Number of People

Chapter 2539: Kui character volume solid version, new branches

  Chapter 2539 Kui character volume solid edition, new branches

  The matter of Sun Shaozu is not a big deal to Feng Ziying.

  Liu Dongyang is not easy to deal with. If Sun Shaozu can distinguish the importance, know how to advance and retreat, and can cooperate with Liu Dongyang to do well in Shanxi Town, Feng Ziying is of course willing to support and promote him, but if he is not aware of current affairs, then Liu Dongyang will naturally have the means to deal with him.

  April passed quickly, and Liu Dongyang went to Beijing the day before Feng Ziying married Shi Xiangyun.

  The issue of the historian was finally settled in the Ministry of Punishment, and it was not pushed to the Dali Temple.

  Even if it is pushed, Feng Ziying specifically went to Cao Yubian, and Cao Yubian promised to start the trial in the shortest time, and strive to settle the case in one court session.

   It was not a big deal at first, it was purely Liu Yixiu who was causing trouble there.

  In the end, Liu Yixuan probably still felt that it was not appropriate to offend people too deeply, so he settled the case in the Ministry of Criminal Justice and drew a clear relationship with Shi Xiangyun.

  The news from Shanxi is getting worse and worse.

  The performance of Chai Guozhu and Yang Yuan was dissatisfied, which attracted Yuan Keli's strong criticism and even impeachment.

   It's just that both of them have to move the town, and the cabinet and the Ministry of War have no choice but to urge the new chief soldier to take office as soon as possible to re-stabilize the situation as soon as possible.

  So the Northwest Army was divided into three divisions. One division entered Henan from Xuzhou in the west, and then crossed from Henan to the north and entered southern Shanxi. It would serve as the main force for rebuilding Shanxi Town.

  One part went to Dagu, preparing to go east to the south of Liaoning and become one part of Dongjiang Town.

There is also a group that goes north to the capital to enrich the Beijing camp and the Shangsanqin army. This group has the smallest number, with only more than 20,000 people. The 20,000 people also accounted for a considerable proportion, and this did not count the troops that had been transferred from the northwest in the early stage.

  Looking at the middle-aged man with a long and hooked nose in front of him, Feng Ziying knew why Liu Dongyang was not very popular with the people in the Ministry of War.

   At first glance, this face is an unruly character with a strong personality. In a word, he has a fierce face and murderous intent. For civil servants, such a character is not welcome.

   But for Feng Ziying, this is not a problem.

   "Meet the adults."

   Neither humble nor overbearing, and even a little cold in his words, but Feng Ziying didn't care.

   "Dong Yang, is this journey okay?" Feng Ziying's tone was also very flat.

   "It's okay, taking a boat, as long as you don't get seasick, it's much easier than going by land. Fortunately, although I'm from the Northwest, I don't get seasick and I adapt quickly."

   Seeing Feng Ziying's calm attitude, Liu Dongyang calmed down a little.

  From the moment he entered the capital city, he first went to the General Administration Department, then to the Minister of War, and then to the Military Selection Department, and finally came here, all the way he could feel that he was not very welcome.

  Feng Ziying's lukewarm attitude made him very satisfied.

  He doesn't like that kind of indifference, but he also doesn't like that kind of closeness. An attitude like Feng Ziying's is very good, a normal attitude, and a superior-subordinate relationship.

   "That's good, but you go to Shanxi, which is very close to the northwest, and the diet is similar. I believe you can adapt faster."

  For Feng Ziying, unfamiliarity doesn't matter, he just needs to know that this is the father's hard-core confidant, and he also knows from the father that Liu Dongyang is not the kind of person who shows his face.

   "Thank you for your concern, my lord. I went to Shanxi to get familiar with the situation as soon as possible. I will live up to the expectations of the court and my lord, and help Lord Yuan solve the chaotic enemies in Shanxi."

   In front of Feng Ziying, Liu Dongyang didn't talk nonsense, nor was he modest, and was outspoken.

"Okay, what I want is your words, Dong Yang. You may also know that I won't be able to stay in Beijing for long. Before I leave Beijing, I will try my best to prepare for you in Shanxi Town. I will also call the Ministry of Finance. I just said hello, the arrangement is almost done, you should go to the Ministry of Households first to make contact, before the soldiers and horses move the food and grass, you arrange someone to watch over it."

   It is easy and simple to talk to your own people, and talk about specific things directly.

  Liu Dongyang nodded with satisfaction, and he also recognized the young man in front of him more in his heart, "Thank you for the humble job."

   "You're welcome, it's all about solving problems for the imperial court." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Are you familiar with Sun Shaozu?"

   "I know this person, I have met him once, but I am not familiar with him." Liu Dongyang knew that he had entered the topic, and his heart trembled.

"Well, Shanxi Town is going to make a big move. He will serve as the deputy commander in chief to rectify the current remnants of Shanxi Town. He has some contacts in Shanxi, which may speed up the progress of the integration. You will work with him in the future. You also know his background. Clearly, I came here some time ago to express my attitude,..."

  Listen to his words, watch his deeds, use his people, and judge his deeds as well as his mind,...

   After a few brief sentences, Liu Dongyang understood his attitude towards this deputy.

