Number of People

Chapter 2501: Guizi Juan Misunderstanding, Confrontation

  Chapter 2501 Guizijuan misunderstanding, confrontation

  Although it couldn't be explained clearly, Yuan Chun felt sweet in his heart at this time, and there was a sigh of honor that could not be expressed on the surface.

  No matter how you say it, the lover is quite benevolent to his family members.

   Yuan Chun knew very well what kind of temperament Baoyu was. To be precise, he was not suitable for studying and becoming an official, and he even dared not even think about going to the Imperial Academy.

  But the lover actually did it, and he didn't hesitate to owe a huge favor to Ying Zhen, the official of the Ministry of Rites, who is also the teacher of the lover.

   This has not yet said that accepting Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong as disciples and supporting them to study for the imperial examinations can be described as doing their best.

  Based on this alone, who wouldn't cherish such a man? Who wouldn't?

  So like Tanchun and Xichun being concubines to their lovers, Yuanchun didn't have the slightest resistance. She even regretted that she couldn't marry her lovers just like them.

   "Baoyu, if this is the case, you must do your best when you go to the Imperial Academy, and ask your colleagues for advice,..."

  Yuan Chun's eyes are full of love and concern. This younger brother is the last support of Jia's family, but he is also the hardest one. I hope he can improve in the Imperial Academy.

  Sisters always have a lot to say when they are together, but perhaps the unfamiliar Xichun and the indifferent Baoyu may not care much, but Tanchun and Xiangyun are both surprised that the eldest sister is in a particularly good mood this time when she comes back.

   I remember the last two times when I came back from family visits, my eldest sister was always in a lonely mood and forced to put on a smile. Everyone also vaguely knew that it might be related to the bad situation of the eldest sister in the palace and the unsatisfactory life.

   I didn’t expect that now the emperor has become the overlord, and the elder sister has also entered the side palace to live the life of a concubine. To put it bluntly, she is in the cold palace, but why the elder sister’s mood has become so good?

  This is too incomprehensible.

  And they also vaguely felt the change in Yuan Chun's whole person, not entirely because of his mood, but a different style pervading his whole body.

   Lazy, relaxed, casual, completely different from Yuan Chun's tightness, rigor, and glamorous reserve in his elegance and pomp.

  This kind of situation is also unprecedented, and it also makes Tanchun and Xiangyun unable to imagine what happened to make the eldest sister become like this.

When Yuanchun was talking alone with Baoyu, Xiangyun, who walked aside, couldn't help but said to Tanchun: "I always feel like a different person, but I can't tell. The smell is more friendly and pleasant. It’s much more comfortable than before, Sanya, what do you think?”

"Well, I also have this feeling, but I don't know what caused the big sister to change like this? When I came back the last two times, the big sister was not like this at all. I felt that the big sister was in a low mood and didn't want to talk. I didn't take the initiative to find topics like today, could it be that the current life in the palace makes the big sister more relaxed and comfortable, without any fetters?"

  Tanchun thought about it, but felt that it was more than simple.

"It's possible. It turns out that in the palace, intrigues and intrigues must be inevitable. Now that the emperor is no longer the emperor, and everyone has nothing to argue about, the mentality has calmed down, and maybe the relationship will be easier to get along with, sir. My sister said that she would stay in the mansion for a few days, and it seems that the palace is not so strict with them." Xiangyun also pressed his chest and looked forward to it, "Big sister can stay for a while longer, and her mood can also be improved. It’s much better, lest it’s so boring to face the dark palace all day long in the palace, and people will get sick.”

"But I still don't think it's entirely because of this. Big sister has changed too much." Tanchun tilted his head and looked at Yuan Chun, who was still coaxing Baoyu, and suddenly said, "Don't you think big sister seems more attractive?" Is she human? Look at the way she raised her hands and feet, I mean, if it's a man, maybe it's easier to be attracted by the appearance of a big sister?"

Shi Xiangyun was taken aback, glared at Tanchun, and scolded in a low voice: "Third girl, are you crazy? How can you say this? You are going to marry soon. If you marry into Feng's mansion, if you say this Crazy words are heard by outsiders, and they don't know how much trouble they will cause."

   "Who would chew their tongues?" Tanchun said angrily, "I'll just tell you, or Sister Lin and Sister Bao, do you think they will chew their tongues?"

As expected, when Aunt Xue came to lunch, she was very surprised and worried when she saw Yuan Chun, but fortunately, in front of everyone, Aunt Xue hid it well and didn't reveal too much until after she came down. Just being pulled over by my sister, I knew that the other party was also aware of the problem when I saw her appearance.

"What should I do?" Aunt Xue panicked, "Yuan Chun is too ignorant, she doesn't know that people who have experienced this kind of situation can't hide it, those servants and women in the palace don't know ?”

   "She lives in a partial palace now, maybe..." Mrs. Wang is also restless.

