Number of People

Chapter 2483: Gui character curly grass and gray snake line, with thousands of miles of veins

  Chapter 2483 Guizi curly grass and gray snake line, with thousands of miles of veins

  Lu Song knows very well that Long Jinwei is no longer the Long Jinwei he was twenty years ago, and he himself is not Gu Cheng.

  Long Jinwei's current position is very awkward.

  Theoretically, it should be a royal private spy agency, but Emperor Yonglong's coma for several years made him unable to see things, which made Captain Long lose his allegiance and had to attach himself to the cabinet.

  While Emperor Wantong ascended the throne, he regarded himself as a lackey of the cabinet, and promoted Gu Cheng to fight for himself, and even emptied his power.

  From the perspective of Emperor Wantong, it is true that he wants to regain control of Captain Long from the cabinet, but it is based on the premise of stepping himself into the mud.

   This is what Lu Song cannot accept.

  He Lu Song is not alone.

  Behind him, there is also Long Jinwei, and there is also a huge interest group inside and even outside.

   Falling down by oneself means the collapse of this front and the loss of all interests.

   But Lu Song also knows that if he is attached to a huge institutional group like the cabinet or even civil servants, it is not the way out for Long Jinwei.

  In that way, any civil servant with a little power can dictate to Long Jinwei, and Long Jinwei's secret control and deterrent power will slowly and irreversibly collapse.

   This is unacceptable to any commander of the Dragon Guard.

  In a sense, Lu Song is actually more willing to accept the command arrangement of the first assistant alone.

   In this way, the first assistant replaced the emperor and became the sole master of Long Jinwei, and even had more resources in all aspects.

   But it is obvious that the chief minister, who is the head of civil servants, is unwilling to do so.

   These civil servants seem to be unwilling to accept Long Jinwei psychologically, and prefer to use Long Jinwei as a marginal but useful institution.

  Lu Song has come into contact with many important cabinet ministers, without exception, they all have this inexplicable hatred for Long Jinwei.

   Or in their own words, it is more like a kind of moral cleanliness. It seems that cooperating with Long Jinwei has somewhat tarnished their innocence.

  No matter how well they hide, Lu Song can feel the contempt and disgust.

  Once there is such aversion in the heart, Lu Song thinks it is difficult to really cooperate.

   And the only person who can discuss cooperation with an attitude of appreciation and recognition is Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, Xiao Feng's supervisor.

   This feeling also made Lu Song feel very strange.

  A civil servant in his early twenties who was born as a scholar and a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, but he has a good eye for Long Jinwei. His teachers and friends are all civil servants. Perhaps the only difference is his family background.

He was born in a martial arts noble in the borderlands, his father had a lot of wings in the army, and his family had a great influence in the border town. In addition, this little Governor Feng is now thriving, from the perspective of Lu Song, from the perspective of the Tian family, It is very likely that he will become a generation of power ministers in the future.

  Of course this is only a possibility, but Feng Ziying can be expected to become a very powerful chief assistant in the future.

  Power ministers pose a great threat to the Tian family, and they will also destroy the civil service system. Perhaps the only ones they like or support are warriors in the army.

  What about Long Jinwei?

For Long Jinwei, there is nothing better than a strong emperor, and again, a relatively weak emperor, but there are strong servants in the inner palace to rely on, but both of them have opportunities in terms of the current situation. slim.

  The cabinet will not allow either of these situations.

  The first situation is that the few heirs of Emperor Yonglong can't be seen, and the heir of Emperor Wantong, who is the crown prince who has been arguing, seems too gentle and elegant, and he doesn't look like a generation of heroes.

  The second situation may have appeared in the former Ming Dynasty, but the Great Zhou suppressed the inner palace system so severely that it was almost impossible.

  If these two possibilities are excluded, Long Jinwei is happy to see a powerful minister, after all, there is a thin line between the powerful minister and the yellow robe.

  But if the powerful officials want to take this step, they must have the support of military power.

A pure civic official, no matter how powerful and prestige is, it will not help. Once you take the last step, your moral prestige will collapse, and you will be questioned and challenged, and the power of civic officials is often built on this, and Warriors are not.

  But the Feng family, or the little Supervisor Feng, seems to have this possibility.

   This is also a question that Lu Song feels needs to be seriously considered.

  In the long run, there is absolutely no harm in making good friends with the Feng family. No matter which path Feng Ziying takes, her power will only grow day by day.

  From the present, Emperor Wantong would not recognize and accept himself if he had Gu Cheng, unless he wanted to be a peace officer and asked to go, but can he go now?

It's just that if I reveal the situation I have to Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying will definitely take action against the Shangsanqin army and the Beijing camp. The pressure will also increase.

   Sometimes certain things just can’t be had at the same time. Lu Song also knew that he could no longer get Emperor Wantong’s approval. Since Emperor Wantong chose Gu Cheng and began to win over and divide Long Jinwei, the two sides have been irreconcilable.