"This time you go to Shanxi, you have a rough idea of ​​the situation. In fact, the north side has squeezed Fengzhou Bailian to the side wall in the early stage, but Fengzhou Bailian with Su Nang's support is more tenacious, and Chai Guozhu is a little careless. Lost Hequ and Baode, the situation turned abruptly, and even Kelan Prefecture and Bajiaobao were a little dangerous, but now the imperial court issued a deadly order to keep Kelan Prefecture and Bajiaobao, and also let Datong Town from the east. I don’t know what the specific situation is like, only you will know after you have passed by yourself,..."

Liu Dongyang also knew that the imperial court was very dissatisfied with Chai Guozhu, and he also had some opinions on Yang Yuan. Even Yuan Keli, the governor of Shanxi, was implicated, but now this kind of scene can only be carried on by holding his nose, and he went to pick up the mess himself. , we have to turn the tide.

   "The south is actually a better solution. I also hope that the Northwest Army will pass from the south to quickly open up the situation and establish your own prestige with lightning speed..."

   Liu Dongyang was a little dazed.

  Although I am very confident that the 40,000 Northwest Army will cross the river from Henan to open the situation in southern Shanxi. After all, it is my direct descendant, and he still has a lot of combat effectiveness.

But the current situation in southern Shanxi should be worse than that in northern Shanxi. Except for the north of Taiyuan, the entire Pingyang, Zezhou, Luzhou, and Qinzhou have been corrupted. It can be said that except for Fucheng and Zhoucheng, which are still under the control of the government and the army, they came from Shaanxi. The confluence of the rebellious army and the local rebellious people has already shown signs of being uncontrollable.

  Chai Guozhu's Shanxi Town basically didn't do much in the south. Of course, this has a lot to do with his fact that he doesn't have many soldiers.

   Now this little Feng Shilang actually said that it is better to solve the problem, and solve the problem quickly. Is this battle so easy to fight?

Liu Dongyang even wondered if the outside world had exaggerated about this person before, but it is true that the situation in Shaanxi was quickly calmed down, and the battle in Liaodong was also true. People who have fought and led soldiers should not be like this It's right to be frivolous and sloppy, but why has this person become so arrogant now?

   There are at least 100,000 rebellious soldiers and civilians entrenched in the southern Shanxi area. If you can solve them by yourself, it will not work in three to five months. How could this little Feng Shilang say that the lightning speed can solve them? Doesn't this look too high on yourself?

   But Liu Dongyang was dumbfounded by what he said next, and he was still dizzy when he left.

   He didn't wake up until the summer wind was blowing on his face after he walked out the door.

  What does it mean to strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away?

  This ability is unmatched by anyone, even his father is afraid that it will be difficult to match.

   After Liu Dongyang was sent away, Feng Ziying also felt confident.

  He just wanted to take a look at Liu Dongyang's situation, which was basically in line with his own judgment and cognition, so he could rest assured that Shanxi Town was handed over to him.

  May 22nd, suitable for marriage, Shi Xiangyun passed the door.

  A small sedan chair carried Shi Xiangyun into Feng's mansion through the side door, and went straight into the Ouxiangxie where she used to live, but now it has been renovated.

  Accompanied by the ups and downs of the sedan chair, stepping into his former boudoir in the Lotus Champs Pavilion, rubbing his fingers between the dressing table and the Babu bed, and finally returning to the bed, Shi Xiangyun is also full of thoughts.

  Finally, Big Brother Feng fulfilled her promise, and he can finally marry into the Feng family with peace of mind.

  Looking at Daoxiang Village to the west, it used to belong to Mrs. Zhu, but now it belongs to Sister Shen. The fence in the southwest is still woven with reed poles. You can tell at a glance that Xiuyan’s Luxueguang style has not changed.

The Zhuijin Building in the southwest corner is faintly visible. It is inevitable that Tanya’s Qiushuangzhai is accessible by the winding water corridor. Nuanxiangwu is less than fifty steps away from the north. She made up her mind and became Brother Feng's pillow just like herself.

  Farther to the south is Sister Lin's Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and further to the north are Sister Bao's Hengwu Garden, Baoqin's Hongxiang Garden, and Sister Li Coco and Li Qi's Rose Garden.

  Unknowingly, the sisters in the old Grand View Garden seem to have returned to their positions and returned here.

  Except that Yihong Courtyard has been changed to Brother Feng’s Jingqi Study, and sister-in-law Zhu who lives in Daoxiang Village has become Sister Shen, nothing else has changed.

  This kind of trance-like dream feeling like yesterday made Xiangyun feel a little bit more hopeful in joy.

  Maybe everything can be the same as before, even sweeter and happier. With Brother Feng, everything can be relied on without any worries.


   I don't know how long it took, when footsteps came in, Shi Xiangyun was a little nervous.

   Familiar voice, lifted the red hijab, looked at the confident and calm face, Shi Xiangyun immediately relaxed again, "Brother Feng."

   "Sister Yun, come, drink this cup of Hebei wine,..."

When the sweet liquid entered his throat, Xiangyun only felt a lightness on his body. Brother Feng's tiger arms had passed through his armpits and knees, hugged him, whispered in his ears, and the heat penetrated into his ears, making Shi Xiangyun's body numb unbearably. Especially when Brother Feng's lips touched his earlobe, it was even more difficult to restrain himself.

   "A moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold, you can't live up to a good night for your brother and sister,..."

  Red lotus root is fragrant and jade is lingering in autumn, Luo Chang is relieved, the lover is whispering, singing softly, it is unbearable to be ashamed.

  (end of this chapter)

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