Number of People

Chapter 2491: Gui character volume mountain rain is about to come, with the wind into the night

  Back home, Feng Ziying, who was a little bit drunk, entered Qingwen's small room with Qingwen's support.

  Shen Yixiu and You Er's bodies are both inconvenient.

  The treatment of Tongfang girls cannot be compared with that of concubines.

  Concubines have their own small courtyards, while the concubines can only be attached to the old woman and have an independent room.

  The concubine's room has personal maids, and the housemaids can only instruct the little maids by virtue of their status as the people around the big wife.

  Of course, a favored housewife like Qingwen also has seven or eight little girls and a bunch of women and servants under her command, so naturally there are people who want to curry favor with her.

   It is her personal business, and some people will take the initiative to help her run errands.

   "I drank too much again. The spring break is still seven or eight days away. I should take care of my body. Drinking too much alcohol will hurt my liver."

  Qingwen carefully helped Feng Ziying to lie down on her bed, and then asked the little girl to bring in hot water to wash Feng Ziying's face and feet.

  Feng Ziying came back too late, Shen Yixiu and Second Sister You both fell asleep, knowing that it was her turn to attend the bed, Qingwen was so happy that she was not polite, so she helped Feng Ziying directly into her room.

  Feng Ziying leaned on the head of the Kang and leaned on the pillow, looking at the busy Qingwen in front of her.

  Compared to Qingwen in girlhood, now Qingwen is still a lot plump, but at that time Qingwen was too slender, almost as thin as Daiyu and Xichun.

  Daiyu hasn't changed much after marriage, but Qingwen looks more well-proportioned, at least her **** and buttocks should be straight, and she should be up.

The amber jacket embroidered with gold and branched lotuses wraps the body very tight and straight, especially the two peaks standing out, the pink neck is like jade, and the round buttocks are completely outlined by a pair of half-new and old lotus-colored moiré satin trousers. They are especially straight, and a pair of onion tube nails, which are painted with impatiens juice on the catkins, attract Feng Ziying's attention even more.

  In my impression, Qingwen in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" broke off the onion-like nails before she died and gave them to Jia Baoyu as a souvenir, and then died in depression.

   In this life, nothing like this has happened again. This girl lived a very happy life in her own mansion, not only won the trust of Shen Yixiu, but also made good friends with Yuanyang and Ping'er.

  The Changfang side is led by her, and all the old acquaintances from the Rongguo Mansion also followed her way to seek refuge.

However, although this girl's personality has become a little irritable, she is not unreasonable. From being a big girl to being confiscated by herself and becoming a housekeeper, her personality has not changed much, but with self-cultivation, at least the city is still a little bit more. As for the frequent quarrels with people.

Even if Ying'er and Siqi from the second bedroom, or Jin Chuan'er, who is in charge of the affairs of the mansion, who are usually not so right, have a disagreement, they can still settle down and argue, at most it will be a few bitter words, no Will turn their faces again.

  Watching Qingwen squat down, considerately tested whether the temperature of the hot water in the silver basin was suitable, and then rolled up her sleeves to take off her socks, Feng Ziying was also a little moved.

  Qingwen moved Feng Ziying's feet over and entered the hot water in the basin, a warm and comfortable feeling spread along her feet and into her heart.

  Feng Ziying found that in this life, she was especially easily moved and moved by the girl in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" in the previous life who had a lot of ink, had a bright personality, and was handsome and distinctive.

  Even if they are just an inconspicuous little character in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", I can always recall every bit of them in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions". This feeling is amazing.

Like Qingwen's fiery, forthright and even somewhat irritable character, coupled with her depressed death after being kicked out of Rongguo Mansion, she still couldn't forget Jia Baoyu before she died; Not ashamed to die in a well; like Ping'er who is gentle, generous, tolerant, Tanchun heroic and high-spirited, and Yingchun's kindness and cowardice, it seems that they can all arouse a certain desire to conquer and protect in their hearts.

  Clearly knowing that even an iron kidney can’t stand up to so many women, but he is still extremely greedy and wants to wrap all these women into his arms.

  It seems that only I can understand them, and can give them the beautiful life they want most in this ups and downs world.

  Feng Ziying didn't know whether it was right or wrong for her to do so, but he didn't want to think too much about it. Since he has the halo of the protagonist, he should be more willful and just do it according to his own heart.

  Qingwen didn't ask the little maid to wash Feng Ziying's feet, she preferred to do it herself.

  Rubbing and massaging Feng Ziying's insteps, heels, and soles with fingers moderately, and then moving from the ankle to the calf, which can quickly release tension and fatigue.

  Watching Qingwen massage and wash her feet vigorously, Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief and sat up straight.

