Number of People

Chapter 2474: Guizi Juan is persistent and persevering

  Chapter 2474 Guizi Scroll Persistence, Perseverance

  Noticing Feng Ziying's surprised face, Guo Qinyun's heart was also sour, his eyes were red, and he almost cried out.

   She has always shown a strong and domineering posture in front of Feng Ziying.

  Even if you can't stand it in bed, you won't beg for mercy easily.

  In other aspects, she felt that she was a noble concubine, the emperor's woman, and she seemed to have a natural psychological advantage when facing a foreign minister like Feng Ziying.

  But after Prince Yizhong ascended the throne as emperor, all of this ceased to exist.

  The original psychological advantage is gone.

  It used to be the emperor's noble concubine, but now it is the emperor's concubine. The word "tai" means that everything is in the past tense, and it even makes people's age suddenly increase by ten years.

   What's more serious is that they were kicked out, away from the center of the palace.

  Everyone's eyes are no longer focused on them, but replaced by new queens and concubines.

  Even though those old women have long lost their looks and are old, but now they have become the center of court people's pursuit.

  Everything has changed. The number of people waiting around has suddenly dropped from the original forty or fifty people to only six people. Even Zhou Dehai has been a little half-hearted recently and disappeared.

   It was also fortunate that Zhou Peisheng followed him relentlessly. Of course, Guo Qinyun also knew that Zhou Peisheng had nowhere to go and could only follow him.

  The new emperors and empresses and concubines all have their own teams, and the people they bring are all old people from the hidden mansion. The original ones in the palace, as long as they are a little proud, are almost excluded.

  Of course, I am not the only one receiving such treatment, Xu Junru, Su Lingyao and Mei Yuexi are also the same.

   Concubines like Jia Yuanchun, Zheng Zhiying, Wu Guxia, and Zhou Biwu who don’t have princes are even worse. Each of them has three people around them, and even daily chores have to be done by personal maids.

  For Guo Qinyun, it is acceptable for him to be treated coldly and tortured, but not for his son.

  I'm used to being extravagant in Qingtan Academy. When I'm with my classmates, I have to hold poetry parties and receptions from time to time. It usually costs hundreds of taels of silver. How can I get enough?

  My own expenses are not small, and Guo Qinyun deeply understands the feeling of going from extravagance to frugality.

   And I never thought of being reduced to this level, so I didn't save much in the palace.

   If you want to reach out to ask for it from your natal family, you can do it once or twice. If there are too many, the family will have to ask for it.

  As for the matter of the son, it is not easy to tell the father and brother of the natal family deeply.

   Now that the new emperor has made it clear that the chariots and horses want to establish a crown prince, if you say that your son also wants to fight for that position, I am afraid that the father and brother may not be willing.

  May even turn around and persuade myself not to think about it, and ask for trouble.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised. He really didn't expect that the dignified concubine would even talk about such vulgar things as money and silver with him.

  You come to me for help, if you want to do this or that, shouldn’t you just wave your hand, reward some gold, jewels and jade ornaments, and tens of thousands of taels of silver, so that you can just go about your business and don’t care about money?

  Why is it reversed now, crying poorly in front of me and talking about difficulties, does it mean that I still have to help the dignified concubine get up?

  Then what is this?


   Or prostitution?

  For a while, Feng Ziying was still a little uncertain, don't just complain about it casually, but if she answered the words, she would be regarded as a humiliation by others.

   "Concubine Tsuen,..."

"Don't call me Concubine Quan, I'm not anymore." Guo Qinyun had a look of helplessness and sadness on his face, "It's just the two of us, so you can call me by my boudoir name. You all know that now is not like in the past, there are still people staring at you, and now you just want to ask people to watch you, and they may not be interested."

   "Qinyun?" Feng Ziying muttered, feeling that there was something strange about calling a noble concubine by her boudoir name, and calling her so affectionately, it seemed a bit strange.

   "You also know my girlfriend's name?" Guo Qinyun was not surprised.

  With Feng Ziying's current power and connections, Long Jinwei also has close contacts with him, and Zhou Peisheng even wants to take the initiative to move closer to him, so what's the secret?

"Well, I know." Feng Ziying rubbed her hands on Guo Qinyun's towering palace-style bun. The thick black hair was thick and thick, and the bun was heavy and textured. "It's hard for you now? You can't even guarantee the daily expenses." gone?"

  Feng Ziying was not too polite, but there was really no need to be more polite. They were all sleeping on the same bed, so what else could be polite?

  Guo Qinyun's discomfort and embarrassment disappeared in an instant, so what if he didn't admit it?

  Besides, this is all frank and relative. The husband and wife have done everything about Dunlun, why are you still entangled?

"Well, you also know that I'm not very scheming, and I never thought I'd come to this point, but now I realize that once I lose it, everything becomes a reality, even if I want to buy some rouge powder outside the palace, If you want something better, you have to pay for it yourself, has there ever been such a thing before?"

