Number of People

Chapter 2504: Guizi Juan is urgent, countermeasures

  Chapter 2504 Guizi scroll is urgent, countermeasures

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that this matter was first exposed by Li Wan.

  This also means that the changes in Yuanchun's body cannot be hidden from the family members of the Jia family who know Yuanchun's situation in the palace, such as Jiamu and Wang.

  He didn't expect that even Aunt Xue knew that Mrs. Wang and Aunt Xue had such a good relationship.

   This has been hidden for two or three years, and it is considered a good job.

   "I have done everything, so what?" Feng Ziying said casually: "Why, let me surrender to Captain Long, or plead guilty to the cabinet?"

   Li Wan was so angry at Feng Ziying's laziness that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Jia's family and his fate are one, now even Tanchun and Xichun are going to marry immediately, and he is his lover, and Jialan still depends on him, if something happens at this time, wouldn't it be a rope Even the grasshoppers can't escape?

   There was an angry light in his eyes, Li Wan gritted his teeth: "Ziying, don't play tricks on me here, you didn't consider the consequences before you did this kind of thing, and you didn't consider any remedies when you did it?"

  The question in the previous sentence is meaningless. If you really considered the consequences, you would not do it. Now that you have done it, you can’t help it, or you can say that **** is a gift, what can you say?

  If Feng Ziying had an affair with himself, and also sat down on things that violated the norms and morals of scholars, wouldn’t he be willing to do the same?

  The last sentence is the real concern. Since you have all sat down on such a law-breaking thing, haven't you considered remediation? How to make up for this loophole so that it will not be discovered and noticed by others, and then poked open and become a disaster, this is the most important thing.

   "Sister Wan, how do you know I can't fix it?" Feng Ziying laughed and glanced around.

  Seeing that everyone's eyes were on the boat on the Qinfang River, and some even went on a night tour along the Qinfang River with Bingzhu, they reached out and squeezed Li Wan's Fengfeng.

Li Wan didn't expect Feng Ziying to tease him with such a leisurely attitude. Although he was thinking about it, he also knew that this was not a good time, and his tone was soft: "Really? Don't be careless, I know. You do things safely, but this thing is too appalling, and you too, so you can't help it,..., if you really think that domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers,..., it really can't..."

It was almost time to recommend the pillow mat, Feng Ziying felt amused, but seeing Li Wan's beautiful and beautiful dimple under the colorful light of the lantern, she couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement in her heart, really want to hug this woman and have fun under the lantern by the tree Come back, look at the excited expression on this woman's cold and indifferent face under the colorful lights, but it's a pity that the timing is not suitable.

   "Don't worry, Sister Wan, I don't know the severity of such things, it's such a big deal." Feng Ziying smiled, "By the way, who else is aware of it except you?"

  Li Wan frowned, "I'm afraid that the wife and the ancestors have noticed it. Before I left, I saw that their faces were not good. They went into the house, and they probably went to discuss this matter."

   "They can also guess it's me?" Feng Ziying didn't seem to believe it.

  Even if it was discovered that Yuan Chun had become a woman, he shouldn't have directly blamed himself as the suspect.

  Li Wan has an unusual relationship with him, he pays attention to him all the time, maybe because of his own induction, and seeing Yuan Chun frequently discharges himself, he subconsciously locked himself in.

"I don't know about this. Logically speaking, I shouldn't have guessed you. It turns out that there are many people who can enter and leave the palace, such as those adult princes, and there are also the three relatives guarding the palace..." Li Wan shook his head, "But Not necessarily, the ancestors thought carefully, maybe they can also suspect you."

   "That's Sister Wan who is amazing, she can see the relationship between me and Yuan Chun at a glance." Feng Ziying flattered.

"Hmph, looking at your expression, Yuanchun is about to overflow with emotion. It is also Baochai and Daiyu who may not care too much about you. If this continues, Baochai, Daiyu and Tanchun will definitely notice it. Also, when Yuan Chun gets off the boat later, you have to say hello to her and let her restrain herself."

  Li Wan rolled her eyes at Feng Ziying, then lowered her voice: "Baochai and Tanchun are very smart, don't hurt their hearts at this time."

  Feng Ziying laughed dumbfounded, meaning that Daiyu, Yingchun, and Xiangyun are careless and not so sensitive to these aspects? I'm afraid I underestimated Daiyu.

"If the old lady and Mrs. Wang find out that Yuanchun's situation is wrong, do you think they will talk to me?" Feng Ziying looked at Li Wan and said, "I'm afraid they are already like ants on a hot pot, sitting and lying down." Uneasy, a catastrophe is just around the corner, can they sit still? Whether they suspect me or not, I'm afraid they will ask me for inquiries, right?"

  Li Wan was shocked by Feng Ziying's unscrupulousness. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that it was true. Who else can the Jia family rely on now?

  Jia Zheng has been scared out of his wits for a long time now. He stays at home all day long. Now that Wang Ziteng has a sensitive identity, he also closes the door and doesn't ask about world affairs. Who else can he turn to?

   Historian? Overwhelmed; Aunt Xue? Can it work?

