Number of People

Chapter 2492: Guizi scroll is unexpected, unexpected

  Chapter 2492 Guizi scroll is unexpected, unexpected

   It was already the afternoon of the ninth day of the first lunar month when Wang Xifeng returned to Beijing.

   After resting overnight in the mansion he bought in Beijing, and recovering his spirits, he slowly got up and let Sister Shan and Feng Er dress up for him.

  Seeing Wang Xifeng's **** trembling as white as jade, and her arms as plump and fair as jelly hooves, Sister Shan couldn't help but smack her lips, her eyes full of envy.

   "Grandma's body, it's no wonder that Uncle Feng refuses to move his eyes when he sees it. What are you talking about, I feel pity..."

  Hearing Sister Shan's lip smacking sound, Wang Xifeng couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Little Hoof, how are you talking, how dare you arrange him?"

"Look at what grandma said, what is choreography? Every time Uncle Feng comes and looks at grandma's body, doesn't he always stare at grandma's body? Doesn't he always toss on grandma's body for a long time when he goes to bed? Sister Hongyu is muttering that she wants to cut some points." There is not enough leftover soup,..."

  Sister Shan and Feng Er are both Wang Xifeng's maids next to Lin Hongyu.

  After Lin Hongyu was confiscated, Sister Shan and Feng'er were officially promoted to be maids, responsible for daily chores around Wang Xifeng.

   And Lin Hongyu is no longer in charge of these affairs, but more to help Wang Xifeng handle external affairs, that is, business affairs.

  So Sister Shan and Feng Er are considered to be their own people, and they know everything about the affairs between Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng like the back of their hands, or they are not surprised by what they have heard and seen.

  It’s just that Wang Xifeng didn’t expect that Sister Shan, who was usually low-browed and pleasing to the eye, would dare to have such “tiger-wolf words”, such as “fixed eyes”, “tossing for half a night”, and “leftover soup”, which made Wang Xifeng feel feverish.

   "Little hoof, ouch,..., you are getting more and more presumptuous, you dare to open your mouth and talk nonsense like this?"

  Wang Xifeng let out an "ouch".

   Originally, she wanted to turn her head to reprimand Shan Jie who was tying her bra, but unexpectedly, when she turned her head, Feng Er, who was combing her hair, pulled her hair and screamed in pain.

  It's changed from normal, I'm afraid it's going to turn against me again, but this time I'm in a good mood, I just glared at Feng'er, snorted, but didn't curse, all my mind was on Sister Shan's words.

"The maidservant didn't talk nonsense. Even if Uncle Feng came, the maidservant dared to say to his face that Uncle Feng is the body of grandma who is greedy. What's wrong with that? Isn't grandma also yearning for Uncle Feng day and night? Even her son would take care of him I gave birth, so what's the embarrassment?" Sister Shan spoke plausibly.

   Casting a sideways glance at Sister Shan, Wang Xifeng stopped talking, but her heart was burning.

   If you say you don't want that man, it's a lie.

  Thinking about it day and night is a bit exaggerated. It’s better to be busy during the day, but it’s hard to sleep alone at night, so it’s inevitable that your mind will wander, wondering which woman this man is holding to sleep now.

   Is it Baochai, or Daiyu, or some wild woman from outside, or is it the alluring **** like Yuanyang, Pinger, or Qingwen in his house?

   At such times, it is inevitable to grit your teeth, hug the pillow and beat it for a while, or get up to see the tiger, and feel sorry for yourself before falling asleep with the pillow alone.

   Seeing that Wang Xifeng was silent, Feng'er glared at Sister Shan, and Sister Shan wisely stopped talking. At this time, Hongyu led Huzi in, "Grandma, Laiwang's daughter-in-law said that the uncle is here."

  Wang Xifeng was stunned, Ziying came, why did she come at this time, and she also came to Wang's daughter-in-law?

  But then realized that this uncle is not Feng Ziying, but his brother Wang Ren.

   "How does he know we're back?" Wang Xifeng frowned.

This elder brother is really a character that everyone hates. After his father passed away, he followed his second uncle, that is, Wang Ziteng, but when his second uncle was released to be an official, he followed the second uncle's family to toss around, and really became a dandy. .

  Later, even Wang Ziteng couldn't stand it anymore, and sent him and the second uncle's two sons back to Nanjing. They didn't return to Beijing until the incident in Jiangnan was over and the second uncle returned to the capital for retirement.

  When I took the boat back to the capital from Nanjing, I went to Tianjin Wei to beat the autumn wind, begging for money, Wang Xifeng was not polite, and scolded coldly for a long time, but Wang Ren couldn't let go.

   In the end, she had to pay a thousand taels of silver before she could be sent away, but she also knew that if she started, there would be no end, but she was a compatriot, so she couldn't do anything to drive her out and leave her alone.

   Just stepped into the door, and Wang Ren rushed to the back foot, so well-informed?

   "Could it be that the second master told the uncle?" Lin Hongyu put the tiger in front of Wang Xifeng before answering.

   "No, Wang Ren has nothing to say in front of the second uncle, and the second uncle doesn't like him, so he won't go to make fun of himself." Wang Xifeng's face was slightly cold, "It seems that he has no money again..."

   "Is that missing?" Lin Hongyu also felt a headache.

   "Can I go without seeing him?" Wang Xifeng sighed. Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, so what can she do with such a brother?

