Number of People

Chapter 2476: There are old things in the New Grand View Garden

  Chapter 2476 There are old things in the New Grand View Garden

  After waking up, Xiuyan hurriedly put on her apron, pulled up her clothes and got out of bed, beckoned Jiahui outside to serve her, put on her cloak, and left in a hurry.

  Feng Ziying saw that Xiuyan's face was so ashamed that even her neck was red, and she staggered, and hurriedly said: "Xiuyan, be careful, the snowy road outside is slippery, don't fall down, put on the cloak, don't catch cold,..."

  Xiuyan's heart is also warm, she was absurd after drinking last night, thinking that her son has finally obtained an official position, she is ecstatic, but she is dragged to Changcui'an by the master, a bed with three friends, a good deed has been achieved.

  She has an unusual relationship with Miaoyu, it's not that she never slept with Miaoyu, but to say that the two of them served Feng Ziying at the same time, such an absurd thing, even concubines can't accept it.

  Anyway, she was also married by a girl from a good family, a good concubine, not waiting for the secretary of the Jiaofang to buy it in or the house girl to pick up the concubine. This bit of face is still needed.

  Last night, it was purely overjoyed that she fell into Feng Ziying's trap.

   And Miaoyu was also overjoyed because she got the imperial order, and she had no resistance to Feng Ziying, so she was let go by Feng Ziying once.

   In the future, such absurd behavior must never be done again, and it must not be a family joke if people know it.

   "The concubine knows." She didn't want to reply at first, but she couldn't bear to ignore her husband's kindness, Xiuyan hurriedly responded, and urged Jiahui to help her out.

   It's just that it's been a lingering night, her feet are soft and tendony, and she walks a little vainly, and she has to be supported by a girl.

  Looking at Miaoyu, who was pouting out most of her plump, naked buttocks, and didn't wake up until she heard the conversation between herself and Xiuyan, Feng Ziying also had to admit that the situation and environment changed too much for a person.

   Many courtyards in Daguanyuan, including Changcui An, used to have small rooms, which were suitable for a girl to live in, but now that she has become a grandma, it is no longer possible.

   Later, after the Feng family bought the Rongning Second Mansion, they began to carry out some renovations on each small courtyard to better meet the actual needs of life in the future.

  For example, like this Changcui Temple, Miaoyu has given birth to a child. If you want to live in this Changcui Temple, you must have a lot of maids, nanny, mother-in-law, and women.

   It turned out that she was spacious enough to live alone, but suddenly there were a lot of people, and it was impossible to live there.

  So during the renovation, although Quicuian still had the name of Quicuian, it has actually changed a lot.

  The increase was three times that of the original, and the master bedroom was also enlarged a lot. In addition, the bedroom facing the mountains and forests in summer is added, which makes it very spacious.

  The bedroom is equipped with a special heater, which is extraordinarily warm and even a little hot.

Miaoyu's long, white legs protruded from the brocade quilt, and most of her buttocks were exposed outside, so she didn't feel cold. Hearing Xiuyan go out, she turned over to support her body, and hurriedly called out : "Xiuyan, you left so early, it's still early, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

   "No sister, I'll go back to Lu Xueguang's place to rest, so you can fall asleep." Xiuyan replied, and then disappeared outside the cotton curtain with Jiahui's support.

Miaoyu's huge white and greasy two **** were exposed outside, until Feng Ziying looked at her directly, Miaoyu finally realized, quickly pulled up the quilt to cover it, and said with a blank look: "What are you looking at? Is the accommodation not enough?"

   "Of course not enough." Feng Ziying unscrupulously reached over, got into the quilt, kneaded,...

  Miaoyu giggled and wanted to avoid her husband's clutches, but she couldn't bear it. In the end, she let Feng Ziying fulfill her wish, snuggled into her husband's arms, and wrapped her long legs around Feng Ziying's waist.

   Another morning battle!

   After the clouds gathered and the rain was resting, Feng Ziying leaned lazily on the head of the bed, looking at the beauty beside her who was as delicate as fire, with beautiful eyes like honey, and her breathing gradually calmed down.

  Miaoyu has changed too much.

  So he said that he would lament that the situation and the environment change people.

  Before Miaoyu married, she always maintained that kind of cold and resistant attitude, her attitude towards herself was also lukewarm, and she also kept a respectful distance from other sisters in the garden.

   Except for Xiuyan, there is basically no one who can talk to her more than a few words.

But after marrying in, the situation has changed, especially after going back to Beijing to give birth after a trip to Shaanxi. People like Yingchun, Youer and Yousan also got close to each other.

  The performance in the bed makes people feel like a different person. There is no longer the aloofness of the past. Instead, it feels like it is developing towards Wang Xifeng's style.

   Even the figure has undergone a huge change. The **** of the relatively plump body have increased dramatically after giving birth to a baby and breastfeeding. I no longer dare to wear a bellyband when I go out.

