Number of People

Chapter 2493: The greater the ambition of the Guizi scroll, the more people look forward to it

  Chapter 2493 The more ambitious the Guizi scroll is, the more people look forward to it

  Wang Ren left angrily. What shocked him even more was that Wang Xifeng actually went to the house of his second uncle, Prince Teng.

  When I insinuated that Wang Xifeng was now acting as a concubine outside, or even giving birth to a child, I didn't expect my second uncle to ignore it at all.

   Later, he simply turned his face and kicked himself out, leaving only him and Wang Xifeng talking.

   This simply puzzled him. Could it be that Wang Xifeng made some money in business, which made the second uncle jealous?

   "What do you think?" Wang Ziteng leaned on the back of the chair peacefully and asked, "Feng Ziying is so generous. Making a living from cement is the lifeblood of Shanshan businessmen."

"I don't know about that, but I feel like he doesn't care too much about it. If it's really their Feng family who want to do it, how can it be Shanshan merchants to take the lead?" Wang Xifeng is also very casual. It is true that she likes female sex, but outsiders can't figure it out at all."

"I can't figure it out either. Niu Jizong and I were advised to surrender voluntarily, disarmed and returned to the fields, but he also urged us to stay in the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion for the time being. It seems that there is some deep meaning in it. You gave birth to all his sons for him. Looks like he should be the eldest son of their Feng family, right?" Wang Ziteng obviously did some research, "Could it be that you can't figure out what he's thinking?"

"Second Uncle, what am I? After giving birth to a son, I will keep it for myself. If it is impossible, I will marry again, right?" Wang Xifeng said indifferently, "As for him persuading Second Uncle and Niu Uncle to do this, of course there are others. Second Uncle should be vaguely aware of the truth, otherwise he wouldn’t be cooperating with him like this, would he?”

  Wang Ziteng nodded slightly, saying that his niece is a bit clever, it seems true, she has a way of trying to figure out people's thoughts.

   Now he is not sure what Feng Ziying intends to do, but one thing is certain that Feng Ziying has great ambitions, and he is definitely not satisfied with being the youngest third-rank official in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  He has deeper thoughts.

   It stands to reason that Feng Ziying's goal should be to go to the chief minister of the cabinet. He is only 24 now, which means that if he performs according to his current amazing performance, there is a high probability that he will wait for the position of minister before the age of 30.

  No matter how the cabinet and other civil servants of the court think his age and resume are an eyesore, it is the most basic rule of the court to reward those who have made meritorious deeds, otherwise no one will work for the court.

  Moreover, it is impossible for the imperial court to use some edicts and honorary officials to fool them like this time, and make some small mistakes to make up for it.

  Even if this is a tacit agreement that Feng Ziying voluntarily reached with the court, it is impossible for the court master to make this kind of thing public and let all scholars know, which will also damage the prestige of the court.

  Thirty-year-old to Shangshu, forty-year-old is a cabinet minister or even the chief assistant.

  Wang Ziteng never doubted that Feng Ziying could do this.

   No matter who becomes the emperor, it cannot stop Feng Ziying from becoming the chief assistant.

   But is this in the interests of the Feng family?

  The Feng family was born in a martial arts noble in the frontier.

  Border martial arts are also martial arts, and the foundation of martial arts is the army.

  Like the Four Kings and Eight Dukes, they were also born in Wu Xun, but the reason why they declined and were rejected by the imperial court was because they lost their roots after several generations and no longer had any influence in the army.

   People who are useless naturally don’t need to pay more attention or think about it. They should be cleaned up when they need to be cleaned up, especially if they are ignorant of current affairs, they can be used as a stepping stone.

  If Feng Ziying is determined to follow the path of a civil servant, it will be no problem to be the first assistant in ten or twenty years, but what if he becomes the first assistant?

  Shoufu is nothing more than the ultimate civil servant, but the rule of civil servants is to be an official through the imperial examination.

  No one can guarantee that their children and grandchildren will be able to study. Once the imperial examination fails, the Feng family may quickly decline from the family of Zhongming Dingshi, especially the Feng family is not a famous family of scholars who inherit poetry and books.

   It is impossible for Feng Ziying not to consider such a situation.

   In a sense, if the Feng family wants to protect their own interests, they should continue to follow the original path of the Feng family, such as Li Chengliang and Ma Gui, to maintain their influence in the border town.

Even now that Li Chengliang and Ma Gui have retired and retired, the Li family and the Ma family still have considerable influence in the army, and their children can start at a high position when they enter the army, gaining more opportunities and a higher platform, and will continue to do so in the future. Have a developmental advantage over others.

  If Feng Ziying does not choose this path, it can only show that Feng Ziying has greater ambitions.

  Wang Ziteng judges that the latter is more likely. That is to say, Feng Ziying doesn't like the way of Li Chengliang and Magui, and he won't be satisfied with the chief assistant, so what else?

  The shoufu is a higher level, that is, the more powerful shoufu-power minister, what is above the power minister is self-evident.

  Wang Ziteng has not yet thought about Feng Ziying's higher ambitions, but he thinks that Feng Ziying may covet the status of a powerful minister.

