Number of People

Chapter 2475: Kui character roll big, happy reward

  Chapter 2475 Guizi Juan is big, happy reward

  Escaping from Chongxuan Temple and returning home, Feng Ziying returned to Yihong Courtyard, which is now the Jingqi Study, and took a bath.

   Baoxiang had already quietly called Yu Chuan'er to wait. As soon as Feng Ziying came back, Yu Chuan'er waited for Feng Ziying to take a bath and change her clothes so as not to reveal her secrets.

   After all, Guo Qinyun likes strong fragrance, lingering for half an afternoon, the fragrance infiltrates her body, it is definitely impossible to hide it from others if she doesn't take a bath.

  Yu Chuan'er pouted with reluctance on her face, but her hands and feet were exceptionally nimble. She quickly cleaned Feng Ziying's body and dried and combed her hair.

   "Master, it's true, the women outside are so fragrant? Didn't Miss Zhen not come back to Beijing? Where did my master go hunting for wild food? Is that shameless hoof pestering my master again?"

  Yu Chuan'er's words were also a little angry.

  Following Yuanyang to Nanjing, I thought I could finally get my wish, but in the end, nothing happened and I came back.

   This caused her to be ridiculed by Qingwen, Siqi, and her sister for several days in the mansion, and it also made her so wronged that she cried a lot.

After Feng Ziying returned to Beijing, she fell into a "cold war" with the grandmothers in the mansion because of the affairs of Li and Zhen's daughters. Naturally, there is no chance.

  Who would have thought that Feng Ziying would go out to steal food again, and now let me cover his traces for him. If the grandmas find out, I am afraid that I will be wronged again.

  Feng Ziying let Yu Chuan'er comb her hair, and leaned on the official hat chair with her eyes closed and rested.

  The afternoon of entertainment is comfortable, but it is still a bit exhausting.

  It's thirty nights today, no matter how much you neglect yourself, this New Year's dinner will have to be reunited with He Meimei, so Feng Ziying is not worried about this.

  After working hard for a whole year, if they don't even have this kind of perspective, then Shen Xuelin and the others are not worthy of presiding over their back houses.

  It's normal to have a little temper and deliberately snub yourself out, but after all, I'm the head of the family, so I have to save face, the big deal is to curry favor with the three of them after tonight.

   "Why are you so angry, who provoked you again?" Feng Ziying responded slowly.

"How dare the servants be so angry? I just think that the master left so many grandma and aunts in the house, but he still ran outside to let outsiders know. He still doesn't know how to digest the people in our house. Even his own master can't keep it. Hold on, what does this sound like?"

Furiously, Yu Chuan'er **** Feng Ziying's hair in a bun and tidied up Feng Ziying's clothes. She took Feng Ziying to the floor-standing vanity mirror for a closer look, then pursed her lips in satisfaction and hummed: " It's already thirty in the new year, so I should show something,..."

Feng Ziying pretended to be stupid: "What do you mean? Is it because the monthly money and red envelopes of the people in the house can't be dealt with? That's not possible, I have to ask you grandmas and Yuanyang, what happened, how did the Feng family ever owe the people below these things?" money?"

  Yu Chuan'er couldn't help but punched Feng Ziying lightly, "Young master is talking nonsense there, I know what the slaves are talking about, and the grandmas are not at ease, don't make it feel uncomfortable for a whole year,..."

Feng Ziying didn't expect Yu Chuan'er to be so considerate for herself, so she couldn't help pinching the other's dimple, and pulled her over, then slipped her hand under the skirt of the other's embroidered jacket, and grasped the pair through the thin coat. Still quite large-scale peaks.

Yu Chuan'er hadn't experienced this before, and her body suddenly went limp, but thinking of the "ban" in the mansion, she struggled and begged: "Master, I don't dare to be a servant at this moment. If this time passes, the master and grandma will reconcile." As before, if you want slaves, you can let me..."

Of course Feng Ziying wouldn't act recklessly at this time, he was just being flirtatious with his hands, seeing Yu Chuan'er so delicate and cute, his heart was a little moved, he lifted Yu Chuan'er's pink dimple, and kissed her tenderly. lips, "Don't worry, you can't run away, master find a good time..."

  Feng Mansion's New Year's Eve dinner finally came.

   It can be said that this year is the most complete staff of the Feng family.

Last year Feng Ziying was still in Liaodong, and the year before last in Shaanxi. A few years ago, Daiyu and Baochai hadn't married yet. Now the three wives and concubines are all complete, even though there are still Tanchun, Xichun and Xiangyun who haven't married yet. But Li's Shuangshu and Zhen Baoyu have already entered the mansion, even though the identity of the concubine is unknown, but actually entering the mansion is enough to explain everything.

  The reunion dinner was arranged in the original Rongxi Hall, which is now renamed Yuanfang Hall, which means a round place or an outer circle and an inner square.

There are four tables for the big and small Duan family plus Su Xie's two aunts, plus a table for Feng Ziying's sister; the long room has two rooms, three rooms, and a family for three tables, and there are Li Coco, Li Qi and Zhen Baoyu also respectfully accompanying the last seat, plus Feng Ziying, so that , which are just far away from each other.

