubine, where do you plan to put this concubine?" Zhen Baochen's eyes streamed, "Yangzhou? Suzhou?"

   "Yangzhou is more suitable. The stock exchange is located there. Aren't you very interested in these joint-stock companies? Wusongkou Shipyard's joint-stock reform is about to start, and I have also won an opportunity for you..."

  Feng Ziying hadn't finished speaking, Zhen Baochen's eyes lit up strangely, Gu Lu turned over all of a sudden, sat on Feng Ziying, with one hand holding a brocade quilt to cover his chest, and asked tremblingly: "Really?"

   "When did my master lie to you with lies?" Feng Ziying asked proudly.

   Zhen Baochen took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then quietly said: "Isn't you afraid of outsiders' gossip?"

"Who does this outsider refer to?" Feng Ziying asked back: "If it refers to people in Feng's house, there is no need to worry. Don't they know about Sister Feng's affairs? If it is someone from the court, then it doesn't matter. Shareholding system reform and The stock exchange itself must attract all gentry merchants who are willing to invest in shares, and officials are no exception. There are several gentry merchants in the south of the Yangtze River who have nothing to do with officials. Mobilize the families behind each of them and the people they can influence to join in, and create the greatest momentum for stock trading as much as possible."

   "Then what does Xianggong mean, that the concubine can also participate in these stock investments and transactions on behalf of Xianggong?" Zhen Baochen bit his lip.

"It depends on you. If you want to help the Zhen family, that's fine. You can also represent me. Even if you want to bring me and the Zhen family together to invest, it's up to you. The key is what you think. In addition, there are still many uncertainties about the future of the Zhen family,..."

Feng Ziying said leisurely: "Bao Chen, sometimes I am not sure whether some roads can be taken, but I always want to give it a try, just like the transformation of this joint-stock industry, and then use it for transactions to attract more capital to promote big business. Many people don’t understand Zhou’s development of industry and commerce, or think that I’m just trying to make a big fuss out of a molehill, thinking that the world must still be based on agriculture, and spending all my time on industry and commerce is a waste of money, and they will suffer in the end. But I want to say that they are Short-sighted, unable to see the development of the times, clinging to the handicapped and following the old ways, the gunboats of the Xiyi people have hit their doorsteps. If they are not too far apart and lack of manpower and supplies, our navy is no match for them at all. That's why I urged the Denglai Navy to quickly change ships and guns,..."

   It was the first time that Zhen Baochen felt the deepness and depression of the man beside him. He seemed to have a lot of words that he couldn't confide to others, but he seemed to be able to play this role, which made Zhen Baochen secretly happy.

"The ship is strong and the guns are strong. If we don't change and don't learn, how will we respond when the warships of the Xiyi people come to our port?" Feng Ziying sighed, "I don't want to see lessons learned after being beaten and failed, and even more so. I don’t want to spend several times or even ten times the price to get it back after losing the opportunity, because some things even if we lose it, we can never get it back.”

   Zhen Baochen didn't quite understand the meaning of some words for a while, but she could understand the loneliness and incomprehension in Feng Ziying's words, which made her feel a little distressed.

"Master, do you think those Xiyi people will pose a threat to our Dazhou? Didn't you say that their lair is thousands of miles away? Could it be that they will travel thousands of miles to attack our Dazhou? Why? Occupy our land, Or loot our property?" Zhen Baochen asked.

"Some things are impossible for us now, but at that point we will realize that this world is a world where the weak prey on the strong. If you are not strong enough, it is the original sin. Just like those natives in Southeast Asia, the Francois, the Dutch, and the English have arrived. , have you ever asked for their opinions, have you ever paid attention to their attitude, if you don't obey, you will be dealt with with firecrackers and bayonets, accompanied by killings, three or five hundred people can kill tens of thousands of aboriginals without blinking an eye, maybe now the court will feel that How could our Dazhou be like those Nanyang natives? We have an army and a navy, but when the warships and artillery of the Xiyi people are far stronger than ours, when our army is difficult to match against the other side, do you think they will Wouldn't they treat us the same way they treated the Nanyang natives? Instead of rushing to deal with it at that time, how can we pre-emptively attack, let us become stronger first, compete with them, and defend the enemy from outside the country..."

