Number of People

Chapter 2496: The first record of the Guizi volume is opened, and the wings are gradually growing

  Chapter 2496 The first record of the Kui character volume is opened, and the wings are gradually growing

   "Congratulations, Brother Yucun." Feng Ziying smiled at Jia Yucun who came to the door, and extended his hand to signal the guests to come in.

   "It's all thanks to your support, Brother Yu. Brother Yu understands that Brother Yu has helped me a lot to get this opportunity."

  Jia Yucun was still a little tired, probably because he was on the road during the spring break, but his spirits were exceptionally uplifting.

Although it is said to take the canal waterway, but after trekking for days, after arriving in Beijing, I have to visit the cabinet elders, plus the seven ministers and the left and right censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. There is no free time.

  The imperial court finally adjusted the arrangement. Li Banghua was appointed as the General Secretary of the General Administration, while Jia Yucun was promoted to the governor of Shuntian Prefecture.

  Everyone is happy, Li Banghua is finally able to get rid of the heavy burden of Shuntian Fu Yin, which weighs him down, and Jia Yucun also accepts the order happily.

  In his opinion, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture is much better than the general administrator who is only responsible for uploading and editing official documents, and he himself prefers to deal with these specific local government affairs, which makes him feel much more fulfilled.

   Besides, Shuntian Mansion is not like Jinling Mansion, it is just under the eyelids of the imperial court, and all affairs affect the nerves of the imperial court.

   And Feng Ziying, the former Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister, or the "Acting Governor", did an excellent job in Shuntian Mansion back then, and was well received by the court officials, so he was naturally the best "mentor".

"Brother Yucun is too polite. My little brother just truthfully stated that the Southern Expedition can quickly resolve the war and the stability of the situation after the war when Prime Minister Fang, Master Qi, and Lord Gao asked for my opinion. I just picked a few details from brother Yucun and said it, to be precise, I told the truth without embellishing it,..."

  Feng Ziying and Jia Yucun walked in arm in arm.

   Instead of choosing the flower hall, I went directly to Jia Zheng's study.

  This is Feng Ziying's current outer study, which is far away from Yihong Courtyard, which is now the inner study of Jingqi Study, and it is also a place where Feng Ziying often sees guests.

  Jia Yucun was also a little emotional.

  The Jia family fell to the ground like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. If it weren't for Feng Ziying's protection, the situation of the Jia family would have been even worse.

Countless people wanted to put the Jia family to death, and those who had hatred in the past were behind their backs, but Feng Ziying took the daughter of the Jia family and the daughter of the Jia family's in-laws as concubines. In fact, they were bound together. The Jia family undertook the pressure from all sides.

   Now I heard that Feng Ziying also found a big house for the Jia family in Mingshifang to settle in the Jia family. He also took the Jia family's children as students, supported them to study, and helped them find a way out.

  From this point of view, Feng Ziying is still very kind.

  Even though Jia Yucun himself is a heartless and ungrateful person, it does not mean that he does not appreciate and recognize kind people.

  Laojun tea was served, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

  Jia Yucun also talked about Cui Chengxiu, who succeeded him as the prefect of Jinling.

  Cui Chengxiu's transfer from the prefect of Datong to the prefect of Jinling seems to be flat, but everyone knows that one person in the prefect of Jinling will definitely be promoted, and with a little achievement, he can be promoted two levels in a row, so this is why countless people covet this position.

  Cui Chengxiu also spent a lot of thought to get this position, and even Feng Ziying also helped.

  So when Cui Chengxiu went to Jinling to take over, Feng Ziying also greeted Jia Yucun and asked him to hand over Cui Chengxiu smoothly, and inform Cui Chengxiu of some difficult and miscellaneous diseases in advance so that Cui Chengxiu would not suffer.

   "Have you finished seeing the elders?" Feng Ziying asked with concern.

"It's over, I've seen you, Shangshu adults, and the two imperial censors." Jia Yucun rubbed his forehead, "I have to post in advance and wait for you to arrange the time, so that I can run back and forth in time. It took four days Time is the last time to meet, and my heart will be at ease."

   "When will you take office?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile, "After the next year?"

"Well, the Ministry of Officials agreed to take office on the 16th day of the first month of the year, so I have to breathe a sigh of relief. I went north and never stopped when I arrived in Beijing." Jia Yucun glanced at Feng Ziying and said in a deep voice, "Brother Yu wants to wait until the day after tomorrow. Invite Hanzhong and Qiusheng to have a drink, and invite my virtuous younger brother to appreciate you,..."

   It seems that Jia Yucun has also done some research. Fu Cheng Wang Qia is from his own village, and he is not very familiar with him, but Wang Qia and Geng Ruqi are very familiar, so they have this kind of relationship, and the relationship is not bad.

  As for Fu Shi, needless to say, Fu Shi and Jia Yucun were also familiar with each other.

   "Okay, elder brother is looking for a call, how dare younger brother not come? I haven't seen Han Zhong for some time, and I still have some things to explain." Feng Ziying readily agreed.

  If Jia Yucun wants to open up the situation as soon as possible, he must first draw Fu Cheng Wang Qia and Zhizhong Fu Shi closer together for his own use.

  He is a newcomer, without the support of Wang Qia and Fu Shi, a lot of work would not be easy to carry out. This is unacceptable to Jia Yucun, who intends to do a lot in Shuntian Prefecture and make some real achievements.

