Number of People

Chapter 2524: Guizi scroll going south, business plan

  Chapter 2524 Guizi Juan goes south, business plan

   As expected, the next two days will be games and bargaining.

   A group of people in the palace nested like quails, without saying a word.

  The cabinet naturally knows it well, so it doesn't go into details.

  It's meaningless to go deeper, unless you change people immediately, but isn't this a slap in the face of the cabinet itself?

  The emperor you welcomed back by yourself, for this reason you still cast aside the heirs of Emperor Yonglong, but now you say it’s inappropriate and you’re going to change hands, is that justifiable?

  Although there were various objective reasons at the time, the common people would not care about these, what would they think? What do ordinary scholars think?

   It's shit, and now the cabinet can only hold it first.

  In addition to strengthening the defense of the palace, the internal servants brought back by Emperor Wantong from outside the palace were also cleaned up, and registered one by one.

   After all, Director Su is a model who has been infiltrated by the Bailian Sect.

  The Fifth Army Battalion persisted for a few days. Three days later, the Fifth Army Battalion disarmed and surrendered, and was detained by the Jizhen Army who had arrived on the spot.

  Chou Shiben was captured by his so-called Eight Great King Kong and handed over to the court.

  No way, such a big matter, if there is no one who takes the lead to explain it, it cannot be justified, and Dali Temple will not agree.

  Based on the idea that a dead fellow would never die a poor one, the Eight Great Vajras naturally pushed Qiu Shiben out.

  Of course, Qiu Shiben was originally the instigator, and he was not wronged.

  Feng Ziying set off for Nanjing after resolving the follow-up matters concerning the "rebellion" of the Fifth Army Battalion and the Four Guards Battalion.

   But the main thing is to go to Xuzhou. Now that we have already arrived in Xuzhou, it is better to go to Nanjing by the way, first select the site of the Naval Academy, and start the initial construction first.

  Going south by boat, but this trip is not only the third sister You, Busia Mara and Zhe Zhe also go south together.

  Busia Mara acted as a temporary guard and bed partner, and also went south to have a look at the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River.

   "Busia Mara, you can really do it. The child will be handed over to Sister Feng and Hongyu, and you will come out with Zhe Zhe yourself? Are you so relieved?"

  The boat is on the water, and the canal is considered to be a dry season now, but the scenery on both sides of the bank has gradually turned green, full of spring.

   "The tide is flat and the shore is wide, and the wind is blowing and the sail is hanging." Busia Mara ignored Feng Ziying's questioning, and stood on the bow of the boat with her hands behind her back and chanted poems.

   With a jolt, Feng Ziying almost said "Fuck".

  Although she already knew that Busia Mara was tireless in her studies, she never expected that Busia Mara could actually recite a poem that fits the scene according to the scenery, which is not easy.

   "Busia Mara, who did you learn this poem from?" Feng Ziying didn't bother to ask Busia Mara why she didn't care about the children. Anyway, this woman is very righteous and won't listen to her own arrangements.

   "Who do I need to learn from? I am familiar with three hundred Tang poems, and I can recite them even if I don't know how to compose them. Isn't that what you said?" Busia Mara was quite proud.

  She has always admired Han culture, and after following Feng Ziying and living in Wang Xifeng's house for a long time, her spoken Chinese has become increasingly fluent, and it can be said that it is no different from Han people.

  But she also knows that poetry and prose are the most admired by Han people, and that is the symbol of Han people.

  It is impossible for her to compose poetry at her current level, but Feng Ziying's sentence "read three hundred Tang poems by heart, and can sing poems even if she can't write poems" is in her heart, so she finds some poetry books to read when she has nothing to do.

  Today, I intend to show off in front of my lover, and this poem fits the scene of sailing south with smooth sailing.

   As expected, Feng Ziying was shocked.

Wang Wan is not very famous among the poets of the Tang Dynasty, and there are not many remaining poems, but "Under the Cibeigu Mountain" is amazing, but what surprised Feng Ziying even more is that Busia Mara can also sing in this occasion poetry.

  It seems that Busia Mara is very talented in language and culture, and she can actually learn poetry, which is comparable to Fuli Xiangling.

  Busia Mara, dressed in a maroon blouse, is full of heroism. She is tall, with thick eyebrows and handsome eyes. A forehead embroidered with gold is stretched across her broad forehead.

   It's a pity that even if the bust is tightly wrapped around the chest, as long as you observe carefully, you can find that the pectoralis major is still too developed.

  Looking at the Adam's apple in her neck, one can tell that this is a female daughter disguised as a woman.

   "Amazing, amazing! I never expected to be able to compose poems." Feng Ziying smiled forcefully, "Don't tell me, you are studying all day long in Tianjin Wei, and you even put down your martial arts skills, and you don't care about your children."

   "Hmph, this is not contradictory, just arrange it reasonably."

  Busia Mara seems to have only begun to release the xinxing of her children at this time.

