Number of People

Chapter 2502: Gui character volume presses questions, investigates doubts

  Chapter 2502 Guizi Juan for pressing questions, checking doubts

   "Isn't it King Fu and King Li?" Mrs. Wang's eyelids twitched. Who else could it be? It's really King Lu? "Could it be King Lu, why are you so confused?"

   Because King Lu is well-known in Beijing, he is more suspicious of the emperor than King Fu and Li Wang. He may send someone to covet him secretly at any time, which also means that the risk of exposure is greater. How can this not make Mrs. Wang anxious?

   It's really going to be exposed, even Feng Ziying has no way to keep Jia's family, and the daughter may have to be quietly executed by the royal family, right?

"King Lu?" Yuan Chun was stunned for a moment, unable to laugh or cry. How could he have anything to do with that little boy in Meiyuexi? How old is the king? How could my daughter be so shameless to wait with that child..."

   Mrs. Wang gave her daughter a hard look, are you ashamed?

   Knowing how Shame would have an affair with another man after entering the palace, and now that her virginity is broken, if someone catches her, I'm afraid it will be a catastrophe.

  Yuan Chun also felt the weight of his mother's gaze, and his face turned slightly pale, but he didn't know how to explain it.

  Thousands of mistakes are indeed my fault. If it weren't for my own meng lang, many things would not have happened later, but was I wrong?

  Yuan Chun didn't regret it at all.

  If it wasn't for her crazy mistake, would Feng Ziying love herself so much that she would even promise to take her out of the palace at the risk of the world?

  Although Yuan Chun still doesn't know how Feng Ziying will arrange for her to leave the palace, she firmly believes that Feng Ziying will not let her down.

   "Yuanchun, if it wasn't King Fu, King Li and King Lu, who would it be? Don't tell your aunt and mother that you have an affair with the warriors in the Shang Sanqin Army." Aunt Xue was even more worried about this.

  If Yuan Chun really had an affair with the warrior guarding the palace, it would be even more troublesome.

Those military officers guarding the palace are all arrogant and unreliable. They cheated women, wiped them dry and ate them up, maybe they wouldn't admit it, and even found an opportunity to leave the three relatives and go to the Beijing camp or the border. Town, out of the wrong place, leaving only the woman to suffer in the palace alone.

   "Auntie, how is that possible, how could my niece do such a shameful person..."

  Yuan Chun couldn't go on talking, so now he's not ashamed? Being forced to confess by my mother and aunt, asking who is occupying my man's body,...

"Who is that man, tell me!" Mrs. Wang stared at her daughter viciously, "If you don't explain it to me and your aunt today, then I will ask my ancestors and your father to ask you! I'm so **** off by you, your father still doesn't know that you really want the family to make a fuss and everyone knows?"

  Yuan Chun bowed her head in silence, how should she answer?

  Seeing her daughter bowed her head with red eyes and remained silent, Mrs. Wang was so angry and anxious that she almost beat her daughter with her hands.

  Thinking that her daughter has been in the palace for more than ten years, and that her daughter has devoted herself to the Jia family, and even sacrificed her whole life, Mrs. Wang's heart softens.

It can be imagined that in the end, the daughter was so unwise and made such a terrible mistake, which might even bring disaster to the Jia family who had finally struggled out of the big treason case. Feng Ziying could save the Jia family this time what?

"Yuanchun, why are you so confused? How cautious are you in the affairs of the palace? You broke your body and have a man, how can you avoid the eyes and ears of the palace?" Aunt Xue also said earnestly, "It's like this now, you But you still refuse to tell your mother and aunt the truth, what should you do if something happens?"

Yuan Chun breathed a sigh of relief, raised her beautiful eyes, and looked upright, "Mother, aunt, I just did these things after my daughter did it, and regretting it now is useless. As long as the daughter has her own arrangements in the palace, she will definitely not be implicated." At home,..."

"Is it possible to implicate the family?" Mrs. Wang looked angry and disbelieving, "Yuanchun, you belong to the Jia family. If something happens, how can it not be implicated in the Jia family? And your business, is it because of your mother and aunt? Can you not care? You have always been self-confident and cautious, why are you so careless in such matters? Neither the princes nor the military officer guarding the palace gate, who could it be? A man came out of nowhere, right?"

  Aunt Xue also looked puzzled.

   It seems that Yuan Chun doesn't seem like a liar, but if it wasn't these people, who else could it be?

  Would it be a gangster who can fly over the roof and wall, sneak into the palace quietly, and destroy Yuan Chun's body?

   But looking at the spring in Yuan Chun's eyebrows, it is obvious that he is very satisfied with this kind of male and female affairs. If it is really such a gangster and adulterer, how could Yuan Chun be so unselfish?

"Mother, aunt, don't ask me any more. The daughter does everything alone, and since the mother and aunt know about it, they also know that it's not a recent thing, so it's been so long, and no one has noticed it. Naturally, my daughter has arrangements, so don't worry too much."