   Seeing Feng Ziying agreeing to be forthright, Jia Yucun was also delighted, "My dear brother, what about the Ministry of War?"

"No, to be precise, it is a matter of the Ministry of Punishment, but I am afraid that the Ministry of War will be involved in the end, so I have to remind Han Zhong that his elder brother is the governor of the government, and I am afraid that he should also attach great importance to it. Li Banghua slipped away. Brother, this burden is not light." Feng Ziying said solemnly.

  Jia Yucun froze, understood after a little thought, and let out a sigh of relief: "White Lotus Sect?"


  Jia Yucun's visit to the mansion in person can be regarded as a pioneering feat for Feng Ziying and the Feng family.

  Perhaps both Jia Yucun and Feng Ziying did not realize that the arrival of Jia Yucun has given Feng Ziying a potential improvement in status.

   You must know that before Jia Yucun, there had not been a single important official, that is, an official of the third rank would come to Feng Ziying’s mansion to pay a visit in person, and more officials of the fourth, fifth or sixth or seventh rank would come to the mansion.

  For other important officials, Feng Ziying's qualifications are really too low, and Feng Ziying visits them more often.

   But this time is different.

  Jia Yucun is already a third-rank important minister, and he is also a high-ranking minister of Shuntian Prefecture Yin.

  Even if he does not have Feng Ziying's operation recommendation, he is still an important minister, but he is a general administrator with a relatively noble status but slightly less real power.

  Jia Yucun is the first to ascend the position of important minister, and it is a fish jumping through the dragon's gate. However, he first came to Feng Ziying's mansion to pay a visit to Feng Ziying after meeting with the cabinet ministers, seven ministers, and the imperial censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  No matter what other reasons there are, in the eyes of outsiders, Feng Ziying seems to be no longer the role of the most respected and accompanied by important ministers, but has become the backbone role that other important ministers must rely on.

  Jia Yucun himself did not expect that his visit to the government this time would attract so many people's attention.

  In his opinion, his visit to Feng Ziying's residence was just a matter of course.

  Feng Ziying, as the minister of the Ministry of War, was the main hero of Nanzheng, and he strongly recommended him to be changed from Tongzheng Envoy to Shuntian Fuyin. The relationship between the two has become closer and deepened.

  In addition, the other party is the former Shuntian Fu Cheng, who even acted for Shun Tian Fu Yin when the Fu Yin Wu Daonan basically ignored the matter, so he is very familiar with the situation of Shun Tian Fu.

In addition, the current Prime Minister Wang Qia and Feng Ziying are both Shandong Township Party members. Zhizhong Fu Shi is Feng Ziying's confidant, and he needs Feng Ziying to help him connect with each other and strengthen cooperation so that Yu himself was able to quickly open up the situation in the position of governor of Shuntian Prefecture and make some achievements.

  Feng Ziying also specifically mentioned the issue of the White Lotus Sect, which Jia Yucun also attached great importance to.

  In Nanjing, he had heard of the rampant White Lotus Sect in the Northland, and even many wealthy families in the capital city had affairs with the White Lotus Sect.

   Now Feng Ziying specifically mentioned this issue to herself when they first met in junior high school, because she was afraid that she would be negligent on this issue and make a big mistake.

  Jia Yucun also breathed a sigh of relief when he came out of Feng's residence.

   Calling on the ministers of the cabinet and the censors of the seven ministers, the procuratorate, and the censors is all due intentions, but if we really want to quickly open up the situation, we cannot do without the full support of powerful figures like Feng Ziying.

Feng Ziying has been in Beijing for many years, and the Feng family has a great influence in the army. Gyeonggi is not only the political center, but it is also close to the border of the Northland. Xuanfu and Jizhen border troops are stationed here. There are mixed fish and dragons in the capital city, and I have never served in the Northland. As an official, he didn't have a solid and strong backer in the court, so he was a little nervous about entering the capital suddenly.

   It can be said that it was an unexpected joy to be appointed as the co-administrator this time. I didn't expect Feng Ziying to be able to help me get into the position of Shuntian Fu Yin, so Jia Yucun was also overjoyed, and he was determined to do a good job.

  He urgently needs some people who can help and support him to help him. Feng Ziying is one of the most important ones, so he can't take it lightly.

   Moreover, Jia Yucun is also very knowledgeable about current affairs. He is very clear that although Feng Ziying is now a third-rank minister with himself, the promotion of the other party may only happen within the past two years.

  Even though the other party is too young, he will be rewarded for his meritorious deeds. It is reasonable to suppress and let go, but the benefits are self-evident, and no one can hide Feng Ziying's brilliance.

  So if it is said that it is normal for Feng Ziying to move to a certain Zuo Shilang next year, he will not be surprised at all.

   Such an Olympic aid is something that a "junior" like myself who has just entered the capital must firmly embrace.

From another point of view, Feng Ziying's ability to help her move from the general manager to the position of governor of Shuntian Prefecture also shows that she has a strong background in the capital. Ye Fang and the two seemed to approve of him, and Gu Bingqian was full of praise for him, and he had such a relationship with him, why didn't he hold on firmly?

  As for factors such as face and seniority, it’s not my turn to think about them now. I heard that there is a priority in art and specialization.

  (end of this chapter)

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