Number of People

Chapter 2490: Gui character volume Jia Lian relieved, Ziying was calm

  Chapter 2490 Guizi Juan Jia Lian relieved, Ziying was calm

Feng Ziying's answer was a little careless, but Jia Zhen immediately echoed: "Ziying is right, Feng girl and Lian'er are divorced, and there is nothing to do with it. Feng girl wants to live a life, that is her own business. No one else has anything to do with it, Ziying and her friend are good or not, and it has nothing to do with Jia Lian. Jia Lian just drank too much today, and the sourness in his heart can't get over it. General knowledge."

   "No, I respect Second Brother Lian very much." Feng Ziying said indifferently, "Second Brother Lian and I are still uncles, and my second sister gave birth to my eldest son..."

  It was only then that everyone came to their senses, yes, these two are actually uncles, and the second girl has been married to Feng's residence for several years.

   Jia Yun and Jia Qiang helped Jia Lian to sleep, and then came back again. They didn't listen to a few people talking, but they could figure out a general idea.

  Everyone intentionally or unintentionally avoided the matter of Wang Xifeng, but Feng Ziying didn't really care that much.

  I even accepted Coco Li, Li Qi and Zhen Baoyu as concubines, so I still care about Wang Xifeng?

   At most, it’s just another lustful hat that likes to eat grass on the edge of the nest.

  I seem to have indeed done this. Except for Shen Yixiu, marrying wives and taking concubines is basically compared to the Jia family or those related to the Jia family. Even the capable maids are mostly from the Jia family.

  Since he did this, it seems that there is nothing to say, but it may not be a bad thing for the Jia family.

  Feng Ziying didn't care about her reputation.

   Don't worry if you have too many debts, don't bite if you have too many lice, and don't be afraid of having too many debts.

   Everyone had a good time eating the wine, even if there was an extra episode like Jia Lian, it didn't affect the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

   It seems that Jia Zhen has received a letter from her father, Jia Jing, asking him to be cautious in his words and deeds, and obey Feng Ziying in everything, which shocked Jia Zhen.

  He once thought that his father must be somewhat hostile to Feng Ziying, but now it seems that his father seems to have some deeper contacts with Feng Ziying, which makes him even more in awe of Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying came to the banquet this time to meet Liu Xianglian and Ni Er.

  The Criminal Ministry and Shuntian Mansion intend to clean up the White Lotus Sect in the capital city first after the year.

  But Jingshi City is a mixed bag, involving a wide range of areas, and it is very difficult. In addition to the yamen servants in Shuntianfu, Wanping, and Daxing counties, they have to rely on local snakes like Ni Er in the city.

  Liu Xianglian is now arranged by Feng Ziying to take up a idle position in the Zhongcheng Military Division.

  He had won the martial arts exam before, and he was from a Wu Xun family, but he didn't want to be an official a few years ago, so he just stayed idle.

   But it’s not a problem to be idle all the time, especially after wandering and traveling outside for a few years in recent years, I have experienced some things, and I have matured a lot.

  So after Feng Ziying came back from Liaodong, he found a way to arrange for him to go to the Zhongcheng Bingma Division.

  The Bingma Division in Zhongcheng is in charge of the area of ​​Xiaoyongfang and Nanxunfang, which is small in size, but it is the most prosperous area in the entire capital city with the most concentrated government offices and wealthy families.

  Although she took up a idle job, Liu Xianglian is still dedicated, and now she is a member of a hundred households.

  According to the arrangement of Zhongcheng Bingma Division, he is responsible for investigating and visiting traitors in the area under his jurisdiction, and at the same time contacting the other four cities Bingma Division and patrolling battalion. He can be regarded as a liaison officer.

  Feng Ziying also confessed that the main reason is to rely on the power of the Wucheng soldiers and horses to let Ni Er also cooperate with him to start a thorough investigation of the White Lotus Sect in the entire capital city, and to prepare to take the lead in the capital city after the beginning of the new year.

  Liu Xianglian and Ni Er were also very familiar with each other. When they sang operas in Daguanlou, they also met a lot of people from all walks of life. Now that they are in Bingmasi and Ni Er, they will be like ducks in water.

"Things have already started. Ni Er has helped a lot here, but the Bailian Sect group is not easy. If you only need to suppress the bitterness on the surface, it is very simple, but what is deeper is their behind-the-scenes It will be more difficult for those above the levels.”

  Liu Xianglian and Ni Er accompanied Feng Ziying to the quiet room next to her. Jia Yun and Jia Qiang also knew that they had business to discuss, so they also avoided it.

   "After such a long investigation and cooperation with the Ministry of Criminal Justice, there are members of the White Lotus Cult in the third class of government officials in the two counties of Wanping and Daxing,..."

   This sentence also surprised Feng Ziying, "What about Shuntian Mansion Yali?"

   "It's hard to say in the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion. Their three classes of yamen servants are too large. They come from all directions inside and outside the city. We haven't found it yet, but I guess there are probably..."

  Liu Xianglian's words made Feng Ziying unable to hold back her forehead. The large-scale reorganization of the third class of Yamen in Shuntian Mansion was an action taken by her when she was a mansion, and now she is not reliable anymore?