Feng Ziying didn't know why she said these things to Zhen Baochen by herself. Maybe it was because Zhen Baochen was more flexible in her mind, maybe Zhen Baochen was more receptive to new things such as joint-stock industries and securities trading, and reacted faster, or maybe she really He wanted Zhen Baochen to be his spokesperson in Jiangnan, and to participate in some industries and things that he didn't like to face.

  Of course, this may also be related to some ideological fluctuations brought about by multiple rounds of communication between myself and Gu Bingqian, Chai Ke, Guo Zhengyu, Bi Ziyan, Sun Dingxiang, Yang Lian and others recently.

  Most people have accepted some of their views, but they still don't quite agree that the development of industry and commerce can replace the status of agriculture.

   They even think that industry and commerce can only be a supplement to agriculture forever. After all, if there is no food, people will starve to death, and others seem to be bearable.

But they ignore that if there is no development of industry and commerce, the development of agriculture will also be restricted, and the price of food will also skyrocket due to poor transportation, and colonization will bring more land suitable for growing food, which will make the food production of the entire Dazhou Entering a virtuous circle state, they cannot see these, or they are not aware of them.

  Feng Ziying has actually experienced this kind of loneliness that is beyond the reach of those around her for hundreds of years.

He found that his way to fight against this kind of loneliness might be to be happy with a woman, let her beautiful face, soft body and docile character comfort his lonely heart, if there are one or two who can be reconciled in some aspects If you can speak for yourself, it will be more perfect. Perhaps this is the dilemma that history travelers have to face.

Shen Yixiu barely counts as one, Zhen Baochen seems to barely count as half, Jia Yuanchun sometimes barely counts as half, and sometimes Guo Qinyun barely counts as half, but in general, they can only passively follow their own. I can't give myself more suggestions, let alone innovative things, but Feng Ziying has never hoped for this.

"Msister, I can't be as far-sighted as my husband, but I understand that the current joint-stock industry and the stock exchange are an experiment for my husband, and it is also very important. If my husband wants me to try it, I am willing to do my best. Do your best to do this well.”

   Zhen Baochen bit his lip and stared at Feng Ziying, saying every word.

  Feng Ziying looked at Zhen Baochen, and asked in deep thought: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Didn't Xianggong talk about the Wusongkou Shipyard? Then I will pull up the tiger skin as a banner, and invest in a part of the stock to become a shareholder of Wusong Shipyard. According to Xianggong, the scale of Wusong Shipyard is not small, and it will continue to operate this year. In addition to expansion, the Fujian Navy is still far behind the Denglai Navy. Most of the warships are still old-fashioned, but the Fujian Navy will face Nanyang in the future, and there are more Xiyi people in Nanyang. I also heard from Xianggong that the Xue family and Anfu merchants wanted to colonize Sulu and Luzon, and that was the territory of the Frangji people. If the Fujian navy did not keep up, the Fujian navy might suffer in the event of a conflict. Based on this One point, the imperial court should refit the Fujian Navy, so this should be an opportunity for Wusong Shipyard, and it can even make Wusong Shipyard have no shortage of orders for several years. With such good news, Wusong Shipyard’s stock price should rise sharply,..."

Feng Ziying did not expect that Zhen Baochen's thinking was so clear that he had come up with countermeasures in such a short period of time, first changing the shareholding system, taking the shares, and then lobbying all parties to win the Fujian Navy's large order for Wusong Shipyard. This is good news, then Is it possible to ship and sell stocks?

   "Then what should I do next?" Feng Ziying was really curious, he wanted to see how this woman operates the stocks.

"Well, when there is a big rise, we can naturally sell and make a profit, but this kind of news may stimulate the rise for a period of time, and it will eventually stabilize. If there is nothing else to do, we can actually hold it for a long time and wait for dividends. Under considerable circumstances, the annual dividends must be much higher than that of Cunyinzhuang,..."

   Zhen Baochen's words didn't satisfy Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying stared at the other party and said, "I mean, do you think buying and selling like this can make money? I mean if you make money once, is there any way to make money repeatedly..."

It took Zhen Baochen a while to understand Feng Ziying's meaning. She was a little confused about Feng Ziying's intention, "Does Mr. Xianggong mean to repeatedly operate a stock so that its price keeps rising and falling to make money? But doing so should be contrary to Mr. Xianggong's original intention." Bar?"

  Feng Ziying shook her head, "You don't care about the specific reasons for now, I just ask if you think there is any way to operate it?"

  He wants to test whether this woman has the intuition and talent to operate in the stock market.

  (end of this chapter)

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