Number of People

Chapter 2537: Gui Zi Juan Introduction, Lu Zi

  Chapter 2537 Guizi Scroll Introduction, Way

   "It's reasonable for her to want to go back to her natal home to visit her father. It's okay to follow us, we have a mutual care."

  Feng Ziying was thinking about how to divert the topic, Yuanyang was too shrewd, she always wanted to find something out of it, and she couldn't say too much.

   "Master, Miss Yun is here." Ping'er came in, looked at this group of people, and couldn't help pursing her lips.

   "Huh? Girl Yun is here?" Feng Ziying felt a headache again.

   Another matter, the historians haven't finished dealing with it yet, because of the relationship with Liu Yixiu at the Ministry of Punishment, Feng Ziying doesn't want to go to the other party, lest the other party always want to judge herself on some issues.

  But the matter of the historian must be dealt with after all, otherwise Shi Xiangyun would not be able to pass the door.

  Taking Feng Ziying's idea, he simply dragged it to Dali Temple. Cao Yubian would give him some face, and he could make a final decision at Dali Temple, so as to avoid entanglement in the Ministry of Punishment.

   Before leaving, there are still many things that need to be resolved one by one, or to be dealt with. Feng Ziying doesn't like to delay until later and then rush around.

  No matter how difficult it is, you have to face it. Feng Ziying thinks that she is not the kind of person who is afraid of taking on troubles, but when it comes to women, she always cuts and makes mistakes.

   "What did you say, Sun Shaozu approached your historian?" Feng Ziying was surprised, "He wants to resume his engagement with you?"

  Feng Ziying was quite surprised. This Sun Shaozu is a bit courageous. He clearly knows that Shi Xiangyun has a marriage contract with him, even if he marries himself as a concubine, it is also a marriage contract, and he still wants to perform "Crossing Love"?

  Is it because he felt that he had done the act of "snatching love with a horizontal knife" before, and now he wants to repay him in the same way and "seize love with a horizontal knife" to get it back?

  Feng Ziying didn't think this guy would be so unwise, it's a bit weird to still do this.

"It doesn't seem to mean that. I just found the third uncle and talked about the situation of the divorce at the time. The implication is that this marriage is really a pity. There is no fate, etc. The third uncle is not sure what it means. You also know that the historian now In such a situation, I dare not offend others at will,..."

  Shi Xiangyun shook his head, "So I brought the words to me, and I don't understand what the other party meant,..."

   "Didn't your third uncle say that you and I have an engagement?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"I said it, but they didn't say they would resume the engagement, not to mention that it was terminated by the Ministry of Rites." Shi Xiangyun was still a little ashamed, facing the so-called "ex-fiancé", she always felt uncomfortable and subconsciously unwilling to deal with it, " It’s just that when he came to our house, he didn’t know what he had in mind.”

  Feng Ziying pondered, "Is there anything else to say?"

   "Well, I also said some words of blessings and regrets. All in all, I couldn't understand them." Shi Xiangyun shook his head, "These words were also conveyed by the third uncle. I don't know if they have changed."

  Feng Ziying slowly tasted the taste. This Sun Shaozu might have some ideas, but he couldn't get in. Is this going to use Shi Xiangyun's marriage contract as an introduction to hook up his own thread?

  Feng Ziying is not sure whether her suspicion is correct, but if it is not the case, it is difficult to explain why Sun Shaozu wants to do this?

  Although Sun Shaozu is now down and out, if he wants to continue marrying another one, he will have no problem finding a woman from a good family. Why bother to talk to the historian?

For a person like him, beauty is not important, and historians are completely down now, useless to him, no matter how you look at it, you should not want to continue the frontier, such a weird behavior can only be understood as I just need to find an introduction to connect with. After all, I have hardly any contact with him, and I don't have a good impression of him, so it is difficult for him to find him directly.

   For Sun Shaozu, his current situation is very embarrassing.

  In terms of age, he is only forty years old. Compared with Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng, who are in their fifties, he feels unwilling to completely retreat now.

Moreover, the Sun family can't compare with the Niu and Wang families. They are upright and respectful. Although the Wang family is slightly inferior to the Niu family, their ancestors were the role of Taiwei and the governor of the capital at the beginning of the country, and they are equally prominent. The Sun family is just from Xiao Wuxun's background, so it's far behind.

  Before in Datong, to be honest, Sun Shaozu did a good job.

  A deputy commander-in-chief can pull half of the people from Datong Town to run with him. Although there is Niu Jizong's support here, it is enough to show that Sun Shaozu's skills are not bad, and he can win over many people.

After falling to Nanjing, the few battles fought with the imperial army are also remarkable. In Shandong, facing Sun Chengzong and You Shilu, they are not helpless. At least in the eyes of Feng Ziying, this person is still a bit capable Yes, just born at the wrong time and bad luck.

  Perhaps this guy is really unwilling to be lonely and can't sit still, so he came up with this way to set him up?

