Number of People

Chapter 2507: The heirs of the Guizi scroll, diluted, court discussion

  Chapter 2507 Heirs of Guizi Scroll, Diluted, Court Discussion

  Duan Xirong and Duan Xichang all visited Beijing before the Spring Festival. The Duan family members are now leaving Datong to work in other border towns. Feng Ziying also contributed to this.

  Always confined to the same corner, is not conducive to the growth of some capable members of the Duan clan.

  Especially the imperial court does not want the Feng and Duan families to have too much influence in Datong, especially the superficially dominant forces must be contained. As for your hidden underwater power, the imperial court cannot control so far.

  Yingchun was still a little reluctant, "It's a good thing for me to earn an honorary officer for Wei Lang, but Wei Lang doesn't necessarily have to go to the army. How can he be able to study at such a young age?"

  Feng Ziying thought it was funny, why did Yingchun decide that she had to let her son replace her father in the army?

   "Who said Wei Lang can't read anymore? Of course you can't tell at such a young age. It's a child's nature to like to play. How old is Wei Lang? How old is Baoyu, so it's not the same fun?"

  Yingchun and Siqi all changed their faces, and said in unison: "Master, how can Wei Lang learn from Baoyu? Of course not!"

   Seeing that both Yingchun and Siqi are in awe of Baoyu, it is obvious that Feng's family regards Jia Baoyu as a negative example, and Feng Ziying is even more happy.

"Okay, don't learn Baoyu, don't learn Baoyu,...but children have to be at least five years old to be able to say that they can learn. Now it is enough to lay a solid foundation in the body. If Wei Lang understands my temperament, Maybe at the age of fifteen or sixteen, you will be able to become a Jinshi,..."

  Feng Ziying's words immediately made Yingchun and Siqi smile, and Yingchun clasped his hands together in front of his chest.

   "I hope that as my husband said, Wei Lang is very smart, but he is a bit skinny, but I heard from my wife and concubine that my husband was more skinny than Wei Lang when he was a student, and he was often beaten by the master and wife..."

Siqi also echoed with a smile: "Yes, my wife and concubine also said that once my husband set fire to the tail of a war horse, which frightened the horse, and almost caused a catastrophe. The master almost took him to march... "

   Regarding these memories, Feng Ziying is very vague, and can't remember many of them clearly.

  But when Yingchun and Siqi mentioned it, he seemed to think that he was really skinny, but this allowed him to lay a good foundation in the army since he was a child.

  Many of Lao Die’s subordinates, such as Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong, watched him grow up, so they naturally developed a natural and close friendship.

   "Well, it's a good thing that Wei Lang is like me, but I hope Wei Lang is like my younger sister. They say that only sons and mothers are blessed,..."

  Feng Ziying's words put Yingchun in a good mood, her body softened, her winking eyes were like silk, and the gaze she looked at her was even more affectionate, which made Feng Ziying's index finger twitch.

  Feng Ziying waved to Yingchun.

   Yingchun was a little embarrassed, so she looked around.

  The son is still pretending to be riding a horse and dancing with a sword by himself, running around the house while talking "driving driving", Siqi is still beating and massaging Feng Ziying's legs, his man's intentions are self-evident.

   But Yingchun, who had always been docile, refused to go against her husband's wishes at this moment, so she could only twist her body and climb from this side of the kang to Feng Ziying's side, and snuggled into Feng Ziying's arms.

   I have to say that Yingchun's figure has become more attractive after giving birth.

The original Yingchun looks slender but the expected parts are not bad, such as **** and buttocks, but now the **** and buttocks are a circle larger, and other parts are more plump, especially the pair of plump and angry twin peaks, Feng Ziying feels that she is not much inferior to Siqi, at least she can catch up with Wang Xifeng.

  Feeling her husband's hands crawling along the hem of the jacket, Yingchun was even more flustered.

   Chess playing is all right, they all know the basics, but the son is still in front of him, if the wet nurse comes in and sees it, it will inevitably be embarrassing.

Feng Ziying is too lazy to think about these things. She came to Yingchun to try to relax. In other people's houses, there are always some restrictions. Here in Yingchun is the most relaxed. Whether it is Yingchun or chess, she will not go against her own will. He will try his best to satisfy his own wishes, which is why he loves to come to Yingchun here the most.

   One hand was already on Yingchun's chest, while the other hand was pulling away the sweat towel around Yingchun's waist, and she took off her small clothes.

   With a bold move, Feng Ziying couldn't help but sigh in satisfaction,...

Siqi had already seen this common scene, twisted his body, hugged Wei Lang and coaxed: "Come on, Wei Lang, let's go out and play with Auntie Xiuju, she made you a tiger-headed lantern, choose Just like a little tiger,..."

  Here, as soon as Siqi went out with Wei Lang in his arms, Feng Ziying had already pushed down the limp Yingchun on the kang like a tiger descending the mountain, and started beating him wantonly...

