Number of People

Chapter 2482: The magic of the operation of the Guizi scroll lies in one heart

  Chapter 2482 The wonderful operation of the Guizi scroll is all in one mind

  Feng Ziying knew very well that the Shangsanqin Army and the Beijing Camp could not follow her own intentions. It was neither realistic nor appropriate, and she would not do such a taboo thing.

  Mixed with sand is the most suitable.

  Jiang Chaowu only knew that Fang Kezhuang had recommended him, but Fang Kezhuang couldn’t recommend someone he didn’t know for no reason. Someone must have instructed him, so he didn’t ask too much.

   As long as you can do it.

  Jiang Chaowu came from the Shenshu camp, and the old Shenshu camp had been dismantled by himself at that time, so the inside was very chaotic, and everyone was looking for ways, so it was normal to find any backing.

  Jiang Chaowu is low-key, but he is able to lead troops.

  Originally, the Warriors Battalion used soldiers from the Northwest, so it was enough to firmly grasp the middle and low-level officers.

"Who else?"

  If Jiang Chaowu was recommended by Li Sancai, then the emperor would not be able to intervene.

  Feng Ziying couldn't remember it for a while.

   "There is one more thing, Yu Ting." He Zhisheng whispered.

   "Oh? It's him?" Feng Ziying understood.

  Emperor Wantong's side concubine has a surname Yu, who is also from Wu Xun.

  However, it is different from the traditional frontier Wuxun or Conglong Wuxun. This Yujia is Jiangnan local Wuxun, which is quite influential in Wenzhou and Taizhou.

  However, although Yu Ting and Wantong Emperor's side concubine Yu are both from Taizhou, Yu Ting was born in martial arts, and later joined the Jizhen Army before arriving in the Shang Sanqin Army.

   It is said that he was very low-key in the Warriors Camp, and he was the only old man who remained after the Warriors Camp was cleaned.

   Unexpectedly, the emperor stretched out his hand to the collar, Feng Ziying was really surprised.

  Feng Ziying has a general impression of the senior generals of the Shangsanqin army and the three battalions of the Beijing battalion.

  At the beginning, he had repeatedly studied the birthplaces and resumes of all the generals, including where he served and who he was friendly with, and which line he followed. He basically knew everything, just to prevent omissions.

   Yu Ting is from Zhejiang, so he has an impression.

  There are only a handful of people from Jiangnan in the Shang Sanqin Army and the Beijing Camp, except for Yu Ting, there is only one person in the Shenji Camp.

   "What's going on?" Feng Ziying asked with her head tilted.

"Actually, it doesn't count. It's just that Uncle Yu Guo and Yu Ting met at a banquet, and then they mentioned that they are fellow villagers, and they just made friends with each other." I went to visit, gave some gifts, and they are all normal contacts,..."

   "Then Zhisheng, do you think this was done on purpose, or is it a normal relationship?"

  Feng Ziying doesn't think this method can achieve any purpose, but if the Ministry of War has a knot, it will easily push people to the other side. It is obvious that He Zhisheng is also worried.

He Zhisheng didn't dare to guarantee this kind of thing, and after pondering for a while, he slowly said: "The humble opinion, since Lao Yu has been able to survive in the warrior camp for so many years, he should have experienced it, so he won't be unable to see the situation clearly That's right, on the contrary, those who came to Beijing suddenly, if they get carried away, or forget their original intentions, they are more likely to go astray."

   "What's your opinion?" Feng Ziying thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense, and he was more willing to respect the opinions of these chief officials.

   "Don't rush to move, just observe with cold eyes." He Zhisheng felt Feng Ziying's attitude, and his heart became more at ease. "If necessary, talk to him from a humble position. He should understand the severity."

  Feng Ziying nodded and agreed that as long as there are precautions, a incident cannot be turned into a storm, but it should not be underestimated, so as to prevent the incipient development and stifle any risks and buds.

   Feng Ziying, who was in the second and third grades of junior high school, almost always dealt with such matters.

   Zhang Jin is relieved to be in charge of the flag bearer Wei Feng Ziying. Although leading troops to fight is not a good player, because the opponent is from the Long Jinwei, the resources are too rich, and the methods are more sophisticated.

  Xu Chao is the standard bearer Wei Tongzhi, who just made up for Zhang Jin's weaknesses in training and leading troops in battle.

  The cooperation of the two complements each other, and the other things are not very important.

  In addition, the standard bearer Wei Qing Yise Ganning and the second border army came over, so the loyalty and reliability are self-evident.

  The only four-guard battalion with weaker control.

  Du Keli and Gao Wenxiu served as the commanders and commanders of the Four Guards Battalion respectively, and only the soldiers of the Four Guards Battalion were merged from the first part of the Shenshu Camp and Zhao Qianshan's Shaanxi Guards.

   But Zhao Qianshan is only in command. If Du Keli and Gao Wenxiu join forces, even if Zhao Qianshan has the base of the guards to rely on, it will not be stable enough.

  Feng Ziying will not just sit back and watch this situation. At present, there is still one thing missing in the Four Guards Camp. He is going to transfer Kuang Tiangeng to Beijing.

  Father and son Kuang Zhengcao and Kuang Tiangeng entered the Shaanxi guard system from the frontier soldiers, and their performance has always satisfied Feng Ziying.

  Kuang Zhengcao specially sent his four sons, Kuang Tiangeng, Kuang Tianxin, Kuang Tianyou, and Kuang Tianwei, to pay New Year’s greetings during the Spring Festival.

