Number of People

Chapter 2480: Guizijuan after the great government must resort to means

   "That is to say, as long as our sea trade remains smooth, there will be a continuous influx of silver, but the influx of silver will make the domestic silver increasingly abundant,..."

  Feng Ziying took some thought to explain the theory of price and value with Fang Congzhe.

  In fact, he himself doesn’t understand it very well, he can only talk about some relatively superficial things, and at the same time gradually introduce the basic concept of fiscal stimulus policy to sell to the other party.

"Borrowing debt is not terrible, and issuing national debt is even more natural. Fang Xiang should have seen that the income of our imperial court has been increasing day by day since Yonglong's eight years. The expenditure on the restoration of the war can save at least 15 million taels, and the impact of the Jiangnan Rebellion is not limited to this. How many?"

"If you count the taxes that Jiangnan should pay, as well as sea trade tariffs and franchise fees, our tax revenue in Dazhou is actually showing a very healthy growth, especially in the provinces of Shandong and Beizhi. The growth of the company is very obvious, which is all due to the development of the sea and the development of industry and commerce,…”

"As long as we have a healthy and sound tax system, why should we worry about not being able to repay our debts?" Feng Ziying concluded: "My point of view is that as long as we invest more in the construction of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure, we will gradually realize that we can be stable in years with surplus disasters. The agricultural system further promotes the development of industry and commerce, and the development of industry and commerce promotes the convenience and efficiency of transportation, the speediness of the postal system, the healthy and long-term maintenance of the maritime trade system, and the continuous breakthrough of the foreign reclamation system. How about more debts?"

"There is a saying that goes well, if the meat is rotten in the pot, the financial investment, whether it is farmland water conservancy or roads, will be rewarded. It will definitely reduce unnecessary consumption, increase food income, and increase tax revenue. Good move,…”

   Congzhe and Feng Ziying talked for more than an hour on financial and debt issues, which can be described as heart-to-heart, and finally the topic fell on the issue of the official evaluation system.

Feng Ziying did not say too much about this point, but only talked about the unreasonable evaluation mechanism of local governments, especially the annual and three-year official evaluation standards that encourage officials not to do things, especially not to do things that promote economic development. Doing things that benefit the common people but may not benefit the gentry is very bad orientation, and it is easy to cultivate mediocre and lazy officials.

  Fang Congzhe understood Feng Ziying's complaints in this aspect very well. After all, Feng Ziying went to Shaanxi to serve as a governor, and he must have suffered enough from the harm and suffering caused by the collusion between these local officials and gentry.

  The reason why the civil uprising turned into a civil disorder was not because the officials and gentry colluded to infringe on the interests of the Li people. In addition, the natural conditions were not good, and natural disasters and poor relief were inevitable.

However, the change of evaluation standards for officials is a major event, especially closely related to the gentry. If the standard that the local gentry evaluates officials as a major basis is suddenly deprived, it will definitely trigger a strong backlash from the local gentry. How can we gradually reduce this? Fang Congzhe thinks the amount of weight can still be considered.

   This talk about Shen Zheng has passed, and this is the end.

  Feng Ziying changed the tea twice before Shi Shiran returned to the Ministry of War. He pondered carefully for a while in the office and was about to return home when Zhang Huaichang came again.

   "It seems that the imperial court is still a little bit determined to reform. It is just an excuse to say what the emperor is doing."

  Zhang Huaichang said leisurely: "For us, an emperor who does not interfere with the administration of the cabinet, an emperor who agrees with the policies of the cabinet, is the best emperor, and an emperor worthy of our allegiance and support..."

   "The other way around?" Feng Ziying blinked.

   "That's definitely not the case." The old **** Zhang Huaichang is here, "For me, to defeat the Jianzhou Jurchen and restore the control of the former Ming Nuer Gandusi is the primary wish."

  Feng Ziying laughed. For such a minister of the Ministry of War who was born in Liaodong but never forgets the prosperity of the former Ming Dynasty, Nurhachi might really stop thinking about other ideas. Fight to the end, or surrender.

   "So, the emperor is still a little dissatisfied?" Feng Ziying could hear the meaning in Zhang Huaichang's words.

"Well, this is what I want to tell you. Although the Beijing camp and the upper three relatives have almost adjusted, the situation is not satisfactory, but if the emperor changes his mind, I am afraid there will still be a lot of trouble. After all, the previous system is the Beijing camp. He and the three relatives are under the direct management of the emperor, and the Ministry of War can use the seal as usual, but now all personnel adjustments need to be approved by the Ministry of War, and we completed these adjustments before the emperor ascended the throne. Satisfied, this also includes the question of Captain Long,..."

  Long Jinwei is indeed a big problem.

Although the Jingying and the Shangsanqin army were successfully taken over by the imperial court, Long Jinwei did not. The appointment of the commander of Long Jinwei was still under the direct control of the emperor. At the beginning, Lu Song was appointed because Emperor Yonglong could not take care of things, and the cabinet made appointments on his behalf. Now that the emperor is in power, if he wants to re-arrange someone to take over Long Jinwei, it will be a big problem.

