Number of People

Chapter 2509: Guizi Juan debuted on the stage, amazed everyone

  Chapter 2509 Guizi Juan debuted on stage, amazed everyone

   This is the result of unanimous agreement from the top and bottom of the Ministry of War.

  Feng Ziying talked with Zhang and Sun years ago. As a department in charge of the national military, it must have a long-term plan and a short-term plan. It must determine a central or core goal, and propose a series of conceptual measures around it.

  Only in this way can you have sufficient reasons to ask the cabinet and the other six ministries to provide support in conjunction with this target plan.

   Zhang and Sun deeply agreed, and this task naturally fell to Feng Ziying.

  The three of them quickly determined the strategic goal of first solving the Jurchen threat in Jianzhou, and the Mongols were temporarily put aside.

  However, Feng Ziying also put forward a rough idea of ​​combining favor and power with the Mongols, using comprehensive political, cultural, economic and military means, and gradually bringing them under the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which was also agreed by Zhang and Sun.

  So today's narration, Zhang Huaichang simply handed it over to Feng Ziying to introduce.

   "Weaken the strength of Jianzhou Jurchen in three to five years? Then what's the next step after weakening? Mongols are so unbearable?" Emperor Wantong, who was sitting on the throne, finally spoke officially for the first time.

  Basically, he didn’t speak at the previous court meeting, at most he said “I understand” or “I agree”, and this was the first time he asked a question like this.

  Feng Ziying didn't care too much, the Ministry of War's strategy was also sent to the cabinet, and the cabinet basically agreed before it was sent to Emperor Wantong's desk, which means that Emperor Wantong had seen it a long time ago.

   It is not surprising that there are doubts. If you raise it, Feng Ziying can just explain it to the ministers present.

"This was the initial proposal of the Ministry of War, but this requires the support and cooperation of all parties, especially the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Industry and other ministries, the newly-built Dongjiang Town and Denglai Town as a strategic reserve. The new army with aggressive combat awareness should mainly use firearms, and even directly use self-generated firecrackers and heavy firecrackers, supplemented by artillery. At the same time, they must have good and strong comprehensive supply capabilities, and have a certain staff organizational structure. and planning and self-training capabilities, which we define as a modern military,  …”

  As soon as the word "modern army" came out, there was a heated discussion among the officials in the entire hall.

   "What is a modern army?" Li Sancai asked.

"We believe that the current army can be divided into three categories. One is the old-fashioned army composed of infantry based on traditional swords, shields, spears, and crossbows, and cavalry based on traditional swords, guns, and arrows. Relying on plundering supplies on the spot, lacking comprehensive planning; the second category is a mixed army that has begun to transform into a firearms force. Our surrounding army is in such a state, that is, hot and cold weapons are mixed, and logistics supplies are good. Bad times, according to the preferences and tendencies of the soldiers and generals, and wars are not finalized,..."

Although many of the ministers here have not had direct contact with the military, after all they have been officials for so many years, they have never eaten pork or seen pigs run away. After hearing Feng Ziying's introduction, they also roughly understand that the second category mentioned by the other party should be the current large surrounding areas. The status quo of the military elite, like the guard system is even the first category, but now the opponent directly stereotypes the second category and it is not in line with the development trend of the times.

"A modern army means conforming to the development trend of the world, not just limited to our current frogs in a well. Xiyi has come to the forefront in military reform, not only because of their leadership in military equipment, but because of their Military strategy and awareness have also come to the fore, which our Ministry of War believes we need to catch up with, otherwise we will encounter challenges in the strategy of competing for Nanyang,..."

"Aiming at the construction of this modern army, our Ministry of War has also drawn up a comprehensive strategy. First, establish a military education and training system, establish an army officer academy and a naval officer academy, respectively located in the capital and Nanjing,...; second, The Ministry of War intends to reform the four existing clean-up departments, and carry out systematic construction and transformation in five directions: staff planning, military equipment, military training, logistics support, and personnel construction,..."

  Feng Ziying's eloquence occupied most of the second half of the morning meeting, but his narration aroused the interest of everyone present, including the cabinet ministers.

  Although they have read all the strategic proposals submitted by the Ministry of War, they are far less detailed and vivid than Feng Ziying's on-site oral explanations, which are more attractive.

  Of course, the biggest headache must be the household department.

   Hearing that the Ministry of War had come up with so many ideas, they were coming directly to the bank. Huang Ruliang wanted to interrupt, but considering Feng Ziying's hard work in Nanjing and filling many holes for him, he had no choice but to endure it.

   But when it came time to talk about transferring the money, he couldn't just go out with a big wave of his hand as the other party said, no matter how good the relationship was.