   This White Lotus Sect is really deeply rooted.

   "In addition to these prefectures and counties, there are people in the Taipu Temple who are also members of the Bailian sect. In the Qintian prison, there are at least three members of the family who are members of the Bailian sect.

   Liu Xianglian's series of words made Feng Ziying really unable to sit still.

  Although they are all marginal departments, these yamen are either officials or officials, and every family is a believer, which is quite dangerous.

   "Are there any soldiers and horses in the Five Cities?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

"Judging from the situation of the Zhongcheng Bingmasi from the current investigation, it is fortunate that there are also family members of his family. I have not found it yet, but there may be more or less other Bingmasi in the other four cities. The more serious one is the Dongcheng Bingmasi. And the people in the patrol camp, because we don't want to investigate too blatantly, we can only visit secretly, combined with some clues from Long Jinwei, there are no less than dozens of people in the patrol camp who have contacts with the White Lotus Sect, and the Sicheng soldiers Masili is a member of the White Lotus Sect or there are no fewer than fifty people who have close contacts with the White Lotus Sect."

  Liu Xianglian's words no longer shocked Feng Ziying, and now he is more worried about how many people in the Sanqin Army and the Beijing camp will be infected and infiltrated.

  Jizhen is a good example. When I was a magistrate in Yongping Mansion, I discovered that many soldiers in the Jizhen army were members of the White Lotus Cult. For this reason, I specially notified You Shigong to ask him to investigate and deal with it severely.

  But although Ji Town also investigated and dealt with them in the later period, the effect was not very good. Many people hid deeply and were difficult to find, and they could not see the clues in normal training and fighting.

  The situation in Beijing is almost the same as that in Jizhen. Fortunately, I took the decisive action and sent a large number of Northwestern armies to Beijing to replace the Sanqin army and the Beijing camp, so as to reduce the proportion of infiltration and infection as much as possible.

  But the Fifth Army Battalion is now transferred by the main force of the original Shenshu Battalion. How many of them are related to the White Lotus Sect?

  Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen were also selected from the remnants of the original Beijing camp, and some of the local guards were recruited to supplement them, so their reliability may not be very high.

   It may be impossible to tell the difference in the war, but when the imperial court takes action against the White Lotus Sect, who can guarantee what will happen to these people?

   "On the side of the Sanqin Army and the Beijing Camp..."

  Liu Xianglian shook her head, "I can't do this here, and it will easily cause conflicts and troubles. I can only ask Brother Ni to visit from the periphery and from the side..."

Feng Ziying's eyes fell on Ni Er, and Ni Er also raised his chest, "Of course, what Mr. Feng told us, we will pay attention to it. In the past few months, we have been focusing on the activities of these people and their family members. Because of the number of people, Fortunately, the Northwest Army came in and replaced a large number of them. We mainly targeted the remaining ones. According to our preliminary knowledge, there are at least two to three hundred people who are either members of the White Lotus Sect, or have close contacts with the White Lotus Sect, or their family members are related to the White Lotus Sect. The White Lotus Sect has something to do with it..."

  Feng Ziying felt a little more at ease.

  The number is one thing. The key is that Ni Er can use his strong human resources at the bottom to conduct a thorough investigation of tens of thousands of Shangsanqin army and Jingying soldier families within a few months.

   It is not easy to do this, even though there must be many omissions in it, but it is better to be sure, and it has to be done through the government office, I am afraid that I will not know what it is like to be infiltrated.

   "Very well, Second Brother Ni will thank you for your hard work."

  Feng Ziying's words made Ni Erxi overwhelmed.

   Can make Supervisor Xiao Feng call "Second Brother Ni", this is a burst of prosperity all over the body, and he can brag about it for a lifetime wherever he goes out.

  When did I have the opportunity to sit with the important officials of the court and call them brothers?

  Has anyone around you ever had such an experience?

Ni Er is very aware of his own weight. Although Feng Ziying has known him for a long time, he is different now. He is either in the office of the Ministry of War or going to Wenyuan Pavilion to discuss important national affairs. Outsiders can only look up to him. It's a blessing to have a drink together.

   "Where is it, the uncle can use Ni Er, that is our face." Ni Er said happily with a smiling face.

"Well, we can't just put this matter on hold, and we have to work hard. Brothers continue to stare at it. If these people are tossed around in the city, it will be a bad thing for everyone." Feng Ziying nodded, "I How about those two?"

   "There is still not much change, it is very regular. Basically, the mountain has contact with the outside once every half a month, and there is also contact with the inside and outside of the city." Ni Er quickly replied: "There is no contact with Yizhou."

  The so-called Qingwen's parents were still following her leisurely, and even tried to find an excuse to move to the new house on Sanjue Street together, as if they had decided that they were the best target.

  Feng Ziying also found it interesting. He reckoned that it should be the decision made by the top of the White Lotus Sect. They felt that their own value was of great significance. They should keep an eye on themselves, either looking for opportunities to assassinate them, or to spy on information.

   Now it seems that the "personnel relationship" of the two couples has been transferred to the capital city, and is directly controlled by the White Lotus Sect on the capital city side.

  (end of this chapter)

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