Number of People

Chapter 2479: The Guizi scroll points to the country and talks freely

  Chapter 2479 Guizi Juan points out the country and talks freely

   This conversation lasted three hours, and lunch was settled in Wenyuan Pavilion.

  Fang Congzhe was very interested, but Feng Ziying did not keep his mouth shut.

   In fact, there are not many differences in military affairs. Feng Ziying's point of view that Mongolia should not be afraid and that Jurchen should not stay, and that the white lotus must be rooted out deeply fits Fang Congzhe's thoughts.

  Of course, Bai Lianxuduan should not have been brought up by him as the servant of the Ministry of War, it was the job of the Ministry of Punishment, but since Fang Congzhe asked, he was not polite.

  Feng Ziying suggested that for Mongolia, the means of wooing, disintegrating, disintegrating, helping the weak and eliminating the strong should still be adopted.

  In front of the Tumed people, Su Nang is strong, so we must support the legitimacy of Bu Shi Tu Shunyi King, and use Bu Shi Tu to contain and suppress Su Nang.

   On the other side of the Mongolian left wing, they are vigorously supporting the five ministries of Neikhaerka to draw salary from the bottom of the Chahar people.

   This can not only cut off the connection between the Jianzhou Jurchen and the Chahar people, but also effectively curb the Chahar people's attempt to go south.

   For Jianzhou Jurchen, we still need to take multiple strategies simultaneously.

  West supports the Neikha people and the Haixi Jurchen to contain them, and at the same time resolutely prevents Horqin from falling to the Jianzhou Jurchen.

  Dongjiang Town was established in the east, based on Phoenix City and Jiulian City, set out to recapture the Six Forts of Kuandian, steal peaches from the bottom of the south wing, and dig out the roots of Jianzhou Jurchen.

  In addition, we must use the Denglai Navy to deter North Korea, resolutely stop North Korea from communicating with Jianzhou Jurchen, firmly control North Korea, and prevent it from secretly communicating with Jianzhou Jurchen.

  In addition, from an internal point of view, firstly, we must eliminate the hidden dangers caused by Li Yongfang's defection, and secondly, we must cut off the economic and trade exchanges between the mainland and Jianzhou Jurchen, and resolutely prohibit the export of military and civilian supplies to Jianzhou Jurchen.

  At the same time, the imperial court will further increase the refitting of Liaodong Town, and establish a new type of army dominated by firearms to gradually replace the old-fashioned army dominated by cold weapons, so as to improve combat effectiveness and ensure military superiority.

  This series of opinions is quite detailed and feasible.

  Feng Ziying did not put forward any unrealistic demands. Even for the formation of Dongjiang Town and the refurbishment of Liaodong Town, it is suggested that the imperial court can gradually plan it according to the financial situation.

  Fang Congzhe also had to admit that Feng Ziying's many insights on military affairs were more incisive and profound than most people in the court.

   After all, I grew up in a military family in the frontier since I was a child, and I have been in contact with military affairs.

  From the northwest to Liaodong, he has basically experienced everything, and he knows exactly where there are problems and weaknesses.

  Feng Ziying himself had a lot of dealings with the imperial household department, and knew the financial situation of the imperial court like the palm of his hand.

   Only by knowing these two aspects can we come up with a set of practical things for formulating a set of development strategies suitable for the future military system of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

   Otherwise, like those ministers of the Ministry of War who don't know the army, they are either based on imagination and have no clue, or they follow the old rules and follow the old rules.

  The minister of the Ministry of War, who is not familiar with finance, is either ambitious or eager for success, and puts forward some unrealistic ideas that the finances cannot bear.

  From this point of view, Feng Ziying is indeed a very suitable candidate for Minister of the Ministry of War. Of course, this is not now.

  Feng Ziying really wants to be promoted to Shangshu, he still needs a few years of experience, even if he has a lot of experience.

   But this age is too embarrassing, so I have to practice a few more times.

  Feng Ziying felt that Fang Congzhe was very satisfied after talking about the concept of military affairs.

   Taking advantage of the fact that the other party was very satisfied and in a good mood, Feng Ziying naturally would not miss the opportunity, so she took the opportunity to talk about some of her plans for Da Zhou's finances.

  Stimulating financial expansion is the most suitable for the Great Zhou Dynasty in his opinion.

   With the return of Jiangnan, the national debt strategy can actually be further expanded.

  The use of national debt is mainly to solve the shortcomings of the northern farmland water conservancy infrastructure.

  Water conservancy facilities in Shanshan, Henan, and Beizhi have been in disrepair for many years, resulting in poor harvests and disasters in times of floods and droughts.

  Another direction for the use of national debt, Feng Ziying suggested that it be used to vigorously promote the planting of three new crops introduced from Xiyi, namely potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn.

   Fang Congzhe has no objection to the first point, but Fang Congzhe has some doubts about the latter point.

  However, Fang Congzhe was shocked when Feng Ziying showed a relative comparison diagram of the production of potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn from the northwest, especially in Shaanxi.

  On the same piece of land, the output of both potatoes and sweet potatoes is at least three times higher, and the highest is five times or six times. Of course, this involves the problem of grain moisture.

   But corn and wheat also have moisture problems, and Fang Congzhe knows nothing about potatoes and sweet potatoes.

  He even tried it and compared it with wheat and corn. In addition to the slightly unique taste of potatoes, sweet potatoes are even very suitable for people who like to eat sweet.

