Number of People

Chapter 2500: Guizijuan doubt, object

  Mother Jia can actually guess that Li Wan can definitely see the changes in Yuan Chun's body shape and walking posture.

  Women and unhuman women are very different, especially as time goes by, it is more noticeable, and even speech and behavior will have inadvertent changes.

  Yuan Chun himself may not be clear about it, if he is not restrained when sitting, lying and walking, then it can be seen at a glance.

   This kind of thing can't be concealed, even if you say hello to Li Wan, who can guarantee that Li Wan's mouth will be tight?

   What's more, Li Wan now often goes to her two younger sisters on the Feng's side. Maybe someday it will leak into Li Coco and Li Qi's ears, maybe the Feng's side will know.

  Mother Jia is the most distrustful of people.

   "When is your sister coming?" Jia Mu's scalp was numb.

  Aunt Xue is also coming to see Yuan Chun, and she also knows the inside story of Yuan Chun's inhumane behavior in the palace.

Those women and women in the mansion, including people like the Xing family, although they could tell that Yuan Chun was no longer a virgin, they didn't know what happened to Yuan Chun in the palace, nor did they know that Yuan Chun had never been with the emperor before. room, so it doesn't matter.

   Only those who know the inside story can understand that there is a big problem here.

"It's going to be later, but we agreed to have lunch together." Ms. Wang muttered, of course she also understood the meaning of her mother-in-law's words. Aunt Xue must not be able to hide it when she comes, and she can tell at a glance that Yuan Chun has had a man. Can Aunt Xue keep her mouth shut? Or not let Aunt Xue come? But why, how does Yuanchun explain it?

   "Where's dinner?" Jia Mu settled down, "Are Bao girls, Yu'er and Er girls all coming to eat? Girls like Yuanyang and Ping'er..."

   Wang hurriedly said: "They shouldn't be aware of Yuan Chun's situation in the palace, right? Even if they see Yuan Chun, they probably won't think about it in any way."

   Indeed, as long as you don't know what happened to Yuan Chun in the palace, then there is no problem, but if there are people who know, such as Li Wan, such as Aunt Xue, then it is a big problem.

   "That's all, say hello to your sister. I don't think it's a big problem with Brother Zhu's wife. She's not a talkative person." Mother Jia settled down, "But Yuanchun's place..."

   This is also a problem.

Both Jia Mu and Wang Shi have seen the problem now, but Yuan Chun didn't know that she had been seen through. If she was still so ignorant, people would definitely find out the clues. Once the incident happened, it would be earth-shattering. .

   Now there are two problems before him, one is to tell Yuan Chun, and ask Yuan Chun the truth, what is going on.

  The second is to address this situation and see if there is a way to remedy or cover it up to avoid exposure.

"Who do you think this man is?" Jia Mu looked at Wang and said word by word: "The emperor has died a long time ago. Judging by Yuan Chun's appearance, she may not be broken in a day or two, it should be a year or two. , but she moved to the side palace before the new emperor ascended the throne, who could enter the palace at will at that time?"

  Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang used to be people with imperial orders, and they both went to the palace to meet the queen and concubine. Of course, it was mainly in the era of Emperor Yuanxi at that time, but they were very clear about the strict conditions of the palace ban.

  The guards of the three relatives are very strict. The men outside can only go in to see the emperor unless they have the emperor's order, and they can only go in under the leadership of the servants.

  There is only one kind of people who can really go in and out of the palace frequently without being subject to all kinds of constraints and fetters like foreign ministers, and that is the few princes.

Both Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang knew that the original four imperial concubines, Xu, Su, Mei, and Guo had five princes, and the first four were all adults in terms of age, especially the first three are now in their early twenties The adult prince is about the same age as Yuan Chun, and his reputation is not very good.

  King Nalu was only sixteen years old, seven or eight years younger than Yuanchun. It seemed impossible, so the most likely one was one of the previous three kings, Shou Wang, Fu Wang, and Li Wang.

   "How many princes did the ancestor say?" Mrs. Wang naturally thought in that direction.

  Because other than those few princes, none of the others met this requirement, they never thought that Yuan Chun would use the palace to go to Chongxuan Temple to pray for health and have a private meeting with Feng Ziying.

   "Who else can there be except them?" Jia Mu's eyes flashed coldly, "I remember that time when Yuan Chun came back, he vaguely mentioned that King Shou had bad intentions for him,..."

   Mrs. Wang also had an impression, and quickly asked: "Could it be that Shou Wang did that wrong thing..."

"It doesn't look like it. I think Yuan Chun is in a good mood when he comes back. It is quite different from before. It shows that the personal relationship between this man and her is also a good match. With Yuan Chun's temperament, it is definitely impossible to fall in love with someone like Shou Wang..." Mother Jia sighed softly, "It's just that this kind of thing is a bit exposed, I'm afraid no matter which man will put all the responsibility on Yuan Chun, maybe he will give Yuan Chun a bad name as a prostitute and a slut, saying that Yuan Chun used all kinds of tricks Seduce him whatever, just ask yourself to save your life,..."