  Hearing that the firecrackers outside the door had started to ring, Feng Ziying did his part. Before his father came back, he was the head of the family.

  Although it has been rumored that the cabinet wants to let the father go to announce the university, but there is no movement for a long time, probably because he is afraid that the father will leave. How to settle down the Northwest Army has not yet been considered maturely.

"Mother, aunt, sister, and good wives, our family can finally have a good year this year. Although my father has not come back yet, it is estimated that my father will be able to return to Beijing soon after the year, but it may not be possible to stay in Beijing if he returns. Jing, but I think maybe it will be a happy event that I won't run too far,..."

  Feng Ziying raised her glass to toast, but she had to say enough.

"From the year before last to this year, I have been running around outside. Although it is for state affairs, I am ashamed of all the good wives and ladies at home. Over the years, I have basically never taken care of the family affairs, except for the help of my mother and aunt. Outside of home, most of the ladies are taking care of me at home. Tong Niang and the others are all healthy and healthy, and I am also very satisfied. Maybe sometimes it is absurd for me to be outside, and sometimes it is forced by the situation, so If there is anything wrong with my husband, please forgive me, ladies. These three glasses of wine are a toast to my mother and aunt, a toast to three good wives, and a toast to all of you ladies. Thank you for being busy when I am away. Take care of the house for me, take care of the children,..."

  Feng Ziying picked up the wine cup and drank three cups in one go before giving up.

   These words can be said to make the whole hall full of awe.

  As a master, why did you ever say such words to your wives and concubines?

Whether it's Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, Lin Daiyu, Coco Li, Li Qi and Zhen Baoyu who just started, or Yuanyang Ping'er Qingwen, they can be regarded as big maids who have seen the world in Rongguo Mansion, but there has never been a head of a family as a master. It is really the first time that I will send a toast like this, and I will apologize and ask my wives and concubines to forgive me.

Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, and Lin Daiyu couldn't sit still any longer, so they quickly got up and held up their wine glasses, "My husband's remarks made me feel ashamed, my husband has been working hard outside, and we are enjoying the blessings at home, if there is any dissatisfaction, That's really unconscionable,... If there is anything wrong with what we have done, please ask your wife, concubine and husband-in-law to point it out,..."

   Several first wives took turns to express their opinions, and also eased the situation in a disguised way. The cold war that lasted for more than ten days disappeared in such a silent way.

  After a few rounds of drinking, Feng Ziying also toasted again. At such a happy time, he naturally had to announce some good news to add atmosphere to this festival.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in view of my husband's contribution to the previous battle of Liaodong and the pacification of Jiangnan this time, but now that my husband is already a third-rank minister, it seems a bit too prominent to be promoted, so the cabinet, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Rites are also in harmony with my husband. After talking about it, I hope to understand the difficulties of the court. As a husband, I boldly made some 'rude' requests,..."

  The words immediately hooked several people's minds. They couldn't imagine what the so-called "rude request" Feng Ziying mentioned at this time would be.

"My husband said that since the court is in trouble, then I don't ask for anything else, but the Feng family has one family and three bedrooms, and the second and third bedrooms have two wives. In addition, the Feng family also has two male heirs. It will be considered by the order and honor officer,..."

   "Originally, I just mentioned it casually as a husband. Who would have thought that Mr. Gu Ge was born in the Ministry of Rites, and it was very pleasant to work together in Jiangnan. Now the official teacher of the Ministry of Rites is also a teacher of the husband, so..."

   Before the words fell, the entire hall was already boiling.

   Especially Xue Baoqin and Miaoyu, plus Yingchun and Xiuyan, it can be said that except You Eryou San who is full of envy and hatred, the rest of the women are ecstatic.

  Xue Baoqin and Miaoyu got their orders suddenly, which means that the two daughters will be able to wear the official uniforms that only Shen Xuelin and the other three were qualified to wear in the future, and become real wives.

  Between Yingchun and Xiuyan, they were excited about their sons. As bastards, they suddenly gained the status of honored officers.

  Even the most jealous Second Sister You is full of anticipation amidst jealousy.

Yingchun and Xiuyan gave birth to a son and they could get honorary officials, which meant that the two **** had escaped from the poor fate of the ordinary wealthy family's **** from the very beginning. Having an honorary officer meant having an official status. If she Being able to give birth to a son can also get such an opportunity.

Although this official title is not the same as a title and cannot be inherited, in a sense, the two of them have been qualified to be officials since they were young, but the qualifications of honorary officers have to be subject to many restrictions if they want to be officials , but the identity of an honorary officer is much stronger than that of Lai Da who donated his identity to seek an official.

  The result of the ecstasy of the whole family was that Feng Ziying returned drunk, but when she woke up, she was lying in the delicate bodies of two women, Miaoyu and Xiuyan.

   This is the first time that the second daughter married into the Feng family, and it may be the only time in this lifetime.

  (end of this chapter)

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