   "Long Jinwei, what the emperor wants to do may not be easy, right? Lu Song has been a fellow counselor for so many years before he became the commander, and his foundation is very deep." Feng Ziying shook her head in disbelief.

   "But Gu Cheng has now become the emperor's confidant." Zhang Huaichang said.

   "Gu Cheng? Is he coming to stir up this muddy water?" Feng Ziying frowned. If this predecessor, the Commander Long Jinwei during Emperor Yuanxi's time, wanted to get involved, it might indeed cause unforeseen circumstances.

"It looks like this now, and the emperor is still reaching out to the Shangsanqin army. He has no spare power in the Beijing camp for the time being, but you have to keep an eye on the Shangsanqin army, and you can adjust it if necessary." Zhang Huaichang reminded.

   "This should be about brother Sheng Sheng, not me..."

   "Jiangsheng is too upright to be suitable. I told him that he also thinks it is more suitable for you to be in charge of the Shang Sanqin Army and the Beijing Camp."

  Feng Ziying has black lines on her face, which means that she is more treacherous and more suitable for black hands?

  Back home, Feng Ziying was still immersed in the conversation with Fang Congzhe and Zhang Huaichang.

  The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing. The emperor is definitely not willing to be a puppet. He may continue to test the bottom line of the court and at the same time, he must have his own methods, otherwise he is not worthy of this position.

   But first of all, he wants to ensure that his own throne will not be shaken, so he firmly grasps Long Jinwei, then the Shangsanqin Army, the Beijing Camp, and the next step may be Jizhen and Xuanfu Towns that defend the capital.

  Military power is too important for an emperor whose throne is unstable, especially when there are irreconcilable conflicts with the cabinet and even the civil court.

As for Long Jinwei, as long as there is the support of the court, Lu Song must have countermeasures to counter Gu Cheng's infiltration. However, the three relatives' armies are too mixed, and they are not completely in the hands of the court. The last round of adjustments was only made by the court. It's just that the control has an advantage. Once the emperor reaches in, it's really hard to say.

   It seems that I have to spend some time in the near future to sort out the three relatives.

  With this in mind, Feng Ziying naturally had to take a look at the posts sent to her home during the spring break.

  The posts of He Zhisheng and Zheng Xuantong were specially taken out.

  Now He Zhisheng is the commander of the Warrior Battalion, and Zhao Qianshan is the commander of the Four Guards Battalion.

  Shang Sanqin Army, led by the Banner Guard, followed by the Four Guards Battalion and Warrior Battalion.

   But in terms of strength, the three armies are almost the same.

  He Zhisheng is from the Shoushanbo He family, and he and the Feng family are considered family friends.

  He Zhisheng joined forces with Feng Ziying to fight against the enemy in Ganzhou, so he formed a friendship. Later, He Zhisheng also took the initiative to get closer to Feng Ziying.

   There is nothing wrong with employing people and using relatives, especially the Jingzhong army, which ranks second in reliability in combat effectiveness like the Shangsanqin Army, must ensure loyalty.

Zhao Qianshan was Feng Ziying who served him when he was the governor of Shaanxi. A guard general with no connections, who jumped into the Four Guards Camp to become an acquaintance, naturally clinging to Feng Ziying's thick legs. In terms of loyalty No worries.

   "Zhisheng, come and sit down." Feng Ziying greeted He Zhisheng to take his seat. Feng Ziying was very affectionate, but He Zhisheng couldn't be casual. He first gave a military salute, and then sat down with half of his ass.

  He Zhisheng is clear that important ministers during the spring break are not allowed to meet with anyone, and they are very particular about when they meet.

  For example, the cabinet ministers who meet in the morning are usually very close third-rank ministers. Similarly, if the ministers and ministers meet in the morning, they are mostly close but still have a certain level of officials who want to be officials or colleagues of the same year.

  But I made an exception to get the opportunity to meet in the morning, which not only shows the other party's closeness to me, but also shows the other party's reliance on me, which makes He Zhisheng fearful.

  He Zhisheng knew very well that if he, a son of the He family concubine, had no chance, he would never be able to sit in the core position of commander of the Warrior Battalion in his life. He also knew that the three relatives were the main battlefield where the court and the emperor clashed.

  Recently, he has also received some banquets, and many people came to give gifts.

  He knew it all.

  Because of this, he came to visit Feng Ziying to explain the situation clearly, but he did not expect that Feng Ziying would choose to meet him in the morning.

   Perhaps his benefactor has already noticed something, but He Zhisheng is not optimistic about these actions of the emperor.

Look at the previous major adjustments of the Shangsanqin Army, not only the adjustment of officers, but even directly let officers from other cities bring troops in and exchange them all. Seeing that the accents of the soldiers guarding the palace gate are basically Northwest accents, I know that I am It is the means of the benefactor to raise the Lord.

   So what if you bought the generals above? Do the officers and sergeants below definitely listen to your generals? Maybe they'll turn you in on you.

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