Qingwen's hair bun is also changing quietly. The double-ya bun that she used to like to comb the most has changed from a slightly lower bun to a higher bun, and now it no longer exists. Bao, suddenly became a little more charming than a young woman, but still retained a little freshness.

   As if sensing Feng Ziying's scorching gaze on the kang, Qingwen raised her pretty eyes and glanced at it. Feng Ziying lifted Qingwen's chin with her fingers and squeezed it, but she didn't speak.

  Qingwen had already understood, her cheeks were slightly red, and she wiped Feng Ziying's feet clean, then she took the silver basin and handed it to the little maid waiting outside, and then she went in and carefully closed the door.

  Feng Ziying actually prefers this kind of closed hut, which makes her feel more secure when sleeping together.

   It’s not like resting in other women’s rooms, which are two connected big rooms. There are always maids waiting outside. If you want to come in at any time, you always feel like someone is listening to the room.

  Although I got used to it after a long time, I still feel a little bit uneasy.

  Feng Ziying just watched quietly as Qingwen unloaded the bead hairpin hair accessories in front of the dressing table in front of the kang, and carefully took off the jade bracelet on her wrist, and put these things into the jewelry box in the drawer under the dressing table.

  Qingwen walked to the edge of the kang, took off the embroidered jacket and trousers, revealing a plump and slender figure that was just right in the middle.

  The pink apron is faintly visible in the snow-white little coat, and the royal blue lake silk underwear wraps the most secret place of the woman, attracting Feng Ziying's attention.

  Although she and Qingwen have been on good terms countless times, Feng Ziying never tires of seeing her.

It wasn't until Qingwen climbed onto the kang and slipped into her arms that Feng Ziying sighed and hugged her, and with two or three strokes, she turned Qingwen's naked body off, got on the horse, and let her go freely amidst Qingwen's melodious moaning. stand up.


"Father and mother said that uncle and his family might come over next month, and they want their servants to find a suitable livelihood for them. The servants are just thinking about how to arrange it in the capital city. They don't know anything. My cousin heard that It was also after the man got married that the man died of illness,..."

  Qingwen snuggled into Feng Ziying's arms for a rare time, talking about things in her room.

Feng Ziying didn't pay much attention to it at first, but Qingwen later heard that her uncle and the whole family wanted to come to Beijing, which probably meant that she wanted to rely on Feng's family. He only became alert when he was doing some work.

   Could it be that the Bailian sect feels that Qingwen's "parents" have not achieved enough results, and they plan to do something in their own house?

   Logically speaking, this shouldn’t be the case. What can they covet in their own mansion?

  Information, official documents, letters or something else?

There are official documents and letters, but not many. Feng Ziying has already developed a habit of not bringing home official things as much as possible, but it is impossible to completely eliminate them. There are also some correspondence that inevitably carry some official content. For example, letters from Fan Jingwen, He Fengsheng, Fang Youdu, Wang Yingxiong, etc., but is this worth sending another team to sneak into your mansion?

  Even with Qingwen's "cover", if you come in with more people, the risk will definitely be greater, and you will be more vigilant or send someone to investigate. It is very likely that you will be exposed sooner or later. Is it worthwhile?

  Unless they have other plans, such as implementing short-term tasks, it will not matter if they are exposed or not.

   Then the only goal is to assassinate yourself.

  Holding Qingwen's soft and charming body, Feng Ziying thought in her mind, if she really assassinated herself, what was the purpose?

  I am just a military servant, so what if I assassinate myself? Did he make them so afraid? Shouldn't it be to assassinate Lu Song, Liu Yixiu or Han Yu?

If you say that Lu Song is the commander of the Long Jinwei, Liu Yixiu is the minister of the Ministry of punishment, and Han Yu is the minister of the Ministry of punishment, they are the chief officials who deal with the White Lotus Sect. Want to target yourself?

Either I made them feel threatened in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion, or they have a larger and more complicated plan, and the assassination is only one part of it, not even just assassinating themselves. Lu Song and Liu Yixiu may be on the same list On their hunting list, they are just making thorough preparations now.

   "Then did you say when will you come?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

   "Next month, February." Qingwen's panting gradually calmed down, "The slaves didn't agree, but the parents begged hard, and the slaves are not good..."

   "It's okay, let them come, just come, I will arrange everything for them."

  Feng Ziying smiled, followed the clues, and perhaps could dig out more clues to see what they were planning to do.

  Qingwen choked up for a moment, and pressed her face to Feng Ziying's chest, tears overflowed, and Feng Ziying couldn't help but caressed Qingwen's pretty face lovingly, "It's no big deal, how many people are there?"

The clues from Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Justice point to the fact that there may be some changes in the Bailian Church in February and March. Maybe they are looking for a more suitable opportunity now. If they plan to assassinate important officials of the court including themselves Huan, it means that their plan is huge, which should not be underestimated.

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