Number of People

Chapter 2541: Guizijuan exclusion, marginalization

  Chapter 2541 Kuizijuan exclusion, marginalization

  The atmosphere in Wenyuan Pavilion was oppressive.

  In addition to the six cabinet ministers, Zhang Huaichang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Liu Yixiu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, Huang Ruliang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, and Lu Song, the commander of Long Jinwei, also attended.

  Gu Bingqian has not been able to come back yet, Feng Ziying has only reached Xuzhou and cannot go south, Shandong, Beizhi, and even Henan are in chaos, and the situation in Shanxi is still bad.

  The optimistic atmosphere brought about by the settlement of the "Three Towns in the South of the Yangtze River" has disappeared.

Everyone thought that although Liaodong lost Anlezhou the year before last, it severely damaged Jianzhou Jurchen, making it impossible for Jianzhou Jurchen to launch a decent offensive against Liaodong for two or three years. Last year, the Jiangnan issue was resolved. Although the situation in Shanxi was not satisfactory, But it is always developing in a good direction, so this year you can breathe a sigh of relief.

  But the weather in Shandong and Beizhi is not good, and this year they encountered spring drought and summer drought. Shanshan and Shaanxi are better, but no matter what, they are better than the previous two years. Who would have thought that the White Lotus Sect would appear again.

According to the previous evaluation, although Shandong and Beizhili have relatively severe droughts, they are not the same as the previous two thousand droughts in Shaanxi, and the conditions in Shandong and Beizhi are also better than those in Shaanxi, so everyone thinks that it may be possible. There are a few minor turbulences, but nothing major should happen.

  As for the White Lotus Sect, there is a slight discrepancy between the news from the Ministry of Punishment and the news from Captain Long. I think there may be some problems, but it doesn't affect the overall situation.

  Cabinet endorsed this opinion.

   But it’s only been a while, in less than two months, something went wrong, and it was a big mess when it happened.

   This made Ye Xianggao feel extremely bad, and even his opinion of Liu Yixiu suddenly became extremely bad.

"The situation is very bad. The rebellion of the White Lotus Sect in the three prefectures in the south of Northern Zhili is becoming more and more serious, especially in Qinghe, Weixian, Quzhou, Guangping, Daming, Nanle, Qingfeng, and Kaizhou. It is adjacent to Shandong, and it is the interior and exterior of Shandong,..."

"Judging from the information obtained so far, the Shandong side is the most violent rebellion in the southern part of Yanzhou, and it is gradually extending northward. Liaocheng, Dongchang Prefecture in the north, Pingyin and Dong'e in the northern part of Yanzhou, and Changqing and Feicheng in Jinan, although It was the first to start the incident, but the momentum was not as good as the counties in the south of Yanzhou,..."

   "However, once the rebellion in Guangping and Daming prefectures picks up, it is estimated that Dongchang Prefecture will be in danger, and it may even affect the entire Jinan Prefecture, so it must be resolved as soon as possible..."

  Ye Xianggao couldn't help it: "In such a situation, how did the Ministry of War arrange it?"

"Considering that Shuntian Mansion, Zhending, Baoding, and Hejian Mansions have also seen rebellions, and the momentum is also spreading, so the consideration of the Ministry of War is that Denglai Town will move westward quickly, first control the situation in Dongchang Mansion, and then go west and south. To advance in one direction, the north of Beizhili may need to mobilize the troops of Jizhen and Xuanfu, because the Beijing camp is almost paralyzed now. In order to prevent accidents in the middle of Beijing, the Northwest Army that supplements the Beijing camp should let them enter Beijing first,... '

Zhang Huaichang paused, "But it will take time for Denglai Town to come from Dengzhou, and it will take at least 15 to 20 days to reach the front line of Dongchang Mansion. The situation in Ji Town and Xuan Mansion is even worse. First, we need to concentrate and replenish the food and grass before going south. It is estimated that it will take at least 20 days before we can reach the south of Shuntian Mansion and the north of Zhending,..."

  Ye Xianggao said impatiently: "So it means that in the past 20 days, we can only watch Bailian's chaotic party wreak havoc everywhere?"

Zhang Huaichang was silent, but it was Li Sancai who answered: "There are still some guards and civilians in the localities, but it is difficult for them to resist these Bailian rebellious parties, especially in many places. Infiltrated."

Ye Xianggao sneered, "Then what are the people in these places doing? What are the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and Captain Long doing? I remember that Feng Ziying had been mentioning the White Lotus Sect for a long time, at least two or three years ago." , more than that, it should be that he started fighting with the White Lotus Sect when he was still in Yongping Mansion. It's all careless."

   Qi Yongtai frowned, "Jinqing, it's useless to say these things now, we may have to find a countermeasure, we can't wait like this, does the Ministry of War have any other ideas?"

Zhang Huaichang hesitated for a moment, "Ziying detained the 10,000 Northwest Army in Xuzhou who were going to ship to Dongjiang Town in southern Liaoning. They fought a few battles in Xuzhou, and they fought well. They basically stabilized the situation in Xuzhou. But firstly, the troops were still insufficient, and secondly, there was no leading general to lead the troops, so he suggested that Liu Baichuan, who was walking towards Huguang, come back to lead the remaining troops of the Northwest Army, and then move Jingxiang Town to Xuzhou as a whole. Changed to Jiangbei Town, attack from south to north, and at the same time separate a part to flank Daiming and Guangping, so as to help the situation in the south of Beizhili not get out of hand,..."

