Number of People

Chapter 2495: Binding of Guizi scroll, bet

  Chapter 2495 Guizi volume binding, bet

   Speaking of this, Wang Ziteng still doesn't understand, and expecting others to explain it more clearly, that is his own arrogance and greed.

  Why do people say this to themselves? Before they show enough strength and loyalty, both parties will have reservations. It is enough to be able to say this.

   Even so, Wang Ziteng was inexplicably shocked by Feng Ziying's ambition, or ambition.

  If Feng Ziying was a forty-year-old middle-aged official at this time, or even a thirty-five-year-old official, he might really support the other party immediately.

  But Feng Ziying is too young, and everything he shows is certainly exciting, but there are too many variables here.

  Perhaps in the process, a slight omission and mistake will ruin everything.

  Wang Ziteng is now in such a contradictory state of mind.

  He understands that such an opportunity is worth betting on. If the bet is correct, maybe the Wang family will return to the glory it had been decades ago since the Dragon's Kung Fu, but if the bet is wrong, there may really be no chance to turn around.

   But the problem is that the Wang family has fallen so much now, why not dare to bet?

  He needs to think about this point carefully, maybe he can find a good reason to convince himself.

  After dinner at the royal family, Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng returned to Wang Xifeng's mansion in Zhaohui Jinggongfang in a carriage.

  The weather is not very good, with light rain and snow scraping outside the carriage, ticking.

   Occasionally, a cold wind came in, which woke up the man and woman leaning in the carriage from the intoxication of desire from time to time, so as not to forget where they were.

  Prince Teng’s mansion is in Dashiyongfang in the south, and Jinggongfang in Zhaohui is in the north, and the carriage needs to go around the entire Forbidden City.

  The carriage needs to pass through Nanxunfang and Baodafang, and it will take at least half an hour to arrive.

   Fortunately, people have already placed heaters and smoke cages in the carriage compartment. The silver frost charcoal is burning red, covered with cloth curtains, and placed in the corners of the two compartments. The warmth is overflowing, making the whole compartment as warm as spring.

  The upturned skirt and the stripped underwear, mixed with the sound of heavy panting, and the unscrupulous clutches raging on her chest, pushed Wang Xifeng step by step into the abyss of lust.

  Rao is Wang Xifeng who is passionate and bold, but the reckless behavior in the car like today still makes her extremely nervous and also has an inexplicable excitement of cheating.

Less than six feet away is the coachman, who is still yelling at the horses in the cold wind, and there are occasional whips. Also, in the window covered by the curtain, occasionally swinging open, you can still see and hear his horses on both sides. A blurry image of the head of Feng Ziying's guard.

  Feng Ziying is also fascinated by the happy scene in this specific environment. The half pot of rice wine puts him in a state of intoxication, which also makes his inner wild **** urgently need to be released.

  Accompanied by the tightening of Wang Xifeng's plump waist, both of them let out a satisfied sigh at the same time,...

   For a long time, Feng Ziying's hand was still rubbing on Wang Xifeng's soft, delicate and warm belly, sometimes cruising up, climbing to the top, and sometimes sliding down the smooth and delicate back onto the round and huge buttocks,...

   "I have a feeling, maybe you have to give birth to me,..."

   Startled, Wang Xifeng almost jumped up, and Feng Ziying strangled her waist so that she couldn't get up.

After counting the days and turning around, Wang Xifeng's eyes were particularly bright in the dark, and the half-smile look on his face seemed to be overlooking Feng Ziying: "Brother Keng, are you serious? Do you think you are not enough to torment me? You I don’t know that I can’t even raise my head when I face my second uncle? My brother scolded me for impregnating a businessman and giving birth to a child, ruining the reputation of the Wang family?”

"Oh? Wang Ren still has this temper to show off in front of you?" Feng Ziying laughed, "Believe it or not, I have a message that Shuntian Mansion and Wucheng Bingmasi can take him in and beat him to death? He is betting on the sky hook The gambling debts and whoring funds owed by Fangfang and Yinbilou have long wanted to deal with him, and they have been jealous of him and broke his head..."

  Wang Xifeng was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "How do you know these things?"

"Fu Shi came to my house the day before yesterday and mentioned Wang Ren. He has returned to the Shuntian Mansion to take over as the governor, replacing Mei Zhiye. The square is Ni Er's property, he owed money, Ni Er didn't bother with him because of my face, he also borrowed five hundred taels of silver from the lender under Ni Er, and he would still borrow it after losing, but he wouldn't borrow it Well, he's still playing around there,..."

  Wang Xifeng had a fever, and asked subconsciously: "Ni Er also knows that you and I..."

   "Can this kind of thing be hidden from others, and even a local snake like Ni Er?" Feng Ziying didn't care.

  But Wang Xifeng was very concerned. Ni Er had a good relationship with the Jia family. Jia Yun, Jia Qiang and Ni Er were very familiar with each other. Will it reach the ears of the Jia family? Will my aunt know about it?