   After two cups of tea, Siqi settled down with Wei Lang, and hurried in to take off his clothes and go to bed to take over.

After Yunshouyu rested, Feng Ziying hugged the second daughter contentedly, and changed to another house. The master would never lie on the bed with the girl, but Yingchun and Siqi were too close, like sisters. Yingchun's "rights" can be protected by relying on the fierceness of the chess player, otherwise Yingchun's temperament will really suffer too much.

"If the girl is pregnant again today, I'm afraid Grandma Qin will be jealous to death..." Siqi curled up beside Feng Ziying and whispered: "If Miss Yun enters the door, our side will be divided again. There is even less time, and the slaves are still looking forward to..."

  Feng Ziying is also a little helpless, as more and more women are around her, the real time to rest in each room is naturally less and less.

  Take the second room as an example. When Baochai is pregnant, it is Baoqin and Yingchun, but if there is no accident, Shi Xiangyun will also enter the second room, which means that if Baochai gives birth in the future, there will be four women in the second room alone.

  According to the rules of the family, 258 is the second room, which means that there are only nine days in the second room in a month, and the four women can't even get three nights each, or two nights to be precise.

  Even if this is the case, Feng Ziying feels that even Tie Shen can't stand such a toss, so she has to discount it to a large extent.

  A woman who is lucky can have two chances to go to bed in a month. If she is unlucky, she has only one chance to go to bed. If she wants to get pregnant, it depends on whether the time to go to bed is suitable.

  The long room and the three room are similar.

  Long House Situation When Xichun gets married, she will have one wife and three concubines, but Third Sister You can’t be counted.

  But Li Coco and Li Qi also expressed their desire to enter the long room, and Shen Yixiu also agreed, accepting Li Coco and Li Qi's sisters, which means that they have one wife and four concubines.

  The third room will be monogamous, one concubine and two concubines when Tanchun marries in. If Zhen Baoyu also enters the third room, it will be monogamous, one concubine and three concubines, which is not enough.

   Calculated in this way, Feng Ziying herself would shudder. Three wives, three wives, and more than ten concubines, it would take half a month to talk about it, and it would really take a whole month without a break.

   This doesn’t count maids like Yuanyang, Ping’er, Qingwen, Jin Chuan’er, Zijuan, Xiangling, and Siqi.

   As for the "wild women" such as Wang Xifeng, Busia Mara, and Zhen Baochen, Feng Ziying didn't even consider it.

Feng Ziying didn't know what happened to the so-called seventy-two concubines of the three palaces and six courtyards in the palace, but there is no doubt that seeing that Emperor Yonglong abstained from female **** before he was fifty years old, he knew that even the emperor would be the same when encountering such a thing. Just take care of your body.

  Thousands of reds and glamor came into her arms, and the Hundred Alchemy Vajra wrapped around her fingers, Feng Ziying could only sigh secretly.

All the women around me look forward to having a man and a half woman to rely on for the rest of their lives. Feng Ziying can understand this. Even if they have a daughter, they can have something to look forward to in the rest of their lives. He agrees with this point Yes, so Siqi murmured and complained so much, what could he say?

  As I get older, the women in the family are more eager for children. Baochai's pregnancy has brought a lot of pressure to Daiyu, and even Shen Yixiu, who has always been indifferent, is a little touched. Feng Ziying feels this.

I'm afraid that only when Shen Xuelin and the three of them give birth to male heirs will the pressure on the heirs in the mansion be lessened, but if the big women have children, it will definitely make these concubines even more hope that they can have someone by their side. This becomes a cycle.

  The sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the first day of the Shang Dynasty.

Emperor Wantong listened to the government in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the six elders of the cabinet lined up on both sides, followed by the seven ministers and the imperial censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. column, and the third column is other courtiers who need to attend.

   Unless there is a big dynasty or there is a specific business need, courtiers below the third-rank ministers will participate, otherwise all court officials do not need to participate in the Chang Dynasty.

   Although today is not a big court, but since it is the first court after the spring break, there are still some other courtiers who do not usually attend.

  Feng Ziying stood quietly in the second row, listening to the recent situation reported by the cabinet ministers.

It is not as lengthy as the outside world imagined. In fact, relevant matters have already been placed on Emperor Wantong's desk through memorials. Emperor Wantong previewed it one day in advance, and Emperor Wantong basically signed and approved some of them. Opinions, of course, these signed and approved opinions are generally a reply to the strategy drawn up by the cabinet.

This involves a very delicate process. The opinions drawn up by the cabinet are submitted to the emperor. The emperor can veto or agree. Most of them will agree. A few may have different opinions. The emperor will exchange opinions with the cabinet ministers in advance. is basically impossible to happen.

When cabinet ministers or ministers introduce the situation of the matter and the opinions to be dealt with, other three-rank ministers can also express their opinions, while non-third-rank ministers can only listen in, unless they are approved by the cabinet ministers or the emperor himself, they cannot express their opinions .

  (end of this chapter)

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