  Feng Ziying has long drawn the most primitive bra pattern ideas of this era based on the bodies of women, and even asked the women in the house to make some.

   It's a pity that they are not welcomed by women, except You Er You San and Si Qi because of their figure and to please themselves, others don't approve of them.

  But Wang Xifeng likes this thing very much, probably because she is afraid that the sagging she said will affect her figure and become a yellow-faced woman, so she always wears it when she goes out.

  Feng Ziying hasn't gone wild enough to actively promote this thing to the outside world.

   This kind of thing can only be subtle and subtle as time goes by, just let nature take its course.

If all the women in the mansion use it, it is inevitable that the servants will follow suit. Maybe the noble ladies in the capital city value the benefits of this kind of thing inadvertently, and then slowly accept it. Gradually, it became popular throughout the Zhou Dynasty. After all, isn’t the apron and bust the same?

   "Where did the original maid beside Xiuyan go? Where are Zhuan'er and Zhui'er?"

  Feng Ziying remembers that Xiuyan used to have two personal maids, one named Zhuaner and the other named Zhuier, who followed Xiuyan from the Rongguo Mansion when the Jia Mansion fell.

  That Zhui'er should also be a little maid with a story in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions".

   "Zhuan'er wasn't on duty, Zhuer committed a crime and was kicked out." Miaoyu replied casually.

   "What happened?" Feng Ziying was a little curious. The pendant in "A Dream of Red Mansions" was the culprit in the "Shrimp Bracelet Case".

"I stole Second Sister's gold bracelet, and was captured by Siqi. Fortunately, Second Sister was quite determined to keep quiet, but she was so angry with Xiuyan that she sent it out." Miaoyu raised her head puzzledly: " This happened last year, oh, by the way, Xianggong went to Liaodong at that time, maybe he didn’t care when he came back.”

   "Then it seems that Jiahui has never seen her before, why did she come to Xiuyan's side and become a personal maid?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

  The current rule in the Feng Mansion is that the principal wife can have two to four personal maids, and concubines can have two personal maids.

  However, whether it is Shen Yixiu or Baochai, there are only two personal maids, Shen Yixiu is Qingwen and Yunshang, and Baochai is Xiangling and Yinger.

Daiyu has four, Zijuan, Xueyan, Chunxian, and Ouguan, but Chunxian and Ouguan are not counted. night.

  That is to say, as the most private side of the hostess, Chunxian and Ouguan cannot touch it.

   To put it more bluntly, in case the host and hostess need a maid to serve the bed when they are having a good time, Zijuan and Xueyan can do it, but Chunxian and Ouguan don't have this opportunity.

   Whether there is such a relationship is very different.

   Like Zijuan, who was taken over by Feng Ziying, as long as she can conceive, she is eligible to raise a concubine, and you can't even handle this kind of thing, so you can only wander around the periphery.

"You also know, Mr. Jia. After the people from Jia's family went to prison, Rongning and Ningfu were disbanded. Many people had nowhere to go. Yuanyang Qingwen and the others were soft-hearted. Some people came to the door and couldn't be pushed away, and some It seems that they were all together, for example, the twelve officials bought from Yangzhou in that mansion, some of them followed the original girls, didn't they all slowly enter our mansion?"

  Miaoyu also told the truth.

For example, Yuguan and Baoguan followed Miaoyu all the time when they were in the Grand View Garden, and Miaoyu followed after marrying into Feng's house, Ruiguan followed Baochai, Lingguan and Douguan followed Baoqin, Ouguan and Biguan followed Daiyu, Fangguan followed Yingchun, Aiguan and Kuiguan followed Xichun and Shi Xiangyun respectively.

In addition, when Jia Baoyu married Niu's daughter, he also sent away most of the little maids in Yihongyuan. Except for Xiren who would definitely follow him, even Qiuwen Musk Moon Charming and Zixiao Qishang Several big maids failed to keep all of them.

Bihen, Tanyun, Si'er, Wu'er and Liang'er Chunyan all found their way out one after another, and many of them entrusted others to enter Feng's residence, like Bihen, Tanyun, and Chunyan because of Qingwen's support. Because of the relationship, I went to the long room, Jiahui and Si'er went to the third room, and Wu'er and Liang'er went to the second room.

  Feng Ziying really didn't pay much attention to this situation. Unknowingly, she actually "takes over" the Jia family? Not only did the Rongning Second Mansion take over, but also the women and even the maids of the Jia family took over?

   No wonder everyone felt the name was so familiar when walking inside, but it turned out that many of them came from Jia’s house. Once Tanchun, Xichun and Xiangyun came over, wouldn’t it be more lively?

"Come on, come on, who made our Feng family and Jia family have such a close relationship?" Feng Ziying smiled, "It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but it is difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. The big family is used to being dumb, and they are used to their old life. They were kicked out suddenly. They really don’t know what to do. If they don’t do it well, they can only become wandering warblers on the side of the road. Entering our mansion, there is a place to go Bar."

  (end of this chapter)

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