  A woman in her thirties can finally live the life she wants. She has both children and someone to take care of her. She is carefree and enjoys it very much.

   "Speaking of which, Sister Feng still lives without you. She spends all her time planning her business, can she earn all her money?" Feng Ziying was not without emotion.

   "It's different, Sister Feng likes the high-spirited taste of looking around and strategizing. Isn't it good for this business to grow bigger and bigger?" Busia Mara disagrees, "Everyone has their own pursuit, it depends on how you feel."

Feng Ziying gave Busia Mara a thumbs up. This woman lives a transparent life and sees problems clearly. Although Wang Xifeng loves money, she prefers the feeling of being in control of the overall situation. This is probably the only way to be tireless Motivation to fight hard.

  The influence of the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River has disappeared. It can be seen from the density of ships on the canal. From the river to Shandong, the ships on the canal are becoming more and more dense.

   I have to admit that as soon as the situation stabilizes, God will not be too troublesome. This land of Qilu, with its north and south, is really a natural good place, nourishing all things.

   People look at the scenery on both sides of the canal, and even feel much better.

  Passing Linqing, Feng Ziying did not disembark to rest, but Busia Mara and You Sanjie went ashore for a stroll, which was considered to be a wish for Feng Ziying.

  The heavy breathing gradually subsided, and after being happy, Feng Ziying still held it fondly, comparing it from time to time.

  Busia Mara couldn't help but give the man a blank look, "Not enough?"

"It's never enough." Feng Ziying smacked her lips, and the third sister You who was next to her had already leaned over without hesitation, "Master, Busia Mara and I went for a walk today, and I think the situation here is not very good. , the activities of the White Lotus Sect have become almost public."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying's heart tightened, "So serious?"

"It's not that powerful." Busia Mara shook her head, "That's because the third sister deliberately discovered it. If I didn't deliberately observe it, I wouldn't notice it at all. The third sister is too vigilant, and she is also targeted. Naturally, you can see a lot of things, of course, it is indeed more serious than in the capital city."

  Busia Mara patted Feng Ziying's busy hand on her chest, "Speaking of business, you are still the Minister of the Ministry of War, so you don't care?"

   "That should be the matter of the servant of the Ministry of punishment. I didn't see that I was too concerned about the affairs of the White Lotus Sect. It made the people in the Ministry of punishment a little jealous? Think I stretched my hand too far."

  Feng Ziying seems to be careless, but she still has some intentions.

After all, Shandong is his hometown, and he can still vividly remember the scene in Linqing more than ten years ago. It seems that the White Lotus Sect is still developing tenaciously on the ground in Shandong. catastrophe.

  Shandong is like this, and the situation in Beizhili is probably even worse.

   Maybe there is still a lack of an opportunity now. In the past two years, there was a severe drought in the north, mainly concentrated in Shanshan. Although Henan, Beizhi and Shandong also suffered from drought, the situation is much better than Shanshan.

   That is to say, in contrast, when the people in Henan, Shandong and Beizhi feel that they will not starve to death, they have less motivation to cause chaos.

"Master, I'm afraid you should be more careful." Third Sister You has been traveling with Feng Ziying for so many years, and she has some experience. Moreover, this place is not far from the capital city, once there is chaos, Hejian and Shuntian Mansion will definitely be affected, and as far as I know, the White Lotus Sect is quite rampant in Hejian Mansion as well."

"The power of the White Lotus Sect is not necessarily related to the degree of wealth, but Linqing is an important water and land port, connecting Beizhi, so it is normal for the White Lotus Sect to choose this place to settle." Feng Ziying sighed, "If the Northwest Army has been stationed Even if something happens in Xuzhou and Shandong, they can provide reinforcements in time, but this time I went to Xuzhou to dismantle the Northwest Army, so I don’t know if my father will go crazy and show me.”

   Both Busia, Mara and Third Sister You knew what their man was going south to Xuzhou this time, and felt embarrassed.

   Birds are all hidden, rabbits are dead and dogs are cooking. Once the Central Plains battle is over, the Northwest Army will end up like this. Everyone must be angry.

   It is too embarrassing to leave this matter to my husband-in-law to persuade him.

  But who will make the minister or the minister of the Ministry of War? If you don't go, who will you go?

"However, when I go, I can give my father some good news first. For example, Wan Jun is also pregnant. For example, Busia Mara has already given birth to a son and a daughter for me. I guess my father's heart will be much smoother. .”

  Feng Ziying's words made Busia Mara feel a little shy, and said worriedly: "Is this not good?"

   "What's wrong? Could it be possible to hide it from my father for a lifetime?" Feng Ziying disagreed, "They are also the blood of the Feng family after all. As for the future, let's talk about it."

  Busia Mara didn't even think about the future of her son and daughter.

  I used to think that I could just follow myself, or even go back to the grassland, but now it seems a bit sloppy and irresponsible.

  Of course, mothers should think about their children, and they need to have a better plan for their future life.

  (end of this chapter)

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