Number of People

Chapter 2503: Guizi rolls are peeled off and the fillings are exposed

  Chapter 2503 Guizi rolls are peeled off, revealing the stuffing

  Watching several carriages slowly drive out of the gate, Jia Mu, who was supported by Hu Po, had deep eyes, handed the crutches to another maid, Fei Cui, and walked back to her yard with heavy steps.

  Wang Shi also noticed the gloomy expression on her mother-in-law's face, which made her a little strange.

  I have already told my mother-in-law about Yuan Chun, but at that time, my mother-in-law didn't respond, but why is she so serious now?

  Going back to the house and slowly sitting down on the kang, Mother Jia waved her hand to signal the maids to leave first, leaving only the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law left in the room.

   "Have you noticed Brother Keng's expression?" After a long time, Mother Jia asked in a deep voice.

   "Brother Keng?" Mrs. Wang looked up in surprise, "It's nothing, my wife thinks he's normal, nothing special, even Yuan Chun's proposal to go and see the Grand View Garden was a bit abrupt, so he didn't say anything."

   "Hmph, it's because he's normal that it's a bit strange, even suspicious." Jia Mu's eyes were cold and sharp, and she was holding a string of Buddhist beads in her hand, slowly twisting it.

   Madam Wang was even more surprised, "What's wrong?"

"Brother Keng, you said he couldn't see Yuan Chun's physical problems?" Mother Jia raised her voice, "Will he not know that the emperor has long been sultry? Even Zheng'er and the others know, how could he not? But Yuan Chun It's obviously not a girl with yellow flowers, but with a man, how can he not see it? Isn't it strange that he is not surprised when he sees it?"

Mrs. Wang was taken aback for a moment, and thought about it carefully. It was really the case, and she asked tentatively: "The old ancestor means that Brother Keng knew about it a long time ago, but he pretended not to know. Maybe he knew it and ruined Yuan Chun. Who is the man in the body?"

Mother Jia pondered for a while, "It's possible. I heard that the three relatives in charge of the palace ban are all adjusted after Brother Keng returned to serve as the Minister of the Ministry of War. If that man can enter and leave the palace at will, Brother Keng should know about it." Yes, maybe I just pretended to be silent, but the old man can't figure it out, who can enter and leave the palace at will and let Brother Keng turn a blind eye? If it is a few heirs of the current emperor, but the situation in Yuanchun is obviously one or two There was a man years ago, and the current emperor only moved into the palace in October after September. His heirs have been in Nanjing before, so after all the calculations, I can't think of anything other than King Shou, King Fu and King Fu. Besides King Li and King Lu, who was allowed to enter and leave the palace at will in the past two years? This is too strange."

   Mrs. Wang also felt that this was a bit difficult to justify, and said hesitantly: "Looking at Yuan Chun's appearance, it seems that he is very satisfied with that man, and he looks fascinated. Could it be that Yuan Chun met when he was out of the palace?"

"Going out of the palace?" Jia's mother was startled, "When did Yuan Chun go out of the palace? Isn't going out of the palace just to come back to visit relatives? It's only happened twice in the past few years, and at that time I didn't see what happened to Yuan Chun. It's still inhumane, but the eyes of this old man are not bad."

"No, my daughter-in-law went to the side to ask Baoqin, and Baoqin also said that occasionally Yuanchun would go out to the temple to burn incense and pray for blessings, and sometimes even live in the temple for a day or two..." Mrs. Wang frowned, " Could it be that when Yuan Chun was in the temple, he met that literati and was seduced by him, so..."

Mother Jia didn't expect such a thing to happen, and she frowned deeply: "If this is the case, it will be difficult to find out, unless the girl is willing to tell us, but isn't Yuan Chun afraid that this kind of thing will be found out by the palace? In addition, brother Keng can see the problem, which literati, ink, clan official can make brother Keng indifferent?"

"Maybe it's for our Jia family's sake, so..." Mrs. Wang also felt that it didn't make sense, and Jia's mother flatly denied it: "Impossible. The palace is strictly controlled. If Brother Keng finds a problem, it's not good." I told Yuan Chun face to face that we should also report it to us for admonishment, but why did he ignore it,..."

   Both Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang's expressions changed, and they seemed to point to a truth. Could it be that they are... guarding themselves?

  Then this Feng Ziying is really lecherous and outrageous.

"Impossible, impossible!" Mrs. Wang was furious, muttering a series of times, "He is crazy, are they all crazy? It is not enough to have Yingchun, Tanchun and Xichun, but also to seduce Yuanchun? Isn't this going to kill people? Is it?"

  He also shook his head like a rattle, stood up, and paced back and forth, obviously out of order. If it was really Feng Ziying, how could he do it?

  Mother Jia's face was also frighteningly gloomy, her lips were trembling, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

She also tried her best to deny this fact first, but the more she tried to find out the reason for the impossibility, the more she felt that this possibility was the greatest, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why Feng Ziying knew that Yuan Chun and the emperor had never had sex. She should be a virgin, but now she is obviously a woman, but she still turns a blind eye and remains indifferent.

  The room was also filled with suffocating depression. Mrs. Wang didn't even dare to look at her mother-in-law's kind and friendly face, but now she almost squeezed out water.

