Number of People

Chapter 2510: Guizi Scroll A Good Wife, Teng Nuo

  As soon as normal time came, Feng Ziying started to get busy.

   According to the original agreement, the Ministry of War will reform the original four clean-up departments and divide them into five clean-up departments, namely the personnel construction department, staff planning department, military equipment department, logistics support department, and military training department.

  In addition, there is another department of affairs, that is, six departments, but the level of the department of affairs is much lower than that of the other five departments, which is also the practice of this era.

  Feng Ziying's main energy was immediately put on the establishment of two schools.

  In Feng Ziying's view, this is the key to the transformation and essential improvement of the military power of the Great Zhou Dynasty, especially better than the improvement of military equipment.

   Moreover, this is also the most important measure and step in cultivating a new type of army officer. He can't pretend to be someone else, he must catch it himself.

  He is even thinking about transferring Zheng Chongjian back from Shaanxi, and also bringing in Sun Chuanting, Shen Zizheng, and Hou Chengzu, so that these people will become his important assistants in the two schools.

The establishment of a new type of military academy is undoubtedly a transformative initiative for the entire military affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty. For this reason, Feng Ziying also conducted several rounds of communication with Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong. It can be said that it was quite difficult to persuade the two, and then Feng Ziying took the initiative I found Li Sancai to report. After all, the other party is a cabinet minister in charge of military affairs. Without his support, it would be difficult to advance.

   Fortunately, after all, he worked on the Governor of Water Transport. Li Sancai also recognized the changes brought about by the new firearms to the army's combat effectiveness, and basically agreed with Feng Ziying's suggestions, so he introduced it at the court meeting.

  The two schools need to do a lot of work, which is also quite complicated. Feng Ziying certainly does not have so much energy to do everything by herself. She can only promote it from a general perspective, but for specific operations, a competent person is needed.

  Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing, etc., he also has considerations, he can't discard the other end, so he has to mobilize all aspects of his human resources.

   "Do you want Junyong to help you?" Shen Yixiu put down Tongniang in his hand, and asked in surprise, "Is he willing?"

   "Why doesn't he want to? Give him such an opportunity to exercise, wandering around in the military department all day long, it's better to do some practical work in a down-to-earth manner, which will be very beneficial to his future development."

  Feng Ziying smiled and stretched out her arms to hug her daughter who rushed over, kissed her apple-red cheeks, and sat on her lap.

"Jun Yong is still quite talented. He has great insights into geographic landscape surveying and intelligence collection in this area. The Army Military Academy will also offer some courses in this area, which are to teach related map surveying and mapping, sand table making and tactical plan designation. Select some officers from the army to serve as teachers, and Junyong just happens to be able to learn from them,..."

   "If he wants to, then of course there is no problem." Shen Yixiu nodded, "I always feel a little bit emotional, Junyong looks weak in writing, why does he still like military affairs..."

"That man doesn't have the **** spirit of fighting a sword? It's normal for Jun Yong to think so, but he is a Jinshi, so naturally he can't just act as a teacher. The school was first established, and I also intend to let Dazhang come back. He and Boya are going to assist Dazhang in setting up the Army Officer Academy. This is the most important task at present. I hope it will be completed before the end of June. In addition, the Navy Officer Academy cannot be let go. Hou Chengzu is good at water warfare, and He is down-to-earth, but he is not a scholar, so I have to pay more attention, but I have to ask him to come to the specific affairs."

   There are still too few talents in hand. Both Sun Chuanting and Shen Zizheng are still in the period of observing politics, but they can be used.

  In addition, the imperial court’s pattern of emphasizing civil affairs over military affairs is difficult to break for a while, so military attaches drawn from the army will be used as teaching instructions. It will take a lot of effort to confirm this model.

   "Master, you said that you are planning to build these two schools, one in the capital city and the other in Nanjing. Don't you have to make frequent trips to Nanjing?" Shen Yixiu asked.

"I'm afraid it's unavoidable. I won't be able to run often, but I must go a few times, choose a site, prepare, and I must visit twice in the middle. Fortunately, the water transport is smooth now, and it is easy to go back and forth for a month. I will try to go two or three times this year. Let's go."

  Feng Ziying considered asking Hou Chengzu to handle the details. He also wrote to Shen Yourong to explain this point, and Shen Yourong agreed.

  After all, there are not many opportunities for naval forces to fight wars, but in the future, it is necessary to dispatch naval forces to manage Nanyang, so it is very important to lay a good foundation for naval forces.

"Hey, I thought my husband could relax this year. In the past few years, my husband has been running around. It seems that this year will be more peaceful, but he has to organize a school and is still in Nanjing..." Shen Yixiu was also a little unhappy .

   "Wan Jun, I am the youngest in my current position. If I don't run away, who will run away?" Feng Ziying said with emotion, "If I change someone else, I can't even grab this opportunity."

  Shen Yixiu nodded silently.

  My husband is only twenty-four years old now, and he is regarded as a rising star in the political arena by the outside world. Now the court even thinks that the merits are too high to be rewarded, so they use the methods of honorary officers and orders to offset her husband's credit.