Waving her hands, Wang Xifeng motioned for Sister Shan to put on the embroidered jacket for herself, and then said: "Feng'er, take the tiger to the backyard, Hongyu, come and meet me, I see what kind of demon he is going to be again. "

  Wang Ren couldn't wait any longer, and walked back and forth excitedly in the living room.

   Coincidentally, I ran into Jia Lian at Nanxunfang early in the morning.

  I went to say hello with good intentions. I thought that even if I broke up with Sister Feng, Sister Qiao would still be there anyway, so I said a few words and borrowed some money by the way.

   I heard that this guy works as the big shopkeeper of Haitong Yinzhuang Yangzhou, with an income of tens of thousands of taels a year, it is no problem to borrow three to five hundred taels.

  I never thought that this guy would turn his face coldly towards me, and in the end when it came to borrowing money, he turned his face directly.

  I was so angry that I could only curse a few words, but Jia Lian dared to be angry with him, saying that he slipped his mouth and said that Sister Feng had married another man, and she seemed to have a child...

  He couldn't believe it.

   It is said that Sister Feng is doing business, and she did earn a lot of money in Tianjin Wei. He thought that Sister Feng left behind when she was in Jia's house, but he was a little surprised that the business was so big.

   Now it seems that this is not the case. It seems that Sister Feng has been with a big businessman in the Northland. Well, she is a concubine and gave birth to a son, which is why she is so rich.

  I knew that I should have asked for more last time, so I hit her hard.

  He asked Wang Li and Wang Yi specifically, but they didn't know.

  Wang Ren wondered which one of the Shanshan merchants Sister Feng probably relied on.

  I heard that the cement business has always been dominated by merchants from Shanshan and Shanxi, and merchants from Jiangnan couldn’t get in. Sister Feng could get in. Without the help of that big merchant, it would definitely not be possible. No wonder she had to give birth to a son.

  Wang Ren still believed in this point. With his younger sister's physique, it was certain that he would have a son. If he and Jia Lian could not have a son after a few years of marriage, it must be Jia Lian's problem.

  Seeing her elder brother looking at her as if seeing a gold ingot, Wang Xifeng knew that this guy was after silver again.

  She didn't want to spoil him, "Brother, what are you doing here in such a hurry?"

   "Hehe, Sister Feng, isn't it right for me as an elder brother to come and see my nephew?" Wang Xifeng gave Wang Xifeng a sideways look, and Wang Ren decided to give him a bad blow.

   "Nephew?" Wang Xifeng's heart trembled, "You mean sister Qiao?"

"Hehe, nieces and nephews are not the same, why are you still hiding from me, who is my uncle?" Wang Ren saw Wang Xifeng's expression change, and he knew that he had taken advantage of the other party, and his expression changed immediately: "Sister Feng, the Wang family After all, they are also from the Zanying family, so it’s fine if you and Jia Lian reconcile, why are you reduced to being a businessman’s concubine to give birth to children? Aren’t you dishonoring the Wang family?”

  Being scolded so viciously and angrily by Wang Ren, Wang Xifeng was really stunned by the scolding, and then she came back to her senses: "What do you know?"

"Hmph, what do I know? Are you ashamed to ask me? How did you get to this point?" Wang Ren looked distressed, "These Shanshan merchants have a few silver, which is worth your so determined to follow, even the children Born for him?"

  Wang Xifeng became tough immediately, and sneered: "Who do I need you to control? Jia Lian and Li and I didn't say that we would go back to the Wang family. What embarrassment have we given to the Wang family? Has the Wang family ever taken care of me?"

  Being blocked by Wang Xifeng's words, Wang Ren was suffocated, but he said viciously: "If you give birth to those businessmen as a concubine, that is to disgrace our Wang family. Who is it? How have the women of the Wang family been reduced to such a state?"

"Why, I said who is it, what are you going to do? Kill him or sue the officials?" Wang Xifeng became more and more frivolous, letting Lin Hongyu help her into a chair, with a look of contempt on her face, "Wang Ren, you have something to do here Talk about things, don't talk to me about these things, you can't take care of my affairs, and it's not your turn to take care of them!"

   "I can't control it, so can my second uncle? You brought a bastard, and you dare to come to see your second uncle. Do you really want to **** off the family?" Wang Ren gritted his teeth.

  Wang Xifeng glanced at Wang Ren with a half-smile, "Wild species? You can really say it, Wang Ren, are you not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue? I'm going to take this child to see the second uncle?"

   "You dare!" Wang Ren didn't expect Wang Xifeng to be so presumptuous. Could it be that this Shanshan businessman is so rampant?

After all, the Wang family is also a prestigious family. Although Wang Ziteng has no military power now, he has also assumed the status of an acquaintance with the governor of the Five Armies. No matter how powerful the Shanxi merchants are, it is impossible for them to jump out for this kind of thing. That's right.

"Do you think I dare, I'm going to the second uncle's place at noon, how about you just watch?" Wang Xifeng gave the other side a disdainful glance, "Aren't you also at the second uncle's place? I see, if you feel that I have disgraced the Wang family, then you can report me to Second Uncle and drive me out of the house."

  Being run on by Wang Xifeng made her chest almost explode. Originally, she wanted to swindle some money, but she didn't expect the other party to be so reckless and so reckless. What's going on?

  (end of this chapter)

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