   What about Baochai and Daiyu?

   "They all know about Hu Zi?" Wang Xifeng's voice trembled, revealing her inner worry and nervousness.

"I didn't ask." Feng Ziying hugged Wang Xifeng's delicate body even tighter, "Why do you care about this? Didn't you say that your second uncle already knew about it? He doesn't care about this. What are you afraid of?"

  Wang Xifeng laughed back angrily, "You put it lightly, how do I face Baochai and Daiyu? How do my aunts look at me? And how do the second, third, and fourth girls look at me?"

   I'm afraid there is another big girl—Yuan Chun, but Yuan Chun is probably also thinking about how these people should treat her, and she will return to Jia's mansion in a few days. At that time, Feng Ziying is a little afraid that people will see through her.

"Maybe they will pretend not to know if they know." Feng Ziying said leisurely: "Your second uncle can take it easy, so what if your aunt and the others know? I'm afraid it's more appropriate to pretend not to know? See through? To put it bluntly, everyone can maintain the same face, why bother to tear up the face and hurt the harmony among relatives?"

  Wang Xifeng remained silent, Feng Ziying further comforted: "Don't worry, maybe everyone already knew, but you just don't know that they already know."

  Wang Xifeng was even more startled by these words and turned around, her voice trembling: "Really?"

"I guessed it." Feng Ziying shrugged, "It's hard to hide this kind of thing for too long, I'm not stupid, you do such a big cement business, and Hongyu often comes back, even with brighter eyes, you can tell that she has already broken down. Yuanyang, Jin Chuan'er and even Siqi can figure it out, Ping'er followed me, Hongyu followed you but broke up again, after careful consideration, they can think about you, and naturally they can doubt you This one and the woman are alone, how to survive?"

  When Feng Ziying said this, Wang Xifeng felt that the possibility was greater, and felt relaxed but embarrassed.

  Relaxing is because I have been hanging in my heart for two years, and I have been worrying. Now that the boulder has landed, it has become a fact anyway, and there is no way to change it.

  The embarrassment is that I have seen my aunt, Baochai, and Daiyu, and I don't know what they were thinking at the time.

"Then Ziying, how are you talking with your second uncle? I feel like he hasn't been so serious for a long time. What are your plans?" Wang Xifeng avoided the question of her personal relationship with Feng Ziying and her children, and turned to Feng Ziying. On the issue of dialogue between Ying and Wang Ziteng.

  The two of them talked for more than an hour, which made Wang Xifeng very curious about what they talked about.

And Wang Ziteng's thoughtful mention before also made Wang Xifeng feel an unimaginable strangeness to the man in front of him who was still moving his hands on her body. She couldn't see through this man who was already her son and father. man.

   "Talking too much, I don't know how to answer your question for a while."

  Feng Ziying looked at the front, her hands were still busy. Wang Xifeng's figure became more plump and enchanting after giving birth, full and firm but with smooth and tender skin. It can be seen that this woman usually pays attention to maintenance.

   "Second Uncle is very interested in your future ideas. He seems to think that you will not be satisfied with the status quo. Well, he thinks you should have greater ambitions. Maybe it's because you want to be the chief assistant?" Wang Xifeng tentatively said.

"Oh? This is considered new? I shouldn't be the first assistant, can't I be the first assistant?" Feng Ziying laughed dumbly, "I am only twenty-four, a third-rank minister, and it will be easy to be a minister within ten years, right? Before the age of forty Joining the cabinet is no problem, right? Even if I become an official at the age of 60, I won’t be able to be a chief assistant in 20 years? Why do you underestimate your man like this?”

  Wang Xifeng twisted her body a little dissatisfied, which made Feng Ziying feel a little angry again.

   "I'm just asking, what will my second uncle think about it?" Wang Xifeng bit her lips: "So what if you are the chief assistant, and I don't have much respect for you. How can Huzi still have the surname Feng..."

"It's not impossible if you want him to be surnamed Feng, just give it to Second Sister You and Third Sister You, and make sure to treat him as your own..." Feng Ziying said with a smile: "Anyway, You Er and You San haven't given birth yet, just right ,..."

"Don't even think about it!" Wang Xifeng gritted her teeth, "Did you just come up with this idea? The tiger cub is the meat that fell from my body, and no one can take him away! He won't follow your family, I will raise him, and in the future I will let him be named Wang!"

"It's up to you, up to you! The surname Wang can't change that he is my seed, maybe today you will have another one of my seed in your belly." Feng Ziying patted Wang Xifeng's flat belly like jade, "I have Feel."

  Wang Xifeng let out a "bah", but stopped talking. The carriage slowly drove on the street, gradually driving into the darkness, "Going back tonight?"

   "Can you not go back? Then Baochai and Baoqin will really be suspicious, you are not afraid..."

  (end of this chapter)

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