Number of People

Chapter 2478: The important ministers of the Guizi scroll explored the bottom, led by Ziying

  Chapter 2478 The key officials of the Guizi scroll explore the bottom, led by Ziying

  Feng Ziying, who was on duty at the Ministry of War on the second day of the first lunar month, went very punctually.

  There are Yuanwailang or principals in each department to take turns, but they seem to be very leisurely.

  Indeed, according to the custom, it is basically nothing serious at this time, and the ones who are a little more serious are probably Shuntianfu, Wanping, and Daxing counties.

  Mishaps and child abduction by human traffickers should be the most likely to happen during this period, and the most likely to attract attention.

  With the great success of "Today's News", it has increasingly become an "authoritative official media", and other newspapers have also appeared one after another, with different scales and audiences.

  Some tabloids even choose the fields that are most attractive to the public as their themes, but they have also become the favorites of teahouses, restaurants and some merchants. They can survive by selling advertisements.

  The news of a missing child causing a shocking mystery or a fire causing huge losses is often the one that attracts the most attention.

   Of course, all kinds of current affairs and romantic gossip are unavoidable, and even Feng Ziying will inevitably become the protagonist in it.

  For example, Feng Ziying became the right servant of the Ministry of War and a third-rank minister at the age of 23. His fortune history has also become the focus of many tabloids' in-depth digging.

  Here, the story of the Feng family's marriage with the Shen family, the Xue family, and the Lin family is indispensable, and the story is told in detail, as if they knew it well.

  Even if Feng Ziying accepted the romantic story of Li Shi and Zhen Shi in Nanjing, it can't be hidden from people. This is the main reason why the three daughters Shen Xuelin were unhappy and dealt with Feng Ziying coldly.

  If it wasn’t for this reason, it’s just that Feng Ziying took concubines or raised a second wife, it really wasn’t worth it for them.

  Feng Ziying herself didn't know that the freedom of the press that she opened the Pandora's box would bring so much trouble to herself.

  Of course, big newspapers such as "News Today" will not pay attention to these, but there are always some "boring tabloids" that will chase after these to seek attention and increase sales.

  I didn’t sit in the Ministry of War for a long time. I only saw those boring Yuanwailang or chief executives reading some tabloids to pass the time. Feng Ziying felt that the spring break was really long.

   But before he felt that the time was hard, someone came from Wenyuan Pavilion and told him to go there.

  Fang Congzhe is on duty in the cabinet today, and Feng Ziying was summoned, but he didn't know what to talk about.

   "What do I think? Fang Xiang, why would you ask me this question?" Feng Ziying felt a little funny, "The emperor has only been on the throne for a few months, so is it hard to get along with us civil servants? Isn't it?"

   "Everyone is worried that if this continues, the situation may get worse and worse. In fact, we really want to achieve a perfect harmony with the emperor. It's too good to imagine,..."

Fang Congzhe shook his head with some regret: "You should know why we had peace talks with the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty in the first place. We couldn't support the finances, and we were facing the harassment of Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongols. There were also white lotus sects and Shanshan civil unrest inside. The war is not over yet, and we are very worried that such a string will suddenly break at some point, and we will be overwhelmed, and it may lead to an irreparable catastrophe, so I discussed it with Jinqing and Chengfeng, but we still can't take the risk , would rather be more conservative, more steady,..."

  Fang Congzhe rarely talked with Feng Ziying in such a peaceful tone.

  Feng Ziying felt that Fang Congzhe did not represent himself, and even Ye Xianggao included, to communicate with himself.

  Feng Ziying even estimated that this was not entirely aimed at himself personally, but at a group of influential ministers in the DPRK and China, who would come to such a communication.

   It can be regarded as a relatively large-scale exchange of opinions among the entire scholar-official community, but it was done in this way.

  This method is also good, regardless of the region, but the so-called core three-person group in the cabinet will preside over it.

  Ye, Fang, Qi, the three core members, Li Sancai has not yet been recognized as a core member of the cabinet, at most half, and Gu Bingqian, Tang Binyin, and Miao Changqi are even less.

  So the reason why Gu Bingqian was unwilling to leave the capital was because he was worried that after finally joining the cabinet, he stayed away from the capital and was increasingly marginalized in the cabinet. When he came back in the future, his status would be even worse than that of Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi. That would be really tragic.

   After entering the cabinet, if you want to have the right to speak, you must also talk about conditions. Qualifications are one of them, and one's prestige, character and ability are also very important.

In fact, Qi Yongtai's time in the cabinet was not too long, but he had several ups and downs. Not only did he serve as the head of the Qingtan Academy during his retreat, but he also worked in the important position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials for several years. The identity of the leader of the local scholars, so naturally became one of the core.

   "Fang Xiang, if you want to ask me some advice on military affairs, I can give you some advice, but when it comes to other things, I can only talk about my personal advice."

  Feng Ziying thought for a while before answering carefully.