"Elder sister's words are unreasonable. Even if it's a concubine, the servant will come to check it every so long. You only need to look carefully and you can see the problem." Aunt Xue didn't believe it at all. "Either Yuan Chun has already bribed the people in the palace, or that man is also powerful in the palace, so he kept his mouth shut..."

   This is more in line with the judgment of Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang. I am afraid that apart from Su Lingyao, there is no one who has such a great ability to keep the servant silent.

   Now that he is in the side courtyard of the Lenggong Palace, not so many people care about it. As long as he bribes the person who usually comes to inspect the place, it is not difficult.

   But this is always a scourge, which may break out at any time, putting Yuanchun and Jia's family in danger.

   "Then what do you think?" Mrs. Wang lost her mind, "The ancestor said that we should talk to Yuan Chun, but I don't know how to talk to Yuan Chun, why don't you come..."

Aunt Xue was taken aback, and quickly declined: "How can I, as an aunt, talk about this kind of thing, I need you, a mother, to do it, just in case Yuan Chun refuses to admit it, or doesn't want to talk about it." This topic is really…”

  The entangled mentality of the two lasted until Yuanchun was about to take a nap, and Jia Mu came to ask again. Mrs. Wang had no choice but to ask Aunt Xue together.

   Seeing his mother and aunt sending Baoqin away, leaving him alone, Yuan Chun was also a little surprised.

  I wanted to take a nap and be more energetic at night, but seeing the serious faces of his mother and aunt, Yuan Chun didn't know what happened.

   I checked myself carefully, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

"What's the matter, mother, aunt, you make me a little nervous, could something serious happen?" Yuan Chun preemptively said, "When my daughter just came back, I felt that this is my home, and I was thinking about watching it at night. Let’s see if we can visit the original Grand View Garden.”

Mrs. Wang's eyelids twitched, and she took a deep breath, "Yuanchun, there are only the three of us. I won't call you your mother if you are a mother. You come home. This will always be your home. You are outside. It's difficult in the palace, we all know that if something happens, you have to hold back if you're not sure, talk to your family more,..."

   "Mother, what's the matter?" Yuan Chun was surprised, she really didn't understand why her mother and aunt had such expressions, as if a catastrophe was imminent, "What happened?"

   "Yuanchun, tell me the truth, you have a man?!" Mrs. Wang stopped circling around and stared at the other party without taking her eyes off. Aunt Xue was also looking at her nervously.

  Yuan Chun took a deep breath, her heart was shaken, but then she told herself to calm down. On this issue, she also thought about what to do if she couldn't hide it from others, especially her family members.

   "Why does mother ask this way? As a noble concubine, my daughter has already entered the palace. Doesn't mother know?" After calming down, Yuan Chun tried his best to calm himself down.

"Don't go around in circles for me. The emperor and you have never had sex. The last time you came back to visit your relatives, you were still an innocent daughter. We all know that you said it when you came back two years ago. Later, the emperor fell into a coma after being assassinated. You will not Tell me that your body was given to the emperor, right?" Mrs. Wang said sharply, "This is a matter of life and death for you and the entire Jia family. The Jia family broke out of the vortex with great difficulty. Do you want the Jia family to fall into desperation again? ?”

Aunt Xue pulled Mrs. Wang's arm and said softly, "Yuanchun, we are all your close relatives. You should know that we will not harm you, but how could such a big thing happen to you? You are in the palace, where are you?" The palace is strictly forbidden, and there are internal servants to check at any time. Even if you can hide it for a while, can you still hide it for a lifetime? Even your mother and I can see that you have a man in your current situation. Could it be that those in the palace are responsible for these matters? Will the servant not see it? Or do you think you can seal their mouths? How long can you seal them?"

  Yuan Chun hesitated to speak, she didn't know how to continue on this topic.

   I couldn't hide it from my mother and aunt, and naturally I couldn't hide it from my ancestors. If everyone in this family knew about it, it would be really troublesome.

  The point is that Yuan Chun doesn't know how to answer this question. It is obviously inappropriate to deny it. It will only make the mother and aunt more sad and worried. Is it possible to tell them the inside story? Certainly not.

  Once this matter is known to the family, I am afraid that their attitude towards Feng Ziying will become complicated. Feng Ziying was a great benefactor in the past, but after this kind of thing, he may become an enemy.

   Seeing Yuan Chun bowed his head and remained silent, Mrs. Wang also knew that this was her daughter's acquiescence, but who was that man?

   After softening her tone slightly, Mrs. Wang asked in a deep voice: "Yuanchun, tell Wei Niang, is it King Fu or King Li? How did they force you? How many people in the palace know?"

  Yuan Chun was dumbfounded, and shook his head subconsciously: "It's not King Fu and Li Wang, it has nothing to do with them, mother, you misunderstood, no one forced me,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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