   "Old ancestor, what should we do?" Mrs. Wang was also at a loss. Once the incident happened, no one could bear the consequences. Of course Yuan Chun would die, but the Jia family's hard-won stable situation would be overthrown again.

"Talk to Yuan Chun and ask about the situation." Jia Mu said in a deep voice, "With Yuan Chun's wisdom, she shouldn't be so unwise. What exactly did that man promise her that would make her willing to serve her?" Does she not know her identity? Or that man cheated her?"

   "Yes, Yuan Chun won't, that man must have cheated her!" Wang Shi also nodded like chicken pecking at rice. How could her daughter be so virtuous, how could she have an affair with a man so easily?

  Mother Jia glanced at the second daughter-in-law, as if she was completely stunned by this matter, not knowing what to do, and she couldn't offer any suggestions.

   "Yuan Chun is not that easy to deceive. After all these years in the palace, it is impossible for Yuan Chun to not know the stakes here. How could he trust people so easily?" Jia Mu also found it incredible.

   This kind of palace scandal did happen in all dynasties, but it was a bit puzzling when it happened to Yuan Chun.

Yuan Chun was a virgin before, she should know that every word and deed in the palace has a daily life, especially for this kind of thing, the palace servants can find out that she has not slept with a man, but now she is broke, It will be traced immediately and the truth will be revealed, how big is the risk.

  Besides, she is now a concubine that no one cares about, but it is related to the royal reputation, and it is impossible to give up easily. Captain Long and Shangshan's army will not be able to explain it.

   "But..., who could it be?" Mrs. Wang asked in fear: "You can coax Yuan Chun to die with sweet words, you bastard!"

  Mother Jia couldn’t figure it out either. Shou Wang was impossible, so it could only be Fu Wang and Li Wang, but they all said that Fu Wang and Li Wang were mediocre. How could Yuan Chun lose his head?

   But King Lu is quite famous. Even Jia Huan came back and said that King Lu was well recognized by the teachers in the academy. Could it be King Lu?

  Thinking about it, it is really possible. King Lu was only fourteen or fifteen years old two years ago, and it was even more inconspicuous. If...

  Thinking so dizzy, Jia's mother had no choice but to wait until the right time to talk to Yuan Chun alone to see what was going on.

  Yuan Chun naturally wouldn't have revealed his biggest secret.

  At this time, she is full of longing, hoping that after dinner, Feng Ziying can fulfill her promise, go back to the Grand View Garden for a night tour with candles, and relive the old dream of visiting relatives a few years ago.

  But this time there is also a Grand View Garden, so the artistic conception and mood will be completely different. With the company of a lover, you can even find opportunities to relive the mandarin dream and have a lingering love.

   This even made Yuan Chun's eyebrows twitch with joy and joy, and even Tan Chun, Xiang Yun and Xi Chun could see it.

"The third younger sister and the fourth younger sister are going to get married in February. Have you chosen the auspicious day?" Although he knew that Tanchun and Xichun would soon marry into Feng's mansion, and that the husband was his lover, Yuan Chun didn't feel dissatisfied at all. Yue, she even looked forward to how wonderful it would be if her own identity could be resolved in the future, and those sisters could live in the Grand View Garden without any worries.

"The Feng family hasn't sent a letter yet. It must be that Brother Feng is too busy these days. I heard that even the new Yin Jiahua of Shuntian Prefecture, that is, the prefect of Jinling who came to our house before, went to Feng's residence to pay a visit to Brother Feng. Alright,..." Tanchun is still very sensitive to these things, "But my wife said, it's around the twentieth of February, let's see what the Feng family thinks..."

   "Then it's only a month." Yuan Chun's eyes flowed, swimming on Tanchun and Xichun, and then back to Xiangyun, "How about you, girl Yun? How is your uncle's affairs going?"

  Shi Xiangyun shook his head: "There is no result yet. The Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple are still investigating, and we don't know when it will end."

"Isn't there a statement from the Feng family?" Yuan Chun's beautiful eyes melted, and his complexion was so good that the three girls couldn't help but feel excited. When I came back, it was much better, as if I was several years younger."

  Yuan Chun was happy in his heart, but wiped his forehead, "Oh, I am older than you, seeing you makes me happy, that's why I have a smile on my face..."

  While the girls were talking, Baoyu also came in, "I've seen big sister."

"Baoyu, come here quickly, let me take a good look." Yuan Chun also likes his younger brother the most. ?”

"Well, Brother Feng said that you can go after the Chunwei Grand Competition, so let me wait." Speaking of this, Baoyu couldn't help but beam with joy, "Brother Feng went to the Minister of Rites specifically for this matter, and it's also the same. Brother Feng, the teacher, owes a big favor,..."

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