Guo Qinyun couldn't help gnashing his teeth again, "Tian'er came back and said that the academy was going to have a party in the same year as Tonghui Academy. He didn't quite understand the situation, so he took the initiative to agree to subsidize five hundred taels of silver. If it was in the past, it would be needless to say, but now , but where did it come from? Or I have to **** my own jewelry,..."

Feng Ziying couldn't bear it anymore, "Qinyun, you have been in the palace for so many years, so the emperor's rewards and routines add up to tens of thousands of taels a year, so you haven't saved any? Now even You can’t get out a few hundred taels of silver? There will be a long time in the future, how do you plan to live?”

  Feng Ziying's question really made Guo Qinyun almost choke up.

   This is so embarrassing, even Feng Ziying can't believe it, but I have been squandering like this all these years, and suddenly faced with this situation, I can't bear it.

  Seeing that Guo Qinyun's eye circles were also red, and the eye sockets were blurred with water mist, Feng Ziying knew that her question had broken the opponent's defense, so she waved her hand quickly.

   "Okay, okay, let me talk too much, how much money do you need now? You know my situation, the money and property are all managed by the family, if there is too much, it will be enough,..."

  Guo Qinyun felt more and more humiliated, and tears finally burst out of her eyes uncontrollably.

  She felt like she was being taken care of by the other party, and now she actually wanted to ask the other party for money, but otherwise, how would she live in the future?

   Neglecting how much money is needed, Feng Ziying also felt a headache. It is absurd to think that this kind of thing finally comes up with money.

  Guo Qinyun was unwilling to say more about this matter, and instead talked about the matter of Prince Gong and Zhang Cong.

"He is currently studying at Qingtan Academy. Originally, he wanted to refer to this Enke subject, but I considered his age and this time Enke, so I still didn't let him participate. I wanted to wait until Wantong's three-year regular course came. Kao, he was just the right age at that time,..."

  Feng Ziying smiled, "Qinyun, do you really intend to make Prince Gong famous in the imperial examination?"

Guo Qinyun's eyes were filled with resentment, "Ziying, you said it lightly, how can a mother not worry about his future? Although I also hope that he can succeed the Datong, you all know that the risk here is extremely high. , the possibility is very small, if things really fail, if he can pass the examination as a Jinshi, at least he can have an extra identity to protect his safety. Trembling and being an idle clan,..."

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Guo Qinyun to think of this, and immediately looked up to Guo Qinyun.

  He thought that this person wanted to promote King Gong to the throne regardless of his care, but now it seems that he is not prepared for the future.

   Seemingly feeling the meaning of Feng Ziying's glance, Guo Qinyun sighed quietly.

"Why don't I know the risk of competing for that position? But in the future, if it is the heir of Emperor Wantong who succeeds to the throne, that's fine, but even if it is King Shou, King Fu, King Li or King Lu, whoever succeeds, and I If I didn't make any effort for my son, my son will blame me for the rest of my life, I don't want to carry this blame like that, so I would rather..."

   Poor parents all over the world.

  Before, Feng Ziying was very disapproving of Guo Qinyun.

  The other party even sacrificed his appearance to seduce and win him over. Although he took advantage of it and got happy, deep down he was still somewhat disdainful.

   But with such a taste now, you still have to lament the greatness of being a mother. She would rather sacrifice her own reputation and give her son an explanation so as not to complain in the future.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this matter, since you are going to do it, what are you talking about?" Feng Ziying put his hands down from the woman's thick bun and caressed her pink neck, "I passed the exam. Jinshi does have a layer of protection, at least he is considered a scholar class, and scholars will have a sense of identity. Of course, his status is a little special, but if it is really hopeless in the future, go to the Ministry of Rites, the Metropolitan Procuratorate or the Imperial Academy, It would be a good place for Guozijian to seek a noble position."

Guo Qinyun nodded again and again, "I think Mei Yuexi also thinks the same way. Enke Qiuwei Grand Competition and Zhang Yu have both passed the exam, and she is also very proud. She guesses that Chunwei Grand Competition and Zhang Yi will also participate. It depends on whether she can take the exam." Jinshi."

"Jinshi is not so easy to take the exam. It is very good to pass the exam. I didn't expect that King Lu really has some literary talents. It seems that studying in Qingtan Academy is not in vain." Feng Ziying did not expect that King Lu actually passed the competition , He didn't care about these things after he came back. It seems that Guo Qinyun should also be inspired by Mei Yuexi, "Are you also inspired by Mei Yuexi?"

   "Well, be it, this woman Mei Yuexi is quite astute, King Lu is very famous now..." Guo Qinyun hesitated, "Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

   "There are pros and cons, it depends on the emperor's mind." Feng Ziying smiled lightly, and got on the horse, "It's actually not bad for Prince Gong to hide behind King Lu's back."

   "I hate it, people still have to talk to you about business, woo woo..."

  (end of this chapter)

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