   This suggestion immediately sparked discussion in the hall.

"When Liu Baichuan returns to his teacher, who will take charge of the overall situation?" Tang Binyin hesitated and said, "Can Feng Ziying be put in command again, and the urgent need should be resolved first, and let Liuji take over for a while in Jiangnan. ..."

   It was the first time for Tang Binyin to speak on a major topic at a cabinet meeting. Even though he knew that his words were unlikely to be taken seriously, he still considered this issue seriously.

  Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe both frowned.

  Feng Ziying is going to replace Gu Bingqian to sit in the south of the Yangtze River.

   At this time, it is not a matter of a day or two for Feng Ziying to deal with Shandong military affairs again. It is hard to say whether it can be resolved in half a year. I am afraid that Gu Bingqian will really turn his face.

   What's more important is that Feng Ziying was asked to be the fire brigade for every detail. It seemed that the court had no one available and could only rely on him alone, which was not conducive to the prestige of the court.

  Ye Fang, Li and the others, even Qi Yongtai don't agree with this situation.

  Yuan Keli's performance in Shanxi has already made Ye Fangli and others lose confidence, and the situation has not changed for a long time, and he has turned against Chai Guozhu and Yang Yuan.

  Both Chai and Yang also wrote to the imperial court to criticize Yuan Keli for his scholarly spirit, self-willedness, and disregard of reality.

   The generals are at odds, and the military strategists are taboo. Although Chai Guozhu and Yang Yuan are about to change hands, the court dare not wait any longer.

  Sun Chengzong has already decided to replace Yuan Keli in Shanxi military affairs. Although this is not suitable, he can't take care of it.

  Although the court has not yet determined Yuan Keli's whereabouts, there is a high probability that there will be no good arrangements, which even Feng Ziying did not expect.

  Just in this way, it will be a bit tricky for Sun Chengzong to deal with Shanxi, Shandong, and even Beizhili.

  There are only a few civil servants in the imperial court who know the army. I thought Yuan Keli was okay, but now it seems a bit embarrassing.

  Who to choose?

"Ziying is not suitable. Jiangnan is more important. Liuji must come back. Jiangnan needs someone who can live in town. Ziying is the most suitable." Ye Xianggao Qiankun said arbitrarily: "Didn't Fei Bai come back? Let Fei Bai be in charge of Shandong. side."

   "But Beizhi's side..." Tang Binyin was a little disappointed.

  He is the last thing to want to see Gu Bingqian come back. It is best to keep Gu Bingqian trapped in Nanjing, so that he and Miao Changqi have the opportunity to gradually erode Gu Bingqian's foundation.

Ye Xianggao has been the chief assistant for eleven years. Fang Congzhe lacks prestige. Although there is no change in the general trend, Qi Yongtai is gaining momentum, especially the scholars in the north are very popular. If Qi Yongtai really wants to replace Ye Xianggao as the first assistant, he can seek Fang Congzhe's second assistant position.

  But when Gu Bingqian came back, the situation was different. This guy is a bender, as long as he can be an official, he can do anything.

   It's a pity that I retired for too long a few years ago and wasted a few years.

   "Beizhi, Huaichang, who do you think is responsible?" Ye Xianggao asked.

   "If Ziying can't come back, then let's revise her age." Zhang Huaichang also had no choice.

   Either Yang He or Chai Ke, but to say that these two have only led the army and barely know the military, but if they can really lead the army to fight, I am afraid they are not as good as Yuan Keli.

  Huguang people again? Ye Xianggao frowned, "Daofu, what do you think?"

   "Huaichang, I think Dalai is fine too. He has been in the Ministry of War for many years and knows how to serve as a soldier. Xiuling also has a lot of things to do in the Metropolitan Procuratorate..."

   Dalai is Yuan Yingtai's name from Fengxiang, Shaanxi. Li Sancai recommended him as a native of the country. Moreover, Yuan Yingtai was also from the Ministry of War, so he should know soldiers, and now he is the prefect of Hejian.

Ye Xianggao looked at Qi Yongtai, "Chengfeng, I think Daofu's opinion is feasible. Dalai has been in the military department for many years, and they are familiar with Zhisheng. He is in charge of Beizhi, and he can also form a tacit understanding with Shanxi... "

Qi Yongtai is not familiar with Yuan Yingtai, but he also knows that Yang He is actually not very proficient in military affairs. When Ye Xianggao asked, he could only nod: "Dalai has been in the Ministry of War for many years, so he should be able to take on this burden, but Like Li Qing, he has never led soldiers before, so he needs to be careful."

"That's the case. We should use extraordinary measures to deal with it in an emergency. I think Feng Ziying's suggestion can be adopted. Jiangbei Town will be established with the original Fourth Battalion of the Northwest Army. The original Jingxiang Town will be merged with Jiangbei Town, and Liu Baichuan will be stationed in Xuzhou as the commander-in-chief. , Fei Bai immediately rushed to Jinan to unify the military affairs of Shandong and Xuzhou. Dalai served as the censor of Youqian Capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and took the seat of Baoding. He dispatched troops from Jizhen and Xuanfu to his command. Sure."

  Ye Xianggao no longer hesitated, and quickly made a decision. The night was long and dreamy. If it dragged on, the situation would become even more out of control.

  (end of this chapter)

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