  Yuan Chun knew that this topic could not be continued. It was impossible for her to confess Feng Ziying, and the world would really be in chaos.

   "Mother, aunt, please also tell the ancestors, let's stop this matter, don't press your daughter again, even if you force her to death, the daughter will not say it, and it will be useless if you say it, it will be ineffective."

  Nothing was gained, Madam Wang and Aunt Xue also looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't expect Yuan Chun to be so tough and tenacious, and refused to let go of this issue, so they didn't know what to do.

"Yuanchun, one more person can think about it for you. Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, and it's better than you carrying this secret alone." Aunt Xue persuaded again: No one else knows about your situation, and they don't know about the situation in the palace, so you don't have to worry about it here, but we are worried about the palace..."

"Like I said, I'll arrange things in the palace. What's more, now that I'm in the side palace, no one usually comes to ask me. It's just a little bit of a formality every month." Yuan Chun said calmly. Explained: "At home, I ask my mother and aunt to be more troublesome. My daughter wants to stay in the mansion for a few days, so she has reported to the palace,..."

  After seeing off the resentful mother and the aunt who was hesitant to speak, Yuan Chun sat on the edge of the kang, supported himself with his hands, and meditated with his forehead.

  She didn't expect that she would have a problem with this issue, and her family would see the clues.

  Outsiders are not afraid. It can be seen that they do not know their situation in the palace, and they may take it for granted.

   How can there be a girl who has been in the palace for so many years and is still a girl with yellow flowers? Isn't the emperor always happy with Ye Yu Sanqian?

  But the family members, including the ancestors, mother and aunt, all know about it. The sisters don’t know the situation in the palace, but the sister-in-law seems to know. I don’t know if she has seen some clues.

  Yuan Chun is too lazy to think about it, so what if he knows?

  The eldest sister-in-law is alone in the mansion with Lang Geer, and it is impossible to go out to chew her tongue, and her ancestors and mother will also greet her.

  Being known by family members, this seemed to have opened a gap in Yuan Chun's heart, making Yuan Chun, who had been under pressure, release a little at this moment, and the whole person seemed to be more relaxed.

  Although the pressure is still heavy, and the family members cannot all know about it, it is finally a foreshadowing.

In the future, if Ziying can really save herself from the palace as he said, then maybe the family can slowly accept the reality of her going out of the palace, maybe they will still panic and nervous, but it is better than being unprepared. Situation frightened.

  Does Ziying need to tell him?

  Yuan Chun was a little confused.

  She doesn't want Ziying to be distracted by these matters. Now that her lover is busy with important affairs in the court all day long, how can she have much energy to care about these trivial matters?

  She didn't even urge the other party to get herself out of the palace earlier, she just thought of the other party so that the other party would not be troubled.

  But if he didn't say anything, Yuan Chun worried that his family would suspect Feng Ziying sooner or later.

  I ruled out the last few possibilities. Sooner or later, they would think that the problem might be due to their going out of the palace to pray for a short stay. Then Ziying would be brought into their suspicion.

  Mother and aunt are better off, but Yuan Chun is worried about his ancestors and sister-in-law.

  The ancestors are well-informed and have experienced too many things, so their minds are broader.

  The eldest sister-in-law has more contacts outside, and usually has contacts with Feng's residence, so it is inevitable that Baoqin and Feng's residence can be heard frequently.

  Once they brought Ziying into the suspicious line of sight, they could quickly find some matching points, and they could also inquire about some movements from Yuanyang or Jin Chuaner.

   This tangled emotion lasted until dinner.

   Dinner is very lively.

   Baochai had morning sickness, so she didn't come, but Daiyu, Baoqin, Yingchun, Xiuyan, Li Wei and Li Qi all came.

  In addition, Li Wan, Tanchun, Xiangyun, Xichun, Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong are also here, so it is naturally a happy scene.

  Feng Ziying came last.

   When I caught up with the last table and added bowls and chopsticks, it was more natural.

   Naturally, there was nothing unusual during the banquet, but Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang and Aunt Xue were all worried and forced to smile.

  Feng Ziying also noticed something, but didn't know why.

   Until after the meal, Yuanchun proposed to go back to Sanjue Street to see the scene of the Grand View Garden in the past, and also to see the children and the pregnant Baochai.

   This is a bit abrupt, but it makes sense. Yingchun is her cousin who has given birth and has not seen her yet. Baochai is her cousin. It is normal to visit her when she is pregnant.

   But she is a concubine after all. If she follows the normal procedures strictly, she will have to report to the palace. But if no one is looking after her, it’s no big deal to go to a relative’s house quietly.

   This is also a situation that Yuan Chun and Feng Ziying deliberately created to avoid unnecessary speculation and suspicion.

  (end of this chapter)

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