   Of course, he is not sure whether eating potatoes and sweet potatoes for many years will make people feel bored, but for the victims of floods and droughts, do you have a choice?

  You are willing to eat bark, grass and roots. It’s not uncommon for Guanyin soil and cannibalism. Now the imperial court can let you eat potatoes and sweet potatoes. Are you not satisfied?

   That's really boring.

"Fang Xiang, in fact, the taste of potatoes is not as bad as we imagined. I wonder if I feel sick or unpalatable if I eat them for a while. Xiyi basically eats them as a staple food. Besides, I'm hungry. I'm going to die, do you still care about the taste? I have calculated the situation in the North, especially in Shaanxi,..."

  Feng Ziying is making some nonsense.

  Westerners have not taken potatoes as a staple food until now, or the acceptance of potatoes by the lower classes is growing, but that is also the case that black and white bread cannot satisfy.

   But Fang Congzhe and the others don’t know anyway, this is just to boost the confidence of the people in the court.

"From the first year of Yonglong to the tenth year of Yonglong in Shaanxi, there were local disasters almost every year. This local area also refers to the situation of harvest failure in more than three or five counties and less than ten counties. Every two years is a medium-sized disaster, that is, one. Twenty counties are affected by disasters, there will be a major disaster in three years, that is, more than one-third of the counties will be affected by disasters, and there will be a catastrophic disaster in five years, that is, a disaster that will spread to more than 70% of the counties..."

"The civil uprising in Shaanxi has turned into civil unrest. There are many problems. The farmland water conservancy facilities have been in disrepair for many years, the local officials and gentry are greedy and violent, the gods are not open, the people have little savings, the government is unable to provide relief, and the disparity between the rich and the poor is huge. In several ways,…”

   "And every time a civil uprising turns into a civil unrest, it will do great harm to the imperial court. This is not only the cost of relief and suppression, but also the great harm to the authority of the entire imperial court, especially the authority of the local government,..."

"I don't deny that when I was the governor, I spent a lot of energy to solve the problem. I used multiple strategies and even used some shady methods. It seemed to suppress this situation, but I'm not sure how long it will last,... "

   "The situation in Shanxi is actually similar, except that the situation in Shanxi is slightly better, and the folks are a little richer. Shanxi and Shaanxi affect each other. Once there is another catastrophe, it may be another firestorm, and the court will fall into a passive state again..."

"Instead of waiting passively like that, the imperial court should make up their minds and spend a lot of money once, not to mention completely solving the problems in Shanxi and Shaanxi, but making a lot of effort in the construction of farmland water conservancy facilities and the promotion of new crops, at least compared to spending on military affairs in the end." Is there a lot more loss in sales and investment?"

  Fang Congzhe knew very well that the scholars in the north were very dissatisfied with the court's emphasis on Jiangnan.

  Although both sides can generally maintain a relatively harmonious situation, it is an indisputable fact that natural disasters have continued in the Northland for the past two decades, leading to civil unrest.

Many Beidi officials have always believed that the imperial court's insufficient investment in the construction of farmland water conservancy facilities and road transportation in the Northland has affected the poor agricultural production in the Northland, and it is also a major cause of frequent civil unrest in the Northland. reason.

  But from the point of view of the imperial court or officials from Jiangnan, the annual expenditure of the imperial court on the military affairs of the nine borders is too huge, and the high taxes in Jiangnan have made it unbearable for Jiangnan.

  The tax revenue of the imperial court is so much, it is unrealistic to increase the investment in these areas, or it can only reduce the military investment in the nine borders, and it faces the risk of mutiny and border defense weakening.

This has become a paradox. If there is no increase in investment, it will be difficult to improve the conditions in the Northland, and it will be even more difficult to resist natural disasters. Civil upheavals and civil unrest will continue. The court will increase military expenditures. If it is impossible to reduce other expenditures, it will be impossible to increase taxes. Jiangnan refused to agree, so under this circumstance, the debt of the imperial household department increased sharply, and now it has exceeded 20 million.

   This also kept Ye Fang, Huang Ruliang and others awake at night.

  Feng Ziying understands that Ye Fang, Huang Ruliang and others are worried about the high debt, and another person would feel the same pressure to owe a whole lot of debt.

  This classical view that fiscal revenue and expenditure must be balanced or even surplus is also in line with the views of people of this era, but Feng Ziying does not think so.


   "After all, Fang Xiang is actually still worried about the national debt and debt issues. He is worried that if he can't repay these debts, it will lead to the collapse of the country's reputation?" Feng Ziying said with a smile.

  Fang Congzhe also knew that Feng Ziying had his own theory on finance, and he wanted to discuss this issue with him.

  Seeing Fang Congzhe nodded silently, Feng Ziying naturally would not give up such a good opportunity.

"...In fact, Fang Xiang may also vaguely understand that with the continuous growth of sea trade, the silver in our Dazhou territory is showing a sharp growth trend, or to put it in a simple way, from Songjiang, Ningbo, Quanzhou, Guangzhou After each shipment of porcelain, silk, tea, iron, and cloth arrived in Luzon, 60% was exchanged for silver, 20% was exchanged for gold and copper, and 20% was exchanged for other materials such as precious wood and spices. Kind of groceries,…”

   "If it is shipped to the old port or Maluca, the situation is slightly different. It may become 30% silver, 40% spices, and 30% will be firearms, precious wood and other Western goods, etc...."

  (end of this chapter)

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