  In this case, he has no choice, but in view of the cabinet officials' attitude towards Long Jinwei, which is similar to using a chamber pot, Lu Song has always been very conflicted in his heart.

   But now that Feng Ziying is a character who can cooperate, Lu Song also wants to get in touch with Feng Ziying at a deeper level, to explore the other party's bottom to see if the foundation of cooperation is solid.

   In addition, he also had to think carefully about the prospects of Feng Ziying and even Feng Tang in the next few years.

  A Minister of the Ministry of War is not enough to cover Captain Long, or himself, at least he must be a Minister of the Ministry of War, or even a cabinet minister.

  Lu Song also clearly said that he should not place too much hope on Feng Ziying.

  After all, Feng Ziying is too young. If Feng Ziying is thirty-four years old now, he feels that he can bet on the other party.

  But the other party is only twenty-four now, which is too young.

  Of course, his father Feng Tang's strength in the army can be regarded as a compensation for Feng Ziying's age disadvantage, but in the same way, his status as a warrior will also reduce his points.

  Lu Song fell into deep thought.

   This may be a difficult but critical choice that I have to make after bumping up and down in the past few years.

  Although the initial speculation and probing is not enough to say that there is no room for turning around, but Lu Song knows that this kind of choice will become narrower and narrower, and if you look around, you may even have no choice.

  The only thing I hope for is that the other party can really live up to my expectations, and be a hero worthy of cooperation or the next step to be effective, not a pure minister. Even if the process will be farther and longer, it is still worth it.

  If it was the latter, not to mention that he died without a place to bury himself, Captain Long might become dust of history.

  After receiving the news from Long Jinwei, Feng Ziying was also a little surprised.

What's the meaning?

   Isn't this what it should mean?

  Why is Long Jinwei so serious about it, even Lu Song himself intends to meet him?

   It's not that I can't meet Lu Song, but it seems that at least it should be a character like Li Sancai who can make Lu Song appear in person. Even Zhang Huaichang seems to be a little weaker.

  According to the past rules, Lu Song is only responsible to the emperor, but now Emperor Wantong seems to have other ideas.

  Gu Cheng, who appeared as the lecturer of Long Jinwei, was very active, and the whole Long Jinwei also showed signs of wavering.

  But Lu Song's hard work in the past ten years is not in vain. In ten years, both the Fusi of Nanbei Town and the local Long Jinwei have been brought under Lu Song's control.

  Even though Gu Cheng still has some old connections in Long Jinwei, it is not easy to pull them over.

  Because Long Jinwei's state is a bit chaotic now, Feng Ziying is not at ease, so he has to specifically ask about the intelligence and news channels, but the news that Lu Song is willing to see him still surprises Feng Ziying.

   "Classical Chinese, what do you mean by Lu Song?" Feng Ziying was a little uncertain.

"To tell you the truth, some of my subordinates also have monk Zhang Er who can't figure it out. The meaning of your message is very clear. It is to find out about the recent movements of the main military officers of the Shangsanqin Army and the Beijing Camp. According to the usual practice, Captain Long is under surveillance. Record and analyze opinions, just send them over, even if you feel that the Ministry of War’s request is a bit out of line, just report to the cabinet for approval, this is routine executive intelligence, Lu Song’s ‘high-standard’ meeting is unexpected.”

Wang Wenyan was also thinking, "It's true that Captain Long was messed up by Gu Cheng recently, but Lu Song is still in control of the basic board. The identity of this servant is a bit baffling, but the cabinet's response to the emperor's move is a bit confusing. It’s not good to react too much. Originally, Long Jinwei was the royal bodyguard, and his status as a servant was to be a consultant. The unofficial title also represented the emperor’s intentions, so it still caused Lu Song a lot of trouble,..."

   "The emperor is planning to attack from all directions, and defeat each one." Feng Ziying chuckled, "Or if there is a date or no date to hit a shot, even if you don't succeed, there is no loss."

   "You can't say that, if you miss a few tricks, no one will believe you, and that will do a lot of damage to your prestige." Wang Wenyan shook his head.

   "Hmph, no, so what if you have prestige, sit and wait for death?" Feng Ziying's words made Wang Wenyan look sideways, "My lord, speak carefully."

   "Hehe, it's a joke, it's just a joke." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Tell me about Lu Song's intentions."

"It's hard to judge, but it's very likely that Lu Song also feels that he is in a bad situation and hopes to seek external support to maintain his status." Wang Wenyan's judgment is quite accurate, "He needs to fight back against Gu Cheng's small actions. Otherwise, he will face more and more challenges and pressure within the Forbidden Dragon, and there must be many people in the Forbidden Dragon watching his performance."

   "Then he should go to Ye Fang." Feng Ziying frowned.

   "I'm afraid Ye Fang and the two may not be willing to make a move, or..." Wang Wenyan didn't continue.

  (end of this chapter)

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