Number of People

Chapter 2508: Guizijuan strategy, foreshadowing

  Chapter 2508 Guizijuan strategy, foreshadowing

Feng Ziying has been observing the changes in the expression of Emperor Wantong sitting on the throne, but it is obvious that Emperor Wantong behaved very well, basically in a state of listening, even if there are occasional expressions such as frowning or concentrating, it is very obvious. In line with the attitude of an emperor.

  The one playing above is Huang Ruliang, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs.

   After all, it is the first court meeting after the spring break. Although it is not a big court, it is still a very important regular court.

In fact, the grand court is often about etiquette. Although the cutscene procedures are complicated, there is actually not much time to talk about specific affairs. It is more about various etiquette procedures, and such regular courts are often about serious business. .

  As the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Huang Ruliang made a brief summary of last year's annual fiscal revenue, and also put forward his own views on some matters that need attention.

"... Last year, the action of dismantling the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River successfully achieved its goal. Judging from the news that Mr. Gu Ge sent back one after another and the situation that has been put into the warehouse, Jiangnan finance is still the most important source of taxation for our Da Zhou, and land tax is still the big one. , but through the observation of last year, there are still some noteworthy and gratifying changes, that is, the growth rate of industrial and commercial taxes and tariffs is gratifying,..."

  Although Huang Ruliang spoke clearly and logically, Feng Ziying found that Emperor Wantong, who was sitting upright, was a little absent-minded, obviously not that interested in this topic.

  Financial planning has always been the focus of the cabinet, and it will never be his turn as the emperor to dictate. Perhaps it is his wise attitude to take it lightly.

   But I feel that the cabinet doesn't seem to care too much about the attitude of Emperor Wantong. Is this a gesture?

   How long has it been since he took the throne, and the attitudes of both sides are indifferent?

  Will it tear your face?

  Feng Ziying thinks not.

Emperor Wantong didn't have that strength and courage. He valued his lineage's succession more, so it is estimated that he would continue to confront the cabinet in the position of prince. On other issues, he continued to test and exert pressure to pave the way for a deal to compete for the crown prince.

And the cabinet may not be willing to expose the conflicts between the two parties to the public, and will definitely make various articles on the prince's dispute, and "torture" Emperor Wantong with various tricks, but they will not walk away Absolutely.

  So the best result is that everyone tolerates each other and continues to quarrel with each other. This will be a long-term process.

  Feng Ziying continued to observe.

  After Huang Ruliang, it was Zhu Guozhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce.

  He defeated another popular candidate from the south of the Yangtze River—Gu Tianyu to become Shangshu. It is said that because of this, Gu Tianzhen and Tang Yao have turned against each other.

   It was Tang and Miu who recommended Zhu Guozhen instead of him, which made him miss the important position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce, and could only be resigned to the position of Taichang Temple Minister, not to mention two levels lower, and it was still a leisurely position.

  Feng Ziying got the news, Gu Tianxuan quickly approached Fang Congzhe.

"Commercial taxes and tariffs are growing very well. It is worth noting that the tariffs of Yuguan and Dagu have far exceeded the traditional tariffs of Tongzhou and Dengzhou. These two places should have the best tariffs in the Northland. It shows that after the opening of the sea, the sea trade in the Northland has a good momentum,..."

"Yangzhou is currently setting up a stock exchange. At present, five industries have been listed and entered the stock exchange for trading. The average daily transaction amount exceeds 4,000 taels. It is expected that in March, there will be another ten industries listed, and the stocks will enter the stock exchange. It is expected that the daily transaction volume will reach more than 10,000 taels by the middle of the year,…”

   It seems that Bi Ziyan and this new minister of the Ministry of Commerce have a tacit cooperation. Zhu Guozhen was able to specifically mention this at the court meeting, which shows that he agrees with this approach.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying thought of Zhen Baochen who was still in Yangzhou.

   There was no letter from this woman, which made Feng Ziying very curious. He wanted to see what kind of tricks Zhen Baochen could make in this business in Yangzhou.

  The content of the court meeting is basically determined before going to the court. Why do you want to play a special performance? Not only to let the emperor understand, but more importantly, to let all the courtiers participating in the court meeting be aware of these situations.

   Civil servants are a whole, but there are many factions inside, so how to seek common ground while reserving differences and cohesive forces, the communication between the leaders of scholars is one thing, and it is another thing to make it public in such a formal way.

  The topic soon came to the Ministry of War.

  Zhang Huaichang gave Feng Ziying the opportunity to talk about the Ministry of War's next plan and strategy.

  Feng Ziying was not humble either, and took the initiative to assume this responsibility, and the strategic planning here was also led by him.

"After reflecting on and reviewing some of the ideas from the year before last, the Ministry of Military Affairs also hopes to take the initiative to take the initiative to Make some layouts,..."

  Feng Ziying noticed that Emperor Wantong's attention was obviously concentrated, and it fell on himself.

"To come up with more specific countermeasures and strategies, we must first clarify our top priority enemy. There is no doubt that it is still the Jianzhou Jurchen. They caused huge losses to our Liaodong Town in the battle they launched the year before last. It also brought great pressure. The loss of Anle Prefecture and the deterioration of Tielingwei's strategic situation have made Shenyang's Zhongwei as the first line of defense now in danger of being attacked at any time,..."

"To resolve this disadvantage, the Ministry of War considers that while stabilizing the defense of the Tieling Guard line, it is necessary to find a new path to deal with it. We believe that we can use the line from Jiulian City to Phoenix City as the foundation to recapture the Six Forts of Kuandian. On the one hand, it deters North Korea and cuts off its connection with the Jianzhou Jurchen. On the other hand, relying on shipping supplies and logistics, it marches northward from the Six Forts of Kuandian to attack Hetuala, forcing the Jianzhou Jurchen to fight on two fronts..."

"For now, the Jianzhou Jurchens still need to digest the population they plundered from Fushun Fort and Anle Prefecture. If these tens of thousands of people are successfully digested by them, their strength will be improved to a higher level, so we cannot let them It is so easy to digest, it is necessary to disrupt their rhythm,..."

"From a specific strategic point of view, which side to choose as the offensive on the northern and southern fronts of Tielingwei and Kuandian Liubao can depend on the time, but judging from the current situation, Xinjian Dongjiang Town can be the main offensive side, but Zhao led the way to attack. The Liaodong Town over there can't just sit passively, but still have to firmly contain the Jianzhou Jurchen. In addition, they must win over the Nekalka people to attack the Jianzhou Jurchen, and strive to completely weaken the strength of the Jianzhou Jurchen within three to five years. Get ready for one hit,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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