Number of People

Chapter 2540: The storm of the white lotus in the decane scroll sweeps across the Northland

  Chapter 2540 The storm of the white lotus in the decile scroll sweeps the Northland

  On June 17th of the second year of Wantong, Feng Ziying was appointed by the Ministry of Officials as the left deputy capital envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and the governor of Jiangnan.

  On June 21st, the White Lotus Sect in Gaocheng and Jinzhou on the south bank of the Hutuo River in Zhending Prefecture revolted.

  On June 24th, the White Lotus Rebellion swept across many counties in Wuji, Huolu, Luancheng, and Zhaozhou.

  On June 28, Luancheng County was captured by the Bailian followers. On June 30, Yuanshi County in the west was captured by the White Lotus Rebel Army.

  Before the imperial court fully recovered, on the first day of July, the White Lotus Rebellion erupted simultaneously in Xiong County of Baoding Prefecture and Bazhou of Shuntian Prefecture.

  In just three days, it spread to Xincheng in Baoding Prefecture, Rongcheng and Wen'an, Baoding (county), Dacheng, Gu'an, Yongqing in Shuntian Prefecture, and Qing County in Hejian Prefecture.

  On the second day of July, Feng Ziying arrived in Xuzhou and stayed temporarily in Xuzhou. He did not go directly south to Nanjing, but in Xuzhou he officially started his career as governor of the south of the Yangtze River.

  From the first day of July to the fifth day of July, the White Lotus Rebellion erupted simultaneously in Liaocheng in Dongping Prefecture, Shandong Province, Pingyin and Dong'e in Yanzhou Prefecture, and Changqing and Feicheng in Jinan Prefecture.


  In Xuzhou, Feng Ziying, as the right servant of the Ministry of War, temporarily stopped the last batch of the third battalion of the Northwest Army preparing to go to Dongjiang Town in southern Liaoning.

"Ke Yao, I can't stay in Xuzhou for too long. This is the last thing I can do for Jiangnan and Xuzhou." Feng Ziying looked at her old classmates with her hands behind her back seriously, "The third battalion with 10,000 troops is from the Northwest Xiongshi, I think it is enough to solve all the Bailian chaos in Xuzhou, so I will leave it to you."

  He Fengsheng was also a little nervous.

  He has not been in Xuzhou for a long time, and he is still in the familiarization stage.

  Although Feng Ziying reminded him before that the White Lotus Sect has a lot of influence in Xuzhou, especially with the White Lotus Sect in many counties in Yanzhou Prefecture to the north, he was required to make full preparations in advance.

But after coming to Xuzhou, I was entangled in various things. Although I also stepped up the investigation of the White Lotus Sect in the counties of Xuzhou, especially Dangshan, Fengxian, and Peixian, three counties close to Shandong, but there were many obstacles, and the progress was slow. not big.

   According to various news from the capital and even Shandong, a large-scale rebellion broke out in almost the entire territory of the White Lotus Sect. Although the canal has not been cut off, under this situation, it is afraid that the water transportation will be cut off sooner or later.

   This will also have a huge impact on Xuzhou, which relies heavily on water transportation.

"Ziying, you have to stay in Xuzhou for two more days." At this time, He Fengsheng also didn't care about face, and pleaded: "The situation in Dangshan, Fengxian and Peixian is not good, and Xiaoxian is better. I have made some preparations, but I am not experienced enough for this kind of large-scale rebellion, so I need your help."

   It was not easy to get to Xuzhou Zhizhou. This is the most important step in future career advancement. If something happens, it may not only be as simple as delaying the career for a few years, but it may be dismissed and investigated.

"Well, but I can't stay too long, at most three days, starting today, you will go directly to Feng County to sit in town, pre-emptively launch a full-scale suppression of the confirmed or suspected White Lotus Sect, don't be kind, don't worry so much at this time Let’s get rid of it first, and then we’ll talk about it..." Feng Ziying paused, "Two battalions will be handed over to you, and one battalion will be left in Xuzhou’s stable rear, in case of accidents."

   "I understand, it is better to kill and catch wrongly than to miss one person. Once a fish slips through the net, there will be endless troubles." He Fengsheng also gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Special period, special means, you can decide for yourself." Feng Ziying pondered for a while before saying: "People in the Xuzhou prefectural government and county government, don't be fooled, your time here is too short, if you feel it is not safe, you would rather be in the Northwest Army I have greeted the Chinese callers, and I will fully cooperate with you."

  He Fengsheng also knew that the Northwest Army was the foundation of the Feng family. Feng Ziying said hello, so it must be no problem, so he nodded to show that he understood.

  The situation has come to this point, which caught Feng Ziying a little by surprise.

  Liu Dongyang had just arrived in Taiyuan, and the Northwest Army that was going to be transferred to Shanxi Town was still marching on the border of Henan. It can be said that the situation in Shanxi has not yet been reversed, and the situation in Beizhi and Shandong has begun to explode.

   It was a big move right from the start, but Feng Ziying knew that it was definitely more than that.

  As soon as he reached Jining, he got the news that something happened in Liaocheng, Pingyin and Dong'e.

   Fortunately, the Jining side is only getting more and more rumors, and there is no linkage yet, but it is estimated that it will not be too long, so Feng Ziying is also going south in the starry night, and I will go to Xuzhou first.

In Feng Ziying's impression, the situation in Yanzhou is definitely worse than that of Dongchang Prefecture and Jinan Prefecture, and the counties in the south of Yanzhou Prefecture, such as Shanxian, Jinxiang, Yutai, Tengxian, and Xuzhou's Fengxian, Peixian and The Dangshan connection is too close, it is impossible not to be affected.

  Feng Ziying had to stay in Xuzhou for a few days.