But the husband can't rest on the laurels and sleep, and has to work hard to move forward. The current situation does not allow her husband to stagnate. As the leader of the young scholars in the Northland, he is also the leader of the young scholars in the whole Zhou Dynasty , he can only continue to forge ahead with high spirits.

   It can only be said that when you marry such a husband and enjoy the glory brought by cheers, you will naturally have to bear the loneliness brought about by his busy travels.

   It is also fortunate that I have Tong Niang by my side, but this is not enough, I have to give birth to a son to give myself comfort.

The two of them seemed to have thought of something, their eyes met, Shen Yixiu looked at her husband with a little shame but generously: "My husband has to be busy outside, but this concubine also needs comfort. Hope to continue the incense for the Feng family, shouldn't Mr. Xiang express it?"

  Feng Ziying also laughed: "My lady told me, how dare you disobey your husband's order, you should work hard!"

  For Feng Ziying, this is also a pressure. With Baochai's pregnancy, he estimated that both Shen Yixiu and Lin Daiyu would have this idea.

  Especially when I have to take on many concubines one after another, it will inevitably bring great pressure to Shen Yixiu and Lin Daiyu.

   "The auspicious Mr. Tanchun and Xichun can discuss it with the Jia family?" Shen Yixiu asked again.

  She is the eldest wife, Xichun wants to join the eldest wife, so she naturally has to care about it.

"February 16th, let's find someone to figure it out. February 16th is an auspicious day, and I guess I will leave for Nanjing at the end of February." Feng Ziying paused, "But I guess I won't be able to stay in Nanjing for two days this time. , In addition, I have to go and talk to my father."

  Shen Yixiu was startled, "Isn't your father-in-law at Fengyang?"

"The Northwest Army is not easy to arrange now. Tens of thousands of people stationed in Fengyang will eat up Fengyang, so considering the convenience of logistics supplies, the imperial court asked the Northwest Army to temporarily move to Xuzhou." Feng Ziying pondered: "About The court has been hesitant about the whereabouts of my father, Duke Huaichang and brother Zhisheng both hope that my father will take over as governor of Xuanda, but the court may be hesitant,..."

"Why is the court hesitating?" Shen Yixiu was a little confused, but also a little angry, "The Feng family has worked for the court for several generations, isn't it trustworthy? Eunuch was the governor of Jiliao, and also the governor of the three sides. Could it be that the governor of Xuanda is still Can't it be done?"

Feng Ziying shook her head: "It's not for this reason, it's because my father was the governor of Jiliao, and also the governor of the three sides. Our Feng family started in Datong, and let my father be the governor of Xuanda. The court may worry that the Feng family is in the border town You should know that the imperial court has always wanted to suppress the influence of warriors in border towns, there was a precedent of Li Chengliang before, and the imperial court is very taboo."

Shen Yixiu was very dissatisfied, "What's the matter, Li Chengliang and his family are all generals in the army, and they all gather in Liaodong, and they have already become feudal lords, but the Feng family only has one husband, so how can they be successful? ?”

"The imperial court has considerations from the imperial court. After all, there is still the Duan family in Datong. They are probably worried that the power of the Feng family has not been eliminated. What if the Duan family rises again?" Feng Ziying smiled, "The Duan family is no better than our Feng family. Lush and lush, there are six or seven of the Xizi generation above the defense, and there are four or five of the other generations. In addition to Datong, there are Shanxi Town and Xuanfu Town. The Feng family and the Duan family are related by marriage. Then deliberately promote the Duan family's children? It is indeed a problem."

   "Then, Mr. Xiang, you are the right servant of the Ministry of War, so it is not easy to express your opinion on this matter? Or what do you mean, Mr. Xiang?"

Feng Ziying sighed, "I'm also in a dilemma. From me, it's better for my father to take a complete rest and take a idle job in the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, just like Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong, but the court felt that it was wronged and wronged." Heroes are unwilling to bear such infamy, so it is difficult."

   "Then let the father-in-law go back to serve as the governor of the Beijing camp?" Shen Yixiu asked tentatively: "Didn't it mean that King Zhonghui intended to step down a long time ago?"

Feng Ziying moved slightly, "The idea of ​​a virtuous wife is not bad. Now the court is not at ease with Qiu Shiben. It is said that the emperor is deliberately trying to win over Qiu Shiben. Although there is no clue yet, it is also a hidden danger. If the father comes back It would be a good choice to serve as the Jiedu envoy of the Beijing camp, but I am still worried about the Minister of the Ministry of War, and it is a bit awkward for the father and son to have such identities."

   "My lord's words are wrong. I feel that my lord will not stay in the position of Minister of the Ministry of War for too long. The imperial court must consider this matter." Shen Yixiu said firmly.

   "Oh? Why did the lady say that?" Feng Ziying was very surprised.

"Msister-in-law has said that meritorious service is not rewarded, but he is the easiest to make great contributions in the position of Minister of the Ministry of War. It is impossible for the court to ignore this matter, and he will definitely choose a suitable position for him to make a move." Shen Yixiu explained Said: "Also, Xianggong has been serving as the Minister of the Ministry of War since he went to Shaanxi, and it has been more than two years, almost."

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