Number of People

Chapter 2489: Gui character volume women's thoughts, mixed reputation

  Chapter 2489 The woman's thoughts in the decile scroll are mixed

   When Feng Ziying left, she didn't find Aunt Zhao who was sneaking around.

  Of course, even if he found out, he wouldn't care.

  Feng Ziying didn't bother to pay much attention to Aunt Zhao's demon-like temperament.

   It is very easy to buy or beat, and Jia Huan is her lifeline.

  Seeing Feng Ziying leave, Aunt Zhao, who was hiding outside the door, rushed in like a rabbit, which shocked Tanchun a lot.

   "Auntie, what are you doing?" Tanchun, a little annoyed and guilty, wiped the slightly disheveled temple hair on his head, pretending to be calm.

Aunt Zhao took Tanchun's skirt and looked it up and down, but she didn't see anything unusual. Then she said with a secretive look: "Feng Ziying didn't like you, did you? After staying in your boudoir for so long, you have been talking like this gossip?"

   Tanchun's heart skipped a beat, and a blush flashed across his cheeks.

  My bellyband was almost ripped off by the other party and taken away. I begged for a long time before letting it go. I don’t know how long my aunt has been hiding outside, and if she heard anything.

   Quickly glanced at Shi Shu and Cui Mo who followed in, seeing Shi Shu shaking his head calmly and slightly, Tanchun felt more at ease.

  Although it is not too chaotic, there will be some intimacy between the man and woman in love. Tanchun thinks that Brother Feng is too wild.

  But considering that Brother Feng is always a person with several wives and concubines, it seems that such actions are understandable, and even think that Brother Feng regards himself as a wife and concubine, which is not unacceptable, it is just a matter of time.

"What exactly does Auntie want to do? Brother Feng just came here to talk to me for a while, but he didn't do anything. Besides, his daughter is going to marry in a month, so what else can he do? Even if he does something, Auntie wants to What are you going to do?"

   Tanchun glanced at his own mother with some shame and anger.

This mother has never been worried since she was sensible. Either she is here to be a demon, or she is causing trouble with Brother Huan, or she is bickering with her wife, or annoying her ancestors. In short, she has never been quiet in the mansion. .

"Hey, you **** girl, mother cares about you, for your own good, but you have such an attitude?" Aunt Zhao has long been used to Tanchun's impoliteness, but seeing her daughter getting married, she is still so lukewarm Even the posture of rejecting people thousands of miles away made me a little annoyed, "You are going to get married soon, is the Feng family so easy to get in? Haven't you seen that all the women in Feng's house are kind-hearted people? If you don't change your temperament, you will definitely suffer after entering the mansion!"

   Being taught a lesson by her own mother for a while, Tanchun couldn't help but laugh, she actually has the face to teach herself a lesson? Didn't see the embarrassing situation he was in Jia's mansion?

   "What exactly does Auntie want to say? My daughter has grown up, so she can still tell the difference clearly. The sisters in the house are all familiar with each other. My daughter doesn't think it matters whether they are good friends or bad friends."

   Tanchun was not in a good mood and said that she didn't like the attitude of provoking conflicts when her own mother came.

   "Hmph, you have good intentions, and sisters are very affectionate, but when it comes to your own interests, I'm afraid people may not recognize you as a sister." Aunt Zhao curled her lips.

   "Auntie, my daughter naturally knew how to do it in the past, honor Weng Gu, respect my husband and sister, and do my job well..."

Tanchun was interrupted by Aunt Zhao before she finished speaking: "You are talking about ordinary things, but the Feng family is different. Didn't Xue Baoqin and Lin Miaoyu both get orders? The sons of the second girl and Xing Xiuyan both got orders? Why? My mother is here to tell you that if you marry, you must give birth to a son as soon as possible. My master and I have discussed it. It is impossible for the imperial court to give the Feng family more orders and honorary officials. You were married as a concubine. If you want to occupy the status of a concubine, you have to have a son, and you have to give birth earlier, so that you will have a chance to be rewarded for the next wave of Feng Ziying's meritorious service. Let's see if you can get a concubine, and maybe the next one Bo doesn’t have such an opportunity, and after giving birth to a son, he can naturally consider the status of an honorary officer, it’s the best of both worlds,…”

   Repeatedly talking about the birth of a son made Tanchun blush, and he didn't like to get angry. Anyway, this mother had good intentions, but it was so blunt and blatant, it was really unacceptable.

   "Auntie!" Tanchun couldn't hold back his anger at last, "Daughter can save it! What a commanding officer, if my daughter has this life, she will naturally have it. If she doesn't have this life, it's useless to force it!"

Aunt Zhao was also angry when she heard Tanchun's resistance: "If you don't fight, how could it be your turn? They pester men all day long, and when you wait, they only have **** with men once a month. You can get pregnant before others Have a child? How can you be worse than the second girl and Xing Xiuyan? Didn't you see the two girls from the Li family and the girl from the Zhen family also rushed into the Feng family before you? Do you think they will be like you? Feng Ziying How many women are around, you haven't counted? Shen Shi and Xue Baoqin are not pregnant yet, Fourth Girl and Yun Girl will follow into the mansion, you don't care, and others don't care?"