   Fang Congzhe was slightly surprised that Feng Ziying was so cautious.

   This guy did fight well in the battle to pacify Jiangnan, but the follow-up was a bit messy.

   Taking two of Li Shouzhong's nieces as concubines, and later even taking the daughter of Zhen's family as concubines, this is a bit too much.

  Of course they also vaguely know some reasons.

   High meritorious service is not rewarded, and Feng Ziying does not want to make things difficult for the court, but using this method will damage the image of scholars and your military minister.

  After returning to Beijing, Feng Ziying also proposed to obtain the status of imperial order for his favorite concubine, and the status of honored officer for his concubine. This was obviously done on purpose.

  The cabinet side was noncommittal, and the procuratorate had some criticisms. The Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Rites were also silent.

  Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe also discussed it. Indeed, starting from the Battle of Liaodong, Feng Ziying made great achievements repeatedly, especially the Battle of Jiangnan. The Ministry of War almost took the risk of being dismissed to fight this battle.

  If this battle doesn't go well, Zhang Huaichang, Sun Chengzong and Feng Ziying will come to top the tank and dismiss.

   But now this battle has been fought quite beautifully. Not only has it solved the hidden dangers of the "three towns in the south of the Yangtze River" in one fell swoop, but it has also captured financial revenue beyond expectations, which made the Ministry of Households like it so much that it was about to leak out.

  Huang Ruliang has been in high spirits during this period of time, because more than double the expected income has entered the household bank treasury, which made him feel more confident.

  Although there are still a lot of assets to be realized, it will take some time, but the things are there, time is just, even if it is a discount, it has already satisfied Huang Ruliang.

Let the cabinet and officials express their anger, but inside they are extremely happy. This round of cleaning up Jiangnan's tyrants has involved a large number of powerful officials, many of whom were formerly close to Prince Yizhong and Mutang. Now they have it. This opportunity is simply to send the knife to the cabinet and officials.

  It was forced to free up a number of vacancies for the cabinet and the Ministry of Officials to accommodate officials who belonged to the imperial court. The so-called "Southern Selection" group of officials finally died.

   It can be said that the matter of pacifying the south of the Yangtze River was really well done, and the imperial court Yanyan princes were full of praise, and the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households benefited greatly.

  The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Gao Panlong, who has never been easy to praise people, made an exception and gave full praise to Feng Ziying's performance.

  In this case, Feng Ziying should be rewarded for promotion no matter how logical it is.

   But Feng Ziying is the servant of the third rank, how to reward?

   Further up, there is only Shangshu, but can this Shangshu allow a young man at the age of twenty-three to do it?

  The black gauze hats second only to a few elders, if they are placed firmly in the young scholars who have just graduated from Jinshi for a few years, it will really cause a sensation in the whole Zhou Dynasty.

   This will obviously bring a lot of shock and turmoil, and it will also intensify the internal disputes in the court, so this is not feasible.

  Since it is not feasible but not rewarding meritorious service, it is even more impossible. In the future, it will be difficult for the court to convince the public. Therefore, these "crooked tricks" made by Feng Ziying seem to be an acceptable choice.

  Although there is no formal agreement yet, the cabinet already has a general intention to choose the right time. I agreed quietly, without making a fuss or ostentatiously, just agreeing like that.

   It is precisely because of this that Fang Congzhe wants to take advantage of this spring break rotation opportunity to have a good talk with Feng Ziying.

  At present, although there are urgent people in the cabinet, Tang and Miu can only be regarded as marginal roles, but Ye Fangqi and Li Sancai can basically stabilize the cabinet's motion.

  The triangular relationship between northern scholars, Jiangnan scholars, and Huguang scholars is also relatively stable. In this case, when something happened in Jiangnan, the imperial court wanted to do something serious.

"Ziying, whether it is military affairs or other things, I would like to hear your opinions, especially your proposal to vigorously promote the development of industry and commerce, to promote overseas expansion and maritime trade, and some of the current bureaucracy. I am very interested in any insights, and I want to hear them all.”

  Fang Congzhe's words startled Feng Ziying. How could he even know some of his own views on the assessment of officials? I don't seem to have mentioned this to a few people.

Seeing Feng Ziying's bewildered look, Fang Congzhe smiled, "Don't be so expressive, it's just the two of us today, let's talk freely. You can be regarded as the leader and representative of the young scholars who came here during the Yonglong period of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I also know your group People's views and opinions are somewhat inconsistent with us old people, but for the good of the court and the people of the world, this is our common wish, so these are not problems,..."

Seeing Fang Congzhe's sincerity, Feng Ziying settled down and pondered it carefully, "I'll tell you about Fang's appearance. If you think it's wrong or absurd, just laugh it off. Don't blame me. It's fine."

  Fang Congzhe stroked his beard and smiled, waving his hands to indicate that he can speak freely without worry.

  (end of this chapter)

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