Feng Ziying herself was born as a martial artist in the frontier, and the Feng family already had considerable influence in the army. If Feng Ziying can successfully cultivate enough influence and supporters in the civilian court, and then gain enough support in the army, then The embryonic form of a powerful minister is there.

   More importantly, Feng Ziying has enough time and energy.

When other people can achieve Feng Ziying's current third-rank minister, they must be at least 40 years old. Even if it takes a decade or two to work hard, the impact of age and physical condition will make most people give up halfway. .

   But Feng Ziying is different, he is only twenty-four years old!

  Even if it takes 20 years to slowly and steadily lay the groundwork, he is only in his forties. He is in his prime and full of energy. Who can stop him?

   It was precisely because of this thought that Wang Ziteng was very interested, and he did not refuse Feng Ziying's hints and arrangements.

Of course, Wang Ziteng is not satisfied with leaving the stage of power in such a disheveled manner. He is only in his early fifties, and he is in good health. If Lian Po is old enough to make a living, that is only in his seventies. He thinks that he will not be able to work in ten years. As for the problem, Niu Jizong also thought so.

Although the Feng family has a great influence in the border towns, they are mainly concentrated in the four towns in the northwest and Datong, Xuanfu, Shanxi, Jizhen, and even Jingying and Denglai. Wang Ziteng thinks that he and Niu Jizong are more confident, Otherwise, Feng Ziying would not win her over.

  Even now in Xuanfu Town, Jingying and Denglai Town, Wang Ziteng has the confidence to recruit a group of people. Niu Jizong also has a considerable foundation in Xuanfu Town, Shanxi Town and Ji Town.

  Now Wang Ziteng wants to think carefully about what path Feng Ziying plans to take, and what role he and Niu Jizong can play in it.

  The greater Feng Ziying's ambition is, the more willing he is to help Feng Ziying, which means that he can play a greater role. At his age, what else is there to be afraid of? I'm afraid he's not ambitious enough.

   But although Feng Ziying is young, the city is not shallow.

  Wang Xifeng can only be regarded as his concubine, this girl is indeed a bit coquettish and unrestrained, which may be what attracted Feng Ziying, so she hooked up with her.

  Wang Ziteng didn't think he could find out some of Feng Ziying's thoughts from Wang Xifeng. If Wang Xifeng couldn't hide secrets here, then Wang Ziteng would be worried.

  However, Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng had a son, and I heard that Xue Baochai was also pregnant. These two women are close relatives, and it is of course a good thing to have a blood bond with the Feng family.

   "Sister Feng, since you have followed him and have a son, then manage your current business well. What if he didn't say anything about this child?"

  After making up his mind, Wang Ziteng calmed down. Anyway, Feng Ziying would come to see him at dinner time.

"How can I say it?" Although she knew everything, Wang Xifeng was still a little uncomfortable, "Can I still take it back to the Feng family? Sister Qiao is going to get married sooner or later, so I have to leave a child to take care of me, right? Maybe I can enter the Feng Mansion, and I am quite satisfied with it now."

   Xue Baochai is my cousin, and Daiyu has always been very close, but I have an affair with their husband in private, and gave birth to a child, so I don't think it's a big deal.

   It's not easy for Wang Ziteng to intervene in this kind of matter, and he doesn't even know what is the best way to do it, so it's best not to ask too many questions.

"Forget it, you are so lucky to raise this child, maybe there will be no luck in the future?" Wang Ziteng Ruo thought deeply, "Feng Ziying is not a thing in the pool, it seems like this now, but there may be more in the future. The future that people look forward to."

  Wang Xifeng's eyes flickered, and she didn't quite understand the meaning of her second uncle's words. It seemed that she meant something, but she didn't dare to think deeply.

Seeing that Wang Xifeng seemed to have realized something, Wang Ziteng waved his hand: "Don't think too much, Ziying is a person who even I can't see clearly, so I have to try to understand him. In my opinion, Feng Tang was able to give birth to such a son, which was the blessing of the Feng family for several lifetimes. If he dared to say that he was a tiger in front of Feng Ziying, then Feng Ziying might be a dragon,..."

  This word is even more sensitive. What does the dragon refer to? Even a woman like Wang Xifeng can understand it, and subconsciously murmured: "Second Uncle, your words are too high on him, right..."

"Let's not talk about this topic. Ziying is coming over for dinner. You rest here now and see your aunt and the others. You will also meet at the dinner party. He has a lot of things to do now, so don't bother him too much. ..." Prince Teng paused, as if pointing something.

  Wang Ziteng's words made Wang Xifeng's face twitch like a fire.

But Wang Ziteng didn't care that firstly he was an elder, and secondly Feng Ziying was indeed too important, "There's nothing to be ashamed about, your child was born for her, and you're still in your thirties. Unavoidably greedy,..."

  Wang Xifeng's fine silver teeth were almost crushed, so she could only lower her head, but she couldn't help being ashamed in her heart.

  Second uncle has become so cautious and nagging now, it seems that Ziying is far better than his own niece in his mind.

  (end of this chapter)

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