   Being stunned by Aunt Zhao, Tanchun didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing that her daughter could not answer, Aunt Zhao raised her head triumphantly, "Third girl, learn from your mother. Back then, my wife guarded against thieves, and she was not allowed to get close to your father. Being a mother is not the same. You and Brother Huan were born?"

   Tanchun was angry and annoyed, but he couldn't respond well.

  Talking on this kind of mother-in-law, this kind of topic is embarrassing whether you respond or not.

"I don't have any other skills for being a mother, but when it comes to trying to figure out a man's heart, how to serve a man well on the bed without being afraid of anyone!" Aunt Zhao twisted her waist more and more proudly, "Master is so rigid and upright, isn't it the same for his mother?" You and Huan'er were born in three years, do you think that Mrs. Wang is not angry? She doesn't want to leave the master in her house? Compared with mother, she is not as capable! Mother tells you, this man! , no matter what kind of virtue he is, he is good at that,..."

  Words about tigers and wolves rolled out, Tan Chun blushed and his heart beat, wishing he could cover his ears, but he couldn't help but want to listen to it out of curiosity.

What Aunt Cai said just now is not unreasonable. Coco Li and Li Qi sisters Tanchun are also very familiar with each other. They are not inferior to her in terms of appearance and talent. There are also four younger sisters and Yun girl.

   It can be said that there are blocking enemies in the front and chasing soldiers in the back.

  This is not counting Shen Shi and Bao Qin, who are also looking forward to giving birth to male heirs to stabilize their status.

  As for those girls who are still looking forward to being pregnant with a man and a half woman to raise concubines, let alone those girls.

  Not to mention Aunt Zhao's goddaughter, since Feng Ziying has come to Jia's mansion, she has to go wherever she should go.

Xichun and Xiangyun also met, but Xichun is not that familiar, and Xiangyun is in a bad mood because of Shi Nai's problem, and this is at Jia's house, which is far less spacious than the original Rongguo Mansion Freedom, even if she was allocated a house, it was a bit cramped.


  On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Jia Lian returned to Beijing for a banquet.

   Liu Xianglian, Jia Zhen, Jia Yun, Jia Qiang were all invited, and even Ni Er was invited, and Feng Ziying was naturally indispensable.

  The wine is hot in the ears, and it is very enjoyable to drink.

  Jia Lian got very drunk and made some complaints in front of Feng Ziying through the alcohol, which probably meant that a friend's wife should not be bullied, and Feng Ziying didn't do things properly.

  All the people present suddenly changed their expressions.

  Which one here doesn't know the relationship between Wang Xifeng and Feng Ziying?

  The two have been dating for a few years, and Wang Xifeng's business is getting bigger and bigger. Who doesn't know that Feng Ziying's support is behind this?

  Taking what Ni Er said in private, if Uncle Feng slept with you, Jia Lian's woman thinks highly of you.

  You are a pampered dude who knows nothing, why should Haitong Yinzhuang invite you to be the big shopkeeper of Yangzhou?

   With an annual cost of tens of thousands of taels of silver, how many people in Yangzhou can buy a few of them every year, let alone a remnant flower that has been divorced?

   Besides, if you took the initiative to reconcile and leave, then Wang Xifeng can no longer stay at Jia's house, and she can't go back to Wang's house, so she can find a big tree to support her. Is this wrong?

   Moreover, Wang Xifeng also raised her and Jia Lian's Qiaojie. This alone should mean that you, Jia Lian, are not qualified to be a father. If you are still talking about Wang Xifeng, it is a bit disappointing.

  Feng Ziying didn't care too much.

   This kind of thing can't be hidden from people.

  Even Shen Xuelin and the three daughters in the family knew about it, and maybe even a lot of people in the Jia family knew about it.

  At least Feng Ziying guessed that the Wang family and Li Wan knew about it, and Jia's mother might be pretending to be confused. The ones who really didn't know were Jia Zheng, Jia Baoyu and his son. Maybe even Jia Huan could vaguely sense something.

  So it's not surprising that Jia Lian knew about it. If Jia Lian really kept silent, Feng Ziying would really be a little worried, because Jia Lian is not the kind of character who can hide things.

   Now that she is drunk, Feng Ziying thinks there is nothing wrong with it, even if it hurts herself a few words, or complains and blames.

  Given Jia Lian's temperament, he probably has been pent up for a long time when he said this, and he muster up the courage to vent it, and maybe it's over.

"Second brother Lian is drunk, brother Yun, brother Qiang, you two should help second brother Lian go down to rest." Feng Ziying looked warm, smiling, and waved her hands: "It's rare to come back, I'm afraid there will be some troubles in Yangzhou." There are not many that can be drunk like we in the capital, so I am happy today and drink it to my heart's content, which is interesting enough."

   Jia Yun and Jia Qiang helped the drowsy Jia Lian down, leaving only Liu Xianglian, Jia Zhen, and Ni Er on the table.

   It's the old ones who are more familiar with playing, and there are not so many taboos in speaking, especially when Jia Lian picks up the topic, Liu Xianglian frowned and asked: "Ziying, Wang Xifeng is really with you..."

Feng Ziying laughed, "Second brother Liu, you also care about these trivial matters. Whether I get better with Sister Feng or not, it's all our own business. She has been divorced for a few years. Lian The second elder brother has already given birth to two sons, so it's a bit too much to care about this, why didn't you see him care about sister Qiao?"

  (end of this chapter)

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