   I have the courage to bind the fate of my family to myself. If so, why don't I dare to use it boldly?

  The four sons of the Kwong family are all proficient in martial arts.

  Kuang Tiangeng already had an official position after he surrendered, and he had fought several battles in Shaanxi and accumulated meritorious service. It was a bit out of the ordinary to go to Beijing to serve as the commander of the Four Guards Battalion, but Feng Ziying decided to do so.

  As for the other three sons, they are brothers who fight tigers, father and son soldiers, and lead troops in. Naturally, brothers help each other.

   This will also strengthen the control over the Four Guards Battalion. At least Du Keli and Gao Wenxiu are restrained by Zhao Qianshan and the Kuang family brothers. It is impossible to easily mobilize the Four Guards Battalion. This step is enough.

   As for the next step, you can draw it slowly and see if there is any chance. Let Du Keli call it out.

  The issue of the three pro-military forces can be regarded as a rough consideration, and the Beijing camp is a little more complicated.

  In fact, there is no problem with the Shenshu Camp and the Shenji Camp, except for the Fifth Army Battalion.

  Shenshu camp has Ma Jinbao at the helm. He is an old army leader, and he also brought in many Guyuan soldiers, so the control over Shenshu camp is rock-solid and reliable enough.

The Shenji Camp has two brothers, Wang Chengwu and Wang Chenghu, but it is not enough. Fortunately, the Wang brothers brought a group of original bandit soldiers into the Shenji Camp, and after changing their costumes, they are as imposing as a rainbow, which is not enough. It is usable, but may need further optimization and adjustment.

   But the Shenji Battalion is not the most important thing.

  The Fifth Military Battalion is the core battalion of the Beijing Camp, and its strength is twice as large as that of the Shenshu Battalion and the Shenji Battalion combined.

  Xiao Ruxun served as the deputy envoy of the Jingying Jiedu and Tu Wenxiu served as the commander of the Fifth Army Battalion, but they couldn't suppress Qiu Shiben. Fortunately, Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen each commanded an army, so they could hold Qiu Shiben down.

  Feng Ziying is not sure about Qiu Shiben's current situation, maybe it's time to ask Long Jinwei about the situation there.

  Qiu Shiben is in charge of the Fifth Army Battalion, and the entire Beijing Camp has less than 60,000 people, while Qiu Shiben's Fifth Army Battalion accounts for more than 60%, and its combat effectiveness is also the strongest.

If the emperor really controls the Four Guards Battalion, and then takes the Fifth Army Battalion into his hands, it's really hard to say whether he will be able to wrestle with the cabinet, especially at the critical moment, as the emperor, he raised his arms and raised his arms. It's really hard to say whether the extra influence brought by it will prompt some characters who were undecided to fall to his side.

  So from this perspective, it is definitely necessary to control military power, but other preparatory work must also be done, such as setting up a backup in a vague way first, to offset the huge influence of Emperor Wantong as the emperor to a certain extent.

  Fang Congzhe did not mention this in his conversation with himself. Feng Ziying is not sure whether he didn't care too much or because it was not his main responsibility. It may be the latter.

  This issue needs to be discussed with Ye Xianggao and Master Qi.

  The news from Long Jinwei came back very quickly. It seemed that Gu Cheng suddenly became active, which still put a lot of pressure on Lu Song, making him feel that Long Jinwei was no longer the old Long Jinwei.

  Feng Ziying's guess was right. During this period of time, Lu Song was tossing and turning, unable to sleep at night.

  In the past, Long Jinwei was the absolute confidant of the emperor, but his commander has always lived under the shadow of Gu Cheng.

  Gu Cheng in the era of Emperor Yuanxi was too strong in Long Jinwei, so that no one else had a chance to stand out. Basically, the entire Long Jinwei was his family.

   It wasn't until several years after he took over that he began to slowly eliminate Gu Cheng's influence.

   But not long after he finally got rid of Gu Cheng's influence, another incident happened to Emperor Yonglong, who fell into a coma for several years, and then Prince Yizhong made a comeback.

   What made Lu Song most depressed was that Emperor Wantong had already regarded him as a running dog of the cabinet, and chose Gu Cheng as his substitute, even without giving himself a chance at all.

  He also understands that it is impossible to trust himself in the position of Emperor Wantong. Who made himself cooperate with the cabinet in the past few years so tacitly that it even tastes like honey?

  He doesn't want to become a vassal of the cabinet, but is there a choice?

  Emperor Yonglong was in a coma, the princes were either mediocre and stupid, or they were too young, and the concubines were ambitious but ambitious.

  If he really wanted to vote for them, Lu Song felt that he would end up in a situation where his body would be ransacked and his family would be wiped out within two days.

  In the past few years, the cabinet has in fact held absolute power. In addition, the civil servant system has taken the upper hand. When the emperor is in a coma, he can’t see things.

  Long Jinwei’s combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the Shangsanqin Army and the Beijing Camp. He has the right to conduct secret investigations, which is its most important authority and resource.

"It seems that the cabinet has also noticed some movements." Lu Song sighed, his eyes moved slightly, "The right to adjust is in the hands of the Ministry of War. There's going to be a storm."

   "Then don't report the situation to the Ministry of War for the time being?" The subordinate asked tentatively.

   "No, Feng Ziying is not someone who can be fooled." Lu Song shook his head.

  (end of this chapter)

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