  Jia Shi Wang Xue Si's family has long since fallen, and who can be relied on, except the Feng family.

   "Then what should I do?" Li Wan became nervous. She thought that Feng Ziying might have a different coping strategy.

"What should I do? Can I lie in front of my elders? Tell the truth." Feng Ziying's face was indifferent, "I have done everything, what else can I do? I don't admit it, but how long can I hide it? In the end, I will be suspected Yes, it's better to be transparent, what they are worried about is that the palace noticed that Yuan Chun broke his body, I said, I have to deal with it,..."

  Feng Ziying's words are indeed true.

  Since Guo Qinyun found out that he had an affair with Yuan Chun, he had been thinking about this issue.

  Three caves of the cunning rabbit, of course I have multiple strategies to deal with it, it is impossible to only pin my hopes on one item.

  Guo Qinyun may not expose her personal relationship with Yuan Chun for the time being, and she doesn't care too much. She only cares about the future of Prince Gong, but it's hard to say for others.

  In case of exposure, we need to find out, especially now that Emperor Wantong is here, it is not easy to talk about the changes in the palace situation, so how about using Yuanchun to scare chickens and monkeys? So there must be countermeasures.

   "Ziying, have you really made a remedy?" Li Wan couldn't help but asked again with concern.

   "Don't worry, I don't care about this kind of thing?" Feng Ziying relieved the other party, "Anyone who wants to use this kind of thing to defeat me will only bring shame on himself."

   Li Wan gave Feng Ziying a blank look, and didn't ask any more questions. Feng Ziying has always been steady in his work. He said so, and Li Wan felt relieved a lot.

The painting boat swims along the Qinfang River, from the Aujingxi Pavilion to the East Mansion, which was originally enclosed by a wall. The water surface on the Huifang Garden is much wider, facing Ningxixuan and Tianxiang Building and Dengxian Pavilion, after reconstruction and expansion, Ningxixuan, Tianxiang Building and Dengxian Pavilion have more auxiliary buildings, which are more grand, facing the Aujingxi Pavilion in the west.

  In this way, all the main building groups in the Grand View Garden can be connected through the Qinfang River.

From the entrance gate, go west through Xiaoxiang Hall and Zhuijin Building, turn north, pass Luxueguang and Daoxiang Village, and then twist and turn until you reach the wall, pass Hengwu Garden and then turn back to the south, passing Nuanxiang Dock and Ou Xiangxie, from the east of Luxueguang and Daoxiang Village, and then wrapped in, until Qiushuangzhai, along the central Xingqin Villa to Yushi Memorial Archway, which is in front of Taiguan Building, the main entrance of Xingqin Villa, and continue eastward Yihong Courtyard, which is now Jingqi Study, turns north and passes through Qiancui Nunnery until Aujingxi Pavilion.

The water surface in front of the Aujingxi Pavilion is now connected to the Huifang Garden, Ningxi Pavilion, Tianxiang Building, and the west pond of Dengxian Pavilion in the east. A wooden plank road and arch bridge have been built across the water to connect the two sides. .

This parade of painting boats satisfied Yuanchun. She saw a more beautiful painting scene along the line, as well as the lights lit up everywhere, and the maids and boys happily gathered in the garden watching the lanterns and guessing lantern riddles. The entire mansion is open to everyone, and the place will be cleared until Zichu, so that everyone can return to their places.

  Scenes like this are Yuan Chun's favorite. What she longs for most is this kind of life. The whole family lives happily together. The long-term lonely life in the palace makes her more and more yearn for the happy time of sisters enjoying themselves together.

Seeing Baochai's pregnant belly and motherly appearance, seeing Daiyu's beautiful face with a smile like a flower, Yingchun's gentle and elegant posture, seeing Tanchun, Xichun and even Xiangyun's longing smiles, Coco Lee and Qi Qi are shy And looking forward to it, and Yuanyang's proud expression when he introduced the whole garden, Yuan Chun has never been so eager to join in.

She wants to have a good talk with Ziying, not only to say that her ancestors and mother and aunt have discovered her secret, but also to tell Ziying that she really wants to return to this family, and she is full of everything in the palace. disgusted.

  When Yuanchun proposed to rest overnight in the Grand View Garden, it was expected by Baochai and Daiyu, but it was also a bit embarrassing.

   It makes sense to come and visit, after all, they are relatives. If you walk around and have a look, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but it seems a bit inappropriate to stay here for a night as a woman in the palace, even if you are a concubine.

  Feng Ziying's polite refusal made Yuan Chun very disappointed. Although he could not bear the displeasure, Feng Ziying could see that Yuan Chun's eye circles seemed to be red.

   But he dared not do such a thing.

The concubine living in the courtier's house is simply giving someone a handle. Besides, I dare not act so recklessly and let Master Qi and Master Qiao know that I have to peel my own skin, even if you really put the concubine to sleep. As long as you kill him and refuse to admit it, it's okay, but if you stay at your house for one night, even if you don't do anything, there will be countless gossips.

   It wasn't until Feng Ziying said that he personally sent the concubine back to Jia's mansion that Yuan Chun's mood improved a little.

  (end of this chapter)

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