   First, he came to observe the changes in the situation in Shandong. After all, he still holds the title of the right servant of the Ministry of War; second, if there is something wrong in Yanzhou, Xuzhou will definitely be implicated. To solve Xuzhou, Yanzhou cannot be left behind.

   Also, He Fengsheng lacked some experience in dealing with this kind of situation. Whether it was public or private, and emotional or reasonable, he had to help the other party.

The location of Xuzhou is too important. It is connected to Guide in Henan in the west, Huai'an in the east, Yanzhou in the north, and Fengyang in the south. They are all densely populated but not very rich places. It can be said that it is the best place for the breeding of the White Lotus Sect. Anyone who is in charge of the White Lotus Sect will choose this place.

  But the speed of the development of the situation still exceeded Feng Ziying's expectations.

  On the 8th, 9th, and 10th day of July for three consecutive days, riots of the White Lotus Sect broke out successively in Juye, Jiaxiang, Wenshang, Surabaya, Ningyang, and Zhiziyang, Yanzhou Prefecture.

Although there is a guard named Ren Chengwei stationed in Ziyang, Yanzhou Prefecture, but what makes people desperate is that out of the 3,000 people in Ren Chengwei, more than 400 are members of the White Lotus Sect. It is obvious that Ren Chengwei was infiltrated by the White Lotus Sect. center of gravity.

  The raging rebellion swept across most of Yanzhou in an instant, and quickly spread to Jinxiang, Yutai, and Teng counties adjacent to Xuzhou.

   "Where did Liu Baichuan and his battalion go?" Feng Ziying couldn't sit still.

  He even wanted to chase back Liu Baichuan's battalion that had set off for Huguang in late May, and the most important thing was to let Liu Baichuan come back to preside over the battle in the southeast of Shandong.

   "My lord, I'm afraid it's too late." Wu Yaoqing also shook his head helplessly.

  Different from the Northwest Army who took the Henan route, Liu Baichuan took the Yingzhou route. It is estimated that they have already reached the Sanguan area of ​​Yiyang and are about to enter Huguang.

   At this time, it will take at least a month to chase Liu Baichuan all the way back.

"If you can't get back, you have to go after it." Feng Ziying shook her head, "The situation in the south of Shandong is one thing, and I'm not worried even if there are three battalions of the Northwest Army in Xuzhou. Dehe daimyo two mansions."

  Wu Yaoqing was startled, "My lord, do you have any pointers?"

"The two counties of Yucheng and Xiayi in Guide Mansion are probably not optimistic, but Daming Mansion has more problems. When I was still in Shuntian Mansion, the clues of the White Lotus Sect that were seized involved Daming, Shunde, and Guangping. I am afraid that the situation in the three prefectures is not much better than Baoding and Zhending, but it has not exploded yet."

  Guide Mansion belongs to Henan, while Daming, Shunde, and Guangping belong to Beizhili.

   "Are you worried that the three prefectures in the north and south may also be involved?" Wu Yaoqing was also a little uncertain.

   "It's not possible, but inevitable." Feng Ziying has already determined that this round of Bailian storm will definitely affect the entire Northland, and it will even affect Nanzhili and Huguang. No one will be spared.

"If you are sure, my lord, then the Northwest Army of these three battalions going to the south of Liaoning will have to stay, and add the battalion of Master Liu to form a temporary Xuzhou Army." Wu Yaoqing said while thinking: You have already sent a letter to the Lai army, asking them to be prepared. It is estimated that the Ministry of War has already issued an order at this time, but the Denglai army alone may not be able to handle it. To prevent the Bailian rebellion from spreading to the southern Zhili side, we must You have to put up a fence and a fence."

   "I think so too. First, we have to build fences along the lines of Fengyang, Xuzhou, and Huai'an." Feng Ziying nodded, "The other thing is to help the neighbors clean up the weeds."

Now Feng Ziying doesn't want to interfere too much in affairs other than Nanzhili. Although he has the title of the right servant of the Ministry of War, it is an addition after all, not a real title, so we have to pay attention to some things that he has written to Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong. , let them pay attention to the situation, recalling Liu Baichuan here is considered to be a pre-emptive action, but it is also reasonable.

  Feng Ziying originally only planned to stay in Xuzhou for three days, but the changing situation in southern Shandong forced him to stop and observe the situation further.

Until June 15th, the small-scale rebellions in Feng County and Pei County had been quelled. At the same time, the Northwest Army also began to move along the canal. The area from Teng County to Zhaoyang Lake already belonged to the boundary of Shandong, but the Northwest Army still Launched operations across the border, successively defeated several groups of Bailian rebels, and helped Teng County stabilize the situation.

  Just as Feng Ziying was about to go south, Yucheng and Xiayi in Guide Mansion rebelled again, and Dangshan under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou was also affected.

   Immediately afterwards, Nanle, Qingfeng, and Kaizhou in Damingfu rebelled again, and the situation became more and more turbulent, making Feng Ziying also in a dilemma.

   While Nanjing Gu Bingqian is urging him to go south, while Xuzhou is stabilizing, but the situation around Xuzhou is deteriorating, and where these battalions of the Northwest Army will go, and who will take over and arrange follow-up is also a problem.

  The imperial court did not reply for a long time, which also made Feng Ziying quite anxious.

  His suggestion to the Ministry of War is to move Jingxiang Town to Xuzhou or Yanzhou as a whole, and change its name to Jiangbei Town.

  This proposal is a bit out of line, and it seems that there are signs of going the same way as Chen Jixian, but the situation is developing like this, so it has to be like this.

  Feng Ziying thinks that she has no selfishness and a clear conscience.

  (end of this chapter)

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