  Now he seems to have really succeeded. At least Shi Xiangyun came to tell himself that he had some impressions of this person in his mind, and even considered his intentions. Isn't this a success?

  However, if you want to make yourself feel a little bit guilty and want to make amends to him, then the other party may think too much, presumably Sun Chengzong is not so brainless.

  Shi Xiangyun was still wringing a sweaty scarf with his hands, his face full of uneasiness, sometimes he looked up at Feng Ziying who was thinking, sometimes he lowered his head and pursed his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

  Feng Ziying was amused, walked over and held Shi Xiangyun's hand.

  Shi Xiangyun was taken aback, and subconsciously looked around, only to realize that this was Feng Ziying's study, and it was impossible for outsiders to come in at this time.

This girl is also a hard-working person. Both her parents died since she was a child, and the two uncles she followed were not very kind. Fortunately, she has an aunt to take care of her, but she can't get rid of it. If she hadn't intervened, what would have happened to her fate?

The book "A Dream of Red Mansions" does not have a clear statement about her ending. According to the verdicts, red scholars inferred that she seemed to be married to Wei Ruolan, but soon became a widow and lived alone. Shi Xiangyun wrote that he was reduced to a boat prostitute, all in all, it was very bleak.

  For Feng Ziying, this is a girl of flesh and blood, so in front of me, I certainly have the responsibility to let her live a good and happy life.

Holding Xiangyun's hand, Feng Ziying said softly: "Okay, my sister doesn't have to worry about anything. With my brother here, who can do anything to you? Whether it is Sun Shaozu or anyone else, they will not miss you. It's me, whatever you want to do, you have to come to me, sister just push everything to me."

  Xiang Yun also stood up, the two held hands, the beauty moved, and the beautiful eyes were full of affection, "Little sister is lucky to be sympathetic to my brother. I have no regrets in this life, but I ask you to hold the towel..."

Feng Ziying looked at the delicate dimples in front of her eyes, her eyebrows were affectionate, and she couldn't bear it anymore. She cupped Shi Xiangyun's plump cheeks and kissed them lightly. Her sweet tongue was smooth, full of affection, and she was panting delicately. For a while, everything in the study was still. When they came down, there was only a scene of two people kissing.

  It's not that Shi Xiangyun has never had such intimacy with Feng Ziying, but today he is extremely sensitive and emotional.

  Drowsy until Feng Ziying played with his chest and felt a little cool, then he suddenly woke up and realized that he had already sat in Feng Ziying's arms, his clothes were half undone, and his belt was lightly parted, almost reaching the sword and shoes.

She hastily covered up most of her still bare breasts, a pair of tall suet jade chests, almost crying out of shame, Feng Ziying saw that Shi Xiangyun was really ashamed, so she hugged her for a while, and vowed to say goodbye Before Jing had to marry her, Shi Xiangyun slowly relieved his shame and calmed down.

  Now that she has promised, Feng Ziying will not be entangled anymore, and here she goes to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to urge Han Yan to help with the historian's affairs, as long as she does not get involved with Shi Xiangyun.

   If it is impossible to hand over to Dali Temple, Feng Ziying is confident that Cao Yubian will be able to finalize the case in a few moments, and he should marry Shi Xiangyun earlier.

  To be honest, he also really wants to taste this beauty with whom he has been in love for a long time in bed.

  Shi Xiangyun's personality is somewhat similar to Tanchun's, but more bold and generous, but also a little careless. Tanchun is bold and generous with a bit of meticulousness and seriousness.

  With Feng Ziying's promise and the agreed date, Shi Xiangyun is also satisfied and waits for the good news.

  But for Feng Ziying, what is more important is that he has to weigh Sun Shaozu's thoughts and ideas.

   Then meet up.

  Passing the news, Sun Shaozu, who was idle in the five-army governor's mansion, was immediately moved.

  That's right, he didn't care about his marriage with Shi Xiangyun at all.

  At the beginning, he just wanted to take advantage of the historian’s influence in the two towns of Xuanda and Dazhou. Now the historian is a dead dog, with no influence left.

  Now he only thinks about how to come back.

  Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng are so old that they can wait for the elderly to die, but Sun Shaozu can't.

   But the problem is that it is not easy to find a way to come back. He has never had any contact with Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong.

  Perhaps the only chance lies with Feng Ziying, but how can we get on line with Feng Ziying?

  Sun Shaozu also took great pains to come up with the introduction of Shi Xiangyun.

  At any rate, because of Shi Xiangyun, the two may have some relationship. One is a former fiancé and the other is now taking a concubine. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship it is, but at least they can talk.

  It's better than not being able to fight at all. With this layer of origin, if you bring a word to the past, it depends on the other person's lack of response.

   Heaven pays off, the other party finally responded, which also means that the other party understands what I mean and does not reject myself. This is a good sign.

  (end of this chapter)

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