However, in any case, the proposal of the Ministry of War became the biggest highlight at today's court meeting. A series of suggestions and ideas not only showed a grand plan for the entire Great Zhou military plan in the next three to five years, but also proposed a practical and step-by-step strategy. It also won the attention of the officials present.

   This is Feng Ziying's first appearance at a large-scale court meeting as the Minister of the Ministry of War, and she has shown her talent as one of the chief officials of the Ministry of War.

Although the above name is the collective wisdom of the Ministry of War, many people know that this should be the meticulous masterpiece of this little Feng governor. Even Sun Chengzong has to admit that he may still have strengths in execution, but in terms of knowledge and future planning In fact, I am not as good as Feng Ziying.

   "It was a good talk." Qi Yongtai was very satisfied with Feng Ziying's performance today, which is actually equivalent to Feng Ziying's debut performance in high-level political circles as his disciple.

In the past, the Tongzhi of Yongping Prefecture and the Chancellor of Shuntian Prefecture, and even served as the governor of Shaanxi, were all talents in various fields, and it was difficult to have much substantive impact on the entire imperial court's policy strategy. Keep in mind this up-and-coming cadre.

In the past, people didn’t have much contact with Feng Ziying, and they got to know Feng Ziying more through rumors and anecdotes. It can even be said that his suave style and some opinions and policies constitute the main impression of these people, but today everyone recognizes Feng Ziying The ability and strength as the Minister of the Ministry of War.

   "Actually, it's just following the script and doing some improvisation." Naturally, Feng Ziying didn't dare to take it too seriously in front of Qi Yongtai.

"Well, the big talk of the Ministry of War has caused some controversy within the cabinet. There is no objection to the Jianzhou Jurchen Raiders, but the so-called 'modern' military construction is indeed an institutional and systematic reconstruction. It can be realized in a year, which means that there is a rather long period of exploration and experimentation, are you planning to use the Jianzhou Jurchen as a touchstone?"

"I have this plan." Feng Ziying also nodded, "Mr. Huaichang and Brother Zhisheng have discussed with me for a long time. They think that with the development of the military industry and the improvement of Dazhou's finances, we can try to build Dongjiang Town and Denglai Town. With a pilot project, the two towns can be kicked off, we hope to see results within a year, and start training with war in Liaodong, which can not only train the army, but also attack Jianzhou Jurchen,..."

   "Who will be responsible for the implementation? You?" Qi Yongtai asked casually.

"No, brother Zhisheng is in charge of the future staff planning department and military equipment department. He will be responsible for the specific implementation. My job is specifically responsible for military training and logistics support. Princess Huaichang is in charge of personnel development..." Feng Ziying introduced the next step of the soldier department. Worker, "My next main job is to set up the Army Officer Academy and the Navy Academy, and concurrently serve as the head of the second school, or the principal."

   "Well, it's a good thing that you don't care about military equipment, so as not to let the melon fields fall. Now some people think that you have too close contacts with those Shanshan businessmen..." Qi Yongtai nodded.

   "Hehe, I actually have a very close relationship with Jiangnan merchants. No one criticizes this?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

   "Hmph, you just have to pay attention to yourself. It is said that you are from Wu Xun, but why are you so close to the businessman?"

Qi Yongtai also felt that his disciple was really an outlier. He was born in Wu Xun, a young scholar leader, but he was very close to businessmen. Whether it was Shanshan or Jiangnan merchants, he was closely related to him. The relationship seems to be neither salty nor weak.

"Master Qi, the times are different. In fact, the vast majority of businessmen are evolved from the gentry, or they are part of the gentry themselves, but they are the more dynamic or pioneering part, while the traditional gentry guards The era of those few acres of land to eat and rent has passed, and the industry and commerce will gradually rise. Even the Ministry of Households has noticed this. The steady increase in industry and commerce tax revenue, and the continuous increase in the proportion, is enough to prove this point. I just conform to it. It's just a trend."

Feng Ziying did not hide much in front of Qi Yongtai, "I have always believed that industry and commerce are the future of our Dazhou, and the development of industry and commerce can further promote the pace of our Dazhou's external reclamation and improve our agricultural environment. Nanyang can provide us with With more living space, so many refugees in the country can definitely get a better place to go,..."

Knowing that Feng Ziying came to promote his idea again, Qi Yongtai didn't care, and waved his hand: "Okay, I can hear calluses in my ears, and the other gentlemen are familiar with your idea, so don't worry about it." You told me that the cabinet is still at ease when Zhisheng works, and the financial situation of the imperial court is a little better this year, so it depends on whether anything will happen to the White Lotus Church that you are worried about."

  Feng Ziying also smiled wryly.

They all want to breathe a sigh of relief, to be able to settle down for two years, so that everyone can free up their hands to do something serious, but there are always people who want to harm me, and they won't let you have a good life. He can be sure that the White Lotus Sect will surely Make trouble.

  (end of this chapter)

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