Jia's mother settled down, calmed down a little, stroked her forehead and said slowly: "Maybe my guess is wrong, but after thinking about it over and over again, I always feel that at least Feng Ziying knew about this matter, but she knew it but turned a blind eye. If it’s not him, there must be some reason.”

   Speaking of this, Jia Mu's face became even more ugly: "Yuan Chun is going to visit Feng's Grand View Garden at night at this time, do you think this factor is also in it?"

   Mrs. Wang's face was also pale: "Could it be, could it be that they want to take this opportunity to have a tryst..."

  The two of them were silent about each other, Yuan Chun has gone, can they still send people to drive them back now, what is the reason? How to say?

  Now the relationship between the Feng family and the Jia family is extraordinary, and this kind of matter cannot be made public, which can be said to be a dilemma.

   While Jia Mu and Wang Shi were full of worries at home, Yuan Chun was inexplicably excited to return to the Grand View Garden with her sisters.

Although the mother and aunt's questioning affected the mood a little bit, Yuan Chun also expected that this kind of thing would not be hidden from the family sooner or later. The key now is what kind of method Feng Ziying can use to get herself out of the palace. This is the most important thing. of.

  She is a little carried away now, regardless of other things, she just wants to enjoy life to the fullest and pin everything on Feng Ziying.

   "Ah, the boat is still there?" Walking into the Grand View Garden, Yuan Chun seemed to have turned into a girl, her eyebrows beaming with excitement and joy, "Is it still available?"

They all seemed to feel the joy brought by Yuanchun, and the girls who accompanied them all responded with a smile: "Go back to your mother, it can still be used. I used it years ago. My mother wants to take a ride to visit the Qinfang River." Is it?"

"That would be the best, Brother Keng, are you coming too?" Die Dai picked it up, and Yuan Chun's eyebrows were full of affection, but only Feng Ziying could see it clearly, and he shook his head quickly: "Just a few younger sisters will accompany you." Once you are done swimming with your mother, I will wait for you, my mother, on the shore."

Yuan Chun didn't care, and nodded: "Sister-in-law, Baochai, Daiyu, Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun, Xiangyun, Xiuyan, Li Wei and Li Qi, together, and mandarin ducks, let's take a boat tour, now Dongfu That side has also been connected as one, and I haven't taken the boat to go there yet."

"Then you have to take a good look at it. After the walls on both sides are opened, the water surface will be several times larger from the Aujingxi Pavilion to the Huifang Garden over there. It will be the best time to watch the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival in August." At that time, if the empress comes back this Mid-Autumn Festival, it would be the best to let the grandma and girls accompany the empress to take a look." Yuanyang also accompanied the smiling face and talked.

   "Oh, then I'm really looking forward to it, Brother Keng, Yuanyang has already said so, what do you say as the master?"

  Yuan Chun's words were full of teasing, and Feng Ziying frowned.

   In front of so many people, although everyone can't notice anything for a while, if it keeps doing this, something will definitely happen.

  Li Wan hid aside, his face changed slightly, his brows frowned slightly, and he subconsciously observed the changes in Feng Ziying's expression, a little more puzzled, thoughtful, and a little surprised.

Feng Ziying didn't notice the change in Li Wan's expression who was hiding behind. At this moment, what he could say was to force a smile, and said openly: "Your Majesty can come to the humble house to enjoy the moon. I can't ask for it. I'm afraid of the rules in the palace." Limited,..."

   "That's my business, don't worry about it, Brother Keng." Yuan Chun glanced at Feng Ziying flirtatiously, but was watched by Li Wan who was at the side.

   When everyone boarded the boat, Li Wan stayed behind on the grounds that he was a little dizzy.

"You are so brave, you don't want to live anymore?! How dare you break Yuan Chun's body!" Li Wan quietly walked to Feng Ziying's side while the eyes of the maids on the shore were all following the boat slowly leaving the shore, and listened He said harshly, "Do you want to kill everyone?"

  Feng Ziying's body shook slightly, but her eyes did not move away from the boat, she just tilted her head slightly, "Oh, did you see it? You have sharp eyesight, how did you see it?"

"Are you crazy? Do you dare to do this kind of thing? Are you short of women? There are so many women in the house, and you still want to touch Yuan Chun. Don't you know who she is? Once the palace finds out, she and the Jia family will , and you can't run away, are you going to kill everyone?" Seeing that Feng Ziying shook slightly, but still looked calm, Li Wan was shocked, angry and anxious.

This matter is no small matter, no more than other people, whether it is Feng Ziying's affair with himself, or collusion with Wang Xifeng, it is only one thing if it is exposed, at most it will damage Feng Ziying's reputation, She is a widow, and Wang Xifeng is a divorced woman, so she accuses Feng Ziying of being careless behind her back, so what else can she do?

  But Yuanchun is different. The Supreme Emperor is not dead yet. Once such things are revealed, countless people who are jealous and jealous of Feng Ziying will definitely take advantage of the problem and directly send Feng Ziying and even the Feng family to the prison, and it is even possible to copy and